Talk:2013-06-09-ABC Summaries, Document N
WARNING: Readers should be apprised of conflicting assessments of the ABC Summaries, occurring specifically in the documents Conversations with Monjoronson numbers 65, 66, and 67.--rdavis 19:32, 14 January 2013 (UTC)
and likewise in individual ABC Summary document talkpages listed below
- 1. 2012-11-23-Last Day of Normal
- 2. 2012-10-31-The Flurry 9
- 3. 2012-07-20-ABC Summaries, Document K
- 4. 2011-08-22-ABC Summaries, Document H
Author's Cover Letter
Doc -N- Cheat Sheet download reference.
Dear List,
It was suggested that I prepare a sheet of concepts portrayed in Doc -N- that are explained in easier language. I hear the word before it is transmitted and then form meanings before the actual transmission in most cases so I have translated those personal concepts to everyday language as explanations. For this work, I had to replicate Doc-N- using what lawyers use when taking depositions by numbering each line. The rest of how to use the explanations is explained within the c. s. document you can read or download from the above reference if you wish. By the way, if you download Doc -N- with an 'a' after the date (060913a) you will obtain a version of the document removing about 10 typos the first one had. But the "Cheat Sheet" is only through the reference included in this email to you.
Thanks Ron Besser
Author's Cheat Sheet
CHEAT SHEET Instructions: Since all I can do is number the lines, paragraph numbers have to be referenced, using the example immediately below as, Para 1, Para 4, Para 10, Para 17, and so on. If necessary I will reference a line number this way, Para 10-L14, which is the paragraph that starts with the number 10 and now refers to whatever it is we want to speak to in line 14.
The Cheat Sheet is from my own recollection as to the meaning of a paragraph as it was being sent to me before I hear the Supreme forecast the transmission. I do not consider it an affliction as the Mighty Messenger may do (Charles has tongue-in-cheek frequently), but a hardly noticeable nanosecond passes by me where I know the word before it is spoken. They say it can disrupt me slightly and where I note it in particular is when I have to type a word I do not know how to spell! (The word “plenipotentiary” comes to mind). The right word and the spelling when thought about almost stops the process of receiving, and so I have to let a lot of things “fly” I would otherwise correct at once to remain in reception, and then I must go back and put what is right back on the shelf later.
This document is an experiment, and it may prove useless or valuable depending on the state of mind of the reader at times. Not every paragraph needs explained, but a few do sometimes, and we will experiment on how to handle these instances with this document. I may never do this again if it proves a headache to you and/or me. Such a Cheat Sheet document also has to follow any new Summary by days just because of the work it takes to put the original out.
Let us give it a try, and I will list the paragraphs commented on in an index fashion, but you will have to go to that reference for context as highlighted in a red font. I have to place my comments before the numbers start on the document because my comments cause the software to add numbers I do not wish to add to. The designation written as “ff” means, “and the following lines that follow it.”
Index to Paragraphs Commented on in Doc -N- of the Summaries:
Para 61 L67 - Comment: Aya is telling us that the Master Spirit in charge of Orvonton is ready to make his views known through the work of the Most Highs. When he contacts them to explain a viewpoint, he will use his influence as the Orvonton commander of thought in Superuniverse Seven to countermand any other interpretation made by others about the Order the Most Highs issue regarding policy or other service to be carried out in the Constellation Norlatiadek or in Satania (one of 100 Planetary Systems in Norlatiadek) wherein Urantia is located.
Para 117 ff - Comment: Master Spirit Four is referencing some older revelation gone into in previous Summaries and Flurries (publication called The FLURRY). I think I need only remind the reader what that was for him or her to “get” what is being spoken to here. We are talking about the Urantia Grid, which is a layer of energy just above the ground on Urantia wherein communications take place between Salvington, Jerusem, and Urantia. The Grid collects thoughts as well as morontia and spirit existence of personalities and acts as a go-between area of act and thought. Evil thought was introduced into the Grid by Caligastia at Lucifer’s orders, and because the Grid is used today between modern man and Salvington, Uversa, Jerusem, Edentia, and so on, that contamination has led communications to become mis-spoken, or garbled, or worse yet, purposefully misleading. On top of these Grid problems, there exists yet another layer of contact between spirit and man that is situated very high up above the planet of Urantia (almost in space but not quite), called by the Midwayers as the Borderland. It is not a nice place, and it needs some spirit Clorox to wipe it down and start over. Right now the Borderland is quarantined and no final adjudication has been formulated for its changer or removal. It is in particular to the Borderland and to some extent in the lower Grid around Urantia that the Most Highs refer to thought that enters there as “thought that has no home”.
