Chapter 7/Amnesia Factor
The meeting with Lenora during March, 1972, proved quite fruitful. I had decided to find out all I could about the seraphim and those who live in adjacent planes. When I asked Lenora if she could find out where most people went when they <transferred over: she paused, then said she was getting a «Four" and a «fourth." This evidently meant the fourth plane of the Fourth Dimension, which is also called the Astral Plane. Then I asked:
"During the 'between life' stages, is there individual progression from plane to plane? Lenora promptly answered, "Yes."
Those objects that we recognize as towns, parks, rivers and lakes, fish and birds . . . are all these things in the other planes? Are these real worlds that people dwell in?"
Yes, .. but not in the physical matter that you would see it, or feel it, and yet it appears to be just as solid to those who are existing in that particular plane; for their density is such that the density of the items around them appears to be of equal density.
I was happy with this answer. This was exactly the way I had figured it-it was all relative to the individual's "body." I recalled the "piano" example: that if a man's body were composed of "plane four" energy-substance, he could sit down and playa "plane four piano" just as easily as one in this physical-matter realm, (assuming he knew how to playa piano, of course). It also meant that to all those people who have transferred over, the objects in their environments are real and solid. Then I asked:
"Can people in those other reahns use telepathy?"
Always. It is assumed...
We were surprised at the openness of this answer. That such a "gift" would be simply assumed by others had never occurred to us. I asked:
"After transferring over, can a person faint?"
There is no need, for those in the physical body faint from lack of being able to cope with the situation, or because there is a physical problem. This is not continued in the higher realm.
There had seemed some reflected amusement in Lenora's voice during the answer. She was gazing at me rather oddly when she said, "You can sure think of some odd questions! Who'd have ever thought of such a thing?" I shook my head, smiling, then asked a more serious question:
"What is the mission of the seraphim, for mortals?"
More of a "framework setter," as those who see a general plan and know when things become out of balance with that plan. There is a guarding against, or a pulling together of those necessary facets to be able to complete a life cycle or life plan, but there is not a force of energy nor an impelling need here.
Lenora described seeing "squares" that surrounded each person, that if certain things were needed, the seraphim could pull from some squares to help complete others, or to 'set the stage' properly. I suddenly realized just what the answer meant. Several weeks earlier I had returned home to find my wife upset. The high school had just informed her that one of our daughters had not been to school for two solid weeks, unable to face it any longer. We both felt helpless, having tried twice before to help this daughter over an unusual psychological problem. We had been unable to get school counseling. We'd even changed schools fur her, but she withdrew after a short stay. After unsuccessfully attempting to communicate with my daughter, unable to bear her tears of frustration, I thought of Lenora. Surely this daughter had guides; perhaps Lenora might be able to get some helpful advice, or at least discover the cause of her problem. When I phoned, Lenora sympathetically said she'd be glad to help. She listened, then said they were saying that the daughter's problem was a subde form of claustrophobia, that the child had been trying for years to cope with it. But eventually the four school walls just 'closed in' on her. She said they were advising the seeking of school counseling, to ask for a "home teacher," that in the familiar surroundings of her home, the child would feel secure and do much better. I said we would try, and thanked Lenora very gratefully. I relayed this advice to my wife, and despite some misgivings as to the outcome, we all headed for the high school. Once in the school office, we were immediately escorted to an interview office and seated. Within seconds, the vice-principal himself came in, smiled reassuringly and joined us by the desk. After briefly discussing the daughter's problem, we made the request for a home teacher. A secretary was called in, arrangements were quickly made, and the home teacher was assigned to our daughter for as long as needed. Further, the daughter was assured that she could graduate with her class.
The wife never forgot this. She quiedy marvelled that such a sticky problem had been solved so smoothly. The home teacher turned out to be a warm-hearted soul, a cheerful matron of the arts, well travelled, and the two got along beautifully. The daughter graduated, a very happy girl indeed!
I remembered the "squares." Somehow, the guides had managed to focus helpful attention on uS just when it was needed. Turning to Lenora, I tried to properly thank the guides for their kind, gracious help:
This child was well worth helping. Be gentle with her. She is a free spirit and must learn to spread her wings. She has great potential. She will come into her glory at age twenty two.
