2025-01-01-Shock and Awe
Topic: Shock and Awe
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Aaron
TR: Unknown
I am Aaron. Greetings, friends. Happy New Year. Let us talk about shock and awe, for at this time on your world, in this unsettling season, there is a tendency by some personalities who have felt diminished, who have felt compromised, to lash out, to do increasingly shocking things to be seen. You have been witness to some of these incidents. And as I see your minds lean towards the violence I want to redirect that even during this season on your social media you are witness to a sort of party of people trying to validate themselves by standing out, doing something different, abnormal, and this is all too common when there is a void in life that lacks certainty about purpose.
We are all for shock and awe of the kind that approaches our Master's reality. So we would like to encourage you this year in your lives to contemplate how to be most effective in presenting the message you believe in - of course, not simply to try and stand out - but the very act of one faithfully living in Michael's light, in our Father's light, can be seen as astonishing on a world such as yours, unfortunately. It should be all too commonplace and yet due to the various factors, it is astonishing when it occurs, when someone selflessly acts for the benefit of another, when one, with no concern for themselves, offers forth the truth, beauty, and goodness of our Maker, reflected so that one knows that there is hope and that there are people who believe in goodness and who believe in truth.
There are no specific directions to give you where you must go here or there to do something big, to be something more than what is being called for, which is to recognize your sonship, your sibling relationship to all humanity, and to joyously make that known by your activities. So, in this sense, we encourage you to be astonishing, such that it becomes more normalized and less shocking. As people realize there is more to this life than simply a pitiless existence of a material being slowly being drained of its energy over decades, there is a beautiful opportunity to build the counterpart of this slowly diminishing material life, this eternal soul, that slowly gains in brightness even as your body might become wearier and weaker. Rest assured that each of you are well on the path of creating this vibrancy that will exist beyond your existence here in this one life.
So may 2025 be the year where that call from our teacher Machiventa goes forth, to refocus and recommit, to share and make known what is truth and what love is. Look for those opportunities, for as you know, your angels work tirelessly to provide opportunity for you to connect with others that might provide mutual benefit and they certainly provide coordinated function to our efforts here in sharing concepts and values with you. We don't always talk of the efforts of our seraphic friends because so much of what they do goes unseen, but know that they are working with you, just as we are, even if they are not frequent vocalizers.
We are certainly open to questions if you have any this evening. Thank you for gathering, as you do.
Q1: Happy New Year, Aaron. What I was wondering is, we just lost Jimmy Carter to your side, and it feels like so many waves of grief coming across and it seems to be a real focus for people right now. Does it mean anything up there, like, this this time and his transition now? Is it going to help bring us together more? Because it's like I can feel the weight of a lot of hearts.
Aaron: Thank you. Each soul is precious to us. As you've heard it said, God is no respecter of persons, which is not to mean that you aren't all cherished immensely, individually, for your potential and your efforts, but the way that we look at things, we do not particularly focus on special personalities but on the actual deeds and on the potential going forward.
This man certainly left his mark on your world and more so as a decent human being even than as a leader. He led with his actions and that does not always seem quite as strong when people want to receive power and strength, but it is important for your world to recognize goodness and decency. And, yes, many of these larger than life figures are complicated. Not every aspect of their life may always be perfect or spiritual, but your Carters, your Mandelas, your Gandhis, Mother Teresa, they remind you, particularly in their passing, that there is goodness in this world and that there are decent people trying to move the world forward positively.
So we support your efforts and recognize what you speak of regarding how people take the time to set aside their divisions to recognize what is good and important about a life and the one who lived it. There is always potential for beneficial outcomes when people take the time to reflect and consider and desire, quite honestly, to be more like that kind of person. Thank you for your question.
Q2: Thank you, Aaron. Can you tell us anything about Michael and Machiventa's plans for 2025 for us?
Aaron: Yes, there is a plan. We think if you perceive between the lines of our most recent attempts to put your ears to the ground and to pay attention, you will recognize that great possibility exists and that it requires attentiveness by those who have been fortunate enough to receive this insight, whether in a group such as yours or individually or in other groups. By paying attention, you may better recognize when opportunity arises, such that you may be able to provide some benefit in a circumstance or a situation. And, of course, as we beat the dead horse of stillness, which is, of course, not dead at all, but the lifeline, the direct connection to all that is real, that this is your purpose. One, of course, to have you better perceive your indwelling spirit, and also because as you perceive your indwelling spirit, you will know when you can act or make a difference, offer a good word.
But as far as the global change, the perspective on planetary transformation for 2025, this is all contingent on what occurs and how people respond to what occurs. Would we like to see a watershed event in 2025? I know you would. I know we would. If we were experts at predictive behavior we could tell you more, but we also must go with how things are unfolding rather than simply inserting some event to hasten the flow, so to speak. Michael is quite sensitive to not overstepping, particularly on a world where overstepping has occurred frequently. So practice and patience, but also attentiveness, might be some of the watchwords for you in 2025.
Q3: What would be an example of overstepping?
Aaron: Well, the great examples would be Lucifer and the default of your Material son and daughter due to taking actions before the time was right. But I think you can recognize on a human level the gross overstepping that is occurring materially by those who would use their power and influence to not benefit the whole, but to maintain their power and influence. This is, from a spiritual perspective, ugliness personified. When actions being taken are merely to serve one's self rather than for the benefit of the greater good, this is in direct contradiction to everything good, beautiful, and true that is exemplified by our Parents. So yes, the spiritual examples of those involved in the default and rebellion, but there is great overstepping occurring on the material level as well, probably in some sense perpetuated from those spiritual examples.
Q4: My favorite imaginary answer for all this would be to see Elenora from the prison worlds just come and grab them by the elbows and take them off. That's what I want. Get to the prison worlds with the criminals and clear our planet, but that that may be too much of an overstepping, just to have that occur.
