Chapter 6/Amnesia Factor
In late December, 1971, a letter arrived from Colorado Springs, asking me to come visit them. It was from Rick and Billie Broome, the artist and his lovely wife. Rick's incredible space painting had so stnnned our mmily, during its unveiling at Christmas, that fur several minutes, no one could speak.
I immediately packed a suitcase that included the Lenora tapes, drove to the airport and hopped on a Hight to Denver. On arrival, I phoned Rick from the air terminal and was somewhat puzzled when Rick said to hang on, that he'd be right up to get me within thirty minutes. Sure enough, about thirty minutes later, Rick arrived in a sleek, low-winged Cherokee. Climbing in, I greeted him warmly and, as we taxied out to the takeoff runway, asked when Rick had acquired his license. Rick chuckled, "'I've had a license for several years, now. Just never mentioned it. Figured to surprise you one of these days. I often rent aircraft down in Colorado Springs, weather permitting." He turned, picked up his mike and requested takeoff clearance.
The sky was serenely clear and crisp, an open expanse of blue, during our Hight south. I was impressed with Rick's smooth control of the Cherokee, his careful observance of the restricted areas near the Air Force Academy. His radio technique was clearly professional. yet his obvious love of Hying was reHected in his relaxed attitude of enjoyment. Like all pilots. he knew the sky as a different world, a world of variables and peace.
Later, settling down in their snug, comfortable home, I proceeded to fill them in with details of the recent discoveries. They were listening to some of the tapes when Billie commented, "You can sure hear a difference in the style of speakingLenora s, and when the answers are coming through. It sounds almost as if she were 'reading' the answers." I agreed, saying that I'd become used to the changes when I realized that the answers had to be coming from a source other than Lenora.
The discussion turned to the subject of "rebirth." I likened the process to a millpond paddle-wheel whose paddles (i.e., "lives") each spent only a small portion of time beneath the water (i.e., in the Hesh), and it had been stated that each individual had been placed on this planet for individual growth needs. The assumption followed that each individual came from some other planet or system to enroll in this highly intense" school of growth."
Little Lisa gently tugged on my arm, silently competing for attention. Sweeping her into my arms, I asked if Santa Claus had brought her some nice presents at Christmas time. With a wide-eyed glance, she pointed straight up and exclaimed, "Hoi-Hoi on the roof!! I" I glanced at Rick and Billie who lay back convulsed with laughter. The explanation came that sly old Rick had hauled some sleigh-bells up on the roof, Christmas eve, and had loudly called, "Hoi Hoi HoI", jangling the bells with all his might.
Opening a book I had brought with me, Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, we studied both the text and photographs pertaining to a unique energy-substance which had been named "bioplasmic energy" by its most recent discoverer, Dr. Kirlian. His photographic, radio-field technique had uncovered a unique phenomenon: that even when a Hower bud was sliced in half and one physical part was removed from the scene, the bioplasmic energies could still be photographed, as if the energy pattern had remained coherentl
I explained, "Plasma is a fourth state of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Plasma differs from a gas in that it conducts electricity and is therefore affected by magnetism. Collected quanta of energy must have some magnetic field or coherent (organized pressure-pattern) form in which to function. An analogy might be the vapor in cloud patterns: non-coherent clouds are like high, stratified cirrus types; semi-coherent cloud patterns are like cumulus cells that build and rise in clusters; but coherent cloud forms are usually found only in tornado funnels and lenticulars, the "cap-clouds," and these exist only in well-defined pressure areas which mold the pattern-forms."
"Are you implying that some type of "duplicate magnetic form" must exist inside a physical object?" Billie asked. Pleased, I replied, "Precisely so, and here's another sample. When half of this leaf is physically removed, one would expect a subsequent photograph of its corona to show just the remaining half. But as you both see, this second photo shows a corona exactly like the first, the whole leaf. So despite the fuct that half the leaf was removed, the whole outline in the second photo reveals that a complete and coherent energy pattern-form still exists within and behind the outer physical leaf. From this we can postnlate the existence of bioplasmic "duplicate forms" within all known physical objects, which of course include our physical bodies."
