Chapter 9/Amnesia Factor
What to think? Months of tape studies had convinced me that Harold and Herod were presenting the facts-concerning karmic debts and consecutive life cycles-as they perceived them, yet Seth (validated through Lenora) had repeatedly stated that all one's lives are lived simultaneously. How could both these opposing viewpoints be correct? I seriously concentrated:
"If one whole identity is living all its lives simultaneously, then the consciousness of that identity would have to divide itself, or micro-pulse between each life." Then in one mind-opening flash of realization, I found a "key" to rebirth: the time-sharing operation known as "Multiplex."
This key can be easily understood by those familiar with radio communications or telephone circuitry. Multiplex is the method used to carry many simultaneous telephone calls along one wire. For example, if thirty people in New York were to simultaneously telephone thirty different people in San Francisco, these thirty separate calls are carried on one wire between the city centrals. How is this done? The phone company merely divides time into micro-seconds and assigns a different micro-second sequence to each caller. The whole process is so incredibly fast that each calls seems quite continuous.
Having learned previously that a person's consciousness pulses from cell to cell in the brain-forming thought processes- we could easily accept the possibility of Soul Consciousness dividing into micro-pulsations, then assigning a different micro-pulsed sequence to each mortal life, much like the phone call illustration. The process would be so subtly rapid that each life would seem to be quite individual, separate, and uninterrupted.
When Herod and Harold were asked the question: "Is the process of 'micro-pulsing' used by higher beings to 'multiply' themselves?", they said:
Yes. You will find that the variations from this are minor.
With this in mind, one can visualize a wide "history map" on a wall. The beginnings of history on this planet are at the left edge of the map, the end of planetary history at the right edge. A 'Soul-being' approaches and deeply analyzes all phases of history, from "left" to "right." It then selects a number of "timeslots" in which to live and experience. By the process of "multiplexing" Its consciousness, It can then project separate channels into all Its selected lives simultaneously. Each newborn infant gets one micro-sequenced channel of the Soul-being' s Total Consciousness, and as each infant grows throughout 'life's experiences, so grows the Total Being. One might note that each infant does not receive a "slice" of the whole pie (Soul-being's Consciousness) but is (in this analogy) that Soul-being Itself. The 'separation' is merely apparent. Micro-pulsing requires that each person is the Soul-being. All multiplexed signals are merely "projections" of the main "carrier" beam, are extensions of the real carrier wave.
The evidence supporting such a postulate stems from the fact that one can often hear "other" telephone conversations in the distant background during long distance calls. This is caused by improper multiplex operations and various other electronic faults. Likewise, many people have experienced deja vu, defined by Webster's New International Dictionary as: (F.) Literally, already seen. The experience of "just knowing I've seen this before," (when one also knows that the particular place has never been visited), is a common Occurrence among well-travelled people. The cause? Similar to the well-known "cross-talk" between long distance phone calls, deja vu could be "crossexperience" between lives-lives that are being lived simultaneously much like those thirty phone calls.
To grasp this concept more easily, one might pick up a "comb." The solid handle portion can represent the Soul-being. Each of the projecting teeth can represent one life in a physical body on the earthplane. The Soul-being sees the comb as a "uuity," since It can view the whole comb from broadside. But each human personality has been projected out onto the "tip" of one of those teeth, and therefore must view the teeth in "front" of its position as future lives and those teeth "behind" its position as past lives.
Another example is the television set. Your TV antenna is constantly receiving all Signals from all TV broadcast stations in your area. Yet each television set can display only one channel at a time. (If it doesn't, it needs fixing!) Your channel selector is designed to accept certain bands of frequencies called 'channels.' Within your set, electronic filters are utilized to "screen out" all frequencies outside the particular band, or channel, that you have selected. These ensure channel separation.
In much the same way, the physical brain circuitry seems to "screen out" all other mental frequencies in the thoughtspectrum. (Otherwise, there could be no individual thinking. Each brain utilizes its own individual 'channel.')
ESP research is attempting to locate the "channel selector knob" so that "mind to mind," or telepathic communications can take place at will. This is precisely what Lenora seems to have accomplished. Over the years, she has developed a method of "shifting channels," and the resulting communications with those in other planes are self-evident in this book. It is true that this mental shift seems more like switching from television's VHF to the UHF band, but this is essentially no different than switching channels. It dawns here that the physical brain and its nervous system are the limiting mctors on the indwelling consciousness of each person. However, there are known ways to refine these systems. How? As has aheady been stated: effortlessly. One simple method is Transcendental Meditation™. There is extensive evidence (available gratis from any SIMS or IMS Center throughout the country), that TM spontaneously produces psycho-biological refinements and improvments to the nervous system, the brain, the personality, to the whole person.
