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Latin interloqui to speak between, issue an interlocutory decree, from inter- + loqui to speak


  • 1: one who takes part in dialogue or conversation
  • 2: a man in the middle of the line in a minstrel show who questions the end men and acts as leader


In linguistics, discourse analysis, and related fields an interlocutor is a person involved in a conversation or dialogue. Two or more people speaking to one another are each other's interlocutors. The terms conversation partner, hearer, or addressee are sometimes used interchangeably with interlocutor.

In politics, an interlocutor is someone who informally explains the views of a government and also can relay messages back to a government. Unlike a spokesperson, an interlocutor often has no formal position within a government or any formal authority to speak on its behalf, and even when they do, everything an interlocutor says is his own personal opinion and not the official view of anyone. Communications between interlocutors are often useful at conveying information and ideas. Often interlocutors will talk with each other before formal negotiations.