Central Race
The Central Race is an ancient race based on the same genetic template as humanoid life elsewhere within the 7th Superuniverse. This template is interconnected and does not relate on an evolutionary scale so much as a density scale. The density of vibration of one planet within the 7th Superuniverse is unique among all other planets, and it is this vibratory condition that prescribes the biogenetic template’s characteristics and thus its propensities and capacities.
Soul carriers of the highest order are no more evolved than the least – as they serve precisely the same functional purpose, only at a different rate of vibration. Indeed, in many ways the soul carriers that are designed to operate in dense vibrations are more sophisticated and evolved than those designed for the more rarified vibrations of the Central Universe. Each soul carrier is part of an unbroken chain of biogenetic structures that are each based on the same configurable template that enables the individuated consciousness to interact on a near-infinite number of organic and synthetic planets and spatial environments.