Talk:2012-12-16-Sun of Pure Love Will Shine

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Gerdean wrote: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 12:34 PM

What amazes me is that, it took George only 213 years to attain Jerusem! LOL Steffani wrote: Mon, Dec 17, 2012 at 2:42 PM

What happened to the founding principle of the separation of church and state...forgotten for Sharia equivalents is "freedom"?

And after evolving humans through eons of primitive behaviors God is going to suddenly make men tow the line, instead of voluntarily surrendering their wills to Him in love?

W. Williams wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:36 AM

...that is 213 Urantia years...

Rob wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:34 AM

It would appear Teaching Mission participants are being weaned from dependence upon authority given that the only authority is found in one's living experience. Having exhausted appeals to the "highest" beings, we can now burrow through the remains of human heroes, and in time, we may find, yet again, we are the ones we are waiting for, those who would be willing to become 'heroes', not in the eyes of human perception, but in the presence of God within us, simply by faith.

Donna D. wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 11:46 AM

The increased spiritual pressure on the planet is creating circuitry between the human mind and the morontia realms to help us attune to the ways and will of Father. Might it be possible that soon more people will be attuned to these morontia strains and open their hearts to the call of Spirit? Perhaps Urantia is being prepared for the full encircuitment—at the spiritual and physical levels to the energies of LOVE. When, as we say “the lights come on,” it illuminates that which has been in darkness, casting truth-light on what has harbored in the human heart which denied the presence of Father. This will be difficult for many people to see—the darkness within their own selves, but it brings them to a point of choice.

There are many groups focused on Friday 12-21 as a day of meditation to build more of the human desire for love, peace and truth on the planet. The heavens can add to that and help bridge the gap in planetary consciousness. While we do not know specifically how this will play out, surely all of the positive intentions, feelings, motivations of spiritually minded people will be put to good use, and the circuit of the Father Fragments will minister in these realms, as well as our celestial helpers. It is significant that one day has been targeted for this to occur. Whether this is a divine mandate or just human understanding, Father can move in this in whatever way He so desires. We have the joy to witness!

On another note, here is a link to the CCC blog where I have posted a transmission from 12-8-12 for the members of the CCC. I share this with the TML community as a Christmas gift as it was a very powerful lesson/experience that is especially timely. Enjoy!

Merry Christmas!

Donna D’Ingillo

Center for Christ Consciousness

Rob wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 12:19 PM

Then all beings might receive flashes of intelligence without the indirection of symbols.1

Steffani wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:28 PM

So now it would seem famous celebrity well known political figures are being resurrected as authorities by t/r's perhaps wanting those same things, reminiscent of how the new age devotees of re-incarnation always fancy they were the Queen of Sheba, and not her maid...or King AWhooSuarus rather than his eunuch chamberlain in their past life!

It might be interesting to learn whether God's Spirit laughs more at the human egos' antics and hubris or more often grieves over the destruction done during the time wasted before mortals will whole-heartedly embrace doing only His Will?

Gerdean wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 1:41 PM

Yes, I thought about that. But I'm not good at math so I opted not to try to translate it into universe time. The point I wanted to make, however, was that it was a Very Short Time, relatively speaking. If I really were diligent, I would read it as thoroughly as Steffani did, but I am not that diligent about reading transcripts from lone T/R's. I have my own manuscript to produce.

Felix Caro wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 2:28 PM

Stef, I seek neither your acceptance or your recognition, only Father's and by doing this I do His work. I do not censor the transmissions nor wish to take any credit for the messages that I am asked to pass along. Self contemplation killed the Luciferian cat, as is well known, and so it is only wise not to follow on his steps. If you would be so inclined to be more of service to others, perhaps you should change the mentality of criticism a little bit, along with the traces of cynicism, and perhaps seek inside of you the answers to your questions.

To add to the question about "timing", it is unknown to everybody in what Psychic circle George Washington was in at the time of his death, the deepness of his belief in God or how "proficient" and "smart" he was while attending the uplifting spiritual lessons in the halls of Mansonia. NOBODY on this planet who is alive today will have any exact sense of "average timing" on how long it takes a mortal to finish his education in the Mansion Worlds, this is strictly dependent on the individual. I believe this is common sense, but I decided to present it as the obvious here.

