2025-01-05-On Peace

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Topic: On Peace

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Inner Voice, Machiventa, Amanson

TR: Delores Pollard, Mark Turnbull, Mark Rogers



Inner Voice: [Delores] It’s always morning here in the sense that the shining light is new and fresh. To us there is no pain nor tiring because we are cared for by the Paradise connection. The spark of The Creator is of infinite influx of love and light like a star that shines. We are the embryonic seed of eternity within you. We are the stationary point in time and space in which you anchor your true direction for stability. When staying enlightened we say hello. Let us live with you and be your friend. What is being enlightened but learning to be a friend of God? There is so much baggage in your world around that idea, beliefs of unworthiness, beliefs of fear. The source of light and love is not an angry old man with a stick behind the wood shed. These are lies.

Let's use a nature metaphor. In the winter, as it is now in your part of the world but not all parts of the world, leaves have fallen and stark branches silhouette against the sky. Someone from another place that has no winter would be shocked to see this. Perhaps they would assume these dormant plants were dead. Your whole world is coming out of its spiritual winter. The living light is on the rise. The shining circuitry is being connected and all living beings will soon respond to a mighty upsurge of springtime energy. Now it is just new and partly perceived by those with a deeply penetrating root that seeks the light by need, by despair.

Those humans much afflicted are often those who realize enlightenment first. Deep darkness is of itself a call to the light which flows like water to the lowest point. You can trust this. Ask for the awareness of your God Partner within you. Ask for alertness to moments of service. Be at peace and watch the climate of your dormant world change and awaken. Blessed we are to be alive now in the time of transition. It is to be known as the great period of refocusing, remembering, knowing, and recognizing in what is true and what love is. It will become more and more apparent. Be the light now, help it rise, shine. Rise and shine. Thank you, Amen.

Amanson: [Mark Turnbull] On Peace

'Peace' is a personal thing. It has ramifications in the larger world but those are only the after-effects of the peace achieved within one's being.

'Achieved'? Isn't peace just there? Doesn't peace exist in and of iteslf, peacefully? Yes. But it must, if it doesn't seem a contradiction, be aspired to. And as a famous book points out, this aspiration consists entirely of removing the blockages to what is an ever abiding inner peace. For although peace is spoken of daily in and around the world, that peace will only be the result of an inner peace emanating from within a personal being. A lasting peace - a truly lasting peace in the political sense - cannot be arbitrated.

Peace is the price you pay (ha ha...'your reward') for giving up the dog-eat-dog mentality that permeates so much of today's society, an attitude unfortunately thrust upon the individual by the systems in which individuals find themselves working, trying to survive. Is such a desperately competitive attitude entirely the fault of such systems? No, but they [tend to]foster the 'me first' philosophy which cannot eventuate in peace.

Peace is a product of a calm approach to living, an understanding of the inherent balance at work in the original plan, the Divine Plan; an order in which all are given their fair shake and encouraged to do their utmost to create for themselves the very life each would aspire to. Are the outcomes guaranteed? No, but the opportunities to build to the desired outcome are. But this, at this point in time, is Utopian. We are not here to speak of social plannings. We are speaking of Peace and the peace it inspires. And peace must originate in the individual. A peaceful society will be made up of peaceful individuals.

So, for peace to take hold it must be in lieu of society's present maelstrom. Society, as presently constituted, does not provide the air, the space, for the quiet uncovering of peace within a personality.

Peace requires an observer's stance, not a participant's; although nothing is greater than when the peace-filled person does participate. But in order for such inner peace to take hold within a person, the exterior phenomena of push-and-pull has to no longer be the menacing, unbalancing influence it is on the unsuspecting, the inexperienced mind. Social justice is not the result of disengagement but of transcendant engagement, an involvement - when involvement is necessary - from...well, a place of peace.