Spontaneously, Rick exclaimed, "That may be the explanation to the question of why amputees can feel various sensations, even when a limb has long since been removed. They could be feeling aches and tingles in the bioplasmic limb'" "That's a really good point, Rick . . . Wish J'd thought of that. Also, this finding could supply the answer to the question of conscious life after death. It should be obvious that consciousness must have some "vehicle" in which to function as a separate individual, apart from the ocean ofInfinite Consciousness. If this bioplasma is an energy-substance, and a "duplicate" of the physical body, there's your vehicle for ongoingnessl" I leaned back and relaxed.
Billie wistfnlly remarked that this news didn't sound so nice for the elderly, those who were crippled. If this bioplasmic body was a "duplicate" of the physical body, wouldn't these people "transfer over" and continue to live with their former miseries? "I think notl" I replied. "We've already begnn to unravel that one. Harold and Herod have stated that mind can control matter. Now fll concede that 'physical matter' is evidently too dense to be readily controlled with the mind, although there are many cases of couples gradually becoming 'Iook-alikes' over the decades. But it seems obvious that the less the energy density, the easier the mind control; such as, clay is easier to carve than rock."
Ignoring Billie's twinkly remark about the rocks in her husband's head, I turned to the tape recorder and put on the "Marvin tape," explaining that this youngster had "transferred over" to the other side when he was five years old. He stated that he was now eight, and had been openly eager to talk with a group of researchers through a talented, motherly channel. Information, data, and descriptions of his life and happy activities had been so delightfully innocent that tape-copies had been sent to other interested parties.
Rick and Billie listened carefully to Marvin's chatter. He answered the questions openly, even though he had some difficulty trying to describe his activities in a way that would make sense to the listeners. We could feel the gears turning in Marvin's head, and we chuckled once when he flatly stated: "Gee I ... I dunno! ... I could ask my teacher, Herothophy!" Most of the time, he seemed quite sure of his statements. One question from the group had probed into his intended length of stay in his present environment. Marvin said that he planned to, "Stay full time, not hurry back like those (who were) on a lower level." Asked what level he was on, he replied, "Da fourth," and that the others who seemed in a hurry to get back into physical life are on the "first level." (Evidently each Plane contains many levels; some books suggest seven.) Asked what «full time" meant, Marvin replied, "Forever, if I wanna . . . but sooner or later, you go back down." Asked about his school, he happily reported that he lived in a dorm, that his roommate was Eric ("But he's a big boy . . . "), and that his happy, cuddly mother came to play and visit with him often.
Continuing, we listened as Marvin said no, his mother didn't visit his rOom (and he laughed impishly), "Cuz da alligator might get herl" Explanations followed that Eric had a pet baby alligator, Asked if the alligator ever bit Marvin, he exploded with laughter and replied, "Nab , , , Eric, he puts a rubberband around her jaws, and she won't bite you!"
Asked what he was learning in school, Marvin replied, "Lot's of things!" Could he give an example? He said, "W-e-II, take Timmy. When Timmy transformed (moved up a grade?), he wanted books for his present ... Timmy loves books! ... So he got twenny-four books! He was so happy, he took' em to bed with him!" Patiently, the group asked how these books applied to classroom activities, and Marvin explained, "W-e-II, he had to be everybody in da books after he read' em." Then he added very sorrowfully, "But when he got to da parrot, nobody would let him come on dere shoulder, so , . . he never got to be da parrot."