I believe I've had enough of what I normally witness here in terms of the feedback to transmissions and personal attacks so, I would like to be removed from this list at the earliest possible convenience. I wish you all peace.


Rob wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 2:57 PM

I sense this is what Donna is referring to as "full encircuitment":

As time goes on this method of communication will appear to be quite natural and not at all the phenomenon some proclaim it to be. Still as this world progresses further into Light and Life, this particular method of transmitting/receiving will be outdated and unnecessary to reach the masses, for the natural abilities of those who seek to live within the will of Father will easily have all needed information at hand through the universal circuits and the use of the cosmic mind. - Abraham

It is interesting that Abraham refers to progressing further into Light and Life.

Steffani wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:23 PM

The question of timing in regard to George's apparently precipitous ascension process was Gerdean's, Felix...

Mine is why the propensity for famous historical human secular political figures to show up in place of spiritually progressed volunteer teachers who were no one 'special' on their worlds of origin, yet wonderful in the way average people on our planet could relate to them.

I will continue to question any transmission which directly contradict information given in the Urantia this case the fact that ascendent mortals from this world do not routinely return to this their world of origin during their own dispensation...and if in the next as part of the spiritual did Abraham to assist Prince Machiventa. It was our wise and beloved teachers who initially requested that we vet transmissions in this an adjunctive process to learning to utilize the gift of spiritual discernment.

TR's used to be more concerned with hearing and delivering the messages correctly than in being 'right' without anyone daring to ask any questions about what came through.

I'm not saying there might not be an occasional exception made to that universe policy in the case of a great spiritual teacher and leader, especially one who was well loved by many people in more than his own nation, and perhaps qualified for one of those vacant seats on the Counsel of Twenty-four...someone like Paramahansa Yogananda, or Abdul Baha perhaps?

However, although ruthless and ambitious warriors and politicians may have been faithful believers by the ends of their mortal lives, it doesn't make a whole lot of sense that spiritual priorities were their primary goals from their earliest days, and they would have gone to the head of the class immediately following their earthly demise. This isn't a "judgment" simply common sense and reason being applied.

Anyone can unsubscribe themselves from TML any time they like simply by following the instructions at the bottom of every post. It is a decision all are free to make at any time.

No one is held captive here against their will...subscribing is monitored for list safety, but not unsubscribing...A one time notice will appear on the list so no one will attempt to contact that individual here from that point forward. Whenever melodramatic protests have been offered as part of their departure process, it has been by attention seeking individuals who refused to follow the instructions.

May you be blessed in every truely God given endeavor,


Steffani wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:31 PM

Maybe there was meant to be a pause after "progresses further", like a comma, hearing it firsthand would doubtless have made the intention was omitted after "still" as well.

Rob wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 3:48 PM

It is always best to focus upon the message without concern for the messenger.

Gerdean wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:09 PM

Steffani said, "I will continue to question any transmission which directly contradict information given in the Urantia this case the fact that ascendent mortals from this world do not routinely return to this their world of origin during their own dispensation..." Which reminds me: Without naming names, did anybody else's eyebrows go up when Jonathan (Rick Giles, our recently deceased brother from No. Idaho) "transmitted" messages to Light Line recently? Not just once, but at least two times that I noticed!

Maybe that is why Mr. Besser is arranging for there to be a Dispensation Celebration at the end of this year .... so we can haul in our mentors from last week.

Ron wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:30 PM

As discussions go, this one is a little frail. No one is accusing anyone of anything but responders are chewing aspects of this GW transmission to get a taste of what it is supposed to be about.

As usual there are several layers of meaning as there are for any transmission I can think of. It does not matter which layer some feed on, but there is an overall persistence of one meaning in particular no one has bothered to point to. It is this:

Michael of Nebadon in his wisdom he seen fit to provide leaders from various eras of Urantia history that are eras which will never be seen again. The American Revolution was a genuine expression of the overthrow of despotism. The American Revolution based its ideals upon Rome, and upon the ideas of 18th century monism, and together these two intellectual forces of governance dominated the Revolution and the ideals of thought the propelled the founding Fathers of America to come forward at a critical time.

