2025-01-30-Maintaining Focus
Topic: Maintaining Focus
Group: Zoom Contact Group
Teacher: Machiventa
TR: Unknown
(Opening relative to the transcript: A couple shared about their trip to Guatemala they were currently on, and then one of the attendees shared various ideas about the kingdom of heaven from something he had read.)
Machiventa: Indeed, thank you for your focus moment on the kingdom, my friends, for as we are about our work here on Urantia, one of the greatest endeavors is to bring about awareness of both the outer kingdom and inner kingdom. I am Machiventa. Thank you for having me this evening.
Many of you see this time as turbulent and challenging and, indeed, when there is change and transformation from one set of policies to another it can cause disconcerting feelings. This time is important because we stand at the precipice of change and the question is, "what kind of change is desired?" Our greatest concern currently is how to maintain a sense of focus because when the cultural and political landscapes are shifting, it is easy to lose track of what is important and to get caught up in the emotional rollercoaster. As we mentioned a couple weeks ago, the words "shock and awe," these can apply not only to beneficial efforts but detrimental ones as well.
Each of you have spent time developing your sense of truth, beauty and goodness, building your sensitivity to spiritual reality and if our effort to make the kingdom known to your world is to succeed, the emphasis on these practices we have shared are important to help you maintain focus and not become like the tall thin plants that wave in the wind, but rather like the solid trunk with roots that have gone deep into the ground. As children of our Father Michael, we ask you to know where you have come from, where you have been, what you have been a part of, and to recognize that this time, while being a potential for material hazards, is also a great period of possibility for planting the seeds of spiritual reality in the minds of those seeking. What do Michael's children desire but peace, love and harmony, to know that the kingdom exists, to know they are part of it, and that the kingdom of heaven is within.
So we challenge you to consider what methods you might use, what techniques you can share. There will be opportunities on multiple fronts, individually particularly, and even collectively, as you desire it. As always we will continue to repeat the mantra of what it is you can do, which is to seek within, build that connection with your inner spirit of our Father, know that you are loved, and with this recognition it is far easier to share the good news than when you are caught up in the consternation. We are open to questions.
Q1: I was struck yesterday where on my Facebook a lady was talking about screaming and raging in her house about what is happening. I tried to gently explain how that might not be useful and about learning to let go of the emotional entanglements she can't control and try to foster peace within herself. She couldn't comprehend it, as there was no sense of spirituality or understanding about the kingdom of God being the will of God. It made me understand the challenges we face. I offered some more ideas and some of what I have given up to carry my peace. I don't know exactly what my question is.
Machiventa: Thank you for sharing that. Indeed, it is difficult. You have referred to this "social media," but so often it is quite isolating and when one is caught in the circular patterns of isolation it isn't always easy to break through to give them a sense of what is possible outside of that. This is particularly difficult through a medium that doesn't allow your intonation and compassion and empathy to shine through, in voice or in vision, and yet there are still opportunities to touch people who are having a struggle. Remember, the attempt to be of service is the key, because you may not always see the effects that your actions may have. She might still be raging in the confines of her home, but she might be thinking about something you said, and that is an opening even if she's still raging. So you do well to see an opportunity and to apply yourself toward service to another even if you do not know them personally or the outcome.
Q1: Thank you. I'm starting work with my murals and was thinking of creating videos with myself explaining what it is, using tone and presence, instead of just sharing walls of words. So thank you for that confirmation.
Machiventa: Yes, and the art of service is not a "one size fits all." Trusting your instincts, what your spirit is telling you while considering another's needs, is where you can artfully vary your techniques to apply different words, tones, ideas, based upon who you are dealing with and what your leading is telling you. If you do this, then the outcome is out of your hands, right?
Q1: It seems like the input also is out of my hands. If I don't know what to say, then I'm going to be transmitting you all and sometimes letting go and not knowing what I'm saying. That's your job to bring people around to us, maybe. I don't know how it works.
Machiventa: There are many layers to what you're asking. First remember that "the acts are ours, the consequences God's" and thus we are responsible for what we do, not for how it is received if our intention is pure. I would partially disagree with you that the input is out of your hands because the very act of choosing to allow spirit speak through you is an intentional act and it could be one of us, it could be a midwayer, it could be the very spirit of God within you and you do not need to know always who is inspiring you in the moment when your heart is in the right place. Just that faith leap to speak what you are nudged to share is an intentional part of the process, a piece to the puzzle, let us say.
Q1: I have a story about that. One of these pyramids here in Guatemala has all these stairways built and you have to walk up and as I was coming back down I decided to count them. So I got to one corner and out loud I said 65 and a guy coming up goes well, 179 and so we both knew how many steps we had left. Everyone around started laughing and there was a moment of camaraderie of everyone in the area talking as we filed past each other. It was like a nudge to speak it out loud which created a moment for the people around to participate in.
Q2: Earlier it was mentioned that the Mayans believe that you don't have to ask for what you want and that God knows what you want. Is that a correct idea that we don't need to ask and if we do, does it have any effect and who or what is in charge of that request? If it's answered, how is it answered, the mechanism?