It was with some difficulty that the listeners unraveled what Marvin was describing. What eventually emerged was that these young students were heing taught the fine art of "form changing." Timmy had read a book similar to Robinson Crusoe, then in class had to "be" (i.e., "change his form to that of ... "), the Pirate, Crusoe, then the parrot. But Timmy's rendition of "da parrot" had been too sharp-clawed, and" ... nobody would let him come on dere shoulder." Marvin described it as learning to "unfold. "
Although there was more, I stopped the tape to try to make a point. It was becoming obvious that the rarer the realm's density, the less effort required to change forms with the mind. The physical realm is quite dense. But in Marvin's realm, where the energy-level is less dense, their minds might be quickly trained to "change" form, finding less resistance than in our physical realm. (This in no way lessens the apparent solidness of objects in other reahns, however. It was later stated that a fourth-level piano can be played exactly like one in our realm, by those in fourth-level bodies.) The probable answer to Billie's wistful question was twofold:
First, that no person-no matter what the physical condition-need worry about transfer iuto higher levels with the same handicaps. ("Higher" means higher frequency spectrum only. It has no reference whatsoever to "up" or "height." This is more like changing television from VHF to UHF.) The combination of desire and imagination, "image-iu-ation," are the tools with which less dense energy-forms may be re-fonned, or "transformed" into whatever bodily form one might desire ... (even da parrot!) A remarkably wann and interesting book by Don and Thea Plym, 2150-The Macro Love Story, covers these and other aspects rather well.
Second, stresses are known to inhibit the clarity and effiCiency of the mind. Transferriug over may unstress the nervous system to some degree, much like the person who leaves an uptight job for a new, more promising job. The newly released energy from "taking a break" for a time might easily strengthen and clarify the mind. The combination of more easily controlled energysubstances in higher realms and a more powerful miud, might easily account for Marvin's unique classroom activities.
As a favor to Rick and Billie, I had brought along a message from their guides. Lenora had contacted them with no difficulty. The taped message was one of warm encouragement and cheerful hope for the future. They advised the Broomes not to worry over their plans for a new split-level home, that this would not prove to be a financial hardship or embarrassment for the family. (This came true, along with other items.)
That evening, Rick and I drove into town to take in a movie. Billie declined, preferring to remain home and watch television with Lisa. It was after midnight when we returned, said goodnight to each other and went to bed. Silently entering the guest bedroom, I was startled to see a "message" resting on the pillow. Wow!' I thought, 'They really did it this time! . . . Actually materialized a piece of paper on my pillow!" With slightly shaky hands, I picked it up and carefully examined the message. It was penciled in a strange style, a few misspelled words, and sort of left-handed or slanted. I deCiphered as much of it as I could, then climbed into bed and fell fast asleep.
The next morning at breakfast, the mystery was cleared up when Billie related the strange events of the previous evening. Not long after Rick and I had gone out, she had commenced cleaning up Rick's art studio. She had been mentally pondering how best to communnicate with me during my visit. At the time, she had several items in hand-pencils and paper. As she went past the dining table, she unexpectedly 'sat down' and felt her arm go numb all over. Then she watched with amazement as her arm picked up the pencil and wrote a letter! When it was finished, her arm became 'all tingly' for nearly thirty minutes. Curious, she then read the following:
These are great mind opening times for you three. Communicate freely and openly about mortal problems, for only mortals can understand truly the drives of other men. Good can come from this beyond your comprehension. Try not to let our presence interrupt your free thoughts, as those thoughts are yours and only yours, as you know!!! Help each other. This is a basic need Use this now. You have been brought together for purpose. Communicate, communicate, communicate. Love and Peace
Billie added that after this unusual event, she'd watched her hand turn the page over, start to write something further, then pause and Vigorously erase what had been written! I turned the page over and carefully examined the back side. Sure enough, the erasure marks could be discerned across the top of the page. We held it up to the light, tilting it so that the light might reveal the extremely faint letters and words. Finally I deciphered:
You three are children of light. I can say no more.
Billie further stated that she had been flabbergasted by this unusual method used by her guides to communicate with her. She and Rick had warmly accepted their comforting presences, including little Johnny and Belinda, but she'd never befure displayed any talent for "automatic writing." Then, thinking that I might be interested, she had placed it on my pillow.
'Interested' isn't quite the word. I said firmly, "Remarkable!" Rick's expletive was a long drawn out, "FAN ... TASTIC!!!"