Today, the 18th of December, 2012. we are listening to the last time these voices will every be heard through a process you all call transmitting/receiving. In the near future, that process will be relegated to the dust bin of history in this movement. Beginning sometime in early 2013, you who transmit the voices of the teachers to this site and on Lightline will learn that the old ways of expressing spiritual messages will have changed to show that not only will familiar teachers be available, but teachers from our historical past will be become available to selected T/R's. You may ask why?

The "Why" is not complicated. The reason is that the era of a T/R leaving his mind to find a connection has been changed to allow the mind of a T/R to "f;oat" into a channel of information that is ready to be discussed and made available to all via lists like this one. Felix Caro was an experimental T/R to see how well we handled the information and if connecting it to a famous name made any different to the audience. It makes some difference but not enough of a difference for the administrators of the teaching mission to stop historical personages coming forward to express their views of what has changed on Urantia now that was not part of their original thinking when they began THIR work on Urantia. George Washington is an excellent example of the beauty of mind placed in service to the people. He could not have foreseen the disaster of the present American political system or its eventual decline into barbarism of war and deceit as it now has done. The American system of jurisprudence no longer waits for the facts to be established before a sense of disaster is allowed to take place and the guilty escape through a misinterpreted judicial system that no long looks at the law but what effect the law has on its decisions. This method of jurisprudence is suicidal to fairness and it must be stopped.

Washington, our First President of these United States, has united his will with the Father in order to present a fair and balanced plan for American justice before the Ancients of Days, for that is how far the judges will take America as she now exists and the judgment will be based on its ability to produce fair decisions within a context of political disagreement. The former President has no view on American jurisprudence that should be noted here, but he does believe the decision on high will be harsh and American power will collapse as a result of that government losing credence among other nations.

If you would note in his transmission through Felix, the President made it obvious that he felt deeply about what has happened to America and that he stands by the principles that justice and the American fervor for what this nation stands for has been corrupted beyond any ability of one man or nation politics as they are, to be corrected and made to work again.

You many fall to discussing the trifles of a transmission and let the meat sit uneaten in the middle of the table placed available to all of you. Such a nutritious meal just sits there unless some one takes a knife to the meat to be read aloud at the table and pondered. The American dream is not dead, but it is to be examined for its flavor and for its relevance in a new dispensation that can not recognize greed as the core of any system that states in a constitution that it is for the people and for the good character of behavior in a world community desperate for leadership.

Perhaps most of this message will only be skimmed by those of you who are too sure of yourselves that you need not want again for money or for service opportunities. The President who was the first to serve so as an American leader of a new government carries the banner yet to all of us that as modern Americans we should feel something like shame for not being good Americans and welcoming service at the time of need of a spiritual program to be shared with all to strenghten the union of the God-abiding principles that made this nation unusual and ready to give until it can no longer afford the flow of its blood.

America is historically compared to Rome, and it is historically compared to the Empires of the East which could never survive a challenge to the authority of its flag. Now, however, the American power some are proud of will be forced to reorganize itself into bands of service providers who will teach how to sustain life above all else, and then to knit the American ideas of nationhood back into a working organization of true democratic ideals based within a Republic, and there it will begin anew and stand against a world that still loves tyranny for centuries.

Hearing from George Washington, and Eleanor Roosevelt, and the others who crossed their lives with the destiny of what is called the United States, has nothing to do with the policies of speech making from on high. it has to do with a warning to be taken seriously, and that they speak as dragons from a historical past that have fired their breath against the hate and prejudice they dealt with in their day, and to stand by us as we have to deal with the same forces that have almost won the day against our better natures.

Rob Davis has most of it right when he tells you that a general encircuitment is being made to all who have the capacity to R/R, and that you will find it difficult, shortly, to T/R using the same methods of the past twenty years. In this general encircuitment you T/R's will inherently and innately open the door to better transmissions, longer transmissions, and transmissions which are meant to be placed on the historical record of Urantia's resurrection from the dead placement in spirit. Urantia will shine again, and it will become a national shrine for dozens of countries who take up the banner of Michael on their flag staffs at the top of their national banner and to let both flags show where the nations so using such devices as to how they stand and where they stand in obedience to the will of God.

