Talk:2001-11-11-Causes & Effects Measures
On Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 10:43 PM, Gerdean O'Dell <> wrote:
I'm somewhat confused about this transcript. It says it was transmitted by Gerdean in the No. Idaho group (the Coeur d'Alene TeaM is what I call it.). But we had long stopped regular transmissions with that group, inasmuch as the Spokane TeaM was in full sway by then. The date [11/11/2001] does not fit with the schedule of either group (although Tomas gave a lesson on 11/11/2000 to the Spokane TeaM).
It starts out with the Unidentified Visitor speaking to Elyon, as if Elyon had been talking, but there is nothing there to indicate Elyon said anything during that session, even though his customary T/R Jonathan was there.
It reads like I might have T/R'd it, but I format my transcripts by capitalizing the names of the celestials, full caps, so I am not sure I typed this. If it was a NoID session, it was likely prepared by trustworthy Tommy, but I wonder why I was credited with holding forth the entire No. Idaho Teaching Mission session ... on my birthday. I suspect it is a partial transcript.
Rob wrote: Date: Sun, Jul 7, 2013 at 11:04 PM
Good points! Thank you for your feedback. I will add the comments to the discussion page and research further. Regardless, it did seem to be a fragment.