At our next session, October 1972, the questioning resumed with, "I'm curious ... Can we think of the Divine Thought Adjuster as the High Self, or is It "above" that level; either the Ku, Kane, or Kanaloa?"
The Divine Thought Adjuster, as spoken of in The Urantia Book, is that which is of the Higher Selves, that Which is above the High Self of the human.
Lenora added: "It seems to be the one in the middle." I asked, "Perhaps the Kane?" Lenora replied in the affirmative. Continuing, I asked, "The 'Soul,' then is the Whole Self?" She an-' swered, "Yes, more nearly." "Seth, then, is something higher than the Soul?"
Seth, in combination with the Highest Self that you can understand at this point in the physical, is the culmination which would be known as a Soul.
"How are you able to transition between all these different energy-planes?"
Our frequencies are variable as is necessary, for there are times when they need to be of higher valuation and times when they can be lowered. We have a framework that we work within.
"When you are in transit between solar systems, how do you maintain communications contact with your Center?"
By thought contact.
"Do Time and Space exist only below the speed of light?"
Time is only a measurement for the mind, for that which needs to have a basis of operation, a point of context. Yes, you are correct in knowing that it is not necessary, nor a part of that which is beyond the speed of light, for this again is only a measurement of time and space.
"You once stated that each cell of the body has its own consciousness. Is this a consciousness" of' . . . or" as" the whole body?"
As the whole body. It realizes its own function its own part. It realizes a need and the desire to fulfill, thus it becomes that which is necessary to the whole.
"What can be given as to our inability to 'know' the Whole Self?
The part that needs to be given there is the fact that man must realize he is only a vehicle for a part of a total race, that he is only one speck of awareness within even those parts which are "himself," and that "this" is just a speck of that which is the "total being /' and on and on it goes. However, he must not be bogged down with the immensity or enormity of it all, but to know that he is very vital and essential, even as each cell is essential to the body . .. "
"What percentage of the Whole Self is man's conscious mind?"
Three hundredths of one percent . .. much as the tip of an iceberg.
"What factors should be considered when searching for 'selfworth?'"
The main factor to consider is the fact that one is "life," and life is "all." Life and love are one, and these manifest as a "being." It is necessary to consider this to the nth degree, that you might be aware that there is an Intelligence that cares. This in itself makes man of the highest order. To become even greater within that same structure, he will strive to fulfill his mission and to co-operate with the power that is.
Man is greatly blessed and is keenly developed. He must know these things that he can then begin to see his other areas of emotional response, physical response, etcetera, in their own light and in their own balanced place; that he might not consider one particular area of flaw as a "total" lack of worth, but say, "Ah, yes. . . I see this is an area that needs to be considered or worked with, to bring the total into balance. " Man needs to know that he Is.
"This merging of consciousness into the physical body has been done so cleverly, so firmly and neatly, that it is hard to imagine each man discovering all these things on his own. Is it not more likely that man must be 'taught' these things?"
Man knows, in the "reality" of self, that these are true and so. It is not possible for each man to discover this on his own, nor to reach a stage where he can evolve, for this would take too great a period of "time. " It is necessary that those who have the ability, the knowledge, "bring" this to the earth so that it can be delved into by those who have already been seeking to evolve. You will find that it is necessary that teachers come to man, and yet man must also reach upward to receive this. It is not of his own evolving that it comes forth. Wisdom, without the desire to learn, is wasted. This is why the preparations have been so long, so thorough.
"Is one of the goals to subdue and control all desires?"
Only those which are a hindrance, only those Which would hold one back to the earth • .. the desires of "love," "selfworth," or "recognition of the God-force" are not subdued There are many areas of life that are not subdued, but those things which are more of the physical plane need to be "controlled."
"It wouldn't do, then, to stare at all the pretty girls?"
Why not? This is one of the ways in which man can become more beautiful himself, by observing those more beautiful creations around him.
I then brought up the subject of karmic debts, in the sense of "As ye sow, so shall ye reap," by asking, "Where is the justice in the case of two hypothetical men, one of whom feels no guilt whatsoever when committing hurtful acts; the other (a more ethically evolved man), feels the guilt aud thereby reaps negative karma; yet both acts were identical?"
