Chapter 10/Amnesia Factor

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Primary and Secondary Realities

It was unexpectedly learned during a question-answer session in 1972 that selected groups of interested people (those who have transitioned over to other reahns), were gathering around whenever Lenora and I got together. Before evaluating the creative wisdom behind a planetwide amnesia factor, it could prove beneficial if the details surrounding this discovery were revealed.

I stated, "Dreams seem to occur intermixed, both positive and negative. It would be far more comfortable to us if those negative dreams disappeared . . . "

This is true, but there are those areas of the mind that arecausing you to be aware of these areas as yet. Continue with diligence and you will find that this fades in time. Thisis the old inner self throwing up images to you, to cause a disconcerting area in your life. Do not be troubled.

"Pertaining to man's evolutionary growth, how is primitive 'burlap' transformed into robes worthy of a 'Son of God?'"

The thread you speak of is not as a burlap thread compared to the gossamer robes-but is more as a heavy cord of nylon which, through the refinement of time, becomes more as a narrow, almost invisible cord. Know that it is the same material, only refined. It is the same process, but on a higher level or plane. All things are basically of the same material, and yet each has the ability to reflect a different light, a different chord, a different time, a different feel.

"But why create all these different planes and complex forces? Wouldn't it be far easier to have just one realm on each planet, and ... ?"

This is to be a creation of "perfection" and there is no need to skimp on the materials nor the "time." Know that these are things which have been for many, many, many, many, many, many, many aeons, and it is not necessary to speed up the progress. It is gradually gaining momentum and perhaps to your eyes it is imperceptible, but know that it is being done, and it "shall be."

"One wonders how such vast power and creativity is hidden from man's senses? It must be the opposite view, that man's mind is like a sievel"

Much flows through his consciousness and much is nonrecognized there. However, the greatest degree of this comes on the unconscious level. This is the reason that he has so many of his traumas and phobias. This is the reason that he has so many of his nervous breakdowns and so many of his problems. Many of them are not of his own making or of his own doing, only of his own receiving and not having the ability to protect himself. This has not been "taken" from him, but is not "recognized" by him. He is coming to an understanding of this, and things shall change. Know that even as you have witnessed the tremendous power that is within a seed-so that it can break through cement walks and concrete walls-even as this tiny seed is a tremendous power, so these powers which come from without are of (the magnitude of). 1,000,000,000,000,000 ... and on ... times that in energy.

"How does one protect oneself in daily life?"

You will find that daily meditation can be extremely effective as a reminder to the Inner Self . .. the Higher Self remains on guard, but the Inner Self needs daily programming, daily encouragement.

"There seem to be many among us who do not clearly understand, or interpret in different ways, the real meaning of Christ's mission to this planet. What can be given to clarify this issue for the many different branches of Christianity?" (With a gentle trace of sadness came the following:)

These are the ones who miss the point of life that is deep within them. They need to understand that this is one who has come as a "way show-er" and a redeemer. They may not follow that one known as the Christ, but by trying to pattern their lives after this particular universal "set of values/' they can then become more whole or complete themselves.

This was the sign of one who had completed a circle of incarnations and was perfect in His own being. He was with the Father from the beginning, as were all mortals, and yet few if any are able to realize that this "was" their beginning, and this "shall be" their end.

We reflected on the many sayings and parables, the teachings to His own brothers and sisters to help open their eyes. And here, once again, were the seraphim, eternally dedicated to their chosen tasks of helping every man, woman, and child expand in love and understanding. Lenora and I paused to mentally thank these angelic guides for their help. Suddenly, an answer came:

There is no need. it is always of benefit, not only to those two who sit here, but to those who are watching on from other realms, for great growth comes through many channels. Know that as you work, you are helping others to develop, those who are unseen, unheard on your plane, in your level.

"Do you mean we're not alone, that there are other observers here?"

Those who have need, those in your particular group at this time appear to be about forty . . . perhaps thirty seven might be an accurate count.

