Chapter 2/Amnesia Factor
"Wonder if I've forgotten anything?" I pondered. I rechecked my supplies, the line cord and mike, the cassette recorder, notebook and pen, the pretty bouquet of Howers, then loaded the pile into my car, Betsy, and warmed up her engine. I reHected that I really knew very little about Lenora. She had four lovely children; her husband was a contractor. I had been advised that her gift of telepathy was not yet widely known.
Arms loaded with supplies, I rang the doorbell and Lenora's warm, cheerful lice greeted me. She cordially invited me in and, genuinely delighted with the Howers, disappeared into the kitchen for a vase. I found a handy wallplug fur my recorder and was testing the mike when she returned to place the Howers on the dining room table. Flashing a quick smile, she seated herself and began the conversation.
Discussing telepathy, I learned that her abilities had not appeared suddenly; rather, they had emerged from practicing a form of "automatic writing." Lenora had gradually become aware that she could feel the answers to questions even before she wrote them down. She had then been helped by friends to learn to unblock and allow the information to freely How through her mind and voice. Gradually, over a period of years, this ability became quite fluid. Lenora remains conscious at all times.
"Now, what would you like to ask?", Lenora commenced. Starting up my tape recorder, I mentioned the date: "June 25th, 1971," then proceeded to ask my first question, one that pertained to my fifteen-year-old son, Bill. "My son was born with a badly twisted right leg. Despite surgical techniques and considerable therapy, it appears that the leg will never be normal. Was this karma (cause and effect) from a previous life?"
Lenora paused, looked into the far distance, then slowly relayed:
This was not karmic . .. no, this was a physical defect, something that is not to be of great harm to this child. It is something that will cause him to be more slow in outer activities, but only so that he will develop his mental capacities to the greatest possible degree. Books mean a great deal to him . ...... a decathlon athlete in Greece.
Although mere seconds had passed, I felt that time had suddenly stopped in its tracks. It had never occurred to me that Bill might have deliberately chosen a defective physical body so as to be enabled to focus more firmly on mental achievements. This explained many puzzles, why Bill had never once complained about his handicap, had always accepted everything with a cheerful grin. Yet his zeal toward sports had been obvious. Despite his handicap, and thanks to Bob Randall, his farsighted and soft-hearted baseball coach, Bill had been allowed to play in the peewee and minor leagues. What he lacked in one leg was more than compensated for by his zest for the game, his heads-up alertness, and his cheerful acceptance of unequal odds. No one present would ever forget the fantastic feat that Bill had nearly pulled off, one sunny afternoon at the end of the season. Randall's spunky little twelve-year-olds had made the All Stars and were pitted against a red hot team that towered over Bill's. Undaunted, his team played inspired baseball and held the opposition to a tie score midway through the game. When their pitcher began to tire, Bill came in with an inspired curve-ball and nearly pitched his team to victory. Spectators had gone wild, rooting for the underdogs as they are prone to do, and despite losing the game, everyone went home with ecstatic memories. I could still remember Bill skipping from base to base, yelling encouragement to his team-mates ... "C'mon Rudy! You can do it! . . . Hit one out of the park!"
It was also easy to recall Bill's eagerness with books and magazines. He'd been especially interested in technical specifications. Having once become dissatisfied with the performance of his little Honda motorcycle, and despite my skepticism, Bill purchased certain technical parts with his own money, installed them himself and proceeded to demonstrate. I remembered the mild shock (and the black tire mark up the street) when I'd learned that Bill could put his money where his mind was and make it pay real dividends!
Turning to my notes, distillations from decades of reading and studying, I asked, "What can I learn about my prior lives? I'm especially interested in Biblical times." Lenora paused, as if she might be intently "listening." When she spoke, her voice came through almost as if she were reading from some "record":
Tibet . . . a Tibetan monk, one who was greatly interested in herbs and their effects upon other people; interested in the medicinal side of life, although not greatly involved in health problems. On the positive side, one who could see the causes and effects.
Intrigued, I asked her for the name of the monk. Lenora admitted some reluctance with "names." This was her only hangup, but she gamely agreed to try. Pausing, she closed her eyes and slowly spelled out: "T-W-Z-E-N ... I've never heard of such a name, and I wouldn't even begin to know how to pronounce it!"
