2024-12-05-Amanson on Buoyancy

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Topic: Amanson on Buoyancy

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson

TR: Mark Turnbull



Do not worry about what’s to come. Your concern should be how to keep the present moment buoyant. Now,‘concern’ is an odd word here for that is precisely the mental activity you want to do away with in cultivating buoyancy. The lightness of living (‘Lightness’ in all its meanings) demands a deft approach to the catalogues of information incessantly thrown at you, information hoping to be received as worthy of admission to your inner citadel, when most of it is so much noise – distraction -- designed to keep you from the calm required for making ‘heads or tails’ of the current situation.

I come back to the Oneness. When the Quiet that pervades your stillness is found and held, kept close, basked in, if you will, the fragmentation you perceive in the outside world goes away. It no longer assaults you as so many sharp edges but fades, melts, into a dream-like landscape, and what was previously ominous, threatening, is now a kind of symphony of sights and sounds under the baton of some conductor or other (you know Who!), fading into the background as music does in a movie. The sights and stories you see become reminders that others too have the opportunity to view life this way, if they only would. All the sounds would turn symphonic, the music sweeter, the stories kinder, passions less amplified, more down to earth.

We are not above being quiet in this roundelay, but the opportunities pass us by as the news of the world pulls us in and creates its own cycle of violence within the consciousness of each of its readers. It is difficult not to be caught up if the passions are given half a chance. But there is much more to life than the shadow play -- all this acting out -- on the surface of things. Smile, bow, prayer your hands and show these difficult times that your mind, your attention, your passions, cannot be bought “for love nor money.” And then dive deep into the Oneness, feel the Unity behind this grand majestic pageant and do your best to lead others in Spirit, if only by example of a quiet heart in the face of great and very loud adversity. Buoyancy moment to moment is the goal, and oddly enough this buoyancy is achieved by diving deep into a quietude born of stillness in Spirit. True Buoyancy – lightness of being – is made possible when a heart and its mind are anchored in the calm truthful waters of spiritual awakening.