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Topic: Machiventa

Group: Mission Urantia


Teacher: Machiventa

TR: John Morris



Machiventa: While this is an uncommon experience in this world at this time, it will become commonplace one day. You who meet with me this way, and who later read these transcripts, are the spiritual aristocracy of this planet. As such you are blazing a trail of light that others will one day follow. Where would you lead them? What clues would you leave behind that would guide them to find the spiritual treasures you have and are finding?

The foundation of the era of light and life is being laid even now by your faith and willingness to participate in meetings such as this, where unseen celestial beings converse with mortals. Have you ever reflected on how this is so? Why you and why now? How is it that you are here responding to this call to awaken to a higher spiritual awareness? Your world is in crisis, your people are lost. Wandering in darkness is ending but who will bring the light? You will. You are here because you responded to the spiritual gravity of the First Source and Center. Something in you recognized the voice of the Master. You heard his call.

This experience is what you must begin to share with others, this personal response, this experience of soul growth, your personal story. How do you articulate this? This (your personal story) is what others will relate to understand. Then the sharing of The Urantia Book, the Teaching Mission, and such will have a context to which they can relate. In this New Year, I ask that you craft this personalized message, each of you, so that you can leave behind a testimonial that will remain after you have set sail for the Mansion world. Your personal recital of how you became a soulful person is what will attract many to the self-discovery of their soul awareness and set them on the path to their own personal voyage of discovery. When you have the courage to share your personal story, you truly become my ambassador and represent my administration.

The promotion of the teachings you have received is secondary to this personal demonstration of what those teachings have meant to you and how they have changed your life. Have the courage to share your personal transformation: lives dedicated to the alignment of your soul with a vibrational source of unconditional love and be inspiration to those who will contact your stories in the future. Then we'll be curious as to how they too can discover for themselves this peace of mind, this expansion of soul, this unconditional love.

Allow your imagination to soar and see the growth of what you are attempting to do in this generation and future generations so they too can collaborate with the celestial administration of Urantia. We labor together to prepare this world for the incarnation of yet another Divine Son to inaugurate a new dispensation of divine love as Urantia is being ushered into its rightful place among her sister planets in the system of Satania. We are light workers. We are heralds of a new age. We are sons and daughters of life. Let us work together to tell a story of the grace and mercy of our spiritual parents so others can see the way to their own experience of this divine love.

Now you may think that this is an unusual request, but I assure you it is not. When you have had the experience, and I am sure many of you have, of trying to share The Urantia Book with others, it can be disconcerting to see how few people actually respond positively to the book and take it up as a source of real interest. That revelation will meet people where they are as it is filtered through your personal experience. For those who have really devoted themselves to studying and teaching these revelations, you have been well trained in how to do this. Amongst all the other things that we do, it is also important not to lose sight of our personal stories and to share them with people. They may not understand right off the bat these teachings and revelations if they read them for themselves. But they will understand your stories as you personally struggled to align your mind and your thinking to these revelations.

Even Jesus in his day could not convey to the people of his day what was burning in his heart, that God was more than just Yahweh, the God of the Jews, that God was so much more than punishing people, showing favor, favoring the wealthy, that God was the God of every human being on the planet. In a culture where Gentiles were seen as not even fully human, it was entirely okay to kill a Gentile according to Jewish law. There was no sin. Jesus knew the better truth. He lived his life to show people that this is a God of love. This is a God of unconditional love and that women are equal to men and all people are brothers and sisters. And so, he lived his life amongst these people in the culture of that day and age. He taught them as best he could with his words. But truly it was the example of his personal life lived amongst them that truly transformed them.

And so, it is time to consider how we can also do likewise. And when you build this global messaging platform you can have a branch on your navigation tree for a testimonial page where they can be accessed by people. It is not something that is urgent to do. It's not something that must be done in the next short term, but it is something that I would wish for you to consider over the course of the next few months to see if by the end of the year we can have a series of testimonials available for those who are seeking to find and be inspired by.

Thank you. Now, if you have questions, let us join in a conversation together.


Deborah asks about other ways to publish our testimonials besides the aforementioned messaging platform.

