2024-12-15-Intentions, Preparation, Keeping it Free, and Thankfulness
Topic: Intentions, Preparation, Keeping it Free, and Thankfulness
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aaron
TR: Unknown
(T/R1): Greetings, friends. As you gather with your intention to reach to us, we also gather with the intention to serve you. There is much appreciation for your attempts to reach the highest, purest level of connection. It will become increasingly important if you wish to serve in this way. You know, it is not really our goal that we create more and more transmitters, but without this evidence of creature being, openness, transferring energy, love, and messages back and forth to each other, how is someone to ever begin to understand? When you are willing to lay down your defenses and leap into the conditioned ground, as you referred to, what a wonderful flight of spirit. We applaud you for this and we want you to understand that also on our side of the veil there are those hesitant to come forward to speak to you just as you are hesitant sometimes to open up to us.
The fresh waters of the high tides are bringing changes to your planet and there will be more and more people questioning. What are those UFOs? What is behind the veil? What can I trust? What can I believe in? How can I know truth? If you, dear ones, are willing to stand there, in the firing of these questions at you, and know that you can hang on securely to spirit, the answers will come to your world and the guidance to teach truth seekers to seek within themselves by perceiving your example, by living the life that Michael wanted his fellows to live. He is in your hearts. Accepting that sonship, claiming that fellowship, what is there to fear?
I am one of your spirit brothers. I do not want to clog up the lists of names and identities. We may prefer to design it such that it is a group of spirit voices under the leadership of your planetary manager, Machiventa, simply being in service. If you need to know, you could ask. If you would like to know where we came from, who we are, we could tell you. But we prefer, at this time, to just be the voice that speaks through the open hearts. I am a voice that speaks through the open heart, and I thank you, my friends. Thank you.
Machiventa (T/R2) : You talk of planning tonight and this aspect of preparation is important. As we move forward, you can trust that there is great preparation occurring to engage your world with the means to move forward into deeper understanding and light. A great challenge you face is that there are well worn systems standing in the way, systems that in their initiation had good serviceability and yet, over time, structures tend to become crystallized and minds tend to flow in circular channels of thought. This is particularly true regarding your economic systems on your world where a certain percentage have access to the prevailing systems which provide wealth and a certain percentage of your world struggle to accumulate enough to survive and then there is the middle, which grasps into those realms of wealth in an attempt to pull themselves forward even as they struggle week to week, paycheck to paycheck, crop to crop.
As the spiritualization of your world occurs, some of these systems must give way to new systems of thought and so we engage you, my friends, to think from the spiritualized mind. It heartens us to hear you discuss this very topic this evening, as you talk about your connection throughout your days with the spirit and your efforts to stay there, remain there, and engage from that place of connection.
An existential problem for the youth of your world is that a large percentage of resources have been accumulated by so few and, to date, many of those show hesitance to share it for the benefit of the larger populace. This breeds disillusionment and concern, feelings of despair and hopelessness, with younger people wondering if they are failures because their parents were able to do so well - buy a house, feed a family, grow a family. And yet there is a barrier in front of them that tells them they cannot have those same things, those very things that were available not so long ago at a much more accessible price. So they will not trust easily those who would come speaking of new things and sharing new ideas. They must be convinced, not by words, but by actions, by bold thinking that does not draw itself within the circle, but outside the circle to look at things anew, differently, in a way that encompasses far more than just a few haves versus the many have nots.
I say this because you have asked deep questions this week regarding your relationship to spirit, how you share the message, how you engage, whether you should receive compensation for it. We are not here to tell you that you would be evil to receive compensation for your efforts. That is one way to go about it. The question is if it is the best way to share the message? How will the youth of your world resonate to a message that is tied to a price when so much else costs so much? The challenge here is not to become a barrier, but an open door, a doorway to another line of thinking. How would you have felt if, as you entered the room to hear from us the very first time, there was a price tag asking you to pay? Now imagine how those who struggle to even surmise how they would make a down payment on a house would feel knowing there is information to be had, but at a price, another price.
There are many levels of spiritualization going on here on Urantia and these involve participation in the systems, as well as working outside of the systems. There are degrees of value in each to the extent that there is a level of sincerity and wanting to do good, to be true. If you would accept the call to be Michael's servants, just as his apostles were so many years ago, what price would you pay? And we are not talking about dollars and cents. What of value could compare to what you have received, this awareness, this knowing that you are a child of God, cared for and loved, with many, many figuratively coming to the rescue to serve you, to be with you, to guide you, to support you.
The true message of the kingdom of heaven, if it is to truly be heard and is to truly inspire, must be free. Give of yourself freely because you've been given so freely to. I ask you, if you would serve Michael, to truly consider these words. Yes, you here, my friends, but anyone with ears to hear, for the world needs a different vision, a different voice, not coming from the same systems that benefit some at the expense of others. Christ was so dynamic in his life here on your world because he did it differently. He went about sharing the good message, the gospel, sharing goodwill and care, and an all encompassing love. Consider that example, my friends, as you move forward. Thank you.