I leave you with a message from Manotia:

"I am Manotia. I hear this one describe a situation I too join in voice with him. Listen to the meter and cant of his message as it pours out of Washington and Jefferson and the others who helped to found the United States. In their choice of words with the transmitter, I see little choice but to avail them to all of you over the next few weeks. Be ready to transmit Washington, and Jefferson, and then post them to this list for all to see and understand where they stand in this disaster called Urantia and the home of the brave upon which so many depended, even in spirit, to keep the flame of liberty and justice alive.

"I am Manotia, and I have tried very hard to understand how this list prospers while it degrades every message it does not originate among a certain few as not worthy of your time. It is time to hold forth one more time that America is dying from a lack of leadership and a lack of jurisprudence, and when it no longer is able to breathe life back into its corporate body, it too will disappear beneath the waves of history.

"I am Manotia, and I have spoken to the last of the great Americans to leave Urantia, one John F. Kennedy, whose death still haunts your nation and the people who loved him. Call upon John and call upon Michael of Nebadon to restore the faith and trust Americans had in those ears when John Kennedy called the shots with the applause of the administrators on high not to go to war over Cuba and to hail him as one of the great minds living on Urantia before his assassination in 1963. I speak with authority to you. I am a Completion Seraphim in charge of all motions of speech to be made to Urantia through these methods of transmissions. It is in my office that decides who may speak with any of you, and with all of you I say this: Do not detract further with messages of gloat and disdain over that which you receive to ponder upon. Read with heart and not with the silly abraisons of pride and prejudice so many of you whimper around this list to be heard with derision on high.

"I am Manotia, and I have spoken as a Seraphim who no longer abides many of your choices to start another rebellion against the Father's will. Few of you have any idea of what the Father's will may be for you, but be assured, it does not include making light of a serious situation which most of you could remedy if you choose to lift a little finger to do so.

"I am Manotia, and I bid you good day. It's a far cry from the Mission I signed up to serve.

Rob wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 4:30 PM


I appreciate the concern for integrity, but the truth is that each will discern truth for themselves using the resources they have at their disposal. Many will rely upon material references more than inner illumination, but in the end, it is a personal choice. Sometimes, there may emerge a consensus of opinions, but that is difficult in a world like this where the larval emergence of religion so personal as to evade any literal description is only beginning to come forth.

Before the Teaching Mission began, I remember well how skeptical I was of any merit to the then popular theme of chatting with one's angels given it was a general interest exploited by commercial book publishers. Colleagues of mine once joked that "channeling" was a form of spiritual faxing as fax machines were just then beginning to be adopted.

In the end, all language production is a literary production e.g. formation of letters. To the extent such literature foreshadows a higher universe reality, it lives as art. That which does not is forgotten.

Regarding your question re: Rick Giles, yes my eyebrows went up, but not for the reasons you would think. I had been visited by him before he appeared in the lessons concerning a personal matter. Of course, he is not the only person who has shown up in public or in my own experience, and yes, while I am aware of the proscription against such contacts, I am also aware of the exceptional nature of this world. While I am skeptical of all claims of contact, I witness them occurring in my experience and others.

Does this forestall rolling eyeballs? No. I rolled my eyes at the Thomas Jefferson book, but I read it, and after reading, I decided that the work itself deserved to be published and read by as many as possible. When I saw your book, I rolled my eyes at the cover, but I read it, and how glad I am that I did.



Gerdean wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 5:49 PM

Once more and again Mr. Besser changes the course of history by announcing the start of a new dispensation, effective the end of this year, thus removing the veil of prohibition from those who hold to the UB concept that no deceased person can transmit to the world of his origin. It is such a thin veil, I can see the Wizard of Oz right through it. Too bad there are so many who believe the Wiz. That just makes for firmer tomatoes for the debunkers to hurl, makes us bigger targets, renders us laughingstocks, and makes our faith look foolish.

Bah humbug.

