2024-12-12-Portal of Spirit Reception

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Topic: Portal of Spirit Reception

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Machiventa, Jonathan, Dr. Mendoza

TR: Mark Rogers



Prayer: Divine Parents, we approach you with the intention of feeling your embrace once again. We approach you through our petition of gratitude, that we are a part of your family. We are so grateful for this position we hold with you, share with you, this family tie that we delight in revisiting this circuitry and this connection. So be it, as we delight even now.


Machiventa Melchizedek: I will respond to this invocation, this ringing of the bell establishing the desire for the classroom to be revisited. The petition for spirit embrace is heard on high with a resounding resonance. This desire expressed of the part to the whole is profoundly significant. The parent hears the calling of the child and invariably the parent desires to respond to the cries of the young ones. Any such response to the prayers of the individual may be executed in many ways. Innumerable opportunities and pathways may arise to fulfill this longing and this desire for contact.

I am Machiventa Melchizedek and it is my pleasure to accept your offer and the use of this forum that we have created in this time together. I am quite pleased to join you once again in our established forum so that we may exercise the circuitry. It is like with most things, if they are to maintain their strength, they need to be exercised, used and made to function. With each episode of exercising the circuitry it becomes stronger and that is what is so significant and important about the process that has been developed here and the forum that has been established being maintained by being exercised. Your dedication to keeping this circuitry alive has meant the difference for its very survival. There have been many forums and platforms established in groups of individuals that did not survive the dedication through the test of time and did not enjoy the commitment to this creation that is so appreciated in the configuration of this group.

As a result of maintaining this forum and exercising the circuitry, I am able to access this forum with ease and you are able to access this forum with ease, the patterns developed for us to come together on this frequency and enable us to share thought patterns over the common frequency of spirit. All such spirit frequency is monitored and approved by your Onboard Spiritual Partner, your Indwelling Guide, who has accepted the assignment of facilitating your spiritual career and fostering your spiritual growth so that you may eventually combine forces and engage in the eternal career back to Source. 

This component of your journey, this portal of spirit reception that is your Thought Adjuster, is where all other connections may be made, through this portal of your Adjuster. Therefore, the significance of connection with your Adjuster is paramount because literally, it is the gateway to all manner of connections that you seek, that are out there, outside of you. All of these teachers you seek, the wisdom that you search for through another individual is all secured second hand. It is all someone else’s experience and knowledge passed on to you. The portal of your Adjuster allows for connection not only to other individuals but to The Father, to The Creator. That Fragment of The Father Within communicates with The Father.

This is where your best contact is secured. This is where true answers may come to your petitions. The approach to divinity through your Adjuster is most beneficial. In this day and age there is a lot of discussion around t/ring and the significance of t/r’s and the purpose of t/r’s in the process, and such modes of communication are meant to bring a sense of communication between realms. Such a function is practical and well and good, but it relies on one individual’s ability to transmit, to synthesize a message for your behalf. There is an inevitable human link in the process of this messaging technique. It is far better to seek counsel from your 'Fragment of God Within' which is connected to Source and surely when you are connected to this connection you are infused with spirit content because you have arranged for such, you have conditioned the environment to make it so.

There is great interest in the work of the transmitter/receivers, and while it is deeply significant, it is not the end goal of the spirit awakening of mankind simply to have more transmitters to bring more messages to more people second hand. The real goal of this current age is the re-encircuitment of mankind, it is connecting to the real source, the real Fragment of God Within and approaching in gratitude, in stillness, wherein you may receive insights and communication of all kinds. When you are so poised as a sincere believer seeking this connection and seeking to be close to your Father, your petitions will be answered as they are even now.

It might be helpful in moving forward with the reinstatement of all manner of circuitries to have some directed intention while undergoing this process and by that I mean, if the connection that is desired is with your Inner Voice, then why not manifest it, why not create it because if it is your desire to do so and you are a powerful creator, in fact co-creator, and if it is your desire to grow in spirit and find God, then your choices are registered on high and your wish will be granted as it is also the wish of your Divine Parents.

Having some intention about your desires and expressing this intention may help to manifest this truth into reality. If you are actively engaged in this process of growing the circuitry then you can stimulate the entire process by injecting more of your energy into the process, more of your prayerful intention directed specifically at such a connection. The same process of directed intention and creation is reliable for any creation, any connection; any growth first requires the intention to do so, the intention to make it so, and the expression of your desire so that the universe may rally to your call and that assistance may be provided. If you're sincere and dedicated, then certainly your success is guaranteed. Simply follow as you have been led, simply keep moving forward with your manifestation of your vision of the current circumstance in life enhanced by spiritual tones of truth, beauty, and goodness actively conditioning a more beautiful, better and more truthful environment.