Machiventa: Thank you. The Father is infinite, eternal and all knowing, so it is true that anything you could think, desire, plan, or muse about is probably foreshadowed by a realization that is contained within our Eternal Parents. In that sense, it is true that the requirement to ask is not necessary. The bigger question is, do you know what you want, do you know what you need, and how does that process happen for you to come to the realization of what it is you want or need? So while living in gratitude is a wonderful practice and few could go wrong by doing so, the practice of petitioning, of asking, of exploring is really a practice for the individual personality. And yet, of course, you are in partnership with that very Source of eternity that probably knows what you're going to ask. So this sort of back and forth from a mental standpoint of, "what came first, the chicken or the egg?" is probably not as productive as recognizing that the process of petitioning, exploring, and asking for help is a benefit for you to understand more. And our Father, of course, is intimately working alongside all those questions and answers to provide greater understanding and awareness.
It is interesting how the cultural difference in approach to awareness of our Creator has developed over the many millennia and yet each of these are probably still parts of "the elephant" even if one is viewing a different part. So yes, practice more gratitude; that is a worthwhile endeavor. And yes, ask more questions and seek for answers. When you feel you need something from our Father do not be afraid to ask even if that Source already knows the question and the answer, because in the asking, it allows for a sort of energy transference to take place. Sometimes you know the answer the moment you ask the question and it's that moment of asking the question that opens the door to the answer. So that practice is fruitful to the extent it is not caught up in the mystical ideas of gaining some magical favor or having to go through various rituals to come in favor with our Parents' grace and presence. I hope this answers to some extent, my friend.
Q2: Thank you. That's great.
Q3: I've been having a feeling about the need to share unconditional love and the technologies that can be more greatly used for good and assisting this mission. I wonder about creating an internet presence with up to date technologies that have the quest for unconditional love at the center of the objective.
Machiventa: Thank you. The challenge is always beyond the initial idea to the implementation and how it occurs. We listen to you with joy as each of you have shared great ideas about possible endeavors to shed greater light on your world, and yet we know that ideas are often simply a first step, a generation of inspiration that takes practical application for it to become realized. So recognize that there are various groups throughout your world doing exactly what you are suggesting and yet each of these communities, although varying in their size, are still minor subsects of a greater global phenomenon. Trust that these various efforts are making a difference even if it's a group of three or twenty or two thousand or more. It may not be the whole world, but it is a microcosm of this process of receiving values and turning around and trying to put them into practice for themselves and others.
Look at this Association for Light and Life, my friends. You have a beautiful vision you each have been a part of implementing and while you may be but a couple dozen, you are sharing the Fatherhood of God and the Brotherhood of Man with each other. As you do this, occasionally another adds on and another adds on. These kinds of networks are what will eventually bleed over into each other, creating a larger momentum that builds what it is you yearn to see for your world. So I would suggest, if you have the idea and some steps to take to build upon the idea, to give it a go, because it may fizzle out, but as you know and as your scientists often say, they may know a thousand and one ways that something doesn't work, but eventually they find one that does. So trust your guidance and talk about it and sure, look for ways to implement it.
Q3: It seems even in the Urantia community, there are a lot of talented people and I'm hoping we can identify people who have the technical skills to expand things. I hope you can point us toward those people who might help with this vision.
Machiventa: Yes, trust that the spirit is working alongside your inspirations to provide opportunity and with some thought and effort, perhaps more practical opportunities will arise to expand what it is you suggest, that community of unconditional love. Any other questions?
Q4: How is it going? How are things up there?
Machiventa: It is exciting, to say the least. We do not have a sense of doom. We know that the potentials are rising and although there are questions that need to be answered for our world on how it will move forward, we believe the conditions are ripe for there to be many spiritual realizations that take hold. In times of great turmoil, these are also times of great possibility and the awkward sense of uncertainty is because it is not so rooted in the foundations, the established patterns, and that is uncomfortable. But when the established patterns are not effective and have various negative features, sometimes lifting those foundations a bit is required. Our hope is that the seeds which have been planted that are starting to grow, will move things toward a positive direction of cooperation and an intention to do good for the largest number of people. While it may not seem those are the intentions you are witnessing currently at this time, understand that this transition period has a sort of back and forth pendulum effect that goes a little further and a little further.
Understand, the ideas of the rebellion are not completely gone. This desire to dominate, to control, to tyrannize, is not completely eliminated on your world. So this opportunity to recognize what isn't working or isn't functional can also provide the counterbalancing effect of more people exploring what would be more functional, what would work better. Yes, it may mean going through a period of time of having to witness various uncomfortable realities, but we believe there are enough seeds planted that will utilize this as a platform to move toward better systems, better governance, a better understanding of the individual's role in society and a better understanding of society's role in supporting the individual.
There are dysfunctions on all sides of the political spectrum. It is not one way or the other. So the question is, what are the better ways of doing things? Hopefully breaking away from partisanship is a primary effort, because partisanship stops the dialogue and as people step away from that it allows for a dialogue across different political lines to occur so that people will eventually realize that, "Wait a second, we are all brothers and sisters and how can we do something that benefits everyone?" So the conversations begin to occur, which is where the transformation will really happen. So we are, while still recognizing the difficulties you face, excited about the potentials.
Thank you for having us once again. I have enjoyed the dialogue and questions. They have been very thoughtful on multiple levels. Continue forth to trust in the plan - our plan - the plan you have been working on, some for decades, some for years, some for months. If you set yourself straight and get yourself centered within and connect with others who are also centered within and working toward those purposes, this will grow and expand and bleed over into your individual lives, in your communities, but also your collective efforts will bleed over into other arenas, your social medias, your conferences and gatherings, and this cross fertilization will occur and, quite simply, at some point the citizens of your world will demand better outcomes, better leaders, and better ideas.
Our love to you, my friends. Thank you.