2024-12-05-Amanson on Panic

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Topic: Amanson on Panic

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson

TR: Mark Turnbull



“Panic” is the human way, the way of mental disconnection, a disassociation from the current of the universe, that frequency of coherence that governs creation in its moment-to-moment birth.

The phenomenon of ‘panic’ (and from our perspective it really is a phenomenon, there is no other word for it) is so intrinsically ‘anti’ that it becomes its own self-fulfilling prophecy. When a person panics they are momentarily in a completely different dimension, one in a sense cut off from reality; a dimension that becomes the door through which they must reenter in order to proceed with life as it is actually lived.

Any situation causing ‘Panic’ is allied to the panic itself – the situation is panic itself – and therefore, as with the previous definition of the state-of-mind ‘panic’, cut off entirely from reality, the reality that holds all things together in its frequency; that coheres and is “All One” behind the [mere provisional] subterfuge of ‘panic’.

Calm – stillness – is the nature of the universe (for all its hyper-activity it does proceed from a place of absolute stillness) and it is that stillness that must be sought in any situation of - and to counter any situation resulting in - panic.

Now, this is all perhaps very easy to say from a height outside of the realms of panic, but it is nonetheless true. Panic is a ‘going concern’ in a world in flux, especially the flux of your world at present: the social upheavals; the geographic dislocations (and relocations); and the element of pending unknown in your planet’s immediate future. It all seems utterly cattywampus, yes? Topsy-turvy? Moment after moment of panic-worthy upheaval! But panic is, again, counterproductive in its irrationality (which some would maintain is utterly rational under the strange circumstances; thoroughly justifiable). But it is sheer obstruction. It disallows the mechanism that will truly right the ship: your connection to that hidden vibe that sets you and, eventually, the entire situation straight; a situation which may well bring a change to the landscape, to the world as we know it, but not to you. You will have weathered whatever storm might descend by the simple anti-panic technique of seeking the Stillness, that interior landscape which is not merely quiet but Still: Life before it has begun to move. It’s the same life that in its outside manifestation is causing panic, but this now is prior, this is life as you would have it be. And this life – calm, unhurried, still – can then advise you how to be, where to be, when to move, in contrast to the noisy exterior version of events that is comparatively – as a great author once put it – all “sound and fury, signifying nothing”.

Don’t let ‘panic’ push you around; you possess far greater strength than you know. But oddly, that strength is accessed beyond muscle, sinew, brawn and bone, in the deep, deep quiet of the unperturbed heart. This is where The-Life-That-Is-Not-Panic is lived. Go there. Often. Before any sign of panic sets in. Then you will know it well. You will have a home there, one free from all the different versions of panic the outside world would like you to fall in line with. It’s an unnecessary game. Don’t play. Come home. You’re here. Now.

Prayer: [Mark Rogers] Divine Parents, we welcome your embrace. We approach you in gratitude and seek more of your love though all your various channels. Let it be so even now.

Machiventa: And as you have made it so, so it is. You have created the space, you have brought your energy and infused it into the circuitry and created connection, reached out with that part of you that is spirit to connect to others in spirit, to myself Machiventa, even now in spirit. I celebrate this ability to connect and be with you, this mode of operation that we have developed and settled on throughout this whole process of the Teaching Mission. This whole giant experiment was attempted to develop these channels of communication wherein we could be able to more closely communicate and assist you in your process of navigating your spirit ascension, your spirit growth, your becoming spirit and functioning in spirit, as spirit.

This whole experiment of the Teaching Mission and the ability to develop the skills to do the transmitting/receiving was an effort to open a portal of communication and as such it has been enormously successful. It was always a difficult process to navigate because the circuitry had been severed and all manner of connection had been lost so that the finding and reestablishing of connection became a formidable issue. This consequence of the Lucifer Rebellion has been a great challenge for Urantia and for mankind in general. The process of beginning to open the concepts to allow for communication of spirit is a major obstacle for some to overcome. Spirit being so undefined and unobservable requires great faith to believe and trust in its reality and in the truth of its existence.