"Hm . . . That's a sizeable groupl What can these people hope to learn from usP We have lived in total darkness as pertains to their realm."

These are the ones who are closest to the physical incarnation as yet. Many of them have suffered through the very same things that you have. It is because ofthis that they are able to see the growth that you are making. This means that they are learning on a very elementary level, and they will then be ready to accept the position that they hold in this" world.

They are the ones who did not delve nor dig into this in the earth incarnation, and thus their questions are numerous, even as those who yet rely on the earth for sustenance. They are brought through understanding patrons who know that it must be given in this manner, for only as they see others coping with the same problems, can they then accept the answers. If they were to look to the High Masters on this side, they would be so dazzled by the light that they would refuse to accept the answers-even as they came-feeling very unworthy to acknowledge that this is for them.

"Are they interested in scientific fields, such as Time, Space, Motion, or uoiversal concepts and meanings?"

Not necessarily. We are able to witness, or "vision," those things which have been created and are continuing. But to understand that you understand is well-to understand that you are coping with your Inner Self and are seeking to the higher realms, so that when you cross over, you will "bypass" much that is even now going on-is important for us to know and to witness. These who are here today are of a generally higher evolvement than many with whom we work. We take them to those areas where we feel the best can be given or done for that particular problem, or being. There are those to whom your mind would seem like an angelic kingdom, were you to probe their depths of darkness. These we do not bring to you-only those who are able to comprehend those areas that you speak of, are present. Know that they are those who have learned and have forgotten, and have forgotten to seek at a meaningful time in their lives. Thus it is that they are ready to receive, ready to move on, but there are some points that are necessary to be clarified for them.

"Are there educational institutions in their realm?"

Yes, but their qualifications are not as yet adequate to enter these. In due season they shall be given the opportunity.

I take it that this isn't one of their field trips . . . like, Let's all go visit the «funny farm" today?" Lenora laughed, said she could sense their laughter, then replied, «No, it's serious."

Well, although we can't see you, it's a bit of an honor to us that someone would think enough of our question sessions to want to join us. I don't have any more questions for today, but we've learned much. I'm grateful ... "

You have now stepped over the threshhold into a new room, or an inner delight. You have found that there is a great deal that can be given you daily, and this is as a food or manna for you. Continue in your searching, for there is no lack of patience with us. There is only the thought that those who are willing will turn, an d as each one turns, we are indeed gratified. Be patient with yourself and others, even as we have been patient with you. Know that there is an essence in all mankind that is beauty and harmony. Know that this needs to be brought forth and can only be done so through love and patience, through time and effort. Energy is there, but must be expelled or released. Joy is great in these other realms when new ones join the ranks of believers, of seekers.

Answers to our three original questions-"What am I?" "What am I for?" and "Why?"-may be found by commencing with the timeless teaching that God is omnipotence (all potency, power and energy), omnipresence (is within and without everything everywhere), and omniscience (is all knowledge, all wisdom). Therefore, God is the 'ALL.' Such an ALL or Universal God might also be described as the Divine Collective of all intelligences in the Universe of universes, yet we know that the Whole is greater than the sum of its parts. (A poem is more than ink and paper.) Such an all-pervading boundless God may be considered limitless, timeless, and infinite, One Who's cup is full to overflowing.

To track down the "Why?" of creation, it might prove interesting to reverse man's usual (limited) way of trying to ascertain God's purpose. Man, being very contracted, desires only to "expand." He forever desires "more." He eternally strives to fill his half-empty cup. The reversal of this limited theme reveals a different situation. From the standpoint of One Who's cup is already full to overflOwing, anything "more" becomes insignificant, superfluous, even redundant. Rather, such a vast Intelligence might eventually desire the exact opposite of those freedoms that man seeks to obtain; namely, to seek defined "boundaries", to create "self-limits" within which to live, to grow, to move, and to have individual "being."