With the spelling of the name Twzen, I felt a strange glow flood through my body. I sensed that somehow, in some way, Lenora was quite accurate. She continued slowly, "That felt male, and I also get a male life in Gennany. Chemicals seem to be extremely important. I get 'scientist' somewhere in the seventeenth century; the name.. . 'Guggenheim: It's strange, though, that both these lives seem 'singular.' You don't seem to be working with a group of people or in a large lab. It feels more like 'by myself,' or 'on my own' . . . and research, or a desire to help mankind or those nearby. I don't feel 'high note' or extremely well-known, but known in your field and people are referred to you because of what you have accomplished. You made some kind of a breakthrough at that time."
Again I felt that same strange glow surge through my body when the name Guggenheim was pronounced. Suddenly Lenora contiuued, "In Roman days, approximately A.D. 500, agaiu male, I get 'lawyer ... defense law, or defending the underdog, yet it feels like people of money. This agaiu seems to be that miud of yours that digs into the finite bits and pieces, similar to chemistry and herbs. You find the small detail that's important, especially in law." After a short pause, "Near Biblical times, again I get Roman, but this time it's as an artisan, a worker in silver and jewelry, a male of the working class. You hear of Christianity, but at a distance. No sides are taken. You hear of it and wonder."
This rang a bell. I'd always remained wide open where religions were concerned, preferriug to find my own manner of searchiug. I felt that if I failed, no one else could be blamed, but if I succeeded, I'd have all the pleasure of the quest.
I felt a sudden impulse to ask where this infonnation on my past lives was coming from. That little impulse changed my life. "Where is this infonnation coming from, Lenora?" She replied that the Akashic Records contained all the data on all lives, and that one's "guides" were the guardians of the records. She added that many, many times the guides had withheld information about certain lives because of the scars and trauma connected with them. It seemed to her that a 'blind' covered those particular "windows."
I asked, "Does everyone have guides?"
Lenora hesitated, then shrugged her shoulders, "I should think so:'
Curious, I decided to try once again: "Do you suppose you could get me their names?"
Lenora's scowl rather clearly expressed her true feelings about searching for "names." (Much later, I discovered that the cause of her hang-up was bound up in the past. Lenora had innocently told some close friends of her newfound ability with telepathy and, when they tested her by requesting the names of former relatives, she had misspelled a few. Her close "friends" had promptly called her a fake. Such mistreatment had caused Lenora no end of confusion and hurt.)
Lenora commenced, "Now let"s see. Where most people feel like they have one guide, with several others in the background, you feel like you have two strong guides with you. One is business or occupation-oriented, the other feels spiritual, and they feel almost equal claim on you. They feel almost as twins. There is no pushing or animosity, such as 'let me in first,' or 'he needs this first.' It" s such a very diVided, equal feeling, very balanced. They both feel male, or masculine, quite aggressive and strong, but in no way pushy or overbearing." She paused reflectively, then said:
"Well, I get Harold and Herod. Now, you might think Herod relates to King Herod, but it doesn't have any connotation of that. It's just Harold and Herod, and they seem very similar."
With mixed feelings, I asked if perhaps she could get any sort of message from my guides. As if she did this every day of her life, Lenora quickly receded, tuned to a faraway level, and the following words came slowly. There was a marked change in her delivery, as if someone were speaking "through" her from a distance. Her voice quality was very soft:
Not at this time . .. you are following all the guidance that comes your way. . • you have a very open mind . • . one who listens . . . one who is willing to learn . . . you are not one who looks down on, or derides other people because of seeming stupidity in their actions ... you overlook the outward appearance and look to the underlying cause • . . you are very understanding, compassionate...
These phrases had a calming effect. The words had a "classic" intonation, totally different from Lenora's usual speech patterns. For the first time, I began to realize the reality of what was taking place in front of my eyes. If, through Lenora's abilities, I could communicate with intelligences in some other dimension, there were a rew essential questions that were begging for answers. I had read many works telling of those who had reached Unity and achieved immortality, such as Christ and Buddha, but what was the fate of those less gifted? Carefully framing the question, I asked, "Is there a place for one who has not achieved Unity to serve after this life, if one earnestly desires to serve others?"
There is always a need and a desire on the part of the ALL for anyone who is willing to work. Yes, there is a place for all souls. There is nothing that is wasted within the universe, or outside the universe. All things are put to a purpose and a meaningful existence. Desire is the greatest motivating factor that there is. Whether the soul desires to help or to lack in growth, these are the things that are answered in the beyond. Perfection as you know it now is not a complete state, but only that which will cause you to be sent on to other realms, for what appears to be perfect here is yet imperfect in the higher realms. Know that you must continually seek and continue to grow. This is a part of your desire and your being.