Gerdean wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 6:19 PM

Yes, Rob, I know that even now each person can discern truth for themselves using the resources at his or her disposal. I have no objection to this unlimited array of imagination and inspiration. I even enjoy being a part of it. What I object to is having my name and my creative nature dragged into a theology that is not mine and is not my will! Since Father does not presume to usurp my will, why does

I, too, am glad you read my book. Had you read it when you first got it, instead of ten years later, you might have seen the principles I have been teaching and preaching all this time. You might have seen what has been behind my stance, my spiritual politics, which, while maybe unpopular, are directly out of the UB and concerning the stuff we should be doing something about. Like Daniel Rapahel's work with sustainablility, we are working on a better tomorrow. Pragmatic idealism.)

It always comes back to the same thing with me. You know. I don't want to be manipulated. I don't appreciate being maneuvered. I don't appreciate my free will being run down and shot then telling me I should've stayed out of the way. Nobody does. These are dysfunctional of meanings and values of our UB/ TeaM/ MM/ 11:11 culture that Icall to attention because I still experience them every time I turn around. I'm working for socio-spiritual realities. For the Correcting Time.

I pray, utterly and sincerely, that you will not tamper with my soul when I leave here. I hope to God you will leave me alone once I get to Mansonia and am given the chance to work as diligently and joyfully there as I have here, with a whole heart. And do not attempt to bring me back because I tell you here and now: I am not coming. You will not hear me. You might hear me in your mind as a value. Maybe some of the things I have said over the years will finally touch you, after I am gone and you can feel kindly of me. But I will not defy the UB's teachings in that context and visit you in a transmission as a personality presence and I do not believe Rick Giles would either. If I do, please have the courtesy to keep it to yourself.


Rob wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 8:15 PM

Hello Gerdean,

Of course you don't like being manipulated; who does? The struggle in this venue as in this world is to discern what we control and what we don't, while surrendering both ever more gracefully to the One who is the Controller. Ron's predictions are his alone, and their record is for all to see. As for your soul, you know well the keepers of your soul defer to your choice in any matters even as they do now.



Rob wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 8:16 PM

It is quite a bit late to announce the advent of a new dispensation.

Michelle wrote: Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 8:43 PM

I have not spoken here since Steff trashed my transmission of Manotia, the message about Open Heartedness, Open-Mindedness, which was given for the purpose of assistance to an interfaith group. Basically, she was saying that Manotia would never have delivered such a message. I found that response very hurtful, personally.

It does appear to be true that any time anyone has a message to share that is not according the fundamentalist beliefs of some here, that it is trashed, and it is trashed in an insensitive, and hurtful way, too.

I have never experienced this kind of judgmentalism among brothers and sisters in Christ before... this kind of putting down of others in order to raise one's self up as being the only "right" ones- spoken over and over again by Steff and Gerdean in particular here on this list. Why do you hurl such criticism? Don't you know that each time you do it, it really hurts?

And, can't you see that you are simply repeating the great mistakes of the old religions of the past? By that, I mean, only allowing those who believe as you believe to be embraced, loved, and taken in. Telling anyone who has a different experience than you that they are wrong, their transmissions cannot be real like yours are. How is that any different than the fundamentalist religions of old?

Where is the fruit of love for your brothers and sisters? Why is it SO important to you to judge every message through your beliefs, and publicly lash out if they don't fit what you think and believe? Was that Jesus' way? NO, it wasn't. In all he did, he did it with love and appreciation of his fellows. He did not hurt others, even if they were wrongly believing, even- and He would have known for sure, whereas you cannot say that, yet, still, he loved everyone and was kind.

There is nothing more important in our lives, in our work, than loving one another. If you have memorized the Urantia Book's every line, and can spill out those words for the purpose of finding a reason to cut someone down with them, then I say to you, you have completely, absolutely, forever missed the whole point of the revelation!

If you feel that you are the only authority on spirit communications, then you've forgotten that each of us is required to seek a personal relationship with Father, and with all spirit ourselves, and that for each of us, because our paths differ, and our work differs, so will what we learn from Father differ according to our needs, and our specific work to help others. But, in no case ever, would hurting others, making fun of others, be a part- that would never be the way any spirit would teach us to work.

