Talk:2011-10-14-Conversations with Monjoronson 30
Examination of the history of this record (comparing Oct. and latest Jan. records) will show the subsequent inclusion on this date of material submitted on January 2, 2012 that offered a "complete" record of the session. --rdavis 21:23, 2 January 2012 (UTC)
Earlier in October and November of 2011, the 'Conversations with Monjoronson' group published 3 partial transcripts, where specific sections had been deleted as per Monjoronson's instructions. We had asked for some 'straight talk' sessions in order to seek verification of material that had been published by others. Our intention was not to discredit anyone, but simply to separate facts from misinformation on subjects that we had not seen verified through other groups or The Urantia Book. Roxanne Andrews, January 2, 2012 1:53:13 PM CST