Q1: So I'm thinking about the temple, driving the money changers from the temple. The Urantia book talks about that scenario, not so much about the money, but there's a lot about the blood sacrifice and all that stuff that he wanted to do away with. But it was also about paying to get your sins forgiven. You had to pay with that blood. And so he didn't charge anybody anything ever to come and listen to him. That would definitely be something new and different to give it all away for free. Let's do that. If we go out there and stand up for our fellows, for the kingdom of God, the brotherhood of man, that's what we're fighting for here. Democracy is the brotherhood of man. Right? Freedom for everybody, justice for everybody, that's the kingdom of heaven. Okay, draw my commitment there.
Machiventa: Your words are like manna from heaven.
Q2: I was having this awareness. One of the things the Urantia book talks about is, in talking about religion, it says religion can bring new ways of thought, social change and such. And then it can also be a delay or something that blocks social change also. That's sort of what I'm seeing right now is that religion seems to have gotten stuck. It's tied to old ideas without willingness to open and look at a broader view of things. Hearing what the spirit friends have to say is like an expansion, sitting and tuning in and getting connected. It's like you want to reach out, you want to expand, you want to do better. The Bible has great stuff in it, but it's 2000 years old and people that say this is the only word of God are missing out on an awful lot when they're unwilling to look. They aren't willing to change, basically.
Q3: My understanding is about the plans for us here as humans. When I perceive the plans of the Father, this is my personal perception. It doesn't change and is independent of the circumstances that can occur here on Urantia, whether wars, natural disasters or things like that are occurring. Since I believe that our Father is in control of the universe, I can focus on his plan for me and see what are the steps I should take. If some circumstance or situations emerge, I see how I can adapt my plan or the Father's plan for me to this specific situation. For example, a war or a second Hitler or something like that. This is with the same belief that should I work on that, the Father is still in the universe control. I should also recognize that Father Michael and Mother Nebadonia and Gabriel are also in control of Nebadon. So in this way, I can have more security that I should keep working on my plan of civilization as a human and my plan of spiritualization as a child of God. Step by step, I work on that. I understand I'm a child of God, that God is my father and I'm born of the spirit from the inside out, and seeking to love God and love others as I seek to love myself and put the teachings of Jesus in practice, first in a personal ministry as did Jesus and after that, if I want to, I can do public service, as well. This is what I'm receiving from these last years and what I'm choosing to do.
Machiventa: What you describe, my friend, is the process of recognizing that you have a plan and a process for progression. So many don't have recognition that there is a plan and that there is a purpose. So as you have recognized and implemented this in your lives, the mission to bring about awareness of the purpose and the plan is paramount, part and parcel to the sharing of the gospel. The recognition that there is a spirit within and that there is purpose and a plan, this is part of the development of the awareness of the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man. Once one has entered the kingdom, they can explore the variations, the nuances of citizenship.
So yes, what can you do to help people become aware that there is a purpose to life and that there is a plan which, if followed, will bring about a far deeper connection with all reality than anything that can be discovered by the mental machinations of a "man of the world" instead of being a brother or sister of the universe? Universe citizenship is the recognition that transforms the minds of those stuck in the ruts of a material life into a far deeper realization of what is possible and a deep desire to get there.
I know we do thank you often, my friends, for your efforts, and you might begin to think that is a sort of mantra, a rote exercise, to thank you to keep you coming back. But, in reality, we hope you understand that this exercise, continuously, of exploring the realities of the universe and your relationship to it, is something very meaningful and sometimes in short supply on your world. So when we thank you, feel it, know it, this thankfulness that we have. Understand that we feel your thankfulness as a sort of communication. We do not overlook those times when, in your heart, you have a deep well of overflowing goodness and thankfulness for having been given what you have received. Know that, likewise, when we say the words it means more than just the words.
Someday, sometime, someplace, our personalities will meet face to face in this universal scheme of progression and no more will it be a joy than this perceptive joy we have with you in this fledgling effort to bring about awareness. We are in this for the long haul and it will take many centuries, if not millennia, to transform your world and the worlds that have fallen, bringing them completely back into the flow. You have the opportunity to be a part of that, not simply in this one short earth life, but as you choose your path going forward, you may find yourself working for the very cause you support for your world right now, to be able to be a voice in the darkness for someone striving to hear or understand some meaning or some value to give them hope. This isn't a one time effort and then we all go about our business. This is a comprehensive plan, and it will require efforts, both here and beyond.
So truly understand our thankfulness for being able to work with you now in preparation for the work to come. I am Machiventa and wanted to clarify that, for you see, you are, in some sense, a part of our administration to the extent that you take seriously your acceptance of these values and incorporating them in your life and for the benefit of your fellows. Thank you once again.