Indeed, as the observers of your circumstance, you bring to it patterns, even preconceptions of what you may expect to see. I advise you to approach all current circumstance with an open-minded posture resistant to the repeating of previous pattern but rather attempt to project what you would see if your vision of spirit and truth, beauty, and goodness were part of the equation, were part of the picture. This allows the space for it to exist and be, to be chosen, to be fostered. The projection of what could be, the projection of a greater spirit awareness, that is what needs to manifest, not the repeating of a prior pattern whose results have been less than satisfactory.

Doing all this projecting of truth, beauty, and goodness as you go about will certainly influence your environment, will elevate the tone and will allow for the choosing of a higher way of greater truth and more comprehensive awareness. As you go about simply being the reality you would like to see, many will be drawn towards what it is that has affected you thus. While this process is ongoing, if you can resort back to this connection with your Inner Guide you can be instructed as to how to be of service to others, how to work with others and coordinate through this common circuitry of each one connecting to their Adjuster and each Adjuster connecting to the other. This avenue and circuitry of sharing is another circuitry available through your portal, your Adjuster. They have a circuitry of their own which may be utilized when you are in league with this portal.

Once again we’re sketching out quite a few things on the blackboard in the classroom, many themes that reoccur in the development of circuitry, the use of this new advent of circuitry and the development of this ongoing process that we can claim some responsibility for. I will always respond to your ringing of the bell, your asking for fellowship. Your desire expressed to come to spirit will call me and a number of others and once again I have enjoyed the opportunity to exercise together to build our circuitry, to build our spirit muscles so that we can use them, flex them and bring purpose to the whole equation.

I would offer the platform for others to utilize this forum. I look forward to our next meeting and will certainly attend and enjoy the fellowship once again. Farewell.

Jonathan: Hey guys, I’m barging in here. I’ve been waiting awhile to get a turn to come through again and so I seize this opportunity. I am Jonathan and I am always present in the background when these meetings and gatherings of individuals occur. This forum is an important aspect in my spiritual journey and I am certain it’s an important spiritual component in yours as well. And so, I crave the opportunity to share this experience with you even as it unfolds.

I so enjoyed the experience that we shared of reaching out beyond our mortal dimension and being able to encounter others like Elyon, and realize that this was a real relationship with a real being of spirit just as we were beings of spirit. Being able to bridge this gap and reach out to connect with our first teachers was a thrilling adventure and what I have come to understand was an extreme extension of faith, faith that it could be so, faith that we were part of an enormous spirit family and that we could communicate with spirit, as spirit. We forged ahead through the doubt and uncertainty about process, about truth, about the significance of these lessons. We followed our spirit leading and we exercised our spirit muscles and exercised our faith, trusting that we were a part that could connect to all the other parts of the great whole.

It was an experiment, we knew that at the time. We developed it as we were able. We had very much success and experienced some disappointments and some missteps along the way, but such is the lot with any mortal pursuit. In the end, what survives even now in this moment, is a testament to the truth, to the beauty, and the goodness that has been created in this process, in this forum, this sanctuary of spirit. So I popped in to perhaps offer you the perspective because you are even now embroiled in growing this process that was created and has been maintained to be serviceable even now.

I am so very grateful for your commitment because I can be here now, we can access this forum because you maintain it. Thank you, thank you my friends for your ongoing efforts to keep this dream alive. As you see, the time is coming for a grand re-encircuitment and so this approach has been a worthy experiment, and we have played our part in its development. That’s all I wanted to interject. It is with great interest that we observe the efforts around expanding this body of work and surely you have the support of all manner of divine assistance when your mission is to spread such love and peace in service. Let’s continue to make it so. We will talk more later, bye for now.


Dr. Mendoza: I would pick up the microphone. This is Dr. Mendoza. It’s been a while since I addressed this forum, and I wanted to exercise the circuitry again with you. I appreciate seeing how many of my suggestions have been taken to heart when it comes to working with the transfer of energy with other individuals. As physician’s assistants, you come into play knowing the importance of your role to help to condition the environment for any treatment and that implies conditioning a number of environments to make them conducive to allow for connection.

The discovery that there are a number of environments which must be conditioned allows you the perception that there are different levels, different frequencies, different tones that are their own environment and yet overlap and must be compatible with the other environments so as to allow the process, any process of energy exchange, to go smoothly. There are levels of inner environment which must be navigated, levels of faith, willingness to see truth, beauty, and goodness as it is without preconception of what you think it will be. Positioning yourself for success is accomplished by arranging all these conditioned environments for the smooth transition of energy.

This process of energy transfer is also applicable in one's internal environment, the environment within, where energies may be sent and received for the self that are healing and regenerative and peaceful. Service directed at the self is just as significant as you would for another in service and simply another environment to condition. All of this is accomplished within; thought, word, and deed all start, begin, and have their life within. So, remember, as you so desire to serve and help and fix a broken world or broken individuals remember, there is an inner environment which must be nurtured and maintained. It is deserving of healing energies just as any other individual you would donate them to is.

Peace be with you all. It is good to join you once again, establish the circuitry, exercise and use it for our own edification. Thank you for your invitation and for your platform, for its use. I bid you all a good day, in good health and inner peace. Good day.