Machiventa: You have several outlets in which you can begin to publish these things. But one of the things that I foresee in this New Year is that there will be a regular newsletter published by this community, and whether that is, monthly or periodically, it would be a place to share these testimonials. Not all in one newsletter, but in every newsletter one testimonial. Every mind, every soul, every personality, is unique, and so by many people sharing their stories we relate to many kinds of personalities and minds. If only one personality shares this story those that are similar to that personality or of the same type will respond to it, but many others will not. And so, by all of us sharing our stories, we broaden our appeal.

Now, now is an interesting time. This community needs to find a way to break out of the embryo of the Urantia community and the Teaching Mission community so we're not just talking to the choir or preaching to the choir, so to speak. We have a message to take to the world and as a global manager, this is what I am most interested in. We are doing work here that needs to be much more broadly shared. So I would just ask you to think about how you would do that, and having a testimonial is one very real way to reach others and to provide an attraction to them to come and look further and be more curious. How do we bring this message to the world outside of this community? Thank you.

Bob asks if an effective way to start is to share this with all our family and friends.

Machiventa: That is always the idea in your soul growth and your personal lives to share this with those most immediately in your circle. Now think of this saying that Jesus had about laying not your treasures up on earth for moths and thieves to steal but instead lay your treasures up in heaven. What do you think he meant by treasures in heaven? What is it that you actually can lay up in heaven as a treasure? I would suggest to you that what you will take with you from your moral career is relationships. These relationships are your greatest treasure because waiting for you on the mansion worlds will be many of these same relationships. So cultivating relationships with those immediate around you, your family and your friends and those you come into contact with in your daily life is your greatest opportunity to share this message of divine love, this message of hope. So of course, these testimonials will be useful to share with your families and friends when you feel it is appropriate. There is an art to this, because we do not want to come across as trying to convince somebody of what to believe or what to think. It is better to allow them to feel the humanness of yearning for more and of developing a connection that allows that peace beyond understanding to manifest in your life. Mostly you will do this nonverbally. Thank you.

In response to Recca’s comments on writing a testimonial

Machiventa: It is a normal thing for humans to be reluctant to write in an intimate fashion that reveals personal stories. But with any good publication, we have people who are good at editing the raw material that you might supply in the testimonial to focus it on the essentials and make it a fairly polished piece of literature to share with others. So, you need not fear sharing this information. Every content that goes into websites, newsletters and books is editorially reviewed. So, what I would ask you to do is provide the raw material for the editors to craft in a way that appeals to the next generation and to those who are seeking to make this revelation relatable to them, so that it is an invitation, an open door for them to come a little further to satisfy their curiosity and feel that they are not alone in their own seeking. Others have come before then and there is nothing to fear. Thank you.

Deborah asks Machiventa to comment on fear and how to overcome our hesitancy to do the things he asks of us.

Machiventa: You know that your text talks about the evolution of humans from fighting bellicose animals that are constantly afraid of others and fighting for their survival. This fear had survival value at one time. But now, as humanity grows, as human minds develop, it no longer serves except as a warning for things that are really dangerous to us, for us to be more in a state of heightened awareness and take whatever action necessary. But beyond that, fear does not really serve anymore. And yet very clever people in your culture have figured out that if you don't want to use brute force in a culture to manipulate people, fear is a very handy way to do it. If you look at your entertainment, much of it is fear based. Making entertainment out of fear is certainly a way to retard the growth of your soul.

Spiritual growth, certainly, in its early stages among mortals, and not just on this world, but on all worlds is very much involved with self-mastery. Self-mastery is really the capacity to overcome these baser animal tendencies and emotions and transfer your attention and your awareness to a higher plane of spiritual thinking to actually see the world through the eyes of divine love. And so the transition stage is often described in your mystic literature as a dark night of the soul. You go through a period of wrestling with these base emotions, and you do not think that you can ever be free from them. They torment you, whether it is fear, the sex emotion, anger, and other strong emotions. Everyone has their particular emotion to deal with.

The real practice in overcoming these emotions is first to be aware of them, to be honest with yourself that you struggle with them, and then to develop a practice. However you choose to do it, turn within to seek conscious contact with your indwelling spirit. It is this indwelling spirit that provides you with the real power to overcome these emotions and to lift your attention off the plane of just your physical existence so that you become aware gradually day by day of the decisions you make. Such decisions include the entertainment you consume and the news feed to which you are addicted. So much of that news is speculative, not just about the facts of a story happening in this moment, or what has just happened. It is designed to create fear in you. So, be aware that you live in this environment and that you do not have to put your full attention on it. Discipline yourself from consuming too much of this and it will help you.

