Sent Sunday, February 05, 2012 10:17 PM
Was anyone here on tml present at Naperville? If so, could you say something about the "ritual" employed at the event? - Thanks, Rob
On Mon, Feb 6, 2012 at 2:51 PM, Donna D'Ingillo <> wrote:
Hi Rob: I was at the Naperville event, and I recall that the ritual was that there were people forming three concentric circles. People formed one inner circle, moving I believe clockwise, then others formed a second circle moving counter-clockwise, then a third circle formed and moved clockwise. Everyone held hands in their circle and they continued to move. I believe the idea was that this would form an energy vortex to help the materialization occur. I think there was an open microphone format and anyone could speak. I believe one person shared a vision of these circles and spoke about forming an energy matrix for us to create that space to receive Machiventa. Then after that was spoken, people who felt let came into the circles and moved accordingly for about 10 minutes, until it was evident that the materialization would not occur. That’s my best recollection! - Donna
Hello Donna-
Thank you for sharing! Sounds like a local emulation of motion in the Master Universe. Regardless, I think it is helpful as I proceed through this review to engage as much memory as possible for the record. None of us can realize what a treasure it is for others who will enjoy benefits we can only dream of while missing opportunities such as ours of which I hope they will be able to at least 'read'.
p.s. I have enclosed this exchange in the discussion page of the record. If you wish to change anything, let me know.--rdavis 23:54, 6 February 2012 (UTC)
Jim Cleveland wrote at Tue, Feb 7, 2012 at 6:21 AM:
There is much to say about the Naperville event but not here on e-mail.
Following the ceremony, which was designed to facilitate the event by helping to activate or magnifiy spiritual energies and allow desirous, well-meaning people to be a part of it, a woman named Marilyn Green transmitted a narrative from Machiventa Melchizedek. He acknowledged that his feet is now planted on Urantia, which was established at that time as the headquarters planet for the Correcting Time under his direction. This was a universal broadcast. He stated his gratitude for the faith and commitment shown by the people who came, and noted that, in return, each would be blessed with what they need most. This was certainly true for me. Steps of faith and commitment always bring rewards.
Strangely, there appears no transcript of the message or even any interest in it. Many people appeared not ready for more words, but for a visualization, even including a videographer. The energy was no doubt compromised by the various unbelieving Urantia readers who showed up thinking it wouldn't happen, some of whom stormed out indignant that it didn't. One fellow said it was the work of Caligastia. Some were really irritated that 'lightworkers' got pulled into their Urantia thing. Who are those new age people and what are they doing here? Shades of Martin Myers paranoia.
I wonder just who was embarrassed by this sincere attempt by Lightworkers to work with spiritual energy. If LinEl doesn't like rituals, surely she must be embarrassed by all of the religions on the planet every Sunday. I think her statement is inappropriate. And the idea that was hammered after the brief phrase ... that we should focus on our daily lives and not miraculous events ... was already an axiom for everyone who attended.
Over the years, I've noted that some teachers always reflect the personalities, attitudes and opinions of the people who are transmitting them. This transmitter never accepted the Monjoronson mission either, and no transmission ever came to her that changed her mind. Some today actually build energy merkabahs; others don't believe in such. Some UBers still see the need to protect themselves from lightworkers and new age, since they don't read the book, I suppose.
My test for TR is to open to everything and get out of the way. They tell me things I didn't know and would not have said.
This is the path to Morontian thinking, and the more you absorb the more you become separated from rank and file Urantians, who have been compromised by partisan, divisive and ignorant human thinking since childhood. One sees self-serving stupidity perpetuating itself everywhere in the quest for money and it can get discouraging. Fortunately, with Correcting Time energies -- yes energies -- permeating our troubled planet, many people are waking up to realities and clear thinking. Just like they predicted.
If you have time to research this subject, I can put you on a trail that will likely lead to Ms. Green if she's still with us. She also transmitted after the event, at an informal gathering of questioners, as did Andrew, Felicia and maybe others. No record of any of this that i
I talked to one lady, a friend, who was in the Naperville ub/lightworker group. She said people were screaming in her face after the event about the folly of it, and she explained that she, herself, didn't believe he was going to show up. Not her fault.
It must have been good education for the celestials (they said so) to watch ritualists opening to Spirit and striving for connection, while a large number in the audience was disdaining the ceremony and looking to verify their conviction that it was all misguided.
ps Do you have Susan KIimsey's transmissions to Thern and others about the event? --rdavis 23:07, 7 February 2012 (UTC)