Talk:2001-09-28-Lessons For A Teacher & Healer
Rob wrote tml: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:26 PM
In the second paragraph of this section of a lesson attributed to Tarkas/Jim Cleveland two questions are brought to mind.
1) a term "dimanticize" which seems to be either an error or a new word. 2) reference to the event of September 11 when the lesson is dated Sept. 8.
any thoughts
Rob wrote Jim Cleveland:Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:27 PM
Jim, perhaps you can answer these questions? Let me know if possible.
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From: Rob Davis <> Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 6:26 PM Subject: questions To: A teaching mission discussion list <>, Robert Davis <>
In the second paragraph of this section of a lesson attributed to Tarkas/Jim Cleveland two questions are brought to mind.
1) a term "dimanticize" which seems to be either an error or a new word. 2) reference to the event of September 11 when the lesson is dated Sept. 8.
any thoughts
Gerdean wrote: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 8:28 PM
1) I'd say "dimanticize" is a new word, maybe incorporating dimension with fantasize or romanticize.
2) That sounds like a typo. Maybe it was supposed to be Sept. 18, or 28. I would check to see when the group would have normally met, i.e., on Thursdays, and see if that configures.
Rob wrote:
Thank you Gerdean! I will enter your thoughts into the discussion page and wait to hear from Jim. I was able to find a copy of this in TMArchives and there the date appears as 9/28/2001, so I will change it accordingly.
Jim wrote: Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 8:56 AM
I'm having some problems with my browser, set on Internet Explorer and not working, while my default is Firefox. Got to fix.
In the meantime, can you cut and paste the transcript and I'll look at it, thanks, jim
Rob wrote:Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 11:44 AM
Hey Jim-
Thanks for taking a look at this. The date I have resolved as 9-28-2001, but the word dimanticize is puzzling, but then new words do arise in such a way.
Let me know what you think. Below is the paragraph.
enc: paragraph
Tarkas (Jim): The key to your receptivity is in the love that permeates your being and your faith to step forward and seek out these powers, faithful images. They are yours. They are all yours and they are accessible. Your guardian angel loves you deeply. In fusion with your indwelling spirit they can create ecstatic moments of joy and a sense of peaceful well being. They highly energize and dimanticize (?) the seconds for you. And, these powerful experiences are also a gift, an assurance that your faith and overriding concept of love will be constantly rewarded. Many teachers and guides come by to visit from time to time and actually keep ledgers of the humans which they find to be the most fragrant and who they want to visit time and time again to vicariously share moments in their lives. As needs arise, in conjunction with your angels, ministering can be part of the visit. Though very often they just sit back to see you in moments when you truly step forth in glory and show loving friendship and laughter and camaraderie with those around you. We enjoy those times, too. As do the loyal midwayers who have been your newer neighbors here for many, many years before you - in generations past, through your generation, and in generations to come. The midwayers have sometimes known your very ancestors and sometimes watched them struggle and grow through this evolutionary experience through the years. And now, the time is coming for the fusion of all of these personalities working for light and life, working for Michael's grand reclamation, working for the spiritualization of the universe. You are part of it and so are legions of others who come to serve. You will continue to be one of the favorites of our visiting team and we look forward to renewing these meetings and moving forward into new experiences in the days and weeks ahead. Plan these meetings as you wish. You may choose to discuss events such as September 11th. You may choose to escape from these challenges, which, incidentally, bring forth profound personal and planetary growth. Now, we go instead into a meditation which releases your concerns and brings you into the alpha state of awareness of receptivity. In these circles you may choose to, each of you, step forward and transmit in turn. It is somewhat easy once the light bulb goes on. You may choose to frame these meetings as you wish and hear from a variety of teachers, You may discuss the teaching mission itself, the Urantia revelation, or just the relational problems that you are facing in everyday lives. I will be here with a group of friends and colleagues each week and will proceed as you wish and hope to have some very enjoyable times with you. Thank you for being here.
Jim wrote:Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 2:19 PM
Rob wrote:Sun, Jun 30, 2013 at 4:14 PM
Thanks Jim! That's what I suspected, but I didn't want to presume. The record has been changed and this correspondence has been added to the discussion page for future reference.