In the silence that followed, in the fading echoes in a room that now felt "open" and multi-dimensional, Lenora asked quietly if the answer had been pertinent to my question. She couldn't recall the context of the answer since it had flowed quickly through her mind. I nodded. Another question stirred in the depths of my consciousness: "Is it proper, in my own personal heart and mind, that I think of God as 'The Divine Architec!'? I have a great love of architecture."
You have seen the law and order of the universe, you have seen the beauty and symmetry that is there. You have seen this through many, many lifetimes, and it would cause you to feel that that which has created you would have to be of an architectural structure or mind. Yes, this is a beautiful thought and a very complete image of God, for as you take architecture in its wholeness apart, you will find that each area is of a complete design and can work within itself. This is true of the Father, this is true of all parts of His universe.
I finally murmnred. "How very, very beautiful. This has been a truly remarkable experience, Lenora. This could carry me through the next three lifetimes I" Surprised, Lenora rather shyly replied, "Well, thank youl""
On July 6th, 1971, I again sat across the table from Lenora, trying to decide whether the flowers or the hostess beamed the brightest. Desiring to know more about these" guides," I posed a direct question, "Where are they?"'
We are of a place that is known to you, and yet unknown in the sense that we can guide and help, but not make things in your path.
I must have looked puzzled, so Lenora added a further impression: "There seem to be levels or strata where things can be caused to happen physically, but Herod and Harold seem to be above that level, more of a mental plane."
I continued, "Do you sleep as we do?"
No. We have times of rest from thought, but there is not the sleeping such as putting one consciousness to the side and another consciousness taking over. As your unconscious mind continues to work, we continue to work. We are as that part of you.
"Does it disturb you when I think about you late at night, when r m reading or studying?"
No, this is because we have caused you to be aware of us. This is not your thinking, even though you are of this thought.
I asked, "Can you see us as forms?"
We see you as far more than form, because we see the colors, the radiations, the vibrations, the energies that flow forth from you. We see you as "Iight."
Lenora uttered a startled "Hmm!" at this answer, and my eyebrows shot up. Intuitively, I asked, "In directing questions to either of you, would it help if I vocalized, or could I just think the questions?"
Only in your mind is it necessary. Do not feel overwhelmed by this, do not feel a lack of privacy. We do not judge. The thoughts which you think, and later feel might be of a lesser self, are not unnecessary to you. The thoughts which flow through you are all for your growth. Be aware that they are good at any point, at any rate, and as you think in your heart, so do we hear, and thus we are able to answer. Many of the answers which come to you are not through an actual questioning or conscious thinking on your part, but are because you have unconsciously already asked the questions.
I said, "Well, in that case, they should be aware of my recent studies of The Urantia Book. "
Yes. Where do you think this came from? It was planted within the minds of those who are near you, those who have seen your evolvement and, because of this, they were inspired to place this in front of you. None of the things which happen for your growth are happenstance.
I smiled, "Well, I should have guessed that." Then turning a page in my notebook, I asked this: "It is revealed in certain books, such as those by Geoffrey Hodson, that certain basics are desired when contacts such as these take place. First, it is assumed that no individual would hope to personally gain from such contacts; and second, that purity, directness, simplicity and impersonality are desired. Why would 'impersonality' be considered desirable?"
Not being personally involved with any particular one, for through this there is more universality that can be given to all. By a direct contact, there is usually an attachment which eliminates or lessens others. You will find that this impersonality is basically "love," for love is equal to all, and given to all freely. This does not mean a coldness, nor something that is less than personal, but it is not "particular" personal.
I asked, "Why is it that you have volunteered to help humanity progress? Man seems mostly unconcerned with adjacent realms . . . the wild animals in nature, to name one." (The answer came slowly and thoughtfully:)
Do you think any less of the animals of the forest because they do not speak as you do? Do you think less of higher beings that can neither be seen nor heard by those of your realm? . . (pause). . . nay, we have love for "all," even as the Father loves all.
Thoughtfully, I asked, "To you, is love not more of a strong affection, rather than the possessive type of love among our kind?"
Love is not necessarily even a physical nor emotional attraction. It can be just a total understanding, a tolerance, a total awareness of the other person and their need. This can be construed as a more expansive love than one has yet learned to give or to receive. Love is a tolerance of all people on all levels. Love is understanding that "right" and "wrong" are only relative, and according to their own particular culture. Love can be affection, but this again is only one facet of love.