One sunny afternoon soon after, Larry asked if he conld join me at a session with Lenora. I was delighted and replied, "Glad for the company. Maybe we'll get a chance to try an experiment today." Larry was a quiet soul, known for his dry, pixie sense of humor. Once before, during a group chat concerning rebirth, he had quietly interrupted with the statement that he'd just had a "flashback." When I asked what he meant by this, he had calmly replied, "Well, I just remembered that five hundred years ago, you borrowed twenty dollars from me-and you never paid it back." I'd ahnost choked with laughter and promised to start paying for Larry's coffee to payoff the debt.
Once again with Lenora, Larry sat quietly as the questions flowed. I first thanked my son's guides for their healing help during Bill's recent leg surgery and hospital confinement. They graciously replied:
There is no need, for this has been accepted and has been given. The duty, the pleasure, the loving is all on our side.
Opening a old book, I displayed several artistic renditions of man's interpenetrating "bodies" -the physical, the astral, the mentaL the causal-all rather colorful. We discussed astral travel, then I asked whether man thinks with his 'mental body,' his 'astral body,' or merely with the physical brain while in the waking state. I also asked, "Does each of these 'bodies' have a brain and a mind?"
No. Each contains a segment or section of that which is the total or the "all. " Each is related or tied to that which is the "you." You will find that at all of these stages, man is both able to think and to see, to comprehend and to know, but these are on differing planes or levels of his own mind.
"That explains why one can consciously experience while astral living or travelling, and during 'out of body events,' I said, Then, gazing with curiosity at the luminous, colorful auras around the bodies portrayed in the book, I asked, "To Herod and Harold, do we really look like a bunch of colored easter eggs?" (1he answer carne rather delicately:)
You appear as light to us.
"Do they have patterns? Do our emotions show as patterns?"
The emotions show as colors, and these colors come as patterns, for there is a feeling or a motion or an energy that goes with each ray of color. You will find that these things are best defined to man as patterns in thinking, but to us they come more as a rush, or feeling.
"If we look at this painting, can they see our mental projection?"
Yes., the shape, the color, the sound- the feeling is there, and we are aware of that which you are projecting. We are able to define and recognize shape. However, those things which appear to you as shape, many times for us do not have the same definite or defined borders, for the unseen to you is visualized by us. Thus the particular item or article that you are looking at takes on a varied shape for us.
I explained, "That's because of our limited eyesight. They see more levels of energy, so the appearance of objects would be different. And they see the 'essence' of things." A sudden thought caused me to ask, "I wonder if Harold and Herod can see the 'essence' of a man?"
Yes. We are able to see the depths, the purity, the reality, the beauty that is there at all times, even when it is so enmeshed in the muddy surroundings that it is difficult for a physical eye to see. We are able to see the beauty that is ever present.
This answer had come slowly, warmly and thoughtfully. I proceeded slowly: "Does this 'essence' exist as an individualized or embodied spiritual entity that is of a high order of intelligence in higher planes?"
Lenora stated, "This says ALWAYS."
"Should humanity, each one of us, become aware of this 'essence?'"
Yes. It is necessary that they begin to look upon their own divinity, so that they will see the need to be doing something more useful than that which most people do.
When I objected that it is hard for man to think of himself as divine, Lenora thoughtfully mentioned John, verses 30 through 38, wherein Jesus told a group that was about to stone Him for blasphemy: "In your own law it says that men are gods. So if the scriptures, which cannot be untrue, speaks of those as gods to whom the message of God came, do you call it blasphemy when the One sanctified and sent into the world by the Father says, 'J am a Son of God?'" (Note-original Greek manuscripts translate "a" Son of God, not "the.")
"In our book, would it be advisable to explain the necessity for both potentials, good and evil, to exist for growth purposes?"
This is essential, for all must realize the balance and the place that each plays in the whole kingdom.
"And should we stress the futility of judging either one's self or another, since everyone is constantly changing and growing?"
Ah. . . this is an essential also, for this is one of the main areas where man works-in a very unconscious level-in a negative manner .
"Can you advise what level or stratum of society we should write the book for, or what segment of society might be most receptive?"
