The interdimensional hypothesis of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and related events holds that these phenomena are visitations from other universes (or dimensions) that coexist separately alongside our own. It further proposes that they are a modern manifestation of entities or phenomena which have appeared throughout and possibly before recorded history, and which were previously explained as mythological or supernatural creatures.
According to this theory, the phenomenon manifests itself as a control mechanism, whose function appears to be to challenge the observer's accepted notions of reality, by appearing to be things that common sense would disregard as being impossible, and in our modern age, as technological objects which always seem to appear to be one step ahead of our own technological horizon.
By breaking the deepest taboos of society, the phenomenon thereby gradually reinforces a permanent change in the perception of that society, by the propagation of alternate belief systems. Such a change appears to undermine society's belief in established authority, both governmental and scientific, which ridicules the phenomena and those who believe in it.
A non-human consciousness
The existence of non-human consciousness, which may or may not possess a physical body or bodies, that exists either on or around the earth and is able to manipulate space, time and consciousness in ways that we presently do not understand suggests that humans can ultimately understand the larger reality of this phenomenon, provided the problem is attacked with research of sufficient rigour.
Researchers believe the phenomenon represents an intelligence which can masquerade in various forms, including space visitors, religious apparitions, anomalous creatures, poltergeists, and psychic phenomena.
Historically, pre-industrial societies believed in the existence of "elementals" of various sorts, dragons, demons, elves, fairies, pixies, and various other little people and paranormal beings. These entities were invariably supernaturally powerful, often belligerent and prone to playing pranks, as well as abducting children, seducing and raping men and women, and taking people to places where time seemed to pass at a different speed than the normal world. The theory identifies these entities as the action of the supposed consciousness.
As nation states began to industrialise and people generally became less superstitious, a change seemed to occur in the way the phenomenon manifested itself, as people began perceiving technological objects (UFOs), possessing peculiar abilities (such as speed, maneuverability) which are analogous to the magic of elves and demons of previous eras; that is, possessing abilities which always seem to be beyond our grasp or which contradict our sensibilities whilst remaining relevant as society changes over time, and hence remembered, propagated and not forgotten.
The control mechanism
It is speculated that the frequency of UFO events represents a premeditated conditioning or learning process. The motives of the consciousness behind the process are unknown, but it may be some kind of test about the ultimate nature of reality and humanity's ability to comprehend it, despite being handicapped by society and its taboos about what is and what isn't acceptable, as well as the state of modern physics. Presumably, beings with the ability to bend space, warp time and communicate telepathically may be in possession of the ultimate keys to the laws of nature, which govern the universe. What may be occurring is some sort of first contact scenario by an unimaginable power, being played out over millennia, and not as Hollywood has always asserted, and science has demanded, by the proverbial UFO landing on the White House lawn. In short, the phenomenon, by its very existence, poses the question, "What is the ultimate nature of reality and the physical laws that underlie it?"
If the theory is correct, it remains an open question as to whether humanity will meet the non-human consciousness and whether it has humanity's interests at heart. The phenomenon sometimes appears unconcerned about human sensibilities. The situation is such that most politicians and scientists - the two main figures of authority - will not speak publicly about UFOs except to ridicule them. Some are concerned that this causes people to lose faith in established authority, and to turn to alternate sources to investigate the phenomena.
Dr. Rick Strassman, a psychiatrist and researcher of clinical psychopharmacology supports a variant of this theory. During his research with DMT (dimethyltryptamine), more than 50% of his subjects had coherent, realistic encounters with sentient beings who interacted intelligently. Further, many of these beings looked and behaved very much like those creatures described by so-called UFO abductees.[1] In his book, DMT: The Spirit Molecule, Strassman writes:
- "When reviewing my bedside notes, I continually feel surprise
in seeing how many of our volunteers “made contact” with “them,” or other beings. At least half did so in one form or another. Research subjects used expressions like “entities,” “beings,” “aliens,” “guides,” and “helpers” to describe them. The “life-forms” looked like clowns, reptiles, mantises, bees, spiders, cacti, and stick figures. It still is startling to see my written records of comments like, “There were these beings,” “I was being led,” “They were on me fast.” [2]
Strassman hypothesizes that DMT may allow us to access other dimensions by tuning our brain to a different reality, thus allowing us to see the Interdimensional entities.
