2025-01-16-Casting Blame

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Topic: Casting Blame

Group: Lightline TeaM


Teacher: Amanson, Vorondadek Son, Machiventa, Inner Voice

TR: Mark Turnbull, Delores Pollard, Mark Rogers



Amanson: [Mark Turnbull] 'The Casting of Blame' is an attempt to get out from under the shadow of your own guilt, or at least the shadow of your own unconscious suspicions. Blame is an irritating thing - it taints both the blamer and the blamed. It seeks to -- or rather, purports to -- offer a solution; it appears an attempt to find the truth, to ascribe responsibility for a situation, but what it actually does is add another layer of disruption onto an already fraught confluence of events.

When one blames another, blame acts as a sort of bludgeon, used not to relieve matters but to keep the cacophony going, and, as I've said, in hopes of getting out from under the shadow of one's own insecurities. But it will always fail. How could it not? It extends a web that would be much more useful as a web of inquiry into the origins and ramifications of the incident, how it might have been avoided and how its conseequences might be better dealt with now, rather than the superficial and ultimately meaningless casting of blame. It's useless, although in the moment it might seem useful, even justified.

Blame is tossed about like so much confetti at a parade these days. It rains down like ticker tape on to the passers by, although this particular confetti is anything but celebrational. That is where the metaphor ends, a metaphor used to underscore blame's unfortunate prevalence in your modern world, at least in your present day society.

How much good work, how many fortuitous answers, helpful solutions are lost to the casting of blame? All the energy, the ingenuity used in the concocting of excuses and "passing the buck" that could be beneficially put to use in the constructive approach to a problem - the participants free of blame, free from the need to defend and explain themselves, able now to buckle down and work out a solution to a mistake that somebody made. Who cares? There's a problem - let's fix it. As you're so fond of quoting, "Difficulties only stimulate the children of the Most Highs".

This is the beauty of disagreements - they demand an agreement of some sort, a creative meeting of the minds, something original to accommodate this new situation the quarrelsome parties find themselves so fortunate to be faced with: a new problem! Let's delve. Let's explore. Blame? Why would I blame you? We've a situation here. Together we can get to the bottom of it and most likely learn something about ourselves in the process. That's how to successfully cast blame - you cast it out!

Delores Pollard: I was wondering about the Vorondadek reading in the Urantia book that the one who was sent here, that's the one who is involved with the the governments on the planet. And so I wondered if anyone had ever heard from a Vorondadek Son? Transmitting with us? And then after I transmitted Machiventa, I got this, like, higher vibrational light flash flickering around in my head, and then I thought, “Well, that's the Vorondadek Son.” But I was afraid to transmit it. You know how it is, but I think it was the Vorondadek Son who stands with Machiventa and Michael on the councils of Urantia. And that it is the Universe watching what is happening. Tell us of Urantia. Why should this be of such import to the rest of the universe? Hasn't this happened before?

Vorondadek Son: Indeed, but not to the extent that it was here with the rebellion and with the face to face confrontation with the Bestowal Son and the resistance in the face of that light to still deny the reality of The Father.

So, as if training a wild dog, we watch in the governments of men with great patience because what is occurring now are the last choices of these last remnants of this great rebellion. And as you remember from your readings in the Urantia book, that many of you balked that hearing that so much benefit has come to the universes because of this rebellion, so much has been learned.

A great many heroes have been shaped and formed in this vice of the vices, if you will, that this builds great character when you are forced to understand the gray areas between the lights and the darks. On more simple planets without these choices, without this differentiation, it’s easier to live, it's easier to choose. And here, you must develop a keen wit, a keen sensitivity, a keen connection to the Spirit of Truth within your heart. It refines a determined effort to know the truth, to follow the truth.

This is building us great characters for the future universes that will unfold, the reason The Father is being so patient, especially now at this time with the finishing edges. We do not wish that this happens again. Sometimes you think our hearts are hardened, but they are not. We are waiting for this to completely run its course down every channel like water flowing to of the lowest levels, to bring the light back to your planet.

You are far behind. Your brothers and your sisters are watching you too, waiting for you to catch up, helping you to catch up, standing beside you as we heal this wound in the Kingdom of God. As your Vorondadek Son, I have been watching you…forever. You think being alive for 200,000 years or more, for a 1,000,000 years or more, of course, it makes a difference in how we see and know and understand, but we still live in a now, as you do.

