Talk:1995-06-16-Sincerity & More Sincerity
Gerdean wrote: Fri, Jun 29, 2012 at 10:01 PM
I'm a bit unsure of this one. Lemme study on this a bit.
It seems you have used my transcript, as compared to the original Pocatello transcripts, because you are using the aliases I inserted, and yet you have not capitalized the names of the teachers, as is my wont. Perhaps you did a global "find and replace" on all the names ... to protect the innocent.
Yes, I am pretty sure either Rutha or I T/R'd Daniel and Isaac T/R'd Ham. Tomas was present, but he never said anything.
As I understand the Pocatello "code" ... T/R1 is Rutha; T/R2 is PamElla; T/R3 is Isaac; and T/R4 is Gerdean, since I came along at the end of their second year.
I haven't looked at the Pocatello original. It's too late at night to be rummaging around in the files, wrestling with CDs and all. --rdavis 17:54, 30 June 2012 (UTC)