How could this be accomplished? Consider the ocean as one example of primary reality. By the ocean's acceptance of "limits" or "boundaries" (the ocean bed below, the air above), a tension is created on its surface. This tension reacts in equal and opposite directions (up and down) to form a completely new phenomenon: "wave motion." These "waves" are quite real, but they are classed as "secondary realities." Waves in reality are the ocean. Their existences are purely temporary. (The secondary reality of the "audience" exists only so long as primary realities, real people, are gathered together. When the people depart, the audience ceases to exist.)

Observe the rolling play of the waves as they appear to travel great distances across their source, the ocean. By the acceptance of "self-limitations" (its surface boundary and its bottom), the ocean has achieved a totally new mode of expression. Through these new "secondary realities," the ocean may experience the joys of Time-Space-Motion. And is this all?

Consider the wave. It too has surface tension that produces tertiary realities, or "wavelets" on the wave itself. And the wavelet? It has surface tension also, producing ripples on its surface boundaries. And on and on it goes. It can be easily seen that by accepting limitations, boundaries, and conditions, an endless series of new expressions becomes actively possible. Even the atom is revealed as «wave phenomena."

How might an infinite "ocean" of Consciousness limit Itself? One subtle method might be that of immersing a spark of Its Consciousness into an energy-field with a spherical boundarylayer. (Perhaps a bubble will serve as a suitable analogy, if the air within the bubble is seen as consciousness.) But such a conscious bubble-simply knOWing Itself as "I" -would not be able to motivate Itself. By defining Itself further, by donning a second, stronger bubble (i.e., a denser energy-field with stronger boundary-layers), It can perhaps-now knOWing Itself as "1 AM" -achieve a primal mode of expression; but yet without «movement," since this necessitates something else-some other something to move in relation to. Without another something nearby, there could be no way to determine self-motion. Thus It must enfold Itself with a third, even denser' field boundary-layer, and It can now cognize something" other than" Its own inner Consciousness. It can now state: "1 AM THAT." When this conscious Entity creates a further expression of Itself, by donning a fourth 'bubble,' It discovers that this next density of energy boundary-layer reflects consciousness like a mirror. Gazing at this new mode of consciousness, It now states: "I AM THAT 'I' . . . "But the situation hasn't really changed, as far as "motion" is concerned, so It proceeds to create a state of "being"

Self Individualization.png

for this new seconoory consciousness by enfolding Itself in a yet denser field of energy, the fifth 'bubble.' Recognition of this new secondary being enables It to state: "I AM THAT 'I AM'." Or: "I AM THAT BEING" is the statement of the Parent-Creator that reveals a direct relationship, the eternal link between Self and Not-self: (the Father in the Son, and the Son in the Father.) The Two, in reality, are One. Yet one is Source, (or Parent), and the other is Its created, liVing Reflection, (a living Soul.) The primal "motion" can be seen as the flash of recognition between the Two. This living "flash" of the Light of Consciousness is Spirit. Thus is the One enabled to express Itself as the Three-in-One (Trinity) by the process of accepting Self-limitations. When It enfolds in even more boundary-layered energy fields, these serve as Its vehicle, a "body."

It can now be classified as a separate "Being," existing within the All Consciousness, yet apart from It, separated by interpenetrating layers of energy fields extending from the subtlest to the gross. One might note that the denser the field boundarylayer, the greater the tension-pressure and therefore the stronger the bodily structure; but because of these greater tension-pressures, the limitations on consciousness and body would be proportionately greater.