So, as the song says, "Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me", for indeed, that is the only place it can begin. And that is the only place ultimately it will have a home. For when "Peace!" - the banner 'Peace', the Peace the world longs to settle in - does emerge, and the world finally finds itself, not necessarily free of disagreements but no longer troubled by the outdated notion of war to settle them - it is in the bosom of each individual citizen where peace will have found a home and from whom this grand worldwide 'Peace' will emanate.

Machiventa: [Mark Rogers] As per format, it is my pleasure to keep this ball rolling. I am Machiventa Melchizedek assembled once again as per our dedicated devotion to do so, this season of the year when the old year has given way to the turning of the page onto a new calendar. Your efforts at spiritual growth have brought you to new places of awareness, new platforms of understanding and throughout this process of growth that is happening you’ve been dedicated in your pursuit to follow where spirit has led you.

This desire to follow spirit has led you down the trail of faith discoveries that have come your way as a result of your steadfast efforts to seek these truths, to seek this goodness and to find this beauty that you sense is out there. You are attracted to these divine traits because you sense them in your family, in your spirit family, which is of divine origin and divine destiny. Your efforts in this short mortal life have brought you to this very realization that you are a member of this spirit family and as such, you are entitled to divine inheritance of the characteristics and traits of your creators. You have tasted the goodness and your eyes have beheld the depths of beauty provided from your perspective and your viewpoint from your spirit attainment.

Having made this realization and secured this connection as a matter of your own free will choice to do so, this growth will propel you well through your spiritual career. Your desire to keep seeking and returning to this well of spirit calls you to return to this platform where we may come together in spirit and even to return to the connection you have had with your own Father Fragment within. Assembling these platforms on which you can work enables you to access many avenues of connection. We find ourselves in an age where connection and reconnection are a priority to establish the security of connection for all. This security of the part belonging to the whole and connected to the whole is what energizes the whole system.

We began this Teaching Mission with this experiment of fostering the ability to transmit/receive and this method has been used to bridge the gap and allow for communication between the two dimensions. This process continues to serve us well and we are very grateful for your efforts. As conditions have changed in the environment of spirit, our approach must change to accommodate all new potentials. The ability to establish communication and contact between spirit beings is being so enhanced and elevated that it is no longer limited to certain individuals to develop this skill and provide this service for others. This new wave of energy being provided to this experiment in time and space will charge all manner of circuits and will provide the spirit network which will enable connections and communications to occur.

This opportunity has not been present for many generations. The results of rebellion and isolation have meant the severing of all circuitries and even worse, the sabotage of the individual discoveries of connection that provide the security of the individual with the connection. The lesson plan moving forward must be inclusive of the ability for all individuals, any individual, every individual, to establish a personal link, a connection, a circuit to their Inner Guide and their divine partner in this process. This Inner Voice is not only a guide but a protector as you move through your spiritual process, one who will always have your best interests at heart. This small still voice within, as noted by nearly every religion that exists, is the contact that you need to make. It is the contact that Jesus made when going off to spend time alone with His Father in the hills. This is the contact He was making which provided his guidance and enabled him to lead his life in demonstration of his awareness.

As this new year dawns, as the cycle begins afresh, it is time to create your vision of the future. It is time to bring your values, your awareness, the peace you have felt and know, the love of your Divine Parents that you know and have felt yourselves, to lay these tones, these divine values over all your visions of the future. Let them elevate your visions beyond any preconceptions. Remember, you are powerful creators, each and every one, and remember how simple it is. You must have the thought, the vision, the ideal that you would pursue. Then you must describe, you must portray what your vision is. You must give it life and then you must make it so.

This is how your own world is shaped and created and this is also how the greater world, the overall world is shaped by all the individual visions of which yours may be added to influence the whole and shift the needle slightly because your vision has divine aspirations. Much growth has occurred as witnessed at the end of the year and the beginning of another one. Higher levels of awareness have been achieved, and an even greater perspective has been obtained by your efforts. Well done to the light workers on the field who have shown up to be the hands and feet of the planetary administration and the mortal counterparts ready to activate the material mechanisms to get it done.