Recall that he who does not feel the guilt-though he is not aware of a reprisal in this lifetime-yet is this within his consciousness and he will have to reap that which he has sown at another time. Know that though you do not see "those who live by the sword" necessarily "die by the sword," neither do you see those who have not reaped the debt of consciousness have to pay the price that is there . .. for they will reap this, though it be in another lifetime, and it may be triple the debt that they had yet incurred.
(I pondered, "Triple the debt," aud thought, "Their sense of justice seems to follow their motto alright!") I said, "Then there must be different levels of justice, because we know that an act considered by a past society to be "good" is mauy times considered "bad" by a later society, aud vice versa."
It is so . . . and you will recall that many of the things with which you are now dealing are on the physcial plane, and these are the things which are governed by the earthlaws of the time. You will also realize
(Unfortunately, Lenora's doorbell rang at this point, interrupting Herod and Harold. After a short break, we continued along the same line of probing:)
"'Then it wonldn't work to use the justice system of some other planet, or some other 'time.' One must keep justice within one's own sphere?"
This is the basic truth that you are now reaching. You are aware that many things are unjust as far as the earth man can visualize, and yet recall that there is a far greater." . . . (evidently meaning a greater perspective).
You yourself have spoken of billions and billions of aeons, and thus you must realize that many of the things which appear to be very important to mankind at this time are of minor consequence in the total picture.
Be not so hard on yourselves, nor on others. Know that there is a time of justice. Know also that there are many things which are in the physical realm that are unjust, and yet these are those areas that shall be worked out in the aeons ahead.
I commented, "Trust in Allah but be sure to tie your camel!" 'Then I turned a page aud asked, "Is the reason that the Teachers and Prophets of old wonld not cohabit with women due to a beliefthat they wonld, by doing so, lose their psychic powers?"
No. It was mainly because the taking on of added responsibilities could only detract from their mission that of moving from place to place frequently so as to spread the teachings and light of knowledge among many. Know that this loss of energy, if there is love-even one iota of love can be replenished. It is not lost.
"Can we clarify a confusing point? Is the 'soul' actually the inner self?"
No. This inner self is that which is contained and is progressing, is continuing to evolve. The soul is that which is adjacent to or beyond the immediate mind level; and yet is not held back by it, but is an accumulation of all the thought-minds that have been a particular part of that soul.
"That latter sounds like the Whole Self, doesn't it? . . . I wonder if they can describe my inner self."
She . . . overshadowed he . . . there are two facets to this which is within you, but the female side is more dominant and this is the creative, beauty aspect of your self. This is the understanding, the comprehension, the compassion, and the ability to "see through" (concepts), that is you.
"Is this inner level of consciousness evolving to become more like my waking state of consciousness?"
Continually. To feel, to think, to act, to rationalize, to do all things as you would do. Thus you become as its teacher. It is essential that you master yourself, that you might help this level master itself.
"Are we evolviog to become High Selves?"
You are supposed to be continually evolving your "selves, " for only as you pull one up, are you able to also push another one on; for each in turn becomes as the teacher ofthat which is one step lower. Know that you have the ability to become gods in time, for this is the eventual evolution of mankind as made within the image of God.
At the time, such a statement could only briog me right out of my chair. In the back of my miod, I'd been ponderiog the frailties of human nature-the ignorance, the injustices, the pathetic attempts of man to uphold high ideals, the distorted beliefsand the thought of such creatures becomiog 'gods' was beyond my comprehension. I firmly stated, "It is exceedingly difficult for the miod of man to conceive of ever becomiog a 'god.' (The response was rather firmly stated also:)
Why is this so difficult to believe when you know the extreme power and energy that is poured forth from the many sources at one time? Know that these things are possible or they would not have been stated There is no great problem here, only time, time, time. So be patient and know that these things do happen, have happened, and can happen.
As man begins to recognize his own abilities, this is only when he begins to awaken from the long, deep slumber that he has been in for the aeons of time. As he wakens from this slumber, he begins to play with his mind and work with it in ways that may appear to be devious, or angry, or hurtful. As he begins to realize the strength of this particular energy, he then begins to try to develop or discipline it. As this discipline becomes more firm, the reaction takes place so that the energy is formed into a particular use, or vessel. Then it becomes more useable, and from that point on, it can become more godlike . . . . these are in relative terms, for "God" -as man uses the term-is not the ultimate. "God" is only the beginning of that which has left the physical.