Those who walk the earthplane in a very normal manner with a solid intelligence, are those who need to be tuned to the higher needs of the universe. Once these are implanted with the desire to see a total plan, then much can be accomplished, for those who are from the outer realms are able to work quite rapidly. But the desire must cause the Individual to reach upward and outward, to listen, to seek, to find. Only as the desire is implanted can the help be given.
(I had read that seraphic help is ineffective in the absence of magnetic pull of some type. Either faith, belief, knowledge, or loving desire must generate tbe higher gravity that pulls open the door. I remembered an old saying that my former Spanish teacher was fond of quoting: "The arrow she goes nowhere until the bow she is drawn!")
Then came the experiment. I explained what I had in mind, an idea that came to me during a flight. There used to be a method of synchronizing the propellers on four-engined aircraft. By car",fully adjusting the RPM between adjacent propellers, the stroboscopic line, or "shadow," between the propellers could be made to "stop," or stand still. If Herod and Harold would stand adjacent to each other-even though their vibrations were known to be above the speed oflight-I hoped to be able to see the "strobe shadow" between them, under proper conditions. When I explained this to Lenora, she appeared interested and asked Herod and Harold.
We are willing to try.
With Larry's help, I quickly placed an adjustable mirror outside in the front yard. We turned and canted it so that it reHected a beam of sunlight through the living room window and across the full length of the room. Then we returned and joined Lenora to take up a position where we could scan along the path of the sunbeam. It wasn't long before we detected silvery-blue 'Hames' Hickering faintly around the beam, about half the distance across the room. Lenora said they were giving her the signal that they were "trying" to adjust their frequencies down to a spectrum that could produce a visible "step-down shadow." Larry squatted down to get a better look and I followed suit. Suddenly I exclaimed, "Say!. . Take a look at that!"
There, right in front of our staring eyes, was a slender, tapering shaft of shining silvery radiance! It was a high vibration indeed, or a "shadow," but it was clearly visible!
After exuberantly thanking Harold and Herod for successfully helping with the experiment, I asked Larry if he might have a question or two to ask. Mter a moment's thought, he asked a question concerning man's efforts to reach the moon and explore space: "Is this a proper direction at this time, or would we do better to firstly take care of the poor?"
No, mankind must be allowed to reach out, to discover and explore the architecture of his Father-Creator in other systems. He must not be prevented from expanding his own nature. A way will be found to care for the needy simultaneously with man's explorations into space.
The serious problems of family irritations came up, the conflicts and hurts that often aflIict well-meaning parents. These caused stresses to both the parents and the children, leaving guilt feelings in their wake.
You must realize that there are many aeons of lifetimes before this one, and you have encountered these same children or personages before. Many times these anxieties have built up in past times, and are only coming to the fore in this particular life. However, you will also fully realize that the "total concept" of love-as you will one day come into it-can be that which erases all of the hurts, the anxieties, the problems. Know that this is what mankind needs to work towards, for as total understanding and love can be given from the birthpoint on, much of the past will be erased or "saved by grace." You will find that this is the way of things to come.
Do not be too harsh on yourselves, nor blame yourself thoroughly, for you also are a product of that which was given to you as a child. You are a product of the thinking of your times and the concepts of those schools of thought that have gone on before your times. We do not judge you. Why judge others so harshly? Be not so hard on yourselves, nor on others.
Thinking of all those past lives, I asked if I had always displayed the same basic personality. Very slowly came the following:
To a great extent, yes; to the extent that your interest has always been in the moon and the stars, and the things away from the earth; to the extent that you have been one who has always cared greatly about persons and things. These characteristics have been with you always. The understanding level has changed exceedingly. The seeing of beauty in the earth has always been a part of you.
Lenora then asked if! had written any more poetry, so I dug into my notes, pulled forth a scribbled sheet of paper, and recited:
Lenora once again asked me to be sure and "save the poems." (Usually I throw into 'file X' all my extraneous notes and scraps.) Thinking back, I suddenly recalled Larry's "flashback" and couldn't resist asking, "By the way ... What does one do with a friend who states that he has just had a 'flashback' and remembers that five hundred years ago, I borrowed twenty dollars from him and never paid it back?"
(On the heels of Larry's embarrassed chuckle and Lenoras delighted laughter, the following advice dryly crept through:)
One asks him, "Where is the receipt?"