Para 131 ff - This is most difficult to explain as it contains about three distinct thoughts at the same time which some readers may not consider in their philosophies about the acts of God being done by Trinity or other Agencies. I am saying here what you already know: The Trinity does not do it all. The Father does not do it all and so on. The Master Spirit is explaining that his work on Urantia is to encourage more merciful expressions in thinking people in the future on Urantia. Ociliaya (MS 4) also feels that people as now living on Urantia have little mercy in their thoughts concerning God and his problems when dealing with urgent needs on Urantia. This goes to humans asking, “Why does a merciful God allow this to happen?” While God is merciful, He is also aware that choices that lead to such catastrophes may either be self inflicted or they are material corrections that follow natural law to accomplish the correction (such as earthquakes and floods). The Master Spirit Ociliaya is telling us that an attitude change among the people in a future Urantia will be sufficient to remove much of the angst against God because of these disastrous effects on lives, and that comes from adjustments out of the Father- Son union to Urantia rather than from the Trinity.
Para 175 ff - The Master Spirit reveals a change to what the Urantia Book says about the first outer space area. The Urantia Book states unequivocally that no life is “out there”, and life is confined to the time-space areas that open to the outer-space areas which are empty. Here in these paragraphs we are getting a different picture of that first out-space area in two ways: 1) spirit activity is now operating to some degree in that first area; 2) the first outer-space area is so closely related to Supreme values, that it will be developed with some cooperation from God the Supreme and contain creatures somewhat like the human orders found in time universes. These are astounding developments and need to be understood more fully in future papers.
Para 260 ff - This is MS 5 speaking known to us as Mantrinaya and he is the Voice of energy, material energy, as spirit energy and thought energy are revealed elsewhere in the other Master Spirits. I’ve copied a section over to this part because it refers to Monjoronson who takes origin in the Father-Spirit unity, and the inference by Mantrinaya that he, Monjoronson, controls great energy on behalf of justice where mercy is repeatedly refused. Mantrinaya said, “The Son you call Monjoronson is not without this Power, and may you all who read this remember that justice has its side of reverence and its side of destructiveness that allows the universe to maintain an equilibrium against the evil of sloth and evil.” What I take from this is that Monjoronson may call upon the sections of the Trinity that evaporates personality as sure as God condemns sloth and evil. I am not competent to state that Monjoronson bypasses the Ancients of Days in personality distinction, but I believe from this statement by Mantrinaya that there is a direct correlation between the Ancients of Days and Monjoronson on Urantia when the question should ever come up about what to do with evil personalities on Urantia.
Para 270 ff - This is God the Supreme on the Havona level describing his attributes of Deity and God. We have not had enough revelation, in my opinion, to fully state what is being described here. Here is a portion of the statement in this paragraph: “I am God the Father; I am God the Supreme; I am the Son, and I am your brother and your sister, and I am beyond your comprehension even as I am your True Self. . . .” AND “I am never two, or three, I am only ever just One. I AM ONE as the Father is ONE, but I can not fragment my self as two or three as the Father may do so. I remain the unity of the Trinity that the material realms of time of God may understand. I know no more than that.” I do not know what the reader may know in this regard, but at this point of understanding in myself, I gather that God the Supreme is us and what we understand collectively. Do you have any idea what it is to have some of your experience Deified? No one knows that yet, but then God the Supreme states at the end, “I know more than that.” Do we not tend to think that anything that is Deity foreknows and has everything in mind? No so says God the Supreme above. He states clearly: I don’t know anything more than what is given to me to experience. His reach into reality is conditioned only by the Trinity of Trinities where he co-habits no space Ultimates and spaceless Absolutes. Is God the Supreme like you and me who gets assigned to the Manhattan Project (built the first A Bomb) and by inference we know of things that go beyond our comprehension, but we have no wit to duplicate what we saw? I believe so, and I think these statements say so.
