Marshall Vian Summers
Marshall Vian Summers founder of the Greater Community of Knowledge, a society organized in 1992 around the teachings he has transmitted. The Society is both the publisher of Summers' books and recordings—under the imprint of New Knowledge Library—and also a small religious order dedicated to studying, practicing and teaching the New Message from God. The Greater Community Sanctuary in Boulder, Colorado, USA, is the gathering place for The Society, where monthly contemplative services are provided as a gift to the public at no cost. These services are broadcast to a worldwide community via the Internet.
These writings contain a spiritual preparation which focuses on Knowledge, a deeper intelligence within each person and endowed by God . Knowledge within each person, and within all sentient beings in the Universe, represents a connection to God and life beyond the worlds of time and space. With the exception of The Allies of Humanity books, Summers claims that his writings come through him from a divine source; they are first spoken and recorded, then transcribed and published.