Turning another page in my notes, I asked: "If all inhabited creation is 'one vast family,' and God is Father of all and a Father of love, why would He gamble with the lives of some of His children (like us), when even we mortal parents protect our own children?" (An odd thing happened here: Lenora almost jerked and her eyes glazed over. The following answer came through slowly, but with considerable force and power behind it:)
God does not gamble the lives of His children. He is with them, an essential part and partner with man, throughout all his struggles and adventures on the worlds of time and space.
We were both startled at the power within this statement, and were to remember the essence of this message later on. I then probed into the question of man's isolation from the rest of the universe.
"Has it not occurred to those in higher levels that a simple monolith of permanent material, suitably engraved with man's true origins and destiny, if placed securely on this planet, might have enabled humanity to evolve more confidently as a brotherhood of common ancestry, more as a friendly family, instead of all the unseen terrors and fears in our past history? If we are created by God the Father, then we truly are His children, and why are we left out here in such isolated, miserable darkness?" (After a pause came this:)
There was a time, .. when God, in the form of man , . , walked and talked with his brothers and sisters , . , .. these times have been over and over, through the Masters of the past. • • through the times when they walked the earth and tried to describe the supremacy of man over the other areas around him. Man was unable to comprehend. Even though he had seen it in writing, he would not have accepted it as truth. Man has always had the desire to be "less" than one thing and "more" than something else. He has tried to be more than his fellow man more than his children and less than a God that he could not see nor fully comprehend. Only by doing this could he rationalize his own movements of being supreme over someone else.
It is necessary that man learn to discipline himself to the extent that he can reach out in love, and not in trembling, to his fellow man; and thus he will be a true son of God, or a son who walks the earth as one who will be fit and able to help populate other planets and systems.
I marveled at the sagacity, the wisdom in such a farsighted
answer. Then I related to Lenora how I had become inspired one
recent evening, during reading, when I discovered that (according
to The Umntia Book) a group of highly intelligent specialists,
dealing exclusively with planetary ecology, had spread out
through this sector of space many billions of years ago with the
purpose of implanting life on those planets that appeared promising.
Selecting this planet for experimental evolution, their work
had spanned many millions of years to produce the countless varieties
of flora and fauna, first in shallow seas, then on land when
the atmosphere was made more hospitable. This planet's close
proximity to the sun caused them to erect a protective envelope,
(our ionosphere), to screen out much of the sun's ultraviolet
radiation. The original plans, though complex, were quite complete;
they called for a future ecological balance and harmony in
nature. Certain unexpected results backfired, but these retrogressions
were the isolated few as compared with the millions of
"Therefore, through you, Lenora, I'd like to read this message to Harold and Herod with the hope that they might somehow transmit it onward." Lenora listened intently and the atmosphere was electric as I read from my notes.
"Kindly transmit my personal and deeply felt gratitude to those scientists, either now resident on this planet or who served here formerly, for their unsung (and mostly unknown), prolonged, yet exquisitely devoted watchcare over the evolutionary ascension of that life which they so carefully placed in our early waters. Be not saddened, nor should you have regrets that your highest hopes were not realized on this planet. It is a source of some comfort to mortal minds that, even to such wise and loyal high beings such as yourselves, plans sometimes do not evolve as expected. Our mortal lives could be much, much worse, and our planet does have many beauty areas, thanks to your efforts. It is hoped that the knowledge gained from those experiments that evolved in our past may augment and uplift the lives of others on other planets of this universe. Others of my kind will come to know and feel elation over your efforts that gave us a life to live. It is also recognized that you have coordinated with many other high beings in your endeavors. One day in the future, my desire is to be permitted to personally embrace you, each and every one of you blessed friends, for your monumental labors on our behalf. Be of good cheer. We are trying to do right, and your hopes and our aspirations will someday be as one in our Father."
Lenora sat still, wide-eyed and astonished, murmuring, "That's beautiful!" Then, unexpectedly, she came to 'attention' and began to speak forcefully, clearly, and with considerable warm emphasis:
This has been a high day. It is well to know that more and more of the earth in this time are recognizing the fact that they are neither new to the cosmos nor on the last legs of their journey. It is necessary that mankind know that this is an ongoing process, that nothing is lost, that time is essential and yet it is not, in that there is eternity and aeons of time to be working.