The Buddhists have a saying, whatever you resist remains before you. They also have a saying that whatever you put your attention on, you become. So, understanding that you have the choice as to where you focus your attention is an important part of your spiritual growth. Have your morning practice and then go out and have your day.

As for the risks you take for fun, such as horse riding, motorcycles, mountain biking, surfing or whatever is your thing, be aware of the possibilities. Is it safe to do it in that moment? Do you have the requisite skill and so forth?

In prayer ask for help in terms of increasing your emotional self-capacity, for self-transcendence and self-observation. And then apply yourself. You may not feel much is happening at any given moment but when you look back over a period of months you will begin to see that you are mastering fear, and when you master fear, you master anger, sorrow, grief, and then you grow. Thank you.

Mark comments on the dynamic shift in energy that will enable mortals to make this inner contact with their thought adjuster with much greater ease. He suggests ways to use media to get this message across such as a blog on finding your inner guide and testimonials of people who have made contact, so that people know that is not only possible, but it is optimal. He asks for Machiventa’s thoughts about this, and he also asks about the goal of training TRs, wondering if TRs will be needed less as more people make contact with their spirits.

Machiventa: The real power to change this world will come exactly through the process of individuals, everywhere in every culture around this world beginning to make contact with their indwelling spirit, and through the thought adjuster circuitry the true power for global transformation will come. It will not come as a top-down program that we instigate. It will not come by the divine incarnation of Monjoronson and the Magisterial Mission. It will truly come when people begin to take responsibility for themselves for overcoming fear, which is behind so much of the wars, the conflict in this world, the selfishness and the greed and begin to realize that number one—they are safe. They can relax. They can have a real experience at some level of the inner soul. They can have peace of mind that is tangible to them. Because until they do, all these words, all these books, the concepts and the ideas that we're putting out there don't really take root. That is how free will works. We have to depend on the transformation of individuals to transform this world in a global perspective before any sort of new dispensation can be viable, before any new ideas of global government can even be conceived of by a large group of people, and so on. So, this is the time, this joining of your energy with these circuits that are being enhanced, this personal contact that people have. This personal experience is the portal, the key, to which divine energy will flow out into a greater circumstance in this world.

And so, regarding this idea of yours, let’s put it this way. If you held a thimble up above your head in an ocean full of grace and divine love which is all upon you, how much would it benefit you? Just that thimbleful, because that's your capacity. By acknowledging the reality and the possibility of experiencing this contact with the inner spirit, you are simply increasing that capacity. That thimble becomes a cup then a bucket, and then a bushel basket. It just grows. And the more that people grow that capacity the more these ideas we're trying to share with them become not only attractive but obvious that it's the right way to do things, whether we're talking about core values and social sustainability, family learning centers, democracies growing or how to develop an economy and financial model based on equity and fairness and justice. All of these ideas have to have fertile soil before they are really going to take off and grow.

And so, the circuitry that is being enhanced right now on many different levels, is really making it very easy (for people to connect with their indwelling spirit.) It's never been easier, but it still relies upon people being aware that they have such a choice and for them to make a personal decision. This is where sharing the testimonials of those who have overcome that initial barrier can help. You know what it was like to struggle in the beginning and what things happened along the way that encouraged you to stay with the effort to listen within. You know what it is like to make conscious contact with your indwelling spirit. It is very hard to put this into words but it's also necessary to try, because how else can we share with others the transformative experience of this conscious contact, of growing your soul and growing your faith to the point where you truly can live, knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that you are connected. Now this experience can't be proved to anybody else, but neither can anyone disprove what is true for you. To live in a world that's plunging into chaos and to remain in your calm center, at peace in the midst of all this is, in and of itself, a tremendous testimony. People are drawn to that energy. That vibration that you have raised up from an animal level and are constantly fine tuning to align with the vibration of the First Source and Center is attractive to people. It is attractive to them because they have this spirit within them, the same vibrational frequency inherent in their being.