Then by selecting different combinations of surface "wave" vibrations, different forms and textures can be created. An inner creative Intelligence might appear outwardly disguised as a bird, a tree, a mouse, a squirrel, an elephant, a cloud, a snowflake, a rock, a human being, or anything. The quality and extent of development of the sensory systems would seem to be the determining factors in the clarity of Its perceptions, since the Inner Intelligence must perceive "through" the body's sensory "windows." And specific types of life experiences would "condition'" the inner Intelligence to specific modes of thought, feeling, and value, (i. e. mouselike feelings, birdlike senses, human thoughts, angelic values). But of what relative value is one bird? It would seem necessary to create other birds with which to relate. And it would then become necessary to create trees in which to nest, soil for the trees to stand in, and on it would continue, ad infinitum. Quite a lovely "Game" comes into focus, if one can view such an infinite process as creative "Play." Butto create and indwell such a vast number simultaneously would require a technique of "pulsing" Its Consciousness between them all, and multiplex would suffice. The marvel is this: each individual micro-sequence "mind" would have to be precisely separated and coordinated with all other micro-sequence minds (in that mental spectrum) so that nO "cross-talk" interference could disrupt the operation of each individual "channel" of thought. Answers (via Lenora) indicate that the God-Spark is the Controller of Time and Space spectra.

How can all these planes coexist on this planet? In our own atmosphere we have a similar activity: the interpenetration ofTY waves, radar waves, radio waves, sunlight, and sound waves, all ripple along in the same space. But no one of these affects the others because they each operate in a different wavelength spectrum. The intermixing of different wavelengths does not disturb other spectra. And, even if it were necessary to provide spatial separation, the tiny atom is likened to our solar system, containing vast areas of space within its orbital boundaries. There would seem to be more than enough room to go around.

A belief as old as mankind, rather firmly entrenched, is the accepted and unquestioned statement: "I am this body." Yet the science of biology certifies that all cells replicate (mitosis), or divide to duplicate themselves. How often? This varies, but it is known that every cell in the human body changes at least once during every seven year period of life. The body constantly changes. In juxtaposition to this constant change, one's inner identity never changes. The self-awareness, the sense of "I," remains changeless even in amnesia patients.

If the bodies we inhabit today are not the same bodies we had seven years ago, then it would seem obvious that we must be something other than our bodies. True freedom, true eternal freedom, becomes immediately apparent when one realizes that each of us is the driver of the body-vehicle, not the vehicle itself.

Once the separation between Self and vehicle is seen, then many of the older teachings reveal deeper, more profound meanings. Two examples are as fullows: (from the wisdom of Kung Fu Masters)-"Fear and cowardice are only the body's wisdom as to its own weaknesses. Bravery and courage are but the body's wisdom as to its own strengths." Another insight: "A thousand years spent contemplating the world is worth less than one day spent observing the mind." The key within this latter gem is this: when one turns within to observe the mind, one realizes there is an active awareness of consciousness. Who is it that is aware? It is the innermost you who is aware, your Essential True Selfwho is consciously aware of the mind, which is but a reflection of the. Pure Consciousness that is your essence, your BEING.

It has been stated that the nucleus of each mind is an isolated Divine Spark of the "All Consciousness," or God Absolute. This loving, Divine God-Spark seems to have created a "reflective field" within the mind, the better to see Its image. This is recognized as self-consciousness. And to the question, "What is man for? we can now conjecture: man functions as one necessary, reflective facet of an infinite Cosmic Mirror, in which Universal God comes to know Itself, to realize all facets of Its diverse nature.

And as each of these reflective parts becomes clearer, more polished and refined, then more perfectly can Universal God come to a realization of Its unfolding status as God Supreme-a Time-Space God-through each one of us who lives in time and space. To deny experience, then, would prevent God from total realization. Each person's eflbrts are said to spread waves through the universe, actually helping Cosmic Self-realization. The Time-Space God "becomes." It follows an ongOing wavepath of evolution that "It knew not" as God Absolute. The Absolute simply "IS" . . . as a still, motionless ocean.

