Chapter 8/Amnesia Factor

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The Unchangeable Symbol (?)

The problem came up just as I was reaching for a deeper understanding of one of the ·principles.' Instead of putting down my notes and listening, I tried to continue studying and pay attention to my wife at the same time. Within a few minutes, we found ourselves in a heated argument that soon escalated into a rare spat! Angry, I slept on the couch and left early the next morning for work.

When I returned, she mentioned that the house had been without heat since r d left. Raising an eyebrow, I searched for the problem and there, inside the furnace, I found a totally burned up blower motor. I couldn't believe this! Just one year previously, new air-conditioning had been added and the experts had installed a new two-stage, heavy horsepower motor. Also, I had carefully oiled the motor bearings per specifications.

There was nothing to do but purchase a new (expensive) motor and install it myself Then I sat down to think over the possible "causes" of such an undesirable "effect." I pondered, "Burned up motor. . . heat. . . resulting in a loss of heat. . . or coldness. Burned up. . . emotionally burned up. . . Oh, oh! The spatlll So that's what probably caused it! Subtle, subtle, subtle, these little 'lessons'. . ."

Gradually I became more aware of these "accidents" around me. One hot day down at the stables, a heated argument was overheard out behind one of the barns. Two young people in the heated throes of a divorce were really going at it. I immediately left the vicinity and found something else to do. When Jack, the owner, returned, I remarked that the young couple might do well to 'cool it' before one of them got hurt. I mentioned the furnace motor event.

One week later we received news that the divorcing husband had been involved in a car accident and now lay in the hospital. But when he regained his health, the two continued to fight. Then, in August, 1972, this same man was unexpectedly bitten in the face by his favorite horse. The eventual cost of repairing the results of this 'accident' exceeded eight hundred dollars. The site of his injury? His mouth.

I began to wonder about "school lessons" that no one seemed aware of, that few people could believe. How could hmnanity learn when we can neither see nor measure emotional forces? People readily accept unseen television and radio waves, but emotional waves?

I knew that I would never have believed such a thing, had it not been fur the revealing statements of Harold and Herod. It was rapidly becoming obvious to me that humanity simply could not afford the luxury of blasting out with wrath at some irritation, without reaping a crop of "negative waves" right back where it hurts!

At the start of our next session together, I politely commenced with an expectant, "Greetings!" Nothing happened. Lenora sat there as quiet as a mouse. After an awkward pause, she inquired, "Were you waiting for something?" "Well, r d sure like to find out if someone's there!", I replied. (Surprise, chagrin, aod disbelief reflected through her voice as they stated:)

A-L-W-A-Y-S! ..... your doubt is beyond belief!

I chuckled to myself, "Boy, they're there alright, but how's a feller to know?" Then I knuckled down and asked, "What can be given to others to awaken them to the dangerous habit of venting wrathful thoughts and feelings? How can they become convinced that this is dangerous?"

Tell them to spew forth on a hot frying pan for they will see that as the bubbles of water spew back at them, they can then envision those things which become "thoughtforms." For as they send these out into space, they will bounce back with the same impetus that they have gone forth, just as surely as the words or thoughts have been spoken or thought. It would be well for those to become aware of such things as "auras," for they would then be able to see with their visual eyes those things which are around others in their thought areas. It is also well if they feel within themselves the "emotion" that is brought forth by this anger or wrath, for as they feel this churning or burning within them, they will have some vague idea of the intensity of it, and the venom in it. Each one could begin an experiment that they would be able to see the "boomerang" effect of these thoughts, for if they will carefully chart their thought and emotion patterns, they will find that life around them has the same pattern-in a reflected manner-as that which has gone forth.

"What 'benefits' do people receive from turning away from negatives toward the positives, the more friendly, helpful aspects of living?"

You will find that the same multiplying power or quick reaction will also come from the positive actions. Youwill find that as you give friendship to one person they mayor may not return it. This is not the implication, but the fact that you have given, and thus you are open for more things to come unto yourself. It may come as the return of a better job, a new opportunity. Even then, it may come in what appears to be a negative manner. For instance, if your job is taken from you, you would feel, "there I have received evil for the fact that I have given good," and yet within a few short days you may discover that you have "found" an even better job, or have been encouraged to move to an area where the opportunities are greater. You must not try to react immediately to those things which happen, but only be aware that each thing-when you have learned to release totally- can only come to you for a "good" purpose if you are sending out "good" or positive actions.

You will find that when you can "detach" yourself-gain the long view or observe from a distance-you will find that all things begin to fit into a pattern. They may not appear to be connected-such as your work, your home life, your spiritual life-these things may appear to be as three separate entities to you, and yet you will find that they have the interplay that is necessary to bring about the total "whole," or good for you. Watch, wait, listen, evaluateeven as you have evaluated the negative things that have gone forth from you-and you will soon begin to see the pattern come forth.

