Talk:1999-10-18-Nature of Spirit Light
To Peak or Pique? That is the question
Rob wrote:Thursday, April 04, 2013 8:12 PM
This excerpt features the word peak where I think it should be pique. Do you concur or do you think I should leave it as is?
enc: Is there a difference between what you do and how you do it? Is there a difference between who you are and who you are becoming? Are you finding that you are becoming more real in a spiritual sense and less real in a material sense? Are you finding that things which held value and meaning are beginning to shift in your life? Are you beginning to embrace more things which you are led to, which you don't quite understand? Are you beginning to fall in love with the unfamiliar, the unsure, the uncertain? Is your curiosity beginning to peak? Are you exploring within? - JarEl
Gerdean wrote:Apr 4, 2013, at 9:36 PM
Actually, the way it is used in this sentence, I think it is correct as spelled. "Is your curiosity beginning to peak?" implies it is reaching a point of excitation that you will actually do something about it.
If it were "Is your curiousity beginning to pique?" it would indicate a point of weakness, as if to say the curiosity barely has a pulse but is starting to show signs of life, whereas the other suggestions, in the previous series of questions, imply much more excitement, more quivering on the brink.
Still, like you, I tend to think it appropriate for curiosity to pique, and not peak.
Rob wrote:Thursday, April 04, 2013 9:50 PM
I appreciate your thoughts, and I disagree however given the existing form, I will defer to it upon your suggestion. My reason for difference is that the context speaks of moving from the lesser to greater. I would like, with your permission, to include this correspondence in the discussion page of the lesson.--rdavis 02:50, 5 April 2013 (UTC)