I was so unprepared for this witty retort that I chuckled to myself for days. Sitting at home, I began to dream up some humorous questions for Herod and Harold, hoping to relieve the monotony of one serious session after another. The next session (late March, 1972) commenced with the statement:
"The following facetious items are offered for future improvements on this planet: number one, perhaps the seaweed along our coasts might be reduced so that my son and I can go fishing more often?"
(Lenora, smiling:) ... How could you have food planted more readily at your doorstep than to have it washed upon your shore? Know that there is much good to be gained from the seaweed. Look to that which it gives, rather than the fish which it hides.
17:56, 6 December 2009 (UTC) "Number two: could the orbit of our moon be changed so that we might have twice as many full moons? This would help our wild canine friends to exercise their vocal calls more often, thereby improving their tonal quality, and of course, all the lovers on earth would then have twice the nmnber of opportunities to get romantic."
This is also true: that there are those who go "loony" at this particular time of the month, so it is necessary that they not be exposed to this more often than they have already.
Lenora was dabbing at a tear of laughter as I said that it was probably lucky that we have so few full moons, in the final analysis. Then, number three: "Perhaps the orbit of earth could be re-regulated to exactly 360 days, thereby simplifYing calendars, taxes, paychecks, and result in more accurate horoscopes for hopeful ladies?" (Lenora chuckled:)
This is a valid observation. We shall try to accommodate it in our future worlds. Rest assured that your words have been heard this day.
We didn't know what to make of this; perhaps we were being taken seriously. Somewhat less confidently, I gave number four: "Perhaps the sun might 'blink' precisely at noon, which could eliminate the noisy noon lunch whistle, and also, would certainly be a handy aid to navigation?"
This is true. However, recall that the sun would have to move in sudden jerks, for if it were exactly noon in exactly all the places at once, it would be necessary to have a jerky sun.
I now laughed, reassured that they were joking. Funny, thinking of a jerky sun! Then number five: "Perhaps mans' ears might be improved so that a rapid-action valve would close, to prevent eardrum damage when he is exposed to loud, unexpected blasts of noise, like from his wife?" 17:56, 6 December 2009 (UTC) (Lenora, again chuckliIlg:) ... This is very true. This would certainly be a remedy to alter that which man has brought upon himself; namely, "hard hearing." You would find that man has learned to cope with these noises, and in thus doing, has tuned out his own hearing ability. It would be well if this could be. . . (pause). • . plugged in on the outside some way. 17:56, 6 December 2009 (UTC) I mentioned earplugs and their beneficial use in noisy areas, then, as a finale, gave my ace recommendation:
"You might try to eliminate the never-ending problems of man's wars and strife by increasing sexual aggression on this planet. Men would be so wearily happy that they would forget wars and dismiss strife as merely blockages to bliss! "
We had already thought of that, and yet it did not seem to be the answer, for without the strife, there could not be "growth" . • . remember the positive and negative again.
This would be a state of bliss, a state of non-growth, a state of. . . (and this came through with twinkly mirth). sleepyheads!
At our April, 1972, session, I recalled that at the commencement of a previous session, the guides had suddenly startled me with;
So this time, thinking that they might desire some furmal courtesy, I opened by saying, "Greetings!" (Lenora promptly added;)
and salutations to you!
After some warming preliminaries, I kicked off with a serious question; "What does the 'All' mean, to mortals?"
The "AII" pertains to all mortals on the planet, and yet each within themselves is complete, as a cell within the body is complete within itself. However, it does not function fully nor properly by itself, nor completely cut off and alone. One must remember that although they are individual and total - and important - they are necessary to the total "AII."
God really lose part of Himself so that we can live, exist, and experience?"
And yet did not truly lose, for they are only separated or apart from Him. This is the part which is so anxious to return to the whole, which is so anxious to become a part of the ongoing dream that is that which is the God-Force. Know that man, as a body, only reaches up to encompass this for a time, and releases it each time a little more fullblown than when it first entered the earth experience.
"How can we reach this Divine God-Force?"