So I want you to know that I am here in my capacity to serve your planet as best I can. I am proud to be here. I am feeling so lucky to be here. I am blessed to be here and to work with you. Trust me. Trust us. Trust yourselves, and we will see this uplift.

We will wash this clean. We will heal this place and return it back to the Kingdom of The Father, transformed into something never before seen or known and you will be a part of this. Someday, we will celebrate on high together and I look forward to that. Thank you for your interest. Thank you for requesting me. I am honored to have been here tonight. Goodbye for now beloved ones.

Machiventa: [Mark Rogers] I am in fact pleased to join you at your invitation although I’m deeply inspired by the depth of your conversations. The subject matters, the values, the meanings that are discussed are representative of your awareness of this spiritual grace that you have found, that you have discovered in your journey and that you have felt for yourself. You have sensed deeply within. You have proceeded to firm up your relationship with that whole aspect and component of your self that is spirit and that survives past any mortal incarnation. It is this component that we share. This aspect of ourselves that represents us is a combination of energies that form our individual energy signatures. These represent the individual tones and vibrations that have come to manifest within you to create the unique first source and center of self.

Your existence, your very being has gifted the universe with a new beginning, a new start to an eternal career over which you are in control, over which you are the first source and center of all you create before you. Coming to awareness that this is so and that this is within your capacity to do takes some time, some experience in this mortal life to understand the significance and purpose of your individual Fragment of the Whole. This Fragment of the Father is endowed with the features and characteristics of its' Creator, of its' Source, and as such, the heritage and the destiny are of divine nature.

In your experience of returning this Fragment to the First Source and Center, you become more and more perfected, more and more spiritually conditioned by virtue of your desire to be so. Your efforts spent seeking to find greater truths, more meaning and value always bring certain results for your efforts. Maintaining this posture of forward momentum, you certainly find that you arrive at these plateaus of accomplishment, these pinnacles of attainment and the attendant increase in your capacity to be spirit, hold spirit truths and preserve spirit values. Your capacities grow with each effort made to follow spirit, pursue truth, beauty, and goodness and assemble such realizations and awarenesses into your personal library of life experience and thereby influence your energy signature, changing its tone to accommodate greater capacity and enhanced awareness.

As an individual energy signature, you may as a matter of choice decide to offer your vehicle, offer your instrument that has been tuned and infused with divine tone and offer your instrument as an instrument of peace to be used by your Divine Parents to assist their plan to manifest peace to all their offspring. When you are in the mode of seeking how you might be useful in this process of spiritual growth which is occurring rampantly all around you, recall that it is of significant importance to first make sure your inner garden is tended and your inner environment is properly maintained and conditioned so that you may be a useful and practical instrument of peace if that is your desire to link yourself in service.

The question may more correctly be asked: not what can you do to help, but rather what can you be to help? Will you be an example of a fine-tuned instrument? Will you function as a light anchor and a conduit for divine reality? The best way to change everything to a higher plateau and dimension is for the components, the different aspects to shift to a new vibration, to move to a new plateau of awareness and embrace this new more divine reality. All the individual pieces of the puzzle must be compatible and must seek to function within the same plane of reality, thereby solidly interlocking their pieces and making for a sturdy platform on which to maneuver spiritually.

All of this growth, all of this movement in spirit is all accomplished within this component of the self. This aspect of your being, your spirit part, is responsible for all such choices, all such growth and all such attainment and accomplishment of spiritual values. Each and every choice you make determines your trajectory and deciding to stay the course in your search for spirit determines your trajectory and determines your successful arrival back to Source. Such is the long-term plan as you are fortunate enough to know. Such long plans are not impacted by the day-to-day transactions, choices, and decisions that rise before you at every opportunity.

But knowing the long-term trajectory, knowing you are saved in spirit, knowing you have an eternal destiny that takes you on a divine trajectory back to Divine Source from which you were issued. Knowing that all this is so, true, good, and beautiful, can provide you with ample extensions of faith in times of darkness and uncertainty. You may find great comfort in knowing your long-term trajectory is unaffected by any short-term disturbances. Rather, knowing the long-term plan and consequences before you, one can determine the power and the significance of paying attention to the growth of the self and building a soul that is of great character and great stature. This is your task, your individual job and the only one that is required of you. This task only you can do. This task performed for yourself is the service that only you can provide and it is critical to your growth and survival.