Lenora said that this might explain why "good luck" seemed to fullow those who were genuinely friendly, helpful, and positive. "What can each person do, in daily life, to best help the advancement of all life on this planet?"

The main thing that all can do is to send out a leveling influence through their constant vigilance of thought. This need not be a guarded thing, and yet it needs to be one which is of a constructive nature. If one finds himself beginning to think negatively, or to enlarge upon such things as war or rape or murder-if these become the central focal point within their thoughts-then they need to divert their attention to things which are more helpful • .. unless there is the knowledge that there is an actual action that they can take to help minimize these things. Know that when there is not a phYsical action that can be taken, then one must work from the mental plane. And even as you lift your own vibration or thought to a more positive level, so you will be helping your fellow man-though he lives in the next house, the next state, or the next country.

Be aware that as each one thinks in a constructive manner, constructive ideas will come toward him, and though they may not appear to help the particular problem at hand, they will find that they are able to lay the groundwork for future help, or to eliminate future problems.

Thus as one reads the paper or hears the news, or has a reaction to their own immediate family, so they must open their eyes and ears and allow the more constructive ideas and mannerisms to come toward them, and they in turn will release this into the atmospheres to be used by all.

As the weeks sailed by, we began to see this" school" in a new light. All these 'lessons' were not idle, but for purpose. Glancing at the latest statistics on sun energies, we could see that vast amounts of power were not being casually used up for the fun of it, but for humanity to be given time to learn better control over the mental, emotional, and physical areas of life. We were staggered by the statistics, the tremendous amounts of energy being consumed by our solar furnace every second of time. We learned that 564 million tons of hydrogen fuel are fed each second into the sun's nuclear furnace. This fuel produces 560 million tons of helium and the process of nuclear fusion converts 4 million tons of the material into radiant solar energy. This consumption (per second) amounts to more than 14 billion tons per hour and 345 billions of tons each day.

Rather bogged down with the above figures, I asked if the expansion of universes, the infinite details of building towards perfection, might be considered a weighty and absorbing process? An interesting answer came back.

This is well to remember, but also remember that as the workers move along their projected jobs, it is necessary that they sing and have time for mirth, for only through this can they do their best work.

Those who are weighted by the intensity of their jobs will find that they fail through tenseness, rather than through lack of concentration. It is necessary that all things be played into the workman's day, so that the "total picture" can be one of joy, of happiness, of beauty, and of serenity, that harmony-which is so necessary-might also be incorporated into the building materials.

"Why is there so little progress from life to life? One would think that compassion and understanding would be far more prevalent."

Not necessarily, for you will find that there is a great deal of ability that is carried over. However, each lifetime it must be retriggered so that the "opening" or the awareness of it comes forward You will also find that the awareness of the "weaknesses" is stronger; and thus, although each person has progressed, they are more aware of their weaknesses than they had been in previous mortal lives.

I asked Lenora if she might be receptive to another 'experiment.' She glanced upward, shook her head, so I smiled and explained, "No, this is not anything scientific, merely mental. There may be a way to determine just how Harold and Herod 'see' things. Here's how it goes: III mentally project some object-or some picture of a physical object-and perhaps we can compare it with whatever they send back into your mind . . . OK?" Lenora asked, "Are you going to tell me what it is beforehand?" "Nope," I said.

Interested, she nodded her head in agreement, so I shut my eyes and concentrated on visualizing the color-image of a tall mountain. Then I added a beautiful castle on its top, with banners waving from its spires and turrets. I held this scene for several seconds and Lenora announced, "They're showiog me a 'triangle,' and it has a big shining diamond growing out of its top.! "

I sulked gloomily, "Well, that one was a bust! Let's try again." This time I closed my eyes and pictured a lonely seagull flying along an overcast coastal beach, towards evening. Seconds later, Lenora announced that they were showing her a lonesome little child, swaying and playing with a hoola-hoop that went around and around her waist. Again I shook my head, saying that I thought they were way off base. She mentioned she felt the point of the hoola-hoop was that it "stayed up with no visible means of support." I immediately caught the connection: "It stayed up, (so did the seagull), with no visible means of support." But why had Harold and Herod changed it? A lonely little bird. . . a lone some little child! And then 1 recalled a long ago answer. . . "Even the animals have a soul." To seraphic minds, as long as it had a soul, it was a child! So this was the 'lesson' they were hoping to get across! Lenora and I marvelled at the subtle wisdom displayed by these seraphim, using my own experiment to open our understanding!

Then we tackled the 'first answer,' the triangle with the diamond growing out of its top. I said, "Well, if we were to analyze a mountain geometrically, it has a base-line and two sloping sides, so perhaps to their eyes it appears as a 'triangle,' but what could be the meaning of the diamond?" Lenora asked, "What did you project?" I quickly described the castle on top of the mountain. With a sudden burst of inspiration (or sheer genius), Lenora unravelled the mystery-symbols with, "They must mean a "rock-like" or "gem-like" form of construction on the mountaintop! The diamond is a "cut stone" and castles are built out of cut stones! Also, since it is glowing, this indicates "life" in the diamond and the castle!"