Through the art or schooling of meditation, of learning to quiet self; for there is a great deal which goes on, on the mental and other levels, that are as a constant jumble or confusion. It is extremely difficult for this Divine Spark to come through. The Bible might refer to this as "the still, small voice/' or man himself might refer to this in this manner; and even as it is a "still, small voice" or a knowing from within, one must learn to listen and evaluate so that they can tell whether it is the stronger emotional push that is coming forward, or whether it truly is the "still, small voice," the urgings of the Divine Thought Adjuster. Only by learning to go to the deeper levels of the mind where the silence and peace and quiet are-can one learn to truly listen and then follow through. You will find that in time, when one has learned to do this on a regular basis, they will then be able to be consciously aware that they are following this guidance at all times. It becomes much as an automatic action, such as driving your car. Once you have learned how to use your pedals in conjunction with the gears, it flows.
(It was primarily from the above advice that I started Transcendental Meditation TM, selecting that method as the easiest and quickest to be found locally. It proved to be brief (twenty minutes), effortless (no contemplation or concentration), so simple that even kids learned to meditate. I did not have to sit in a lotus position, I did not have to quit smoking or change my life style, nor did I have to join any dues-paying club. I immediately began to notice a new sense of enriched vitality, of clarity of thought, of calm, dynamic poise and purpose. I asked for Herod's and Harold's opinion of Transcendental Meditation™, and they answered, "Like skipping from mountaintop to mountaintop . .. The Royal Road.")
I asked, "Where is creativity in daily life?"
This is the thought of love, the helping hand, the minor good that you are able to do for yourself, or for another. Do not feel that this is selfish when it is done for self, but know that to any degree in which you help to create a better-or even slightly better-atmosphere or attitude in the areas around yourself, you will find that this in itself is creative, for it is helping to lift the total universe. You may be unable to see this, but if it is seen from the beyond, this is the important point. Know that as enough of those who walk the earthplane can lift, to even one nth of a degree, their own environment, they are-as a total race or planet-being lifted to that same degree, for there are others upon the planet who are doing the same.
"It is not easy to understand why the saying, 'Be ye perfect, even as the Father in heaven is perfect,' was given on this planet. How can this apply to mortals who are experimental, limited, partial, and temporary?"
Be always aware that there is a measure of perfection within you, and that you must live up to that measure of perfection, however small it might be . .... for as each stage of perfection is reached, you will find that new areas of perfection open up. Do not dwell on the infirmities, the lacks, those things which are less to be desired, but dwell on the positive sides, those things which are perfect within you, and strive to increase in the perfection.
(The reader might recall their motto: The Highest.)
I smiled as 1 recalled the time r d told Bill about the GodSpark. My son had promptly put his hand on his head and wisely said, "Just think! Only three inches from infinity!" 1 asked, "Is this 'perfection' within us the God-Force, the Absolute Source that we should seek?"
This is the perfection that you can measure against. This is the perfection that can profess itself through you. This is the perfection that is a "Spark" of the "Total." Yes, to your question.
"For those who find vulgarity offensive, how can they avoid this?"
It is not necessary to flinch nor to turn away from such things, but only to send thoughts of "blessings" toward that one. In time, that one may change because of these.
"How is man to cope with those past events of a negative, or wrong nature, that he has committed?"
Man must stop judging himself so harshly, for the evaluations are continually and constantly changing. This is part of the evolution of all areas of life. Stop, evaluate, do not judge, but move on.
"Still, man has no 'erase button' for his guilts..."
The erase button is "forgiveness." For the one who can truly learn the art of forgiveness, you will find that these do not continue after death. For as he truly forgives himself the grace of God enters his life, and through grace he is forgiven and need not necessarily repay.
"The man with ethics cannot merely whitewash past guilts by saying, 'I forgive myself ... He must face reality."
The key here would be to "let go," to release, to allow. These are the key words which will help you to advance without the great effort of rising above, or overcoming. Know that as you truly forgive yourself and "accept" the situation where you stand at that particular moment in the eternity of time, you will find that you are then a new being; new in that you no longer commit the particular sin, but neither are you totally responsible for that which was committed in a time before your total enlightenment as of this moment.
"During physical life, is man three distinctly separate states of consciousness: the inner self, the conscious self, and the High Self?"
Yes, but they are not cut apart. These three stem from the same core.