If you could put yourself, for a moment, into your sisters' or brothers' shoes, and if you could feel the sincerity with which they, too, seek, and understand the honesty with which they share, perhaps your heart could open for them, and you could feel love then, enough to deliver some whenever you speak and share. There is NO other thing more important than loving one another, even if we do think differently, and in ways believe differently- spiritually only, need we be one, as Jesus himself said.

Our living experiences (and hence some beliefs) differ and always will- and was this not the cause for fractures in the evolved religions of old, the reason for divisions, arguments, wars? Only love can overcome this, even here, and make this not matter- no longer be an issue of contention or a reason for divisions and hurtfulness.

Thanks for listening. I hope this post does not get too severely trashed. Michelle

Gerdean wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 9:20 PM

You think this is sumpin', wait'll the angels of the churches take their turn at bat!

Jerry L. wrote:Tue, Dec 18, 2012 at 10:01 PM

Dear Felix, as one who has for a long time enjoyed your contributions, I would like to ask you to stick around and continue to contribute. As Michael and Mother Spirit have so often said in their lessons through me, just be curious about everything. Take it in and let it stretch your mind. Realize that at least half of what you are experiencing in these messages from extra-human sources, or anyone, is unavoidably/wonderfully your own co-creation--your own, unique, personal "take" on anything. We had a long-running, interesting and fruitful discussion a few years back when we collectively realized we each had had such a different experience from the exact same words in the Urantia Book on the subject of race. Then it was only by taking in each person's different viewpoint that we all grew. Please excuse the stridency and objectivity-claiming behavior of some on this list as I think they are simply used to a certain old-time, no-holds-bared style of discussion. They too have much to offer, however often they forget to frame it as only their opinion. I believe there is room for all of us, but this is only my opinion.

Recently I published a book along with Byron Belitsos and the reviews on Amazon are running 7 to 3. While seven have found the book's material to be highly genuine and valuable in their own personal sense of valid communication with our spiritual parents, others have found it to be "spiritual drivel" and "sentimental fluff." Consider the olden Zen saying: "When the wise man hears of The Way, he smiles and nods. When the fool hears of The Way, he laughs. If he did not laugh, it would not be The Way." Let's keep our sense of humility and welcome each other's company, especially that of newcomers who have honestly told us of how they've found the "tone" here to be so aggressive and exclusionary. My understanding of Jesus' method of discussion was his refusal to bash someone over the head with erudition and condescension. Takes all the fun out of it. I'd prefer to be tickled and teased into the truth from a dozen different viewpoints all around. Please continue to contribute yours. Jerry.

Stute wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 12:51 AM

Nice try Michelle. This site is run and controlled by UB fundamentalist. I have a 94 year old Baptist Preacher father who is a Bible fundamentalist, who believes the Urantia Book IS of the devil. Go figure!

So, you are truly wasting your time and breath.

I have learned to live and let live with these Souls on TML. I except their "extreme" positions just like I except Ron's "extreme" imagination. I am somewhere in the middle. ALL are "absolutely" free to be who they choose to be...Period!!

That's the beauty of ALL of this; all of the T/Rs have a "free will" right to express themselves and us readers of these transmissions have the "free will" right to believe or trash what we read. I enjoy doing both.

If you expecting unconditional Love and unconditional "acceptance", you won't find that Gift of the Spirit on this site. We'll not there yet.

This IS however, where you grow thick skin and learned to hold your ground with a smile and a finger. Enjoy the ride and don't take it too seriously Dear Heart.

Wow, what an adventure!!

Pray for Peace


John de Koster wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 1:37 AM

Can you think about smiling, without smiling?

Go a head.....

Do it....

I'm willing to bet you at least smirked  :-)

notice how easy it was to feel good.....

just by FOCUSING and THINKING about smiling....

Peace!, John

Michelle wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 2:53 AM

Stute, Thanks for your reply. I have been wondering why God led me here... Maybe it is because I need a tougher skin! You may be right! So, maybe I am wasting my breath, but, maybe too, no breath is ever wasted if it's for God's good. And, I am not perfect either, for sure. We are all trying to learn and grow in soul and spirit. I may be a bit too sensitive to all the criticism happening on this list- just kind of shocked by it, therefore my reaction and posts about it. I will try to take your advice and just be.

