Appendix IV: The Universe Ages
Author's Introductory Comments
The Urantia Papers inform us that time and space are associated as a mechanism of the master universe.(1303,2) The major space divisions of the master creation are the six space levels. (See Appendix III, Space Levels of the Master Universe)
The major time divisions of the master universe are the six universe ages - the age of Havona, the age of the superuniverses, and the four ages of the outer space levels. (1263, 6) We are now living in the Second Universe Age, the age of the superuniverses.
Each of the six universe ages seems to be associated with the opening and the development of a new space level. This relationship between universe ages and space levels is tabulated below:
- 1 . The First Universe Age - the Havona space level
- 2. The Second Universe Age - the superuniverse space level
- 3. The Third Universe Age - the first outer space level
- 4. The Fourth Universe Age - the second outer space level
- 5. The Fifth Universe Age - the third outer space level
- 6. The Sixth Universe Age - the fourth outer space level
We do conceive of an age after the Sixth Universe Age, but such an era would have to do with developments after the completion of the master universe. (See Appendix XX., The Post-Ultimate Age.)
In our study of the antecedents of the master universe (See Appendix I, Master Universe Antecedants), we went as far back in past eternity as we could - back to, and within, a hypothetical Zero Age. There never was such an age; it is not a factual reality, although it is a very valid concept. The Urantia Papers speak of this hypothetical era as "the dawn of eternity." (351, 5) It provides a conceptual starting point for a consideration of the beginnings of cosmic history. As we understand the usage of the term, "the dawn of eternity" designates the hypothetical beginning of a universe age that had no beginning - the age of Havona.
- (a) The First Universe Age. This is the age of Havona. The First Age, like the central universe, is a past eternal; it has no beginning in time. This age is unique in other respects: It is pre-supreme and pre-ultimate, hence pre-experiential. (13, 3) Being pre-experiential, the First Age is wholly existential. (10, 7-10) It is the only such age.
The First Universe Age would also appear to be pre-creative and pre-evolutional. For example: the Havona natives are spoken of as "the offspring of the Paradise Trinity." But, in the same paragraph, they are designated as "beings who never were created." (157, 2) Since the affairs of First-Age Havona were entirely existential, they would have to be pre-evolutional. (See also, Appendix I., §1, The First Universe Age; Appendix VI., §3, Paradoxes in the Status of Havona, and Appendix VI, §4, The Existential Mechanism.)
The First Universe Age had no beginning, but it does have an ending. It ended when the present universe age began. Perhaps this was at the time of the creation of the Ancients of Days (209, 6), or the time of the Trinity mandate directing the organization of the seven superuniverses. (222, 6)
- (b) The post-Havona ages. This term is often used to designate the five ages that follow the age of Havona. It is used because these five ages have much in common. All five have beginnings and endings in time; only the First Age is a past eternal.
All post-Havona ages are experiential. Experiential deity is actualizing in the post-Havona epochs of the master universe. (10, 6) These ages appear to be characterized by a two-way procession of ascenders and descenders. In the present universe age, the Supreme Creators and their associates are descending from Paradise to the time-space creations and the evolutionary creatures are ascending from these same creations in the Paradise ascent. (1265, 7-8)
In the next age, the finaliters will be associated with others who will serve in outer space (353, 7-9) and it is anticipated that outer-spacers will be ascending to Paradise through the perfected superuniverses. (643, 4)
- (c) The Second Universe Age. This is the present age, the age of the evolutionary superuniverses. This age is also unique--it is the age of the evolutionary growth of the Supreme Being. When he has completed his growth, this age will come to its end and the opportunity to participate in this wonderful experience will be forever gone. (353, 8) In the Second Age it is possible to have finite experience and grow by the evolutionary process; subsequent ages will not be able to participate in these adventures. (353, 7)
- (d) The expansion of destiny. The successive ages expand destiny; they provide the techniques for overriding previous growth limits. For example: First-Age Havona is a perfect universe and is a "perfection-limited" universe. In the Second Age, the present age, Havona perfection expands outward into the imperfect superuniverses to achieve new experiential destiny.
The basic reference to experiential deity in relation to the successive ages of the master universe is:
- (10, 6) Experiential deity is actualizing in the post-Havona epochs of the master universe.