Two weeks later, I was relating to Lenora some of the details of my recent visit with the Broomes. When I described how Billie had asked (mentally) for advice, and how her arm had been used to write the message, Lenora exclaimed, "That's exactly how I started! Then the impressions came into focus and 1 was helped to 'unblock' and let the words flow on through. Oh, I'm so happy for Billie!" (I didn't mention it then, but it had been dUring that particular trip that I'd first met Rick's mother and learned that Billie's true name is "Marsha.'J
The January, 1972, session began with a question about rebirth. "Does each soul have a choice as to which planet he or she will next live on?"
Not always, for there are times when the needs have not yet been fulfilled, or the growth is not quite to the extent that it can progress to another planet, and yet there are times when it needs to be sent to one specific area for the growth that can come in that way. After one has reached a certain stage of growth, they can then pick and choose to some extent. It would also depend on the lessons to be learned If there were a choice of lessons, they might choose the planet. This again is very individualized.
"Does each soul have a choice as to which sex it will become?"
Usually yes, for there is a set pattern that one can follow. However, if one chooses to take on male aggression with a female body, they will find that they have more than coped with the problem at hand. There are times when a soul will take an extremely difficult challenge, and thus it can run into many errors or problems. This is part of the learning process. There are mistakes made here, but they are not of an irreparable nature.
"Does each soul have a choice as to which specific karma (the results of past causes), and how much karma it will next take on?"
Yes. This is a matter of pure choice, and the soul again may not extend its greatest wisdom; for there are times when some overextend their capabilities, or try to erase too much karma in one life. This can be dangerous, but they are allowed to take on that which appears to be right. This is the case when some souls begin to diminish or blank out their thoughts, and thus become closed. They no longer expand or grow, even though life goes on ...
"'Are there counselors available to help and advise p"
Always . .. but there are those souls who will exhibit their own independence and feel they know themselves better than those who counsel. Those who counsel are not of a restrictive nature. They present a plan, but the soul may choose another.
I sat still, absorbed in my thoughts, trying to visualize this new concept of freedom in higher realms. It was difficult for me to realize that I had freely chosen this life of struggles and hardships. And who knew what else I had planned for the future? I could ask my guides, but they would surely answer with that famous, "Then you would have tomorrow's knowledge with . . . ", and r d probably go out and get drunk and head for Mexico and ... "'Lord," I qUietly thought, in mock self-pity, "It sure would be nice to retire to some peaceful, quiet cave somewhere . ....
Suddenly, they seemed to answer my thoughts with a curious, delicate:
Would you become a monk?
I was startled, not yet accustomed to the fact that my guides were telepathic, and that my thoughts (to them) were like a conversation. I almost started to frame a reply when the following was strongly advised:
No! •.. Immerse yourself in life!
During 1972, I discussed with Lenora the two new books by Jane Roberts, The Seth Material and Seth Speaks. This latter had been dictated through Jane to her husband, Robb, by a high teacher in another realm (Seth), and reveals a considerable amount of information about life in other realms and the transition through so-called death.
At my first reading of these brilliant works, I couldn't figure out just what Seth was, or what his position might be with relation to known levels of consciousness. Guessing that Seth might be the 'superconscious' self, but not really sure, I decided to do some research into some of the older books on my shelves. I selected Max Freedom Long's The Secret Science Behind Miracles, one of the old favorites. Max had written of the long years of effort it had taken him to break the secret code of the Polynesians. They had never developed a written language, but utilized a basic oral language for the people and a symbolic, hidden language for their priests, or kahunas, (which translates: Keeper of the Secrets). These priests had eVidently found access to "powers" beyond man's present understanding. Max personally witnessed weather control, shark control, and among other fascinating events, rapid healing of both a physical and psychological natnre. On this latter point, Max discovered that these priests were cognizant of the Three Selves: the Low Self (Unihipili), described under cryptoanalysis as a "clinging spirit" or one like a younger brother or sister who "sticks to ... ;" the Middle Self (Uhane), the talkative one; and the High Self (Aumakua), the superconscious self. And here was where Max's breakdown and concise interpretation of the syllables and polysyllables within this term became fascinating. The word 'Akua: in Hawaiian, means a 'god: and the addition of 'Aum' signified something far more meaningful to the searcher. The 'Au' had ODe meaning, the 'urn" another, cmak" added more meanings, 'aku' still more, and so on, until the word ended and the description was completely revealed. The full meaning of the title, 'Aumakua: was finally and surprisingly decoded as:
The older, wiser, kind and loving, utterly trustworthy, Father-Mother God.
