- 1:a. a sudden breaking off or away
- b a detachment of portions from a larger mass <placental abruption>
Placental abruption (also known as abruptio placentae) is a complication of pregnancy, wherein the placental lining has separated from the uterus of the mother. It is the most common pathological cause of late pregnancy bleeding. In humans, it refers to the abnormal separation after 20 weeks of gestation and prior to birth. It occurs in 1% of pregnancies worldwide. Placental abruption is a significant contributor to maternal mortality worldwide; early and skilled medical intervention is needed to ensure a good outcome, and this is not available in many parts of the world. Treatment depends on how serious the abruption is and how far along the woman is in her pregnancy.
Placental abruption has effects on both mother and fetus. The effects on the mother depend primarily on the severity of the abruption, while the effects on the fetus depend on both its severity and the gestational age at which it occurs. The heart rate of the fetus can be associated with the severity.
- On the mother:
- A large loss of blood or hemorrhage may require blood transfusions and intensive care after delivery. 'APH weakens for PPH to kill'.
- The uterus may not contract properly after delivery so the mother may need medication to help her uterus contract.
- The mother may have problems with blood clotting for a few days.
- If the mother's blood does not clot (particularly during a caesarean section) and too many transfusions could put the mother into disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) due to increased thromboplastin, the doctor may consider a hysterectomy.
- A severe case of shock may affect other organs, such as the liver, kidney, and pituitary gland. Diffuse cortical necrosis in the kidney is a serious and often fatal complication.
- In some cases where the abruption is high up in the uterus, or is slight, there is no bleeding, though extreme pain is felt and reported.
- On the baby:
- If a large amount of the placenta separates from the uterus, the baby will probably be in distress until delivery and may die in utero, thus resulting in a stillbirth.
- The baby may be premature and need to be placed in the newborn intensive care unit. He or she might have problems with breathing and feeding.
- If the baby is in distress in the uterus, he or she may have a low level of oxygen in the blood after birth.
- The newborn may have low blood pressure or a low blood count.
- If the separation is severe enough, the baby could suffer brain damage or die before or shortly after birth.
- The newborn may have learning issues at later development stages, often requiring professional pedagogical aid.
Although the risk of placental abruption cannot be eliminated, it can be reduced. Avoiding tobacco, alcohol and cocaine during pregnancy decreases the risk. Staying away from activities which have a high risk of physical trauma is also important. Women who have high blood pressure or who have had a previous placental abruption and want to conceive must be closely supervised by a doctor.
The risk of placental abruption can be reduced by maintaining a good diet including taking folic acid, regular sleep patterns and correction of pregnancy-induced hypertension.
It is crucial for women to be made aware of the signs of placental abruption, such as vaginal bleeding, and that if they experience such symptoms they must get into contact with their health care provider/the hospital without any delay.[1]