There is no experiential deity in the First Age, the age of Havona, but the growth of such deity does characterize all subsequent ages. The data relative to experiential deity has been grouped under the following four headings:
- §2-A. Experiential Deity in the Present Age
- §2-B. Experiential Deity at the Close of the Present Age
- §2-C. Experiential Deity in the Post-Supreme Ages
- §2-D. Experiential Deity in the Post-Ultimate Age
- The Supreme Being
- (1166,7) The Supreme is spiritually and personally present in Havona.
- (641,4) He was there before the organization of the superuniverses.
- (1268,5) He functions primarily in Havona as a spirit personality.
- (ibid.) He functions secondarily in the grand universe as a personality of sovereign power.
- (115,5) The Father, Son, and Spirit collaborate with the Supreme, but only as the Trinity, during the present age.
- (1290,3) We cannot find the Supreme in the present age.
- (1282,7) The Supreme Being is limited in creator function.
- (1265,6-8) His growth is disclosed in the ascending and descending movements of personalities.
- (1283,2) Finite creatures have their existences within him.
- (353,7-10) The evolutionary growth of the Supreme and creature participation therein is limited to the present age.
- The Experiential Trinities
- (1291,8) The First Experiential Trinity is a qualified reality. (ibid.) The Second Experiential Trinity is a qualified reality.
- God the Ultimate
- (1166,7) The Ultimate is present in Havona but "in the absonite and superpersonal sense." (305,4) When mortals enter the finaliter corps they face the challenge of God the Ultimate.
- The Supreme Being
- (636,7) The Supreme Being will emerge and will be contactable.
- (210,2-3) The Supreme will become the experiential ruler of the superuniverses, thus superseding the Ancients of Days.
- (642,6) The emergence of the Supreme Being is associated with the withdrawal of the Supreme Creators.
- (1293,1) Superuniverse citizens may be related to the Supreme much as Havona natives are related to the Paradise Trinity.
- The First Experiential Trinity
- This trinity should form in fact with the emergence of the Supreme Being.
- God the Ultimate
- (1293, 2) The close of the present age, the dawn of the next age, will bring the challenge of God the Ultimate.
- (642, 5) God the Ultimate foreshadows his overcontrol of the universes during the advanced stages of light and life in a local universe.
- (627, 8) In the seventh stage of light and life on an inhabited world, the first absonite ministers arrive from Paradise.
- The Supreme Being
- (353, 7-10) The post-supreme ages will lack finite experience, the participation in the growth of the Supreme.
- (1268, 5) The tertiary function of the Supreme is master universe in scope, and three speculations are offered in the Urantia Papers concerning this future function:
- (ibid.) -- (a) The tertiary phase of Supremacy will have something to do with the "third level of Deity manifestation."
- (4, 13) Note: The third level of Deity manifestation has something to do with God the Absolute.
- (ibid.) -- (b) The Supreme will expand as a universe sovereign and will be superalmighty in the creations of outer space.
- (1269, 5) (c) He will give expression to some unknown aspect of mind. The mind of Supremacy is believed to have a latent potential for function that is master universe in scope.
- The First Experiential Trinity
- (1165, 8) The Architects of the Master Universe now coordinate the affairs of the master universe. Their activities will be augmented by the function of the First Experiential Trinity.
- (1166, 1) Finaliters will be carrying out the plans of the Paradise Deities as promulgated by the First Experiential Trinity. This Trinity provides for group attainment of ultimate destiny.
- (16, 4, 6) The Trinity Ultimate is unifying in completion. Such complete unification will power-personalize God the Ultimate.
- God the Ultimate
- (1296, 7) The sovereignty of the Supreme in the superuniverses will be under the overcontrol of God the Ultimate.
- (137, 3) The Ultimate is, or will be, space present to the outer limit of the master universe, but not beyond.
- (16, 4) God the Ultimate will power-personalize as the sovereign of the master universe.
- The Second Experiential Trinity
- (16, 5) The Trinity Absolute should form in fact at (1168, 2) the end of the Sixth Age, after the emergence of God the Ultimate.
- God the Absolute
- (1297, 2) Will the emergence of God the Ultimate be associated with some greater measure of the disclosure of God the Absolute?
The universe relations of the existential Paradise Deities are not changed by the experiential developments in the universes. (642, 3) We will, therefore, consider the effects of the universe ages on God the Sevenfold as it pertains to the Supreme Creators - Master Spirits, Ancients of Days, and Creator Sons. For further references to God the Sevenfold, please see: Appendix XII -- Expansion of God the Sevenfold, and Appendix XIII -- Evolution of Universe Sons and Spirits, and Appendix XIV -- Expanding Influence of the Master Spirits.
