From Nordan Symposia
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Generic is something that is general, common, or inclusive rather than specific, unique, or selective.
ge·ner·ic (jə-nĕr'ĭk) adj.
- 1. Relating to or descriptive of an entire group or class; general. See synonyms at general.
- 2. Biology. Of or relating to a genus.
- 3.a. Not having a brand name: generic soap.
b. Of or being a drug sold under or identified by its official nonproprietary or chemical name.
c. Grammar. Specifying neither masculine nor feminine gender: generic nouns like waitperson and executive.
ge ner ic n.
- 1. A product or substance sold under or identified by a generic name.
- 2. A wine that is a blend of several grape varieties and does not carry the name of any specific grape.
[From Latin genus, gener-, kind.]