Encyclopedia of Science
Encyclopedia of Science
The Encyclopedia of Science is an on-line A-to-Z of science (and technology, mathematics, philosophy, etc) maintained and updated on a daily basis by astronomer/author David Darling and is part of The Worlds of David Darling website.
Some of the content comes from my books, including The Universal Book of Astronomy, The Complete Book of Spaceflight, The Extraterrestrial Encyclopedia, and Life Everywhere: The Maverick Science of Astrobiology. Other entries are unique to the on-line Encyclopedia and have, in some cases, been suggested or provided by outside parties.
The goal is to provide a comprehensive source of information covering all aspects of contemporary science, mathematics, and technology, including historical data and biographies. It is intended to be of use to the interested layperson, student, and academic alike.
Every effort is made to keep the Encyclopedia accurate and up to date. However, it's a big task and your comments, corrections, and contributions are most welcome. Simply e-mail them to me. If included, they will be fully credited.