"Does my High Self consciousness feel what I feel?"
Always. There is a very close attunement here.
"How would you d.e.s.c.r.i.b.e. .m..y. High Self?" ~ ....
Keen, sharp . . . very wise . . . a remarkably creative mind ... one who is busy, very interested in this course of progress.
"Does He have many helpers?"
Many, many . . .
"How does the High Self view us, all the projected personalities?"
Two way channels to work with and through ...loves them all equally.
"What is His usual demeanor?" ... ~-~~
"During the 'between life' stages, does procreation ever occur?"
No, there is no particular need, for in the "between life" stage they are totally responsible for themselves and their own growth. They have great areas to work with great decisions to be made
"Can the High Self, or Soul Being, recall both positive and negative experiences from past lives?"
Yes. It has the ability to retain that which is necessary for future times, so that it will be able to identify without reliving the experience.
"Would not the 'discards' be the day-to-day affairs, those mundane events that we ourselves soon forget?"
They can also be the very painful experiences, or those which have caused a good deal of trauma. For if this has been worked through, it is then a good experience and one which needs to be retained for future use. Also, the daily life is a part of the overall picture. However- it is not recalled instantly . . .
"Then the Soul Being can salvage the 'result' and discard the painful or traumatic event?"
For this is then erased, or neutralized, or equalized...Grace
"Are Soul Consciousness (High Self) and human consciousness temporarily spaced apart for learning purposes?"
They are two isolated systems which, for convenience sake, must be separated. However, before the total consciousness can go on into the next phase of learning or knowing, it is necessary that these two be merged. This can be accomplished even at a "between time" level.
"Does one have to merge with one's Soulmate before continuing on into higher realms and more advanced planets?"
No, these two will progress at the same time, but it is not necessary to be aIone.
"Just like 'forever buddies' then?" (Their answer reflected amusement:)
"Do these twin Soul Beings ever meet here as him-her incarnations ... here in the physical realm?"
They can, but very, very rarely.
"Must be quite a magnetic 'pull' when they do."
There is too much completion, too much of a feeling of satisfaction, and thus this is not a probable meeting. Those who would find their other half, their true Soulmate, would find that they do not continue to progress nor to grow. There is too much involvement with each other to be of service to mankind.
"What is the 'glow feeling' that flows through me sometimes?"
This is the presence of your Divine Thought Adjuster, who has helped you. This is the presence that you need to harmonize with, to flow with.
"Can you enlighten us with some principles essential to life?"
Freedom of expression . . . not the "right" of expression. Gratitude for all forces, all acts, all beings, is very necessary, regardless of status or standing. More can be found in The Urantia Book.
We pondered the meanings within the first principle. There seemed to be a snbtle difference, a separation between "freedom of expression" and the "right of expression." This might refer to one's rights in relation to the rights of others, but that where one has the right to express, one then has the freedom to express uniquely.
"What could the second principle mean?" I asked Lenora. She replied, "Well, it could mean gratitude for all the supporting forces in nature and appreciation of all the patient guides who assist and love us, and also, for all those who counsel, teach, and guard over this planet." Wondering, I impulsively asked, "Are you perfect beings?" (The droll answer returned:)
Well . . . almost.
Amidst chuckles, we bid a fond farewell to Herod and Harold and ended the session. I again assured Lenora that the information seemed excellent and highly informative. Our ouly problem in the future would be writing a manuscript that might prove suitable for publication.
The hot spring sun blazed down through a serene blue sky over the race-track. A perfect May day had dawned for the Alfa Club's semi-annual driving instruction event. Being non-profit, the club's dues structure-plus a very modest entry fee-had supplied the funds to rent the track, buy insurance, and hire an ambulance crew for safety. More than thirty privately owned Alfa Romeo's had been thoroughly inspected by race mechanics. The car owners had been briefed on track safety rules, safety signals, and the specific hours of class instruction. Three groups of instructors were assigned specific student-drivers, to teach them the fine art nf smooth, safe, highspeed driving in their own cars. I was assigned three beginners.
My family was a solid group of Alfa enthusiasts. Our daughter Karen, her husband AI, and son Bill were on tap for this event, even though Bill was below the permissible driving age and could not participate. All morning, Bill could be seen walking about, photographing the sleek, shining Alfa's, occasionally borrowing my helmet and cadging rides with other drivers.