As the ocean forms the waves, so God forms time-space beings. If each ripple is in reality the ocean, then man is the Soulbeing. A Soul eVidently becomes a human being when It projects Itself into a time-space framework. (This has a parallel in "Betty the mother" who projects herself onto the stage of a theater, acting for a time the secondary life of the heroine "Elizabeth," while her primary ongoing life remains forgotten in the background.) The microscopic consciousness of each cell, multiplied by the millions of its neighboring cells, becomes one unit of a "collective organ consciousness" such as Joe's Heart, of Reader's Digest fame. But these subconscious clusters hardly compare with human intelligence. We may be conscious "of" certain organs, but not "as" these organs. Once again, the Whole is greater than the sum ofits parts. Up in the pilot's seat, acting as the Captain of these trillions of tiny crewmembers, is something «more," someone "greater." It is not the Soul, since we are told that Soul Consciousness remains constantly aware of all Its many personalities. Yet we postulate that man is the eternal Soul. What are the differences between these two apparently separated levels of consciousness?

The first (and most obvious) is that the Soul remains consciously aware of Its Source. Man does not. Unlike the Soul, man lives an isolated existence in one plane and seems to have no memories of his eternal past. Also, man assumes life in one of two sexual forms, either male or female, and dons a body of a specific color, lives in a specific culture, and adopts a specific racial heritage.

New question: Does a driver of a car ever think, "Gosh I ... My car is naked!"? Why not? Is it because he knows he is something "other than" the car? The Eden scene in Genesis neatly symbolizes "descent" from Soul Consciousness into bodies. Adam and Eve had no thought of nakedness (prior to the so-called descent, which actually occurs at birth and is more like switching television's UHF back to VHF), simply because they knew they were the "drivers." They clearly recognized their physical bodies for exactly what they were: "vehicles" in which to explore and experience the beauties of this world, in which to go anywhere they desired.

Before probing into the question of why this "descent" became necessary, it is essential to examine the key which explains this whole puzzle. Only by blocking off all their memories of the past, of their true status, of their all-knowing Source, could they have ever come to a false belief that they were merely their bodyvehicles. And as this narrowing of conscious focus took place, one can even now imagine the surprised exclamations echoing out of the Garden, "Good heavensl . . We're naked as jaybirds!"

The real question is this: "What is the point of contracting, of leaving the Edenic state for the limitations of the flesh?" The answer lies hidden within the process of creativity. There is one particular type of being that cannot be instantly created-an experienced person. To gain experience, one must actually enter the time-space stream and live through the experiences. All limitations-including parental upbringing, community laws and standards, moral and educational teachings, peer group pressures-combine to produce that exquisite, unique, multifaceted gem known as "personality." And what did we think a totally" impersonaf' God Absolute was all along hoping to become?

What is the greatest universal adventure of all time? A gradual blending of Absolute and relative will unfold a God Supreme, which translates: a combined God and person will blossom into a personal Time-Space God, will open the door to realization of the next stage of Godhood.

"Man" is herein defined as: an intelligent micro-sequence of Soul Consciousness which is projected into a time-space-motion framework for the purpose of experientially evolving a personality; which occupies and operates the voluntary control systems of the body-vehicle; which uses the body's sensory mechanisms for its expressions and perceptions; which retains a reflective awareness of its I consciousness; and which has had all knowledge and memory of his true status and past history temporarily blocked off, (i.e., the Amnesia Factor).

A self-conscious intelligence, one whose prime function is the evolVing of personality, will find it necessary to expand its Selfawareness. Man can hardly cope successfully with the demands of his environment while burdened with the incessant desires, needs, and hungers of his body-vehicle. He needs some method of lifting the strict limitations from his conscious focus, a way to re-become the "driver" instead of the slave. This would require a method of progressively refining the body's nervous system and brain, since these two form the "dark glasses" through which the inner intelligence "sees" and evaluates the environment. To successfully cope, one needs clear, balanced "glasses."

Clinical research on a broad scale suggests that Transcendental Meditation spontaneously and effortlessly produces these exact results. TM has been shown to Simultaneously refine the nervous system and synchronize the brain wave function of both cerebral hemispheres. This indicates that instead of one mental "wheel" slipping in the mud with a loss of energy, TM produces a positraction effect which synchronizes and equalizes the load. TM gradually eliminates former "wheel spinoing" and produces efficient forward progress.

