Category:Indian Philosophy
The term Indian philosophy may refer to any of several traditions of philosophical thought that originated in India.
Chatterjee and Datta give this definition, explaining that a cornerstone of Indian philosophy is a tradition of respect for multiple views:
"Indian philosophy denotes the philosophical speculations of all Indian thinkers, ancient or modern, Hindus or non-Hindus, theists or atheists....
Indian philosophy is marked... by a striking breadth of outlook which only testifies to its unflinching devotion to the search for truth. Though there were many different schools and their views differed sometimes vary widely, yet each school took care to learn the views of all the others and did not come to any conclusions before considering thoroughly what others had to say and how their points could be met.... If the openness of mind — the willingness to listen to what others have to say — has been one of the chief causes of the wealth and greatness of Indian philosophy in the past, it has a definite moral for the future." Chatterjee and Datta, pp. 3 & 4.
The Sanskrit term for "philosopher" is dārśanika, one who is familiar with the systems of philosophy. p. 497.
Common themes
Indian thinkers viewed philosophy as a practical necessity that needed to be cultivated in order to understand how life can best be led. It became a custom for Indian writers to explain at the beginning of philosophical works how it serves human ends (puruṣārtha).Chatterjee and Datta, p.12.
Pages in category "Indian Philosophy"
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