Talk:2002-01-25-Personality, Supreme, Michael's Plan, Melchizedeks
Anecdote or Antidote?
Russ wrote: Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:13 PM
I like the quote better if I change "anecdotes" to "antidotes".
Each of you have traits that are annoying to other people. This is a wonderful opportunity to practice your sense of humor, because each of you are so precious - such children - and you all mean so well. Irritations are almost like anecdotes; they can make people more beloved to others. When you truly have a sense of spiritual joy within you, then these irritations fall away. - Olfana
Rob wrote tml cc'ing Jim Cleveland :Wed, Jul 24, 2013 at 6:48 PM
Hello Russ!
Thank you for sharing your thought! We should check with Jim to be sure, but I enclose here a "definition" of anecdote that could warrant its present usage. However, I like to defer to the 'source' for such conundrums even while recording individual considerations in the lesson's discussion page.
Jim and any others?
enc: anecdote
anecdote |ˈanikˌdōt| noun
- a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person: told anecdotes about his job | he had a rich store of anecdotes.
- an account regarded as unreliable or hearsay: his wife's death has long been the subject of rumor and anecdote.
- the depiction of a minor narrative incident in a painting.
- ORIGIN late 17th cent.: from French, or via modern Latin from Greek anekdota ‘things unpublished,’ from an- ‘not’ + ekdotos, from ekdidōnai ‘publish.’
Jim wrote: Wed, Jul 25, 2013 at 6:51 AM
Hi Rob,
I believe the word she used was 'antidotes' but maybe I'm wrong. Maybe she meant anecdotes and my mouth said anti instead of anec.
This remains thought provoking to me as to how to understand it. I have rarely transmitted Olfana. Maybe she will visit again.
best wishes, jim
Rob wrote: Wed, Jul 25, 2013 at 3:13 PM
Hello Jim-
Thanks for your reply! It adds depth to the inherent ambiguity of langauge when used for eliciting deeper levels of perception.
I share your uncertainty, but initially allowed the existing text to stand as the term "anecdote", when used in relation to 'irritations' implied as unreal the false characterizations of beautiful souls each of us are in truth beneath the surface of the "unreliable" accounts so often on display to purely mortal senses. When 'seen' as such are a source of humor. I say this only because of Yogananda's assurance to me that disagreements occur in higher worlds as well, but rather than being a source of chagrin, are a source of humor.
In light of both your seeming to lean toward the use of antidote coupled with Russ' suggestion, I will change the text as such, but due to the uncertainty, I will leave a link to this discussion for those who might wonder along with us.
Editing lessons
Jim wrote: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:43 AM
Hi again,
Just re-read this material. Certainly was an interesting evening with the teachers.
Word streams are one thing. Thoughts are another.
As I spoke this transmission, the idea that came to me was that some people's quirky behaviors can be a source of good humor and even endearment to our fellows, rather than a gouging irritant that I have foisted upon myself. I can choose to be irritated or I can grin and be caring when my fellows are, by my definition, peculiar.
All of this could be expanded into lessons of tolerance, unity, and teamwork, and the nature of irritation.
And whether we laugh and tolerate because Bozo always leaves his clipped hairs all over the lavatory, or do we work together to do something about it -- all in good humor. When one becomes irritated, it invites an exploration of discovery -- of ourselves and our fellows.
The anecdotes of our time can lead to antidotal remedies, as we pay attention and apply them to the lessons of growing our souls.
Post this to tml if you wish. jim
Jim wrote: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 7:58 AM
As I read through I saw another typo or so ...... you instead of your in one place. Is there a need for some proofreading in your pages? My time really limited for new projects, but I should volunteer, I guess, to check all of my stuff from Cincinnati etc. Is there a good way to get at it expediently and go ahead and make the typo corrections? Or would it have to be denoted and listed for someone else to correct. Such and such on line so and so ......
Don't mean to make too much of this, but some clean-up might be well worth doing.
ps. Also found another box of physical TM materials upstairs!!! The adventure continues ....
Rob wrote: Fri, Jul 26, 2013 at 12:35 PM
Hello Jim-
Your re-reading seems to have found my own reading but of course, in the end, it is your work that is on record. I may question and recommend, but the TR has to be the one with final authority as this is not a commercial endeavor.
I have added these thoughts to the discussion page, but as you know, tml is going through an ordeal at best, and as the contribution of "non members" might be problematic, I will not copy this to tml.
Thanks for observing the need for work to be reviewed and corrections made. While I have been attending to these as best I can while reviewing the entire collection, I know there are errors waiting for correction. I would encourage you to utilize your membership in the Daynal Scriptorium to do so.
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Feel free to edit the page 'about' you as well. What is present is but the minimum I felt okay about writing myself. Currently, I show 27 records e.g. transmissions, and I am confident there are many more.