Although these priests were aware of even higher 'gods: (Ku, Kane, and Kanaloa), they made no effort to comprehend such transcendental heights. They simply focused their reverence and love on their Aumakua. These priests reasoned that any prayerrequest beyond the capacity of their High Self god would be passed along to a higher god for appropriate action. This simple faith, inner guidance, and help from the High Self brought many of them very close to Unity,the goal and fulfillment of all religions, the very goal of time-space life itself. I asked Lenora, "Is the soul-being, or what Seth calls the 'whole self,' a combined sex, or what might be termed 'unisex'?
"Does the soul-being have a high degree of intelligence?"
"Seth would certainly seem to have a high degree of intelligence. Is he, perchance, a High Self ... an Aumakua?"
One and the same.
So, it all connects up beautifully!, I thought happily. Seth must be known to Herod and Harold, else they would not have answered so firmly. But why had Seth not dictated anything about those like Harold and Herod? . . .
These teachings were slightly veiled, so as to reach a wider audience.
Seth had proven brilliant, witty, charming, and humorous. I wondered about one odd quip, though. Seth had called one ofhis personalities, Frank Withers, a "fathead." When I asked, Lenora laughed merrily and said she'd try to get an explanation.
This was an understanding between the two. This was not intended as a difficult thing, but (was) of a joking nature.
One of the book's major points is that mortals do not live lives in succession-in chronological order-but that all one's lives are being experienced simultaneously; that man is a multidimensional entity. Sensing that here was a real mystery to be solved, I asked about "Time."
"What is the mechanism that enables' growth in time' within a Universe All, where "All IS" ... ?"
You are in a subject that is very intriguing. You have reached the point of desiring to know why, how, and when all things are. . . (pause) ...
There is a "sense of time" within the mortal mind, for mind is also "thought," and thought is a "movement." Thought must have something to peg, or log by. Thought is a movement which "causes" time to "be."
Without thought, all things "are." Without processes, time "is." Time is only a measurement which man insists upon, that he might improve the rate of his own growth. This is something which was built into the universe for the mortal mind, for those who would need a "yardstick."
All and eternal are forever . . . this means that though there "appears" to be time, those who have reached the "ultimate" are in a state of "nonflux." They are not aware of time as passing, for to them, time has ceased, and yet still "is." This would be the nearest that we could come to explaining this in a logical form for you. Only as you progress in the particular earthly existence that you are now in, are you aware of time as hours and minutes, days and years. You will find that even when you are in the interim state between lives, you will not be as aware of time, or its "passage," as you are now. For even as one learns in that particular existence, they will find that there is an expansion of knowing without the sense of months and 'Years.
Now we began to see the "difference." Harold and Herod dwell in a very rarified energy-realm, a <non-flux' dimension, whereas humanity dwells in a much, much denser energy-realm. We visualized birds flying swiftly through the medium of the air, whereas fish must swim more slowly through the medium of water. Then the "density of the medium" had to be the governing factor of speed; ergo, the denser the medium, the slower the speed. I asked, "Is it not true that consciousness functions more rapidly as its 'medium' becomes less dense?"
Consciousness "is," There is not a time, nor a place, nor a necessary element, as far as thinking , . . or construing something. (pause) .. , Time "is," in the conscious state.
"Well, is it not true that consciousness, functioning in my brain .. ,.
Slows down , ..
"Right!" I continued. "It functions more slowly than it would on your level. This confirms what I was thinking, that 'thoughtmovement' is relative to the density of the medium in which it functions."