I just sat still and shook my head. What minds! I felt a twinge of inferiority for a second; then my ego roused itself. Forgetting that they could read every thought in my head, if they chose, I began to muse to myself silently, "Foxy, foxy! ... Well, old Dad might just save the day yet! We'll just have to come up with a symbol so unique, so perfect, that there will be no way for them to 'change' it. Now let's see ... what could I pick?" Ranging over many possible choices, I discarded each one as a way was perceived to change it to another meaning. Then I got sharp!

Projecting my mind's vision way, way out to galactic heights, I gazed back at our tiny dust-mote of a planet. I thought deeply, "What is the one, Single, galactic symbol that distinguishes our planet from all the millions of her sister planets? Ah! ... and now ev hit der jackpot!!!" To Lenora, I stated, "I know one symbol they can't change! Let's try it one more time and see what we get!" She looked eagerly expectant as I firmly closed my eyes. Slowly, carefully, my mind formed the sacred image of an old, weathered Cross standing forlornly on a deserted hilltop. To my utter amazement, Lenora almost instantly stated that they were showing her something of a very unusual design. It was a resplendent, glowing "Golden Crown"!

When the shock wore off, I leaned back and purred like a big cat. Now I was finally and supremely certain that Harold and Herod had surely seen my mental projections. There could be no doubt. In the same thought, I silently vowed to never again 'fence' with those brilliant seraphim! I knew that I'd lost the tournament, shot down in flames. I'd done my very best to select an "unchangeable symbol," had gone to galactic heights to find a timeless, planetary symbol. But the seraphim had gone 'higher,' even to Universal heights, and had indeed 'changed' the symbol in a most perfect way!

I had given them the Cross, and their precisely correct answer had been "The golden crown of universe sovereignty" that He had earned from that historic, universally stunning ordeal on the Cross. Herod and Harold had pointed an unerring celestial finger at the records of universal history.

As my appreciation for such keen intellects deepened, I probed even farther than I'd intended. Casting aside my notes, I asked, "Why were six differently colored races of man produced on this planet, rather than one?"

There is a diversity of need even in the souls that come to these particular bodies. You will find that this goes back to the beginnings, because there has always been separation and division, there has always been the special or the individual. Even as God is a 'Total," he is as individualized as those souls which come upon the earth. This is the reason that none can understand that from which the soul flows forth.

These six races indicate the varied needs within man, and yet you will find that man, of his own choosing, sends his soul back and forth among these different races, that he might experience the different areas. In the total end, however, they do revert to the origin of that which they chose in the beginning.

Plunging deeper, I asked, "In order to experience the process of 'growth toward perfection'-rather than creating instant perfection-did the Creator first envision the 'field' in which this process could take place, before it could happen?"

True. You are delving into a subject that is extremely difficult to define in earth terms, for there has been such a great involvement in minute detail, in more than envisioning the finished product, in more than creating each particle.. . (A long, thoughtful pause ensued, then:)

It was as though. . . the force. • . which is the life. . . blossomed. . . and is continuing to blossom, or bloom . . . which means that life is continually forcing upward and outwaret that all things are continuing in a forward manner, and the older or unused portions are dropping away. This would be considered evolvement. However, know that the force which does this is not an outside force, but more as the sap within the plant which rushes forth and upward and outward.

I said, «Now that's beautiful! It's not an outside force working on evolution; it's working within it, or <interpenetrating,' I should guess."

This is an even greater description, for the force is, and was, and has been, and shall be, but it is within and interpenetrating all things, even as you have said.

And further, «Please define for us your term, 'Total Concept'

This Total Concept, as we speak of it is something that has not yet been able to be totally lived on the earthplane, for there are too many blocks, too many immunities that are yet being utilized.

Be aware that this "Total Concept" will be when there is an acceptance of all souls on their level, feeling not the slightest remorse that one might not appear to have the mental capabilities of another, not the slightest bit of remorse for a day, or a minute, or an hour that has passed, for a deed not accompli sheet for a purpose not completed. It will be a time of existence in love for the "moment." This will be when mankind learns to live in the eternal "now," without a prospect of the morrow nor a worrying about it, without a feeling of regret over the past, or even moments which have passed earlier.

"Will strife and growth have ceased then?"

It will be the healing period for this planet. It will be the time when all past hurts and karmas are totally healed, and it will be a time on the earth that the existence will be "perfection." It will be a time when the purpose ofthis particular place is completed, or finished.

That just about wrapped it up, or so I thought. All that was needed now was a message from the seraphim to humanity. Perhaps one more session, before Lenora moved away, would complete my search. I felt a deep sense of impending loss, that her family situation required their departure from the area (and with Lenora went Herod and Harold); but I'd kicked around long enough to know that all good things must come to an end. I would have my tapes to listen to, to study for the rest of my life; and my books. . . There was one puzzling conflict in terms to solve, though.

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