AP Images
Contains images and other material to supplement papers, presentations and projects: ·Photos - There are more than 6.1 million photographs from 1825 to today (up to the minute), with about 3,000 new photos added every day. ·Graphics - There are more than 198,000 graphics, including maps, timelines, logos and graphs. ·Audio - Over 4,500 hours of audio clips dating from as far back as the 1920s, including hourly newscast updated 24/7. ·Text - In excess of 2.4 million full primary source articles which can be explored via highlighted search terms as they appear in the body of the story. All content is primary source, fully-captioned, and licensed for educational use.
Photographic archive Images--photos from the AP and a wide selection of content providers including NBC Universal Photo Bank, ImagineChina, the UK Press Association, and the files of Ebony and Jet.
Time Span
1825 - present