Your efforts are well received, the light that you bring to the equation certainly illuminates the way and as the results of your efforts play out, your success is illuminated and your growth is secured. Thank you for circling up again, ready to report for duty, ready to hear the good tidings of the great spiritual growth achieved by means of your efforts to pursue it. You have succeeded. And now you own these truths, you own the peace, you own the presence. Well done. Keep the faith as it is what guides you forward. I open this forum for others. Thank you.

Inner Voice: Greetings, I am this one’s Inner Voice as he refers to me, also described as Inner Guide or Thought Adjuster or Father Fragment. I will gladly respond to any of these terms of endearment. I am given this opportunity to be an example that it is in fact possible to make such a contact, to make such a connection with your Inner Guide, your Inner Voice. This is done as an act of your creation as was so simply described previously. The process is simple, the process is easy, the process is reliable. The process is to have a vision, a dream, and then it is your privilege to be able to formulate such a dream and then you can build upon that dream.

It is then your privilege to be able to cast this vision out before you and plant the seed of this life out before you so that as you approach it it is manifesting, it exists because you have created it. Such a pathway, such a method may be used for you to execute your desire if your desire and your vision is to find the wavelength and make the connection to your Inner Guide. As you pursue and search for this dream you manifest it. You have to describe it, you have to discover it, you build it, and then your actions make it so. Make a potential an actual.

I offer this scenario once again as an approach, a method that can result in your creating. Your choice in what to create is your key, your awareness to even know what to create is your key. And so, all that is left is for your application and your extension of faith. This connection already exists. It has been faint and it lacks distinction. It lacks the awareness of otherness. It appears as though the connection is simply your inner dialog. Seek for clarification, for fine tuning of the frequency. This is inevitable as we move forward in the process and the advent of a mortal life has meant that time is required in this process. It takes time for you to grow and learn and achieve spiritual awareness. It is indeed a gift of grace that the frequencies are being greatly enhanced as are the conditions within being enhanced to receive such frequencies. All of this systems upgrade is by mandate of Michael who wishes to reinstate circuitry among his family of man.

I have been involved in attempting to demonstrate the reality and the truth of this ability to connect through this forum and through the cooperation from my companion. This particular communication differs with other transmitting/receiving experiences. It is not communicating with another individual spirit that has an individual energy signature which identifies them and makes contact possible. This t/ring is done with the Inner Voice which has no independent energy signature and is not a distinct other spirit presence. This difference means having to navigate differently to be able to utilize the opportunity of this material voice. This is in fact not standard practice transmitting/receiving in that this is a dialog within, not to another external source but rather to an internal source and then allowing access to vocal capacities.

Events like this are uncomfortable for my host. They require a maximum extension of faith to allow and receive such communication but my companion has proven ever faithful to reach out beyond his comfort zone and found that he has been able to grasp a great deal that is outside of the known comfort zone and that it is true and good and beautiful and that such a connection represents a gateway, a divine portal through which we will pass and we will pass together as one, will pass through this eternal career as one. I cannot express the gratitude I have to be able to express these truths to you even now. The journey before us is magnificent and I look forward with great anticipation for all the truth, beauty, and goodness we will encounter along the way.


I am grateful to be able to directly express my desire that you approach me with intention. This is your desire as well and this is the desire of your Creators. I welcome you with open arms at any point you wish to be with me. In fact, we are sharing this journey even now. Let your Inner Voice be your guide, your small still voice, your portal to all that is divine, your Fragment to the Father. Let it be so as you are able and know that your Inner Voice is always there, is always in the back seat as it were. The opportunity exists for you to consider joining forces with your Onboard Partner and perhaps even inviting them up into the front seat so that you may share the journey closely together.

It is with deep gratitude that I acknowledge the participation of all of those involved to make such an experience, such an event to behold possible. Consider yourselves invited to dance with your Onboard Partner and to mingle and join forces as you dance your way though this life in spirit. Thank you for this experience, for this opportunity you provide. I take my leave and wish to reflect back on peace as that is the condition, that is the force that I would leave you with in this process. Peace, peace about all things. Embrace this peace. Farewell.