"What good would it do to write a book with such farsighted concepts in it, if only a handful of open-minded people will believe it?"
It is not lost in the consciousness of "total man." Know that this is the way in which the help is being implanted. It is being given and regiven in many, many forms at this time. It is to be charged and discharged to those who will listen, whether they hear with their ears or not. It is going into their consciousness and this shall again, in time, repeat to the point that those who come upon the earth in future days will have this knowledge born innately within them, and not have to reach to the times past nor into the outer realms to receive it.
Thinking of those people who really needed help, I tried to formulate broad questions that might elicit some enlightening answers:
"What can be told those who feel that they are not progressing?"
They again need to be made aware of the fact that they are seeing a very minor facet of that which is the "Soul" of themselves. They need to know that they are progressing many times, whether they are aware of it or not; and whenever they are "wasting time/' they are not progressing, but they are not regressing. They need to know that they can hold one area for a certain length of time, and then they will feel an impatience or unsettledness within, which will cause them to again seek and search. They need to realize that although the progress is not perceptible in their eyes, the very fact that they are learning anything. whether it be patience, maturity, love, and desire, this in itself is what is necessary to the total, so that this is not wasted.
"What can be told those who feel guilty over past mistakes?"
All they can be told is to keep forward on the path. much as one who regresses on a diet. They must know that they cannot be guilty over those things which have gone before, but only pick up their burden and continue forward with that which they know to be right or true. You can only tell those who have made a mistake that this is the manner in which they have learned. and that to repeat the mistake is then the sin-but not to have committed the mistake. Knowing that as one learns through a heartfelt lesson, they are then more firmly entrenched in those things which they know to be right and correct.
Be patient with them, and teach them also to be patient with themselves, for if they become impatient over a past mistake, they are then encouraging another fault to come forth, the fault of impatience.
I asked, "Why is it necessary to actually experience the traumas that so many endure? Can we not learn by carefully observing others?"
Understanding is again essential, for understanding of self and others would be a basic quality before brotherhood could be implemented.
"What can be told young adults, those who become embroiled in war?"
There are those who have experienced this before, have felt the sting and the bite of war, and have seen the futility and uselessness of continuous strife. These ultimately commence the task of helping their own country and other countries to find a peaceable existence with each other so that all life might be preserved. For even that which appears to be negative life is necessary, in that those are the ones who must continue to strive upwards. You will find that this is slowly but surely coming about. It has been as a form of revolt, and yet this revolt must be brought into a peaceable demonstration; that the ways to work with each other-to learn to work from the basic human needs upward-so that governments, in essence, can begin to understand and relate to each other on a higher level.
This will have to begin with the basic people, the human needs, the desire for food and bread and water, the need
for comfort and health. As these are accomplished on a worldwide basis, so will there be less anxiety and problems, or need to be aggressive and overwhelm or eat up the other.
They will need to define within themselves their own need for participation. If they feel very stronglY against this, they must weigh and measure why they feel thusly. If it is from a feeling of lack, then they must face up to this, that it might be overcome. However, if they feel strongly that they can help their fellow man on another basis, or in another area, this must also be stayed with.
"What about the conscientious objector, the one who states, '1 shall not kill another," yet accepts service of a non-killing nature?"
It depends a great deal on the inner workings of this particular soul. If he can truly say, "I desire to help my fellow man. I shall do all things that I can to alleviate pain and suffering. Even though I must stand by and watch my fellow man kill his neighbor, I can be there to minister to those who are hurt, regardless of the side they are on," then this one has done all that is within his own personal power to overcome a debt.
"What message might help parents understand more clearly their children who develop different life-styles, different lifegoals?"
These same mortal parents must realize that these children have their own lives to live. They have been sent this particular bundle of joy to be able to rear it in the beginning, to provide the necessary essentials, to give it the start and the values as they were able to see them. Know that from the age of five on, those who have come are very definitely on their own, even though they are still within your care. It is necessary to allow their freedom, for through no way can you change or alter that which is basic with them. You can continue to guide or counsel, you can give help and aid as it appears necessary. However, there is a great need here for parents to draw back, for they will find that they tend to "over-give" or "over-help" certain individuals, and this does not help their growth.
You will find also that, as parents, those on the earth begin to see their own weaknesses or take the blame for that which is not their's. They must recall-and know at all times-that these children are individual souls or individual experiences for each one, and this must be allowed.