True, and yet it is difficult to explain that in "consciousness," there is not a thinking "process" ... , . the process "is."
Lenora added that they were shOwing her something "immersed," but not "moving" (perhaps like a fish in a still lake, rather than a fish in a Howing river of ' time'). She also said they were showing her a tall lighthouse tower; that if one were down 'inside' that tower, one would have to look out through one window-slot at a time, and one after the other, to get a glimpse of the view; but if one were standing on the top of the tower, one could easily see all over.
I continued pondering, trying to figure out how they could "think" without "thought-movement" (?) ... As if trying to help, they suddenly said:
Thought movement is something that proceeds within the conscious mind when it is in the "waking state." This is the logical stream of thinking that is necessary for mankind.This is what children are trained to do. This is what adults rely upon.
I interrupted with, "Well, when Harold and Herod telepathically communicate, aren't thoughts bounced back and forth between them?"
There are many things which are understood because they "are." They do not have to be "bounced back and forth," as you put it, but there are occasional realms or areas where one is a little more versed or knowledgeable than the other, and in this case they send the thought in an understandable "picture-feeling" manner.
Like a bulldog, I refused to give up before I thoroughly understood what they were driving at. I sensed that I was on the verge of a momentous discovery. It would not do to try their patience, but to pass up such a chance as this simply wasn't my nature.
Once again, I continued pondering:
"Since thought movement must have some 'medium' in which to move, one could postulate that, 'As the medium becomes less dense (or more rarified), towards zero denSity, thought movement might become near instantaneous . "
(Lenora instantly Hashed:)
True... and this is what we are trying to help you reach the point of knowing, that consciousness "is"; that this is a point where all things are. It is neither forward nor backward, nor in logical order. It just "is."
The light finally dawned! I leaned back and wondered aloud, "Now why didn't I see that before? Our consciousness has to pulse from cell to cell along the neural pathways in the physical brain (its 'medium' for thought processes). But Herod's and Harold's conscionsness need not pulse at all!! Their reahn is so rarified that it could be considered zero denSity, and with nothing to impede thought movement, thoughts become totally instantaneous, or "no thought movement at all." This must be what they mean by the phrases: "Consciousness IS," and "All IS!"
After a short breather, we recalled the humor connected with my episode in the sitzbath, SO I resumed by asking how they could 'see' the future, those events which had not yet happened in our realm:
We know all the things that "are/' and are "coming" . . (Lenora said that the word "coming" was very tiny, and it was as if the "coming things" are NOW).
We see the way that man is becoming ... we realize the outcome. We know those things which he is bringing upon himself in his own time, but to us it appears as "now. " There is the possibility of changing these things, if man feels suddenly inspired to become as a different one, or takes a sudden turn that seems to change his life. This, then, changes even the "now," so that those things which appear to us, change at that instant, so that we again see that which "will be" to man.
From this last statement, we were able to see that each of us does have 'free will,' that no one is locked onto a predestined treadmill. Higher sight might be regarded as a "total perception" of time-space events which appear to "time-space minds" as single, successive events. Higher sight is an overview of timespace, a totally inclusive perspective of time-space pageantry.
In order to understand how the seraphim can view such indepth scenes, several working examples can, easily be constructed:
A parallel line of fish are swimming upstream at the same speed the river flows downstream. To the fish, much "time and motion" progress is obviously taking place; but to an observer who stands 'high' on the riverbank, the fish are relatively motionless (i, e" with respect to forward or backward movement), One can realize how easy it is for the riverbank observer not only to see those logs (events) that have floated downstream "past" the line of fish, but also see the logs that approach the fish from up90 stream (the future). One should note that each fish does have the freewill to choose to suddenly turn and perhaps avoid an upcoming collision. Another example, perhaps more suited to westerners, is the guide who stands on top of a steep mountain peak, observing to his left the beginnings of a rockslide. Down below, to his right, along comes a cowhand who is riding around the base of the mountain into the path of the "future" rockslide. If the cowhand were warned to 'hold up,' he would have the freewill choice of either heeding the call or ignoring it, and in this latter case, would continue around the mountain. Needless to say, his last earthly thought could very well be, "Wonder how the heck that voice up there could see the future so easily?"