During the lunch break, Bill asked ifhe might ride with me in Betsy. Perhaps for just a couple of laps? (He well knew that I would give in and demonstrate some intermediate driving techniques.) Smiling, I borrowed a helmet for Bill, strapped him in with the seatbelts, then warmed her up. As we idled out onto the track, the temperature readings began to rise and I waited patiently until they reached the normal range. Then I shifted into an attitude of calm but determined "go." Precisely skimming the razor-edges at the inside apex of the turns, I quietly lectured Bill. "See how we brake at this point . . . then we downshift like thus . . . then, coming into the turn, we get on it right here and use Betsy's power to pull us through the tum. See how we come out into the straightaway at a faster speed?" Bill sat quietly absorbing every detail as I increased our speed.
Neither of us was aware that Bill's sister and her husband had hiked out to a far tum, hoping to snap a photo of Betsy in action. Betsy's paint color was a lustrous Italian red which, together with classic, shining trim, photographed well. But as fate would have it, they snapped the shutter at the exact instant the accident happened.
It was during the third lap, while approaching a highspeed tum, that my attention was diverted. Betsy's speed was a bit high for the tum. As I reached for the gearshift knob to downshift, my scan-vision flickered toward two familiar figures standing beside the curve. While my attention was fleetingly divided, I downshifted too soon. The action was automatic, but the results were disastrous! The engine screamed and the tach needle leaped off the scale past the 8000 mark A metalic clattering sound followed by dense billowing oil-smoke out the rear, together told the sad tale. "Dag-nabitl" I groaned. "Now I've done itl ... Scattered that beautiful engine but good!" Bill looked perturbed, asking wntly, "What happened, Dad?" Shaking my head curtly, I said, "Well, lover-rewed the engine, but don't worry. We'll get Betsy back to the pits and bum a ride home with someone else.
Idling back around the track, the engine rattled like it had swallowed a valve or broken a piston. We parked in the pit area and walked off. A bystander and the club president inquired about the oil-smoke on the track, but I didn't want to discuss it. After a mild comment, Bill and I joined another group and I returned to my instructing. Strangely, my concentration was such that day that I completely fOrgot the previous incident.
About four that afternoon, a student got a flat tire. He'd brought along so much gear that he'd not been able to fit his . spare tire into the trunk. I quickly offered to drive him to a service station where he could get it repaired. Throwing the flat tire into Betsy's trunk, we drove two miles to the station and waited patiently until it was patched and reffiled with air. It was after five when we returned, and nearly everyone had departed. Helping the student replace the wheel, making sure it would hold its pressure, Bill and I then loaded up our supplies and departed. The heat of the day had tired us out. We leisurely joined the freeway traffic and loafed along, sharing comments about the different Alfa's, the strange roar of Alfa engines-a sound not unlike that of singing hornets-and how great a day it had been for all.
Suddenly Bill turned around and gazed through the rear window with a strange look on his face. I smiled and asked, "What's behind us, the fuzz?" Bill said, "No, that's the funny part of it ... There's nothing behind us, not even oil-smoke!" I looked at him, puzzled. My mind was blank. "What are you getting at?" Bill protested, "But Dad! . . . Didn't we have an accident? . . . Don't you remember, back on the track, when Betsy's engine screamed?"
My mind jumped! Like striking lightning, the vivid memory flashed into focus. I listened carefully to the engine . . . It sounded normal! Gently I added power, cautiously listening for any rattles in the engine. Betsy seemed perfectly smooth in each of the five gear ratios! "Well," I said softly, 'Tm not going to question this one. Somebody up there sure did us a big favor, though. Au engine overhaul is pretty expensive." We relaxed and smiled, enjoying the secure feelings of a day well spent, some remarkable experiences, and a safe ride home. We never forgot though.
It was two months later that the family eagerly scanned some of the snapshots taken up at the race track. One, in color, showed a little red Alfa approaching a tum with oil smoke starting to pour out of her tail-end.
And two years later, at the Alfa West Shop, Betsy's engine was tested and given a valve job. There were no broken parts. That day at the track must have been a day of special "Grace."