We find ourselves at a time when the masses of people need to hear the Gospel of Jesus. They need to hear that they are connected, they are divine children of Divine Parents. They need to realize that they are sons and daughters of Divine Parents and as such they are destined for greatness and divinity should they desire to follow the lead of their Internal Fragment down the path of their eternal ascension and the part reuniting with the whole, these basic principles and Michael’s Gospel of loving your brother as you would love yourself, simple and basic premises which need now to be reintroduced. We find ourselves at a time when the circuitries are being reestablished, are being created and rebuilt to enable much greater connection, particularly much greater receptivity to the most significant connection one needs to make, that connection to your Inner Guide, the all important partner in your journey.

In fact this connection is so key to your growth and development that it can be said, nothing happens without the approval and participation of your Thought Adjuster. It is your portal through which your spirit connections are made. So to make the connection with your Adjuster is the most valuable thing you can attain in your process. You are destined to coordinate with your Adjuster. Your Inner Guide knows your every thought and therefore is entirely familiar with your spirit level. The mission of your Inner Guide is to shepherd you through this growth process as you are ready, as you are prepared and as you are even in awareness of such functioning.

This example set by Michael when He went apart and spent time regularly in the stillness with his Father, were the examples of His connection to His Inner Guide which then connected to The Source and all answers may be found, all directions may be discerned when connections of this magnitude are made. So we are entering the age of connection and the ability to connect has been enhanced. The message that we have is that this is so and now is the time, it’s never been easier, never been more practical, never been more necessary than to revisit the foundations of our very Teaching Mission and the importance of stillness, the importance of checking in with your Divine Parents through this attitude, this petition of gratitude.

This as you know, is how it is done. The environment within becomes conditioned and there becomes the receptivity, the openness, willingness to be still and listen and be guided because it is your request to do so. All of this transpires in spirit. All of this is unseen and undetected in the material world and yet nothing is more significant. Nothing means more to your eternal survival than this journey you take within that leads you through the portal of your Inner Guide on your eternal journey to the First Source and Center.

This announcement, this message needs to be spread far and wide. This encouragement to find that component of yourself that is spirit, this notion that you are a child of God and that you are connected by virtue of this family and as such you have great potential, in league with God, all things are possible and this you are coming to learn in your own lives. So there is a clarion call now to bring your talents to the table. There is an opportunity before us that a new message and a new messaging platform are now a reality and now there has been staked a claim, there has been anchored the light and now we have a beachhead on which we may build the next version of existence on Urantia, a more spiritualized version, a more enlightened vision made possible by the connection of all the parts, all the individuals through their common portals to come together and make change in a more divine direction, in a direction towards Light and Life.

This is where your training and your exercises now come into play. Now the messaging platform of the Teaching Mission may be extended and be useful as content to support growth and movement on the greater field with the active participation of coming together for such a purpose. I think this is what you have been waiting for, this clarion call of movement, of progress, and the more contrast we are afforded with the last throes of the Lucifer Rebellion being played out, the greed, the self gratitude, the desire to control, these are legacies that are literally within the very DNA of the participants. But side by side with the last gasp of the Luciferian principles are the light anchors, are the ones who have a new message of a new reality, of the growth of mankind towards their spirit destiny, an evolutionary ’suddenly’ in the process where additional energy and life force is added to the equation, to tip the balance and ensure success. It is heavily influenced by the mandate of Michael that it be so and we have responded to this call.

We are here now in readiness for whatever next phase may be upon us but it is important that we remember the significance of our outlook and our observation. There needs to be a new vision for mankind, an upsweeping of values and meaning and such a process requires that you do not approach the new circumstance with the identical approach used before. You must see the opportunity through the eyes of elevated spirit content, enhanced beauty, truth and goodness because you have conditioned the receiver, the observer, yourself, to be able to see that, to be able to hold the vision and to plant the light anchor. When you see things differently, they turn out differently, they are different in response. That’s how change happens without struggle, where it is not necessary to tear down and dismantle through force old patterns and paradigms, but rather to simply replace them with a new improved version, making the old one obsolete. In this way you may crowd out the darkness. Anytime that you are responsible for bringing light into the equation, you are aiding to dispel the darkness. Even though the task may seem immense and the darkness vast, one light conditions a vast amount of darkness.

