Talk:2012-11-17-Overseeing the Plans of the Trinity
Ron Besser wrote: Thu, Nov 8, 2012 at 8:24 PM
Dear List,
Attached is the extraordinary announcement from the first mortal ever to reach perfection in Paradise providing the assurance he will be there to welcome each of us when we arrive on the mansions of perfection.
(1) The big news is especially the news we would all hope to hear. Norlatiadek has now been fully admitted back into the local universe of Nebadon as confirmed by our own Master Spirit Seven, AYA, and announced through Grandfanda to us.
(2) Second, Grandfanda will be assuming jurisdiction of Urantia through the dispatch of finaliters to our shores when the Magisterial Son and Michael of Nebadon appear on earth in the flesh. Do not forget that when the Temple is revealed to us, that of the three thrones existing in its central lodgment of the Most Holy Area, there will be enthroned under Father's authority, (1) the Supreme and Sovereign Planetary Prince, Michael of Nebadon, (2) a Paradise Finaliter, and an unrevealed third party not mentioned at this time. Together they represent the Trinity and its power as sovereign over Urantia.
Both of the accomplishment and future developments are broadcast to us through George Douyon, transmitter of this particular document for your edification.
Thank you
Ron Besser