If mistakes are made, they are the burden of that particular soulchild. They can always be upheld or uplifted through thought, but they must not be manipulated through thought. You can put a layer of benevolence or help around each child and let this be the sustaining power. However, do not interfere nor manipulate them beyond that which appears to be helpful.
"What can be told others about the cycle of rebirth?"
There are those who will not accept this as fact, and this is well, for they are not necessarily inclined to know this and it need not be there for their growth. Growth happens even as a plant comes from a seed, re-seeds itself, and again through the seed, comes back. The plant does not know this, is not aware of it, and yet the cycle goes on. Thus man is not always aware of his own cycle. There are those who have accepted reincarnation and feel that this is the "total" answer. They must be made aware that this is only one of the steps in all eternity, that there are many other planes and reaches that they must go to. Many feel that the earthplane is the only thing they know and recognize, and can be secure in. Those who are secure are much as a babe in a playpen who is not satisfied with the world outside, for he does not recognize all of the uncharted wealth that is his to be found. As one comes forth from the playpen, they begin to see the immensity of the world around them, and once they become aware of the world, they can become more aware of the universe. Even as this is so, so the soul of man must realize that even the universe is only as a playpen to the "Total."
I mentioned to Lenora that The Urantia Book described in detail what Harold and Herod were hinting at, the inconceivable magnitude of the Master Universe that contained many, many universes.
I suddenly remembered that, all too soon, Lenora and her family would be leaving, and my feelings saddened with nostalgia. No more communications, no more Herod and Harold. (As if in answer to this mood, the following suddenly and gently came through:)
This has been one of the most meaningful that you have witnessed as yet. Much has been accomplished. Go in love and peace, knowing that all who are with you are rejoicing because of that which has come to you.
Before asking my final question, (which I'd been saving), I wanted to ask a question for all the Star Trekkers, for all science-fiction fans. "Can you tell us whether towards the more populated areas of the universe, there are such things as spaceships, real fieets of spaceships?
(A pause occurred here, almost as if private conversations were being held somewhere else. Then the following was given quite slowly:)
These are not unheard of ... these are not unknown. You have touched upon it, and yet you cannot conceive in your mind's eye that which they have, for man's attempts thus far are very puny compared to those spaceships which have been created in other spheres. Do not let this trouble you, however, for you shall see these . . . in time.
Then I asked the last question, a request that Harold and Herod send a message to all humanity for our book. Warmly came the following:
There is really little one can say that will speak to all people, for each one is so individualized that the need would be varying in each case. However, we can give them the assurance that they can tell from the emotional level when there is help with them, and once they become aware of the fact that there is more to life than is met by their eyes, they will begin to feel that there is the need to reach to other planes or levels. They will not fully comprehend the immensity of it ... may consider it to be a limited amount of an angelic kingdom or just a guardian angel with them. This is well, for we do not care whether we are recognized to the fullest degree or not. All that is hoped from our level is that man will become aware that he does have butterfly wings, and need not always crawl the earth. It will take those with imagination, those with a freedom of thought, even those with a scientific bent-as long as they are not of a closed nature-to be made aware of these other realms. You will find that as this new age becomes more of a reality, this will be accepted on a more general level.
It will be necessary to move cautiously and to evaluate each thing which is discovered without negating it. Know that it is necessary to evaluate from several standpoints, since there can be the misinterpretation. As you think on yesterday's material today, you will see different sidelights to it than you were able to see the day before. Know that you need to experiment and experience this, and yet do not move forward too rapidly. Know that the dangers which are there are those things which man brings unto himself, those things which he "desires" to see made manifest and those things which he "fears" will be made manifest. Desire and fear are the two main thought-emotions to watch in delving into other realms.
Be patient with each of those who are striving along the path. Do not even feel frustrated with those who refuse to look upwards, for their time will come. Even as some receive it at five or seven years of age, and others receive it at seventeen, still others will not have a glimpse until they are seventy or ninety. So be patient. Each will reach it in his own time.
There will be few who will become ecstatic and realize the immensity or enormity of help that is available, or the desire and care that is on this side, to help each man forward to his fullest potential. You will find that it is necessary for man alone to work through the emotional and mental planes, so that we can help them more in the higher planes. As they become aware of their shortcomings, they will find that there are ways of meditation, ways of "transcending" and rising above those problems which appear to be so tremendous to them . . . that one especially of humility, for this must be overcome before they can have the grander sight to be able to see that which is beyond.
I thanked them and said, "I'll miss these communications ... " (Gently:)
The answers to all your questions lie within you...