The results to be obtained from refining one's conscious focus are an easier, more successful life, enriched senses, a greater sense of fulIDlment, and the realization of each person's full potential. Rather than struggling along with merely a small percentage of one's mental capacity, full potential Signifies the availability of 100 percent in all aspects of life. The profound clarity and insight of those who have reached this state in history are regarded as amazing.

Another view is that it would be quite necessary for each person to experience the full range of feelings, emotions, and thoughts, in order to produce a balanced, symmetrical personality. The sad use of power by an unbalanced personality is well understood, especially by the victims.

Additionally, the time-reactions of karma (both good and bad) are said to be slower in lower levels of consciousness, quickening as one expands the focus. It would seem advantageous to gain "time" for the growth process by starting life at an "inoocent"" level of consciousness, such as an amnesia patient or a newborn infant. At highest levels, karma is said to be instantaneous, and, in such an environment, one's actions would bring instant reactions. But who can know all the laws of the universe? "SpontaIleous Right Action" is one benefit resulting from TM. With such an easy technique available, it is no longer necessary, nor even advisable, to be concerned with past karma. Just as stresses are dissolved, TM gradually dissolves past karma. The two are quite synonymous.

The amnesia factor also serves as a necessary safety factor. Without it, one would have memory-recall of certain power factors within each individual, the indiscriminate use of which could produce a churning chaos. Each must achieve a high degree of integrity before attaining higher consciousness, and "spontaneous right action" would seem the easiest path to try.

A powerful assist com es with the discovery that all persons on this planet were sent here from other star systems to enroll in a highly experimental "school" of rapid growth; that each man, woman, and child contains within the nucleus of the mind a priceless, sparkling God-Spark of the Absolute Source of Creation which is unlimited in potential and forms a bond of equality throughout all races, all members of humanity; aud that every single one of us is equally loved and cherished by that God-Force with an intensity beyond thoughts or description.

That which words cannot describe, experience often can. TM enhances and expands all the senses and, although it is definitely not a religion (simply a deeper form of rest), it adds greater and richer values to one's inner experiences as well as one's outer activities. It is said that TM easily accomplishes this because of the existing link between rest and activity. One foot walks, the other rests. In this way, all similar cycles are linked together. The more profound the rest, the more enriched become one's experiences. And, surprisingly, these start with the first day of meditation.

When questions were asked about life on this planet and the amnesia factor as a necessary condition, Herod and Harold briefly stated:

This is the way, the order, the method of ongoing, progressive growth. All levels seek to assist in this evolutionary expansion of God Supreme. They love to do this, it is a joy.

Then was asked, "Is the loss of memories at birth merely a matter of taking on a new body, or is there more?"

It is many times for the emotional and mental health or welfare of that particular being. There are those who are able to recall or remember, and this is when there is a definite purpose to be accomplished. However, it is not just because of the new body, but that the Soul has chosen to blind itself from past experiences so that it will be able to be more open and adjustable in the new situation.

"We humans view this world as a primary reality. Perhaps it would be more correct to think of it as a temporary, secondary reality, and that our real life and identities originate from some other realm or star system?"

This is the way that man needs to learn to look at his own "being," for through this, he will then do the very best that he is able, in each incarnation, feeling that this is total and apart from anything else. . . for in one sense it is, and yet the Total Soul is that which lives in "all time".

"And this Soul remains always aware ofIts eternal identity?"

Y.e.s.,. very much so .

"And each of us, in reality, is an eternal, ongoing Soul-Being?"

Truer words were never spoken.

"How far should we expand this book? There are so many more areas."

Do not give them too much on a silver platter. Give them the option and the privilege of searching and seeking, so they will then have the satisfaction and pleasure of finding their own answers-of forming their own conclusions in the light of their own particular knowledge-that this might become a work of their own creation something that reflects their own inner beauty.

And this ended the sessions. Lenora suddenly chased away my feeling of loss with her unforgettable exclamation, "Say! Do you realize, do you really realize what we've found? Everyone is immortal! We'll all live forever!"

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