Man is not on the threshhold of doom, as so many broadcast, but is yet in the darkness of his full day, Know that there is time ahead and much must be accomplished. This is being done. There is new light dawning every day upon the earth, and with this comes new knowledge to other souls. You are living in an exciting time of awakening for the era. Go forth and broadcast as you are able.
Taking a short break after this unusual announcement, we talked of the rapid rise of technology in this century; that transportation had womed from horse-drawn buggies to mach-2 jet aircraft; that microwave ovens, color television sets, radar traffic control, communications satellites, and many other unique accomplishments had become everyday realities; and that finally man had achieved the climax of the ages: he stood triumphantly ou the moon. At such a time, we agreed it was indeed encouraging to hear that humanity "is not on the threshhold of doom, as so many broadcast."
Resuming the questioning, I learned that Harold and Herod were high-energy beings," and I decided to probe into their mode of life. I asked, "We re-energize by rest, eating, and drinking. The lack of, or the withholding of any of these essentials, soon kills us. What would be the end result if you, Harold and Herod, did not re-energize?"
Our re-energizing takes the form of "giving." It is a flowing through of energy, by us and through us, that is our reinforcement. We find that as we receive from higher realms, we give to lower realms, and thus we are used as channels. This is our energy-force. (There was a short pause.)
If we were to refuse to give beyond, we would then not be able to receive more, and become static rather than dynamic. It is to our benefit to continue to work. It is also a great joy, and joy becomes light light becomes energy, around and around we go.
The simplistic beauty of such statements seemed strikingly different. Not the slightest trace of "looking down" at mortals was evident, such as stating something like "We do not die as you do." Rather, their statements seemed positive, tactful, and gracious.
I then turned to the subject of "pain." I tried to portray its burden on humanity, in the physical, emotional, as well as mental areas. When I finished, the follOWing came through at a fast clip:
Man can overcome the pain of body, for this is, though it seems very real to him, something which his intellect or mind can erase or rise above, even as the mystics in the Far East have been able to lie on beds of nails. For this is a part of the body which needs to be controlled or subjugated, even as the animals of the field are subjugated to man. This was given to him as a power from God in the beginning. Remember that those things which cause pain are many times increased through the unconscious memories of past lives, times when man has truly suffered real pain. Now there are many anesthetics, but the pain goes on even though the conscious mind is not aware of it. Thus man can learn to anesthetize himself against these things and become the living soul that he is. The anticipation of pain is only because man desires to draw back from that which he needs to face. If he can face it, he will many times find that the pain is not actually as extreme nor as difficult as he would have imagined. Imagination is a God-given talent, or gift, and through the imagination, one can imagine that he is not suffering pain, or is not an eternal part of it, that this too shall pass away. He will be able to learn to control these things through his mind, with his mind, and in such a manner as to still protect himself against the thing which causes pain. For instance, if it is a disease, he will be aware enough ofthis to be able to seek medical attention, and yet able to block from himself those things which cause him the emotional stress and strain, for the emotional pain is far deeper than physical pain.
As Lenora-remembering parts of this answer-commented on its contents, I thought it through and decided to privately experiment with pain control. Then I continued, "I'm curious. Does your memory-recall vary, or is it inherently total among those of your kind?"
It varies according to the need There are those who have the need to seek the past and its problems so that they will be better able to adjust to their own present life, and for these, they are able to recall. Those who have no need to recall will not be given the facility or faculty of doing this. Under proper conditions, it is possible for all to have total recall. However, remember that this would be as ... that one. . . viewed it at the time. It will not be a dispassionate viewing.
"Sounds like it's on a need to know basis," I said. "Very effi· cient, really. I wonder what they might say about sun energies? Just how do mortals benefit from the sun's radiations?"
There are very beneficial rays . .. also a degree of warmth that is necessary to the human. . . there is the receiving of certain vitamins and energies that are absorbed. . .
Lenora suddenly stopped the answer to remark that they were "showing" her a person without sunlight being similar to a pale plant without the green; but that even without sunlight, the mind functioned. Then she flicked her eyes and continued with the answer:
The mind does not necessarily need sunlight. However, it is most beneficial, for as the body is able to be more vital, so can the bloodcells which feed the mind The mind is an ongoing part which exists without blood and cells, but the improvement of these clarifies it.