Aaron: You know that mercy is a reflection of this Creator Son. So in some sense, although it might seem difficult to comprehend, our great desire would be to see them recognize the error in their ways and choose to do good instead.
Q5: Does that seem likely from your side?
Aaron: I can't answer that.
Q5: Okay, it's just an adventure we get to see through this year, I guess.
Aaron: I love the back and forth with you, my dear, as you work through your feelings and thoughts regarding the various things happening and your human emotions are quite understandable when witnessing people doing things that are selfish and not for the greater good.
Q6: I read that horrible thing scratched into the wall at Auschwitz the other day, and it hit me so hard. Somebody had scratched in the gas chamber, "If there is a god, he's gonna have to beg forgiveness for me." You have to be bigger than a human to have mercy sometimes. We can't have mercy from our own selves without calling upon the spirit within us, I think. It's just so much grief.
Aaron: Yes, mercy. Sometimes all you can do is turn it over and allow that indwelling spirit to fill you with understanding. But on the spiritual level, mercy is the reflection of the willingness to see where someone is going or could be going, rather than where they have been. And so there is always opportunity until the light is extinguished, to do something greater. Does this mean there is no accounting for the actions one has taken? Of course not. We each get to thoroughly understand the ramification of our actions and with that knowledge, be able to make an informed decision about the path we take moving forward. So know that justice is just as important as mercy throughout the universes.
Q7: Yay. I ran across my old contacts from '85, I guess, where it was about Lucifer and that Lucifer's adjudication was over then. And, we got the information that he had come to see what he had rendered and how much he had affected humanity and chose self-dissolution. So what you're saying kinda rings true in terms of that, when you are made aware of the consequences of your choices on other people and on worlds. I guess in those moments, you can either repent and get forgiveness, but if you can't do that, then you choose not to be in existence anymore. So he's not in existence anymore, is he? Was that true back then?
Aaron: We generally allow your perceptions to remain rather than to directly contradict, especially when the way that we communicate with you is through perception, meaning that each of you are trying to perceive the truth. Even as you communicate with us, you are trying to perceive the message, and so stating concrete facts is exceedingly difficult because facts can create arguments, whereas the truth brings people together. The truth in your perception is that there is justice and mercy in the idea that one would come to an understanding of their actions and by doing so, choose whether to survive or not survive, but be wholly accepting of the outcome.
So, whether this is factually 100% accurate may be called into question. What I can state is that there are no evil beings spiritually that have the ability to influence a human on your world any longer. Despite reports you hear of people being possessed, people being attacked psychically, there is no longer the ability for nefarious action by spiritual presences because Michael protects you and everyone. Does this mean you are immune to the actions of other humans? Of course not. And there's all sorts of psychological trauma that occurs on your world that brings about the conditions to believe one is possessed or one is being negatively impacted, even if it is not factually accurate.
Q7: Thank you so much, Aaron.
Q8: Aaron, there must have been quite an investment in Lucifer's being by the powers that be. I don't know how to verbalize this, but our constitution in this country is being tested and will apparently continue to be tested in the coming years. I'm wondering about the spiritual investment in the formulation of that constitution? Is there anything you can give us some perspective on regarding that?
Aaron: Yes, my friend. It is true that those who formulated this document were in a perceptive state when they were working to craft something that could be agreed upon and there was spiritual influence in its formulation. Just as with your biblical documents, words on the page are supposed to serve the people who ascribe to them, not the other way around. When people begin to worship the document over the people, they begin to lose sight of what is important, the spirit of the law, so to speak. It was never intended to become inflexible, but something that could be adapted to best keep in mind what is good for the most while not infringing upon the rights of the few - this precarious balance of democracy and ensuring that mob rule doesn't take over and infringe the rights of those who may be clothed in different raiments, so to speak.
So as you move forward, because of the difficulties inherent in balancing the tripartite functioning of your government, one agency or another may seek to usurp and this is where the will of the people comes in to "keep their republic, if they can." We are not suggesting that there is any impending action that would happen to make your legal system and your governmental system null and void or dominated by any particular agency, but there is the "death by a thousand cuts" mentality. Your country was founded on a strong basis and yet, in times of trouble, there is the tendency to overlook the rules and assume greater control and to marginalize various groups of people. The unwillingness of one part of your government to keep the other parts of your government in check has produced a slow deterioration, or blurring of the lines, over many decades. The greater question is probably for the American people themselves. What do you want from your country and what are you willing to do for it? And if the answers are in those same realms of selfish accolades or the actions of those we just talked about previously, then the writing is on the wall. But if their desire is to find a way to come together to support one another, then solutions have a way of presenting themselves. Thank you for the question.
Q8: Wow. Thank you for the dose of reality.
Aaron: Yes, and, nevertheless, as children of god, despite whatever winds wail, whatever teeth gnash, whatever challenging circumstances arise, you are part of a greater government, a government of the universe, and you are aware of this. So keep your confidence that ultimately goodness can prevail and be attentive to the opportunities that arise.
Thank you for your inquiries. I must say, I did not expect this level of dialogue tonight and so I was pleasantly surprised to be able to delve into topics that weren't on the radar. We do thrive on being able to discuss ideas and values with you, but we are limited to your inquiries, to your desire, and so thank you for thinking deeply about this and sharing your words this evening, my friends. Go in peace.
Q9: Just as a side note, speaking of shock and awe, I remember a fellow speaking at a conference in Seattle years and years ago, and he was recounting an episode where a minister was preaching about the end times, and he said in the end times there will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth and a little old lady at the back of the room spoke up and she said, but Reverend, I have no teeth, and he said, Madam, teeth will be provided.