Love and blessings and Merry Christmas to all, Michelle

Jim Cleveland wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 7:30 AM

Hi Michelle, very beautiful post. The events of the Correcting Time on the rebellion planets are unprecedented. This means that you cannot determine what is possible and what is not. UB statements are related to the times and conditions surrounding the presentation. It supposedly says that humans don't return to Urantia. It doesn't say that Jonathan will not return in spirit to transmit. When the UB came through, there was no Correcting Time.

Oliver Deux wrote:Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 8:03 AM

Dear Jim:

B-b-b-but we have received transmissions that state that The Urantia Book is part and parcel of the Correction Times.

And there are those who have make bold to state that Doc Sadler added the unequivocal statement that there are no communications between the departed and those living on the world of origin, because he was a debunker of seances together with Houdini and Thurston.

Oh how creative the human mind is. If it was only used as creatively when seeking the divine Truth within.


Rob wrote:Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 10:16 AM

This exchange is being saved in the discussion page of the lesson 2012-12-16-Sun of Pure Love Will Shine for future reference.

Jahck wrote:Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:36 PM

Thank you Michelle, indeed Love is and should be front and center to all our communications with each other and I join you in the "spirit of love" always. if love is not the intent in which you express yourself then it is not what all is about about. For "Love is all".If mickey mouse is coming through and he speaks of love then so be it. For never can Fathers house be divided in love only in fear and the energies it creates. Jack

Jahck wrote:Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 4:59 PM

Michelle, We were all shocked at the cynicism of those that dominate the posting and I have just been watching and reading for a while as Mr. Besser continues to do want he is directed to do with courage and determination. This in itself a thing to respect even as he is being disrespected by others. Give way to peace and love and allow others to express without judgement.

For really you are not just Urantia book readers but you are following a path set before you long ago by one who mastered the world by love. Love of father for all his children. Remember these are his children you are speaking to as caretakers of his vineyards. He sent them to you as Ambassadors. Treat them with the respect and love you would treat the Creator of them who sent them.This way you prove the fruits of the spirit and you are truly the children of light and Love you are worthy of being. IMS Jack

Jahck wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 5:02 PM

Thank you Jim.. You represent a steady light by which many can reason the truth out.

Steffani wrote:Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 9:27 PM

If Mickey is coming through speaking unloving BS in a way that's out of would you respond to THAT?

Steffani wrote: Wed, Dec 19, 2012 at 9:54 PM

The 'Correcting Time' has been in process for at least 4,000 years thus far...evidently still very much needed when the Truth remains disrespected by those who prefer their own way and will to God's. Jim Cleveland wrote:Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 8:03 AM


I'm aware that the UB says that personalities don't ordinarily go back to the planet of their origin. But the Correcting Time for the rebellion planets is unprecedented and I believe the celestials will do what works. Humans here can identify with these former Urantian personalities and their messages might carry a strong impact with a familiar frame of reference. I would be more interested in what George Washington would say, as opposed to Joe Jones from the planet Ortondonis.

I really like the Thomas Jefferson lessons for their insights into agrarian life and industry, and learning of the conflicts even then with the big bankers, and the NY power base of Alexander Hamilton.

The Urantia Book is certainly part of the Correcting Time, but the book has nothing to say about the methods and events of this interplanetary project of today. But the personalities who gave us the book are still here, and active.


Eric Scheulin wrote: Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 10:39 AM

Agreed Jahck!

Jahck wrote:Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:06 AM

Mickeys words may be more fully known not to be BS if they produce fruits within as you harmonize with the adjusters spiritual leadings without the spiritual poisons that curtail the walk. (5:2.4)

Rob wrote: Thu, Dec 20, 2012 at 11:17 AM

Mickey Mouse is beloved by many even if his words may be remembered only by machines. It is helpful to evaluate words on the merits of the thought and not personalities associated with them. Otherwise, assuming harmony with Adjusters is synonymous (with) human harmony disregards Jesus life.