- "So even though I'm no expert on quantum physics or any of the more far-out psychedelic views of cosmology, I did learn a little bit of this phenomena that is known as dark matter, which is non-visible matter that neither generates light nor reflects light, but still makes up 95% or more of the mass of the universe. It seemed to me that if it makes up that much mass of the universe, it could very well be inhabited, and it would just be a question of changing the receiving characteristics of consciousness through chemical changes that occurred with DMT to be able to perceive things that were normally not perceivable. And there are plenty of examples of that in everyday reality - I mean, with a microscope we can see tiny things we couldn't see normally - with a telescope we can see things very far away we can't see normally, with ultraviolet sensors we can see things that we can't normally see - so the only difference, maybe from a philosophical point of view, is that the change in our receiving powers are not tied in with a machine - they're more in our subjective/receptive consciousness rather than with a piece of metal and electricity and glass and things that can magnify or somehow change the things that we're capable of seeing.
So it's a bit of a stretch, but I don't think it's completely that crazy. The main thing that prevents further movement along the model that I'm talking about is just the verifiability between two people - like can two people see the same thing at the same time - like if you have two people looking through the same microscope at the same time, they can pretty much see and describe the same thing - but is it possible for two people to take DMT at the same time, or not even at the same time, and be able to see the exact same thing? [3]
Research and writer Sundar Ganapathy also builds on the interdimensional hypothesis and its relation to DMT. Ganapathy suggests that the greater driver is actually a Kundalini or prana energy phenomenon. He writes:
- "Many alien abductees report energy phenomenon, as if the “aliens” are making adjustments and tuning receptors - located in the very same chakras/nadis of hindu and buddhist spiritual traditions. And it should once more come as no surprise that many of these same experiences are reported by users of smoked DMT. Dr. Rick Straussman has an entire book devoted to the DMT experience and the role it could play in our spirituality, as it is an endogenously produced chemical. Now the pieces of the puzzle begin to fit together.
I believe that what is happening is some type of kundalini related energy phenomenon, initiated, at least superficially, by the DMT (regardless of whether it is endogenous substance naturally released or synthetic and artificially released into the bloodstream). What is interesting is that the avid occult seeker of the Out of body experience trains him or herself to induce these altered states of consciousness using energy exercises to access other realms. If you have ever experienced the OBE, you will notice the characteristic activation of certain energy centers. With that in mind it becomes clear that the kundalini energy plays a huge role in producing altered states of consciousness, through the release of DMT and perhaps other substances, to allow us to access other realms.[4]
Ganapathy takes his analysis further by suggesting that regardless of whether the alien intelligence is real or not, it is not to be trusted. He writes:
- "Because if in fact these spirits are real, we do not know their true intentions and they may be far craftier than we can imagine. We should continue to explore and attempt to communicate in the altered state. However, we must approach such realms with caution and reserve. Data should be collected, hypotheses should be formed and tested, and the scientific method should be applied as much as possible. At the end of the day, we should remain skeptical.
We can only entrust the future of humanity to humanity itself. Lets unleash the true human within us! Forget the “plans” of “Gods” and their books, and forget the messiahs and their divine visions. Instead, lets forge our own human driven path to creating a future of exploring and designing our own universe. Unless these “gods” have something practical to say, forget about them, and elevate your imagination and your psyche to the level of the godhead. [5]
- Clark, Jerome, UFO Book: Encyclopedia of the Extraterrestrial’’, Detroit: Visible Ink, 1998
- Ref' UFO Variant #4. Supporter: Freedom of Speech, Non-Censorship.
- Dvir, Adrian, "X3, Healing Entities and Aliens".