2025-02-09-Focusing on Return to Natural Intelligence
Topic: Focusing on Return to Natural Intelligence...
Group: Institute for Christ Consciousness
Teacher: Michael, Monjoronson
TR: Donna D'Ingillo
PRAYER: We center ourselves in you, Divine Parents, that the information from your Indwelling Spirits may circulate our minds and bodies and uplift us into that place where we are more efficient conduits of your LOVE and the corrections you wish to make on the planet. We are grateful for the support of our Magisterial Son who is conducting the affairs of DIVINE JUSTICE, our Planetary Seraphim and other helpers. And of course, we thank our universe brothers and sisters of all dimensions for assisting us as well. What is your WILL for this call today that we may cultivate in these circuits of mind and memory, and bring about more of the rehabilitative energies that this world and humanity needs to continue to evolve in its sacred plans of evolution? Weave us together as ONE so we form a mighty field that these changes can be imparted into all of the levels of the planet from the spiritual down to the material. And may your WILL be done through your GRACE and MERCY. Thank you so much!
MICHAEL: My beloved children, PEACE we unto you. This is your Father Michael. I welcome you to join me in this very important phase of planetary rehabilitation. Your efforts are paramount to impart the changes that are necessary for your brothers and sisters to open to their human spiritual potential that we may impart more information to human mind for the solutions you need to cultivate for the corrections this world needs.
You are already embarked upon this path. We continue to support you, encourage you, and guide you. But as we have said many times before, it is you who must make these changes in the ways you feel you are being guided.
In our last time together, I encouraged you to focus on the concept of what it means to be a cosmic citizen. To move beyond the attachments you have to this planet, and to see yourselves standing in a higher form, a universe model, if you will, where you are now living a life full of purpose and meaning and value and doing your best to contribute to the growing spiritual dynamism on this planet.
In today’s infusion, we will continue to support your efforts in making more conscious strides in your awareness of your cosmic citizenship. One of the elements of your cosmic citizenship is to receive information from the universe and from your Indwelling Spirit who resides in you but is connected to the Paradise level. My dear children, you have access to more information than you can possible fathom in one human lifetime. But, as you know, the circuits that have been disconnected are now fully restored. And there is a massive pouring of information from the higher realms to expand you in this cosmic citizenship awareness that you may live from this place more fully and faithfully each day.
You are beginning to make the shift from learning what your planet teaches you to what the universe wishes to instruct you. And herein we are making provisions today to help you be more restored to your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE that will provide you with more bandwidth to perceive what you need to learn precisely where you are for you to take the next steps.
Sit with this concept for a few moments. "What is my natural intelligence? Am I using it to the fullest degree of my capacity and ability?” Take this to your Spirit, and ask this question.
Long pause here to my advertently being muted. Transmission resumes at 24:37.
Michael continues:
My children, be not dismayed by some of the technical difficulties that you encounter from time to time. Know that I am with you, and my Spirit is always penetrating with new truths to consider. Continue to focus on your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and trust that what was transmitted that was not perceive audibly by you is having an impact through your Spirit.
This is a time of great change. You are living through an unprecedented time in your planet’s history. There will be anomalies from time to time that try to interfere with your spiritual receptivity. But truly, nothing can come between you and the Father. So, focus on your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE, and I will continue to minister in you. Trust that the words that were spoken that you did not hear will be perceived through your Spirit. Even though you may not have audibly heard the words, the transmission does go out through the mind circuits and we are indeed helping you perceive what was said.
I encourage you to relax more in the NATURAL INTELLIGENCE you are all gaining through your meditations with your Spirit, and by trusting your Mother and me to help you make these inner adjustments that you may expand into what you need to learn and move into the higher circuits of MIND that are a part of your composite make-up. The universe has called to you and you have responded. Now it is a matter of letting those expansive energies continue to grow you in what you need to learn—to detach you from the planetary circuitry that is still trying to keep in states of impoverishment, enslavement, and conflict.
By returning to your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE you are providing yourself a certain kind of immunity from the planetary culture that is still yet to be completely healed and restored to its rightful connections to the universe. You are in this process now, and we thank you for your efforts and attentions in your own ways to engage with us and grow in who you are as a son and daughter of God. Let all of the previous words I have spoken to you through this transmitter, even though you did not audibly hear it, be conveyed into your mind now. Let yourself open to this and then I will turn this over to Monjoronson. Thank you. (Pause)
Your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE is innately designed to be expansive. Your intuitive faculties are designed to grow. You might consider the interference that occurred today as a blessing because now you are relying more on something unfamiliar. You might call it a sixth sense, an enhanced sense to perceive through the circuits of mind that which you did not audibly hear. Take time to ask what was transmitted during your week to come back to you so that you are relying more on your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and turning away from what the planetary mind still wants to inculcate into you. It is time to move beyond the rebellion. The circuits are now corrected and in place for you to take this step. But it is up to you. Each person must make that decision. And we know you have, but in moving in this direction toward your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and your asserting your right to live in this space, you are also providing the same dynamic to occur for your brothers and sisters.
Here is where I leave you that my Brother Monjoronson may address you as you move now to work in the circuits of planetary mind and memory to restore NATURAL INTELLIGENCE to the planet as a means for humanity open up to their intuitive faculties given to them by the Father through the universe circuits of your Holy Mother Spirit.