The Urantia Papers have the following general comments to make with reference to the functions, and the expanding functions, of God the Sevenfold:
- (12, 4) God the Sevenfold began to function when the seven superuniverses were organized.
- (ibid.) When the outer space universes are organized, this function will probably expand.
- (642, 6) The ages of light and life will bring an enlarged function of the Supreme Being, with a corresponding lessening of the activities of the Supreme Creators.
- (643, 1) Are the Supreme Creators to be displaced "...if God the Supreme assumes direct control..." of the grand universe?
- (ibid.) If so, are the Supreme Creators destined to service in the outer space universes?
We will consider the effects of the universe ages on the Supreme Creators under three general headings
- §3-A. The Master Spirits in Successive Ages
- §3-B. The Ancients of Days in Successive Ages
- §3-C. Universe Sons and Spirits in Successive Ages
- (185,3) The collective attributes of the Master Spirits are supreme, ultimate, and supreme-ultimate. Deduction: They have the capacity to function throughout all ages of the growth of the master universe, and on into the post-ultimate age of the master universe, which will probably witness the union of the Supreme and the Ultimate as the Supreme-Ultimate.
- (643,1) The Master Spirits may, or may not, be associated with the Supreme Being in the administration of the grand universe in the Third Age. (12,3) The Master Spirits are probably eternally fixed as permanent administrators in the grand universe.
- Deduction: The statement first above, refers to the permanent physical location of the Master Spirits, on or near Paradise. The statement second above speculates as to their administrative activities.
- (146,6) The Universal Father has to do with the functions of the Power Directors in the present universe age. Deduction: This may change in future ages.
- (184, 11) The diverse natures of the Master Spirits have conditioned the organizations of the superuniverses. The segments of outer space that are correlated with the superuniverses will also be conditioned by the diverse natures of the Master Spirits.
- (150, 6) The seven worlds of the Spirit are the ". . headquarters of the seven superuniverses and their correlated segments in outer space." Deduction: These seven worlds are the headquarters worlds of the Master Spirits (150, 2), and are the residential spheres for the Seven Supreme Executives. (198, 1) The Master Spirits are concerned with, and will be functional in, the outer space universes; and so, in all likelihood, will their administrative lieutenants, the Supreme Executives.
- (210, 3) During the present age of the incomplete emergence of the Supreme, the Ancients of Days provide a "perfect administrative overcontrol" of the evolutionary local creations.
- (12, 2) The Ancients of Days are probably going to remain in the grand universe as permanent administrators.
- (210, 2) At the close of the present age, the Ancients of Days will be superseded as rulers of the superuniverses by the Supreme Being. :(ibid.) They will continue on as vicegerents of the Supreme.
- (93, 5-6) In the post-Havona universes, the Spirit sustains the same relationship to the Son that the Son sustained to the Father in the central creation.
- Deduction: This relationship is being consummated in the local universes by the Universe Sons and Spirits - not on Paradise by the Eternal Son and the Infinite Spirit.
- (242, 1-3) Master Michaels have a capacity for function beyond the finite, but they are restricted to finite levels in the present universe age. These superfinite powers will probably remain undisclosed until the future ages when the relationship between the Master Michaels and the Seventh-Stage Creative Spirits may reach absonite levels of activity.
- (646, 2) A closer union may take place between the Universe Sons and Spirits in future ages. This union may give expression to an associate creator of ultimate status.
- (145, 2) Creator Sons, of origin in the Father and Son, have residential status on Sonarington (the world of the Son) in the present universe age.
- (250, 5) The corps of the Creator Sons have their "secret colleges" on Vicegerington, the world of the Father and the Son.
- Deduction: Creator Sons (of origin in the Father-Son), at least the Master Michaels, may possibly change their status sphere from Sonarington (the world of the Son) to Vicegerington (the world of the Father-Son) in some future age.
- (634, 9) Creator Sons are destined to service in outer space.
- (635, 3) The Creative Spirits will accompany the Creator Sons.
- (634, 9) A close relationship is developing between the Creator Sons, Creative Spirits, Evening Stars, Teacher Sons, and the finaliters.
- Deduction: They are all going to serve together in outer space.
- A study of Havona, in relation to the universe ages, falls conveniently into four divisions:
- §4-A. Havona in the First Age (See also Appendix I, §1; The First Universe Age)
- §4-B. Havona in the Second Age
- §4-C. Havona in the Post-Supreme Ages
- §4-D. Havona in the Post-Ultimate Age
We will, accordingly, examine the central universe from these four perspectives: as it was, as it is, as it will be, and as it will be in the remote future.
