2024-12-19-The Harvest

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Topic: Amanson on The Harvest

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson

TR: Mark Turnbull



Amanson: [Mark Turnbull] I would speak this morning on ' The Harvest'.

The harvest is when the seeds have been sown, they've grown, come to fruition, and those fruits have been gathered and put to their ultimate purpose: the nourishment of the human race. That is the harvest. It happens, of course, in the planting industry (what one thinks of when one hears the term 'the harvest') but it applies equally to any endeavor that requires a time of germination, a time when the necessary nutrients are gathered together, allowed to work their amalgamational magic, let to mature as the ingredients complete their final setting-to, and then, when the planting/ growing/ maturing cycle has run its course, the mature product is gathered and placed on the docket so those in need of this freshly emerged wonder might partake. It is as true of humans and their maturing process as it is of herbs, plants and vegetables.

You now face - are involved in - a harvest of sorts. A harvest of souls. A harvest of carefully curriculated persons armed (grown) with a knowledge not known prior to this epoch: that your Interior Spark, your fragment of God consciousness, can be contacted, communicated with, and made a friend of. This was so rare a practice in the times before this one that it was considered... perhaps 'freakish' is the word; certainly a miracle, or fodder for ridicule - a notion beyond the general populace's understanding. But now it has been made [to be] quite accessible. Not necessarily easy in your overly loud, underly sympathetic world, but both doable and necessary. For these are the times, times in which the Interior Light, the light of God, the embodiment and purveyor of Beauty, Truth, and Goodness can be - must be - sought out and found. Found where? Within. Not pointed to in a book, not guessed at in the various rituals designed to place the mind and heart in an accepting position in the desperate pursuit of the notion of God; but the actual God, His (choose your pronoun) very Presence within the souls, hearts and minds of His children (which you all are).

This is the harvest that is being readied, that all the workers in the field have been struggling so mightily to bring about; workers among you who have been very visibly doing so, and those of us unseen who have been working equally as diligently in the invisible but no less real world to bring this about. Roll up your sleeves, oh joyous worker in the fields, the time has come to gather, prepare, and enjoy the harvest. Turn to your fellow worker and say, "Let us be quiet now. Let us retreat to our inner sanctum and hear the voice of our Father's representative, so we in fact may serve as that very thing. "By your fruits you shall know them." Let us be bearers of those fruits, those sacred fruits, that all may see and benefit from the Good News echoing out from this much anticipated golden Harvest. It's here. Let us grow silent now and celebrate.”

Prayer: [Mark Rogers] We are so grateful for your service Michael, so grateful for your love which has created even ourselves. We are so grateful to be a part of your family, to be part of your lineage, to spring from you and Mother and to rejoice in finding you and joining you in spirit. It is so, even now.

Michael: It is as you say, so, even now, as we enjoy each other's company because we have chosen to direct our intention thusly and to rejoin the circuitry that we may share and coexist in the energy connections between us. I am Michael and I am most pleased to be recognized for my service and for our connection, our membership in this family of man. I am a member, as you are, in this group and as well you are a member of the greater divine family. Your approach to find me and even to follow me have brought you close and have enabled me to bring you my embrace in spirit, in the form which is permanent and enduring.

It brings me great pleasure to interface with you on this plane, on this level of spirit with this aspect of your being that will survive many transitions. The fact that we can meet on this plane and share ideals and values over this platform is certainly a gift of grace for this generation. For these players on the field, those who are currently involved in the harvest of souls, such a truth has never been more profound. This time that you find yourselves in, this segment of time, will be dominated by the harvest of many who discover that they are souls, that they have souls, and that as such they may be connected with other souls and with other spirit-based beings.

This divine value is an opportunity for great rejoicing in that the environment has been so conditioned to allow the proper nutrients to encourage the proper growth. This growth is in spirit circuitry, is in developing patterns and frameworks wherein to work in the spirit dimension, to function in spirit capacity, and to grow in your eternal spirit career. This ability to even bridge the gap between dimensions and enable this very communication is an example of building and establishing the circuitry wherein once established it may be utilized to obtain such communication and download information. This very process will become more accessible to many as the amplitude of the frequencies is raised. Connections will be more easily fashioned as one seeks to establish them and this is where free will reigns supreme. It is your choice to establish connections, to build them, to create them, to fashion them, because it is your desire to do so.


I bring you my deepest gratitude for having arrived here and shown up, having once again volunteered to serve in whatever capacity you could offer. And now, those who are on the field may be rewarded with the robust harvest of souls who recognize in those of you who have been found and will seek to find what you have found and the peace of mind that you possess. And this becomes your privilege, your call to service that you have requested, and prayers are answered, petitions are heard, and you are active players in the process because you are aware of the process, my process, you are following me. You are indeed the ones in whom I am well pleased.

I accept your honors and extend my gratitude for your service, for your response, for your desire and your dedication to follow me. It brings me great joy that your choices reflect these values. Please, feel my embrace. Join me. I bring you my peace. It would please me greatly if you would accept this, even now.

Mark: Thank you, thank you, thank you Michael. That was a profound sensation, being enveloped in your embrace. Thank you, thank you.