Live in my LOVE, my children. It is all available to you. How much can you receive? It is up to you! But know that when you step up and say, “Father I need your support. I need your love. I need your PEACE,” it will be given to you with great delight and joy. My blessings are upon you, and may you thrive each and every day in who you are becoming as a son and daughter of the LIVING GOD OF ALL REALITY. Good day.
MONJORONSON: My dear brothers and sisters, I am pleased to once again join you. This is Monjoronson. I am happy to facilitate the energies to flow through the planet from this point forward.
Feel that inner intention and need for the planet to RETURN TO ITS NATURAL INTELLIGENCE; that the universe circuits of MIND expand the intuitive faculties of human mind and memory; may grow in this dynamic and make more of that “turn-away” from the rebellion mindset and grow in what the PLANS OF CORRECTION for this world wish to convey to you.
Envision the world before you in your mind’s eye. Focus from your heart with these words: RETURN TO NATURAL INTELLIGENCE to spiral around the planet north to south poles counterclockwise. Feel that willingness for your human brothers and sisters to pick up on those signals from their Spirits. Feel your love and empathy for your brothers and sisters who have yet to perceive the Spirit Within. They have so much to learn. And it is a beautiful undertaking to see when humans agree to grow in this way—to learn the realities of LIFE and to find out who they are.
This is what you are helping them discover in themselves. All we ask is that you hold this intention and focus of RETURN TO NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and we will do the rest. But, ensure that you are in a place of great love for the brothers and sisters, for truly some of them do not know what they yet do not know and what is awaiting them to learn. (Pause)
One of the aspects of opening to your NATURAL INTELLIGENCE is a greater sense of SELF-PERCEPTION of who you are as a son and daughter of the Paradise Father. As you know, you have been given an eternal career to develop this aspect of yourself—who you truly are created in the image of God. So, I also invite you to hold this concept of SELF-PERCEPTION that it may also resonate through NATURAL INTELLIGENCE into those who need to perceive the higher reality of their SELF-EXISTENCE. There are still so many individuals who have not yet heard the call of Spirit Within.
By you holding this love and intention, you can provide more inner space for the circuits of MIND, where these levels of recognition to get into those places where the individuals’ Spirits know there is receptivity, regardless of how small or large that inner space of awareness is. The Spirit Within knows and can reach down into those places and inlay something of great truth and value for the individual to perceive. Do your best to hold these intentions: RETURN TO NATURAL INTELIIGENCE and SELF-PERCEPTION. We will continue to make adjustments. (Pause)
Invite these dynamics to move down into memory. Hold that willingness for that to penetrate into the deepest places, to liberate your brothers and sisters from the artificiality this planet teaches you and holds you in; that they may be in a place of grater SELF-PERCEPTION and RECOGNITION, and open to their own NATURAL INTELLIGENCE. (Pause)
If you wish, I invite you to hold NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and SELF-PERCEPTION in the core of the earth. Let the memory circuits be fed with this dynamic. Let it flow, flow, flow through the memory circuits and bring people into an enhanced awareness of the reality of who they are and what they have the capacity for apprehending. (Pause)
Invite NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and SELF-PERCEPTION to engage with Michael’s PLANS OF CORRECTION flowing this dynamic through the plans, releasing more minds from the scourge of the rebellion and replacing it with the DIVINE DESIGN that humanity needs for its greater rehabilitation. (Pause)
Let us now conjoin the earth plane level to Paradise. Ask for this bridge between Paradise and Urantia to strengthen that all of the circuitry of the planet may come into a seamless wholistic continuum of the flow of information Paradise, down into the planet, and return to its DIVINE SOURCE. Join us in this simple act of holding this space with gratitude in your heart that the Paradise down-grasp embrace beloved Urantia, filling it with that Paradise PERSPECTIVE of which this planet is a part of the greatest reality of all. (Pause)
My beloved brethren, see yourselves standing on the earth plane, yet your Paradise connections are holding you strong and steadily in this beautiful embrace of LOVE and REHABILITATION. May humanity’s NATURAL INTELLIGENCE rise, rise, rise and connect with all of the circuits of the universe and Paradise, that the PLANS OF CORRECTION may continue to make many inroads into the circuits of mind and memory, leading people out of the past and into the bright future awaiting you. It is all there for your cultivation, and it is up to you how you wish to participate. We encourage you to stay close to your Spirit that the Divine Inner Voice may ring more resoundingly in and through you and motivate you to do good works on behalf of the Father. (Pause)
We have completed our circuitry objectives for today, notwithstanding the technical difficulties encountered earlier. All of these dynamics will integrate and lead more individuals into this greater level of SELF-PERCEPTION that they may grow in their NATURAL INTELLIGENCE and be about what the Father has seeded in them to bring forth of their higher Selves. It is a spectacular undertaking to turn a rebellion planet around. You are now more able to face the drawing lure of the Paradise level of reality. This will continue to strengthen. As more hearts and minds turn to the Father, it will make a mighty impression on this planet for more goodness, truth, and beauty to prevail. And that, my brethren is your objective: to be it, to live it, to share it ,and to always know that in the Father ALL IS WELL.
I withdraw in this manner now and wish you all a most blessed and peaceful good day.