It is increasingly important that this avenue of communication be maintained as we move forward because we are in a very dynamic time and this hard earned line of communication is now available as a resource for the greater mission at hand. This is what service looks like at this time. We watch and observe as the nature and function of service changes and observe that this group has been in service doing this very task so recently asked of providing a platform for communication with the planetary administration. This group has provided that function and it’s critical to maintain it and have it as an asset and resource to offer in this process of developing this new messaging platform.

As I said, we dearly appreciate this connection, this line that we have developed. It is hard earned and we appreciate your devotion to maintaining it and offering it in service. Michael would like to take advantage of this opportunity as well.

Michael: Indeed I do want to access this that you provide. I do want to walk through this door that you open. I do want to accept this gesture that you offer. I do all of this in spirit as your offers of service are made in spirit.

You are in fact my children in whom I am so well pleased. You are responding to my offer to you, to follow me. You are present and alive as mortals of the realm at this time when we have great announcements of good news of spiritual favor, of connection to your divine family, connection to me, connection to your administrators, connection even to your companions who have transitioned. I am so grateful to you who have followed me and chosen to seek me in your process, that you have grown so far, that you have made so many connections and that as my children who were agondonters you sought spirit and you found it. You sought Me and Mother and you found us. You made such a connection real. It was your choice and mine and it was with the participation of your Inner Guide, the Fragment of Divinity that binds us all together.

So in this time, in this day and age, you are able to follow me. Even now it is your desire to follow me. Follow me into stillness with Our Father. Follow me into spiritual presence of our Divine Parents. Follow me within. I can be found there because spirit is not bound by the confines of the material limitations. And you are my blessed ones who are assuming this mantle of a member of our divine family, who are continuing to reach out and follow me and even reach in and follow the Divine Spark. It surely will lead you. It surely is your greatest ally in your ascension career. I wish to bring this message of impending goodness to all my children. It is on the horizon, this wave of spirit influence. Such an influence will raise all vessels and allow for valuable connections to be made and immense spiritual growth to occur in the process.

As you know my dear ones, whether you desire to follow me or serve me is not dependent on this time as your eternal career allows you unlimited opportunity to serve. So the fact that you are choosing to engage in this approach so early in your career is a meaningful signal you send me that it is possible, even in absolute quarantine with no assistance, you were able to build a way, create a method, design a path to cross the great divide and interact and function with that component of yourself that endures. I am so touched that you are aware enough of me to even receive such a message as I bring. My ministry to this world is a legacy that I see alive and ignited in even this current generation.


Thank you all for maintaining this opportunity and providing it for my use and the use of all the other associates who may avail themselves of this process, and they may do so because it is a well earned, well deserved process and it’s a joy to share the fruits of this process with you, even now. I bring you my peace. I invite you to share this peace as the emissary of light that you are. Let your light radiate a tone of peace. There is much unsettled that is unnerving to many observing this process. Bring your awareness that in the end, all will be well and that if all is not well, it’s not the end. There is a plan and I have and will institute my vision to reclaim this planet from rebellion and darkness and institute light and peace and such a manifestation will be a tribute to the love of the Father made manifest through the Son. This shall be so and now that you know this to be true, certainly your outlook, your observation, may be influenced if what you are looking for is positive change: goodness, truth, and beauty expanded.

Let is be so. Follow me as we spread good cheer. Follow me as we inform the entire family of man that they are saved, that they should fear not for their eternal survival and that even this material plane is destined for divine meanings and values. Feel my embrace, even now. Feel my support as a hand on your shoulder. Feel my encouragement as you share your life with me and seek insight. Peace be upon you, even now. As I take my leave I remind you, I am never gone, I am only available by spirit, you don’t have to go anywhere. Simply project your desire to connect your spirit with my spirit. Let it be so, even now. As you go now in peace share my love as it is your desire to be of service. Make it so. Farewell.