So while there is the ever present question on the minds of all the light anchors who show up to be at work in the fields of the Lord, of all the things you desire to go out and do, it is good to consider the request of your team mate in the platoon here, for you to direct your energies and intentions for the benefit of the soldier of light that you are, that you may become more effective and an even greater instrument of peace. Trust that you will be afforded many opportunities to be in service to those who pass by. There will be no shortage of chances for you to have service opportunities. But service to the self requires the discipline that only you can bring, and yet it is nothing more than you would do for any of your fellows in service to them without a thought or consideration. Do not neglect the opportunity to render service to one who requires your attention, who needs your energy to maintain and preserve the self.

Thank you all for this opportunity to run over what are some of the basics. We delight in returning to these principles, these truths, and exploring greater dimensions each time we bring them up to examine. I would leave you all tonight with the distinct message that all is well, certainly all with you who have found God and who seek to embrace the presence of your Divine Parents and who have set out on this trail to do just that, all - is - well. No matter what you think you should do or could do or would do in service, those are merely your preconceptions. Be ever ready and willing in this time of dynamic spirit change to adjust your stance and to react accordingly to another’s gestures. Be ever willing to see circumstance and opportunity as new and yet to be created rather than a repeat of a similar previous circumstance that will no doubt look the same, feel the same, and turn out the same as it did before. Mind that you, as the observer, bring your spiritual glasses through which to observe the reality before you. These glasses that bring you the depth of spirit contained in the circumstance, the amount and the degree of truth, beauty, and goodness are brought to focus looking through such spirit glasses.

Indeed, all is well, and as you are all sensing, there is a great opportunity for change wherein all may be even better. Let’s join together in response to this call and make it so, first bringing ourselves as light anchors to work on the field and arriving in good condition after self care and maintenance designed to make us good assistants in this process we wish to share. All is well. Let peace reign in your consideration of your condition because - all is well. I look forward to our future meetings which are more and more frequent and becoming more and more charged with spirit. It’s a delight to see and I look forward to meeting with you again. Farewell.

Inner Voice: I am this one’s Inner Guide, his Inner Voice as he refers to me, and I would step forward with a request. It is a request that I represent to you now through this mode of communication, through this ability to utilize vocal cords. Your Inner Guide and all the Inner Guides, Thought Adjusters, Father Fragments, small still Voice or Fragments of the Whole, All of these would desire to make the same request of you. It is simple, it is easy, and it is capable of becoming profound. It is the simple mindset and act of opening the door to my exchange and input with you by taking the conscious action of asking what your Inner Guide would respond to your question, to your longing, to your concern or to your doubt; the simple act of opening the door and asking your Inner Guide for a response and then, and this may be the most difficult component, then condition your environment within to receive that which you seek, that which you formulate as your prayer, as your intention, as your petition to your Inner Guide that you will willingly receive that which you are seeking.

This aspect is critical to the smooth reception of any transfer or communication. The Thought Adjusters do not have voice, let alone a megaphone, to get your attention. They have access to thought patterns that may be used and projected to transmit ideas, but they do not have the energy signature that identifies them as an individual mortal of the realm. That treasured component is what you share with your Inner Guide and when you combine and become as one, and literally fuse the two into one, then what was your individual energy signature is now shared by your new combination being. In this way your Adjuster receives individuality, personality uniqueness, and your joining together enforced with your Indwelling Guide assures your eternal destiny as your Inner Guide is there to lead you correctly back home.


The requests have been made as a result of utilizing this forum and jumping through these hoops of transmitter/receiver forums, meetings, arrangements, and cooperation. Such an opportunity represents a great gift of grace, and we are all very grateful to be able to express the gratitude for such a gift. Remember, it all starts with a vision. It all starts with asking for that which you seek, opening the door and presenting yourself in faith to receive an answer to your prayer and a response to your petition. It’s as simple as that but you must ask and you must expect and receive the response, the answer. Then, you must bring your faith, and it must be powerful enough to manifest this vision, to become this spirit being, this being in spirit.

Thank you for the opportunity to use this forum. I dearly appreciate the cooperation of my partner and of this group to enable this communication. Blessed are all of the light workers in the field, all the members of the platoon in play, responding to the call from on high, to rally in spirit and to create growth, to bring love, and infuse it into the equation. So be it, even now. Farewell and good night to you all.