- (1163, 12) There were no evolutionary changes in Havona during the first universe age.
- (1294, 13) Havona was a "perfect but perfection-limited creation."
- (1280, 3-4) Concerning the growth status of creatures: a contrast is made between non-growing (stationary) beings whose growth status is as of the First Age, and others, who do grow and whose status is as of the Second Age.
Before the creation of the superuniverses the Power Centers were not required in Havona. (321, 4)
The Havona of today is not the Havona of yesterday: the spirit person of the Supreme appeared, the organization of the superuniverses produced changes, Grandfanda's arrival produced still more changes. The unification of almighty power and the spirit person of the Supreme began to take place on the pilot world of the outer circuit. (641, 4)
- (222, 5) First-Age Havona differs from Havona today.
- (1163, 12) Being co-ordinated with the evolutionary superuniverses, Havona, itself, is undergoing certain changes.
- Deduction: The Second Age introduced evolutionary growth into Havona. (321, 4) Power Centers were stationed in Havona in the Second Age. (287, 5) The Circuit Spirits appeared after the original creation of Havona, but were not discovered in function until the superuniverses were organized.
- Proposition: Grandfanda's arrival inaugurated many changes in Havona.
- (296, 5) Certain Paradise Citizens used to act as first executive assistants to the Eternals of Days; since the arrival of Grandfanda, they have had the oversight of the creature-trinitized sons on the inner Havona circuit. (271, 6) The Graduate Guides made their first appearance. (287, 6) Secondary Supernaphim began to be created. (291, 1) Paradise Citizens began their pilgrimage, outward through Havona, when Grandfanda landed on the pilot world of the outer circuit.
- (1294, 13) Havona perfection is self-limiting. When Havona is associated with the superuniverses it can escape the limitations imposed by pre-evolutionary perfection.
The Havona of today is, to some extent, reflective of the needs of tomorrow. We can deduce some of these needs by an examination of certain citations:
- (222, 5) Even now, the central universe is undergoing certain slow changes in anticipation of the needs of the post-supreme ages. :(217, 8) There are one billion Universal Censors stationed in Havona; they are there in anticipation of the needs of future universe ages.
- (221, 7) Havona natives may sometime stop entering the corps of the finality.
- Deduction: The process, long continued, would deplete the population of the central universe. (222, 1-4) In the post-supreme ages the population of Havona may change. It may include univitatia, Third-Age mortals, and outer space citizens.
- (156, 11-12) Besides finite creatures (of a material, morontial, and spiritual nature), Havona harbors beings that are classified as absonite and ultimate.
- (163, 3) Havona will be the final training universe when the superuniverses are providing intermediate instruction for the graduates of the schools of the outer universes.
- Deduction: Havona will be functioning as an absonite training universe in the post-supreme ages.
This is a post master-universe age. This is the Final Age, the age of the conjectured Cosmos Infinite. What will be the relation of the central creation to the developments of this far-distant era?
- (160, 5) Certain activities in Havona are described as "Supreme-Ultimate evolutional."
- Deduction: Havona will still be a pattern universe of divine perfection in, and to, the master universe in the Final Age. We have deduced the Supreme-Ultimate is an association of Dual-Deity that is post-ultimate, and one which will function in the master universe. (251, 4)
- (156, 13-14) Besides finite and absonite creatures, Havona harbors beings that are classified as co-absolute and absolute.
- (163, 3) The opinion is expressed that the " . . . potentials of eternal Havona are really unlimited. . ." and this divine creation has the capacity to serve as a graduate school for any type of being that may ever appear.
It will be convenient to study the superuniverses under three general headings, as they are affected by developments in the universe ages:
- §5-A. The Transitional Times Between the First and Second Ages
- §5-B. The Superuniverses in Light and Life
- §5-C. The Superuniverses in the Post-Supreme Ages
The superuniverses will, of course, persist into the post-ultimate age -the age of the completion of the entire master universe. Since the Urantia Papers are silent on their status and function in these remote eras, no study is made of their relationship to these distant times.
It may prove helpful to analyze the sequence of events that marked the transition from the First to the Second Universe Age - from the times of Havona to the age of the grand universe- from the times of the central universe to the age of the seven superuniverses. The story is not completely clear, but it seems to unfold in a series of steps that appear to have a reasonable sequence relationship.