Still, something was missing. What kind of impersonal self control would it take to be able to see future catastrophes approaching, yet withhold any trace of warning? (Or is it that humanity's progress towards the development of telepathically 'hearing' such warnings has been repressed by those who fear new advances?) Either way, how could those with such a high perspective remain totally optimistic about man's accomplishments and the final goal, since wars and destructive struggles seem to continue throughout known history? Soon, late one evening, a possible answer came to me by way of 'inspiration.' I was quietly working on my notes when a NEW PERSPECTIVE came into mind:
There at the rear kitchen window stood gazing the wise, experienced mother. She casually observed her children playing in the mud, building their m~d castles. Yes, they became grimy and dirty, sometimes fought and argued, sometimes smashed one another's mud castles. Sometimes they threw mud at each other like it was going out of style. But does she ever once consider her children "evi!"? Not at all! The wise, patient mother knows that all children must "grow" to adulthood, and their childish play is a natural process of daily growth. She also knows that when she calls them in at the end of their play period, she can plop them into a tub of warm water, clean them spotless, put fresh clothing on them, and they will then be as fresh and shining as they ever were . .. AND ONE DAY WISER! It could only be through such play periods, both happy and sad, of error and success, that each child could learn to guide itself. The wise mother knows that knowledge can be shared, but not wisdom. Wisdom comes only through experience. The wise mother, haVing repeated the process many, many times before, does not rush out and interfere with her children every time a fight starts. This would only delay the «learning processes" and interrupt the lessons that each child must learn before entering adult life.
Like a returning echo from the past, I remembered the answer:
What child among you ever reached adulthood without making mistakes? This is the only way that true growth can take place.
The reflections continued, expanding towards deeper understanding of humanity. In many areas of life on this planet. there would seem to be too much 'push' towards perfection. far too much emphasis on 'being perfect NOW,' rather than growing slowly and surely towards that goal within the very Time-Space framework that has been created for humanity. And are we the 'kids' playing out in the 'backyard'? If the wise human mother loves her kids, despite all the mud and dirt, how much more the infinite Love of the Creator of all?
One might think, 'But kids get killed out in this backyard!' One should perhaps think again. Hurt, yes; killed, no. All teachings clearly imply that life is truly eternal and ongoing, forever.
If the wise human mother has the patience and courtesy to allow her kids to gradually mature to adulthood, and not to judge them as adults until they have grown up, then how likely to assume that the Creator will withhold His judgement until His children will have' grown up' in future eternities? It goes without saying that premature judgement in a world of constant change is very like a dog chasing its own tail. And the Creator is wise, not foolish.
Much historical evidence indicates that the Creator of All is constantly aware of all His backyard 'play areas,' and particularly this tiny experimental planet, since down through the ages many older Brothers have been sent to try to 'cool it,' to help humanity 'see' more clearly the nature of Creation, to show humanity that unlimited potential lies within each one of us.
But time reaps its toll and man loses the knowledge of his Source. Then disbelief forms a barrier around the mind and eventually around the heart. Such a barrier prevents pure energies from infusing the human being with energy, and the mind gradually weakens. As it weakens, man becomes less able to meet the demands of his environment. Then man commences to suffer.
There is no known method of strengthening a mind from some 'outside' energy source. The source of Pure Energy is said to be hidden within man, and this fact is now being empirically rediscovered by medical research. Control groups of non-meditators and meditators have been carefully tested over a period of years and the evidence shows that meditators significantly outshine non-meditators in many fields of endeavor, including personal health and well-being, the arts, business, science, interpersonal relationships, education, and environmental happiness. Educators worldwide are becoming enthusiastic over the statistically meaningful increase of I.Q. that results from a simple technique of "turning within" twice a day. The easiest method known is Transcendental Meditation™.