Lenora echoed my thoughts with the pOinted comment: "Sure sounds like a confirmation ofIife after death, doesn't it?" I nodded my head, then forced my attention back to the study notes. "There would seem to be many different types of 'high. energy beings' on other levels, or in other dimensions. Does your form contain certain unique capabilities, or do your abilities result from your lengthy training?"
No, we inhabit several different forms as the progress moves forward. As one reaches higher levels or planes, there are different forms of expression. Thus one can be recognized without a title or a knowledge, for there is a separate form.
"Well, during your training, did you gradually learn to control energies and rays, to transmute them, to mind-create, to travel to and between different planes, and to self-multiply yourselves, or were these and other talents natural to your type of beings?"
These were inbred, these were a part of our being. These had been developed through many aeons, before we were created as the seraphim.
I was totally unprepared for this statement. Until that moment, I had theorized that the communications coming through Lenora originated from people in some other plane Or dimension; that these were just far mOre advanced people. Despite numerous books that mentioned the "beings oflight," the legendary "shining ones," I had always regarded these angelic symbols as myths, pure mythology. Now I wasn't sure. Perhaps there might be some truth to those ancient accounts. My mind wavered, wondering. . . Could they be pulling my leg? . . Or could they really be seraphim! As if in direct reply to my unspoken question, the following statement-calm and forthright-came through Lenora quite clearly. My doubts fled on the winds.
We are honored by this title.
"So they really do exist!" I exclaimed. Then I asked, 'l've been reading about another group, those that are said to live midway between our plane and others. Can you tell us, what is a 'midwayer?"
This is one who is in closer contact with the earth vibrations; one who is able to be the "go-between:' the contact-force that can also tune in to much higher planes and be able to interpret or feel the answers so that they can be given into a language that is more understandable to the earthling.
Lenora suddenly laughed. "Finally something makes real sensei" she declared. "Every time I've tried to sense these guides directly, all I get are rather exotic musical tones-sort of a musical 'language,' I'd guess. But from that last answer, I can now see that this 'midway group' has been functioning as our "translators," interpreting that musical language into English, and vice versa. Without them, we'd never understand a word!"
I asked, "If we're on the Third Plane, what plane are the midwayers on?»
Lenora said she was getting: "Seventh through Ninth," so I then asked what plane Harold and Herod were on. "Thirteenth," she said, but added that they seemed to have the ability to penetrate into denser planes, nearer the physical.
"Lenora says she senses a deep compassion, a great depth of understanding in you," I said. "It is difficult to understand how you can even begin to relate to us unless you had once lived as we do, stuck in a physical body."
We have. Were we with you in flesh bodies, we could be good friends,
That same strange glow surged through me again. I glanced at Lenora, wondering if she might be noticing the effect, but she was just patiently smiling, awaiting the next question. "What plane is the 'soul' on?"
It is all-dimensional
This answer, like so many others, could not be easily understood by either of us. Many months of further sessions, of indepth probing and studying, were to be absorbed before a clear picture could be seen. As the end of the session approached, I asked a vital question, "Did we, our souls, embark upon this type of 'adventure' with a real purpose in mind?"
It was the need for a soul to fully comprehend all of the gamut of experiences that was necessary to make a fully understanding nature. It was the need to experience emotions on a physical basis as well as emotions on a spiritual basis. It was the necessity to feel pain, to feel anger, to feel hurt, to feel love, and love that would be an expectant love, rather than one that was given selflessly. It was necessary to experience all these things, that even spirit might more fully understand those who are in higher forms, near and around.
It was not total perfection in the beginning, although man had seen total perfection in that he had seen the ALL. His soul was able to comprehend that which was expected of him, and he knew the route that was necessary to go . . . he knew the lessons that he would have to take, and yet even then, each soul is an individual; there is not a set pattern or mold. It was necessary for each to experience in a different way and in different time segments.
It was not a total desire on the part of all, for many felt that they had already reached a stage that was well with them and they desired to go on. These are those who are reluctant to be on the earth, or to remain there. These are those who appear to be of another world or in another thinking, even a good part of their time on earth.
There were those who were anxious to enter this experience and to feel with all of their being. These are those who are so enthusiastic about life, those who immerse themselves in all the situations and "eat it up."'
Lenora and I compared the life attitudes and reactions of some of the different people we had known. I then bid her a warm and grateful goodbye, assuring her that the information seemed not only quite valid, but extremely illuminating.
All the way home, Betsy hummed along merrily. So did I.