We know that this circuitry is being enhanced. Everything that is possible to be done from our side of this equation is being done. And now what is necessary is for those who have experienced this to share the experience with others and to encourage them, and also to create content for these platforms and these websites that help people understand what the process is. How can they begin? What are the things they can start to do that will help them to feel this for themselves? Once they do, it becomes their personal path. But getting them to the starting gate is truly our mission to light a fire under them and to shine a light ahead of them that they can navigate by and find their way. When we start to do that, we will gather momentum, and then we cannot predict the power of Christ Michael and what he has in store for this world. So, it all begins with the individual. It all begins with their connection to their indwelling spirit.

(This next section is in answer to Mark’s question of whether the training of TRs is becoming less of a goal for the teaching mission. The transcribed message is abbreviated because of repetition.)

Machiventa: Yes, but I would like you to consider timeframes. When you look ahead to see the emphasis on each individual, you are looking generations into the future.

In the Urantia revelation in paper one, right in the very beginning, it talks about our relationship to God, and it talks about this concept of His Spirit indwelling you. As you read through that book this idea of the thought adjuster is woven throughout the narrative. Now consider the teaching mission. Especially in its early days, the teaching mission was all about stillness practice, how to develop this connection with the indwelling spirit. (TRs were necessary for getting this message relayed.) The emphasis has always been there but there was never a group of people on the planet together in a community that could demonstrate this to the world.

It is a continual evolution of focus. It's not that one goal supplants another. This is not a linear process. It's more like the process of dropping a pebble in a mill pond. Changes radiate out by degrees around all facets of our message and our missions. But now we can say with directness and boldness, that it is time to talk about this relationship with the indwelling spirit. If we do, it will provide the greatest amplification in the vibrational frequency not only for us as individuals, but for us a group dynamic. It is time to bring this message to people and to direct them to these revelations.


Machiventa’s Conclusion after the group shared their experiences of practicing stillness: Thank you so much for this wonderful sharing. You begin to see a bit of what testimonials can do when we talk about our individual avenue, our individual response to these spiritual influences in our life. Even in this small group, you can see the variation. Imagine in a much larger community, even a global community, how much diversity and variation there is with people in terms of personalities and how everyone will experience this connection differently. How helpful it is to have testimonials and examples of various personalities! People will relate to stories differently, and they'll find one to relate to more. That will make all the difference in their life, because it'll set them off on the path, and away they go.

Now I want to address the idea of TRs, because it's kind of the same. We are not looking to have everyone that moves into this conscious contact with their indwelling spirit to become a TR. That's not our intent at all. But we would like to have a group of people who are fairly experienced embedded within this community as reliable TRs. And the reason is as simple as having many testimonials. Besides the very practical aspect that if you rely on just one TR, there are times when they're not available and then your meeting doesn't work. Also, TRs are individual personalities with individual minds. They have individual life experiences, individual understandings of all the same data. People can read The Urantia Book and come up with various interpretations of things. Different minds will do that and it's all good. It would be useful for people at some point in a wider audience to have access to the TRing skills of others because they will relate more to one than another, and they'll get a different flavor of me. I have to work with the databases that the TRs present to me as I work through their minds and through their personalities, and so the ability to feel different aspects of myself coming through different TRs I think would be good.

We do that now in this community in a way because different people TR, and they have different methods of sharing these transcripts with others. If the barrier is the clear audio part where you are answering questions in real time, and you're not in your comfort zone, I would like to suggest to this community that they have a meeting of maybe half a dozen TRs and talk about this and see who can volunteer to be the TR for this meeting. If you had TRs share the burden, then they would TR once every month or so. It would also broaden the experience for this community to have access to different TRs. I would like you to consider this and to think about how it might work.

I would also like you to consider over the next year having a podcast to invite the general public to listen to a transmitted message and then open it up to them for questions. What might that be like and would that be wise to do? How would you do that? And who would you tap to TR for that? What would the format be? It is a way, if not in the very immediate future, then in the intermediate future, to begin to take this process out into the world where people can become familiar with it and become less afraid or perhaps less skeptical of it and began to see this as just an extension of the natural process of speaking to their indwelling spirit. So, these are things I would like this community to consider and to talk about amongst yourselves. Then we can talk more together, through various TRs to experience their way of connecting with me and sharing these ideas.

Thank you very much for being here. I'm delighted that we are still meeting. I personally feel it's important that this space to meet be maintained, and that we meet periodically to take advantage of the increased energies and circuitries that are helping this process to become anchored in our world. Good day.

Transcribed by Deborah Goaldman