- (a) The unqualified concept of the First Age.
- (91, 7) The Third Person eternalized simultaneously with Havona, and since he is eternal, so also is the central universe.
- (157, 2) Like Havona, the Havona natives "never were created."
- Deduction: The original inhabitants of the central universe are without origin - eternal.
- (b) Terminus of the First Age - before the "near times of eternity."
- (110, 6) When the Infinite Spirit personalized this completed "the existential cycle of Deity personalization," and the next Deity personalizations were not co-ordinate but were subordinate (subabsolute) - the Seven Master Spirits.
- Deduction: The appearance of experientials probably marks the beginning of the end of the First Age. The First Age is existential.
- (13, 3) God the Supreme is not a past-eternal being, he has experienced an historic universe origin. He was in existence in Havona, as a spirit person, before the organization of the superuniverses.
- (203, 2) The Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits are coexistent with the Seven Master Spirits.
- (287, 5) They are not a part of the original Havona creation. They were created by the Master Spirits, probably in response ". . . to the emerging purpose of the Supreme Being."
- (319, 10) Prior to the "near times of eternity" (and the creation of the Power Directors), the Force Organizers had jurisdiction over the energy circuits outside of Havona.
- Deduction: Energy activities were taking place in the superuniverse space level long before the organization of the seven superuniverses.
- (c) The "near times of eternity" and the "dawn of time."
- (256, 3-4) Following the creation of the Spirits of the Circuits in Havona, the Conjoint Actor created the Solitary Messengers. They have existed since the "near times of eternity. " They are the first of the creations of the Infinite Spirit to be conscious of time ... to be personalized in time and spiritualized in space."
- (256, 5) Solitary Messengers appeared "in the dawn of time."
- Deduction: The "dawn of time" is synonymous with the "near times of eternity."
- (319, 10) The Power Directors (created by the Master Spirits) and the Power Centers have existed since the "near times of eternity."
- (198, 1) Probably, at about this point, the Supreme Executives were trinitized by the Paradise Trinity in accordance with the specifications of the Master Spirits.
- (199, 6-7) The fifty Reflective Spirits (including Majeston) were created "in the dawn of time." The Master Spirits and the Supreme Being participated in this episode.
- (222, 6) The last order of Paradise Citizens was created at the time of the Trinity mandate which set forth the plan for the seven superuniverses.
- (d) The beginning of superuniverse history.
- (209, 6) The first entry in recorded history on Paradise is the record of the trinitization of the Ancients of Days.
- Deduction: Any creation prior to the Ancients of Days is pre-history and pertains to the "near times of eternity," or to the "dawn of time," or to the First Age.
- (287, 5) The Seven Spirits of the Havona Circuits were discovered to be in function when the grand universe was organized.
- (203, 1) They are in liaison with the Supreme Executives and synchronize with the Supreme Being.
- (164, 2) Early in the materialization of the post-Havona creations, they were divided into seven segments and the headquarters worlds of each superuniverse were constructed. The Ancients of Days have ruled the supercreations from "near eternity."
- (1274, 1) The first act of collective creation by the Master Spirits resulted in the Seven Supreme Power Directors. Thereupon the spirit circuits of the Master Spirits "differentiated from the physical activities" of the Power Directors. And it was at this point that the cosmic mind appeared ". . . as a new factor co-ordinating matter and spirit."
- (319, 10) This happened in "the near times of eternity."
- (12, 4) "The function of God the Sevenfold dates from the organization of the seven superuniverses."
In this section, we are considering the state of affairs when the superuniverses are settled in light and life, but before the events of the outer space creations have made an impact on these regions.
- (210, 3) The Supreme Being will be the experiential sovereign of the seven superuniverses.
- (1292, 10-11) The Supreme Being may become resident on Uversa. The boundaries between the superuniverses may be removed and the grand universe will begin to function as a perfected and integrated whole.
- Observation: This is a cosmic parallel of what happens on a planet when the evolutionary races are first segregated (to individualize cultural developments) and then are blended under the Adamic regime. (726, 2-4) The Unqualified Supervisors of the Supreme will constitute the high administrative body on each superuniverse capital. They can make direct contact with the absonite level. They personalize time-space supremacy, and accordingly do not work in Havona.
- (643, 4) The Supreme may administer the superuniverses with or without the collaboration of the Master Spirits.
- (636, 5-6), (210, 2-3) The Supreme will supersede the Ancients of Days as the sovereign of the seven superuniverses.