Para 420 ff - The ACT of The APOSTLES description is meaningless unless any reader is aware of the nature of God the Supreme. So you now see the handicap these Summaries must work under? Even readers who subscribe to the Summaries are not always conversant with the earlier teachings of the revelation known as the Urantia Book, and its work to familiarize students with the concepts of Supremacy. The Summaries make the assumption that most know the work of the Urantia Book and therefore starts their work a little higher than a primer on the subjects it publishes about. So as to remove as many ambiguities about what is The ACT of
The APOSTLES, I will state the facts forthrightly:
1) The Act of The Apostles is a name minted to use to describe how a nascent soul of a child of about 5 or 6 years old is prepared to receive the spirit of God, namely the pure spirit of the Paradise Father as a fragmented portion of his spirit person we call a Thought Adjuster on Urantia.
2) The Act of The Apostles is the act of two wills. The will of God the Supreme acts second, and the will of the Father Adjuster acts first, to approach the undeveloped will to change its ability and capacity to join with spirit so that it can grow under spirit direction. That change is call Supremisizing because the Adjuster must act to overhaul the animal legacy to include Father recognition of the Adjuster’s indwelling, and second, the Supreme must make the little will open to a flow of currents neither spiritual or material, but of thought patters of the mind of the Supreme. Together the Deity of the Father and the will of the Supreme remake the little child’s internal will components strong enough to hear Father speak someday as spirit to the mind, and to will over the child’s will to the Supreme and Father in combination in order to prepare the child for growth beyond the years of material life on Urantia.
3) The Act of The Apostles is a name chosen and given to me to describe for the reader as the term exists no where else. If the reader would recall that when Jesus chose his Apostles, he had them gather around him and kneel before him. Jesus then recited a prayer asking his Father in heaven to accept these chosen servants of God with Him, and that they may prosper under their new names with Jesus and as servants of the Father on Urantia. When an Adjuster enters the mind for the first time of a young child, the will and wisdom of the Father gather round the young soul and with the Supreme, the Prayer of Benediction to Life is made by the Supreme and with the Father as the new soul is now baptized in the spirit of Paradise and is to be rewarded the choice of a final decision as to life everlasting or as life completed when the material currents empty the body of the grown child and disappear forever. This indeed is the Act of Jesus with his Apostles and the Act of Father with Apostles-to-be for Jesus of Nebadon to concentrate to the service of God someday.
4) [Spoken to the Scribe by the Master Spirit of The Father-Son Unity, Ociliaya] The Act of The Apostles is not a surname to be received by a young child; rather, it is a proper name to be spoken before the altar of God. The words spoken by the Adjuster with the soul and the Supreme are as follows:
I am the Adjuster to be betrothed to my ward, Name (Name as written here is the name of the child as destiny will know him upon fusion with the spirit of God);
I am the ward of the Most Highs speaks the Soul to Father I am the God of the Future Supreme and I betroth you to my mind and care, Name; I am the God of the future Supreme on Urantia and I betroth to you my wisdom and care; I am the God of Sanction, and I am the God of All Future rights to the name, Name I am the God of all Sufficiency, and I betroth my will to you, so speaks the young soul
And that Concludes this Section of the Paper I write with you. I am Ociliaya and I work with God the Supreme to learn his name on Urantia.
Para 454 ff - the original paragraph reads as follows: While the Trinity is complete– actually it may be called “replete” as well– it also never argues with God the Supreme when the Supreme assigns the Fatherhood origins of a child; if they are ever questioned, and the ascender’s state of spirituality realized as an experiential reward for effort to place God as a central controller of his or her life in the flesh and beyond. In these things. God the Supreme performs the secret act of Trinitization in the “Act of The Apostles” with the Thought Adjuster upon entry into the newly minted mind of a God-bearing soul. Since a soul that has undergone the Act of The Apostles never reverts back to animal origin, it is sad to note that so few children become adults on Urantia who care they have been baptized in the Trinity of Trinities through the Supreme Adjusters which indwell many minds on Urantia now.
I follow the explanation of the Act of The Apostles with more information concerning the nature of the Act of The Apostles. The following paragraph is dense and I dare say almost unintelligible if we did not understand the attitude of God the Supreme and the universe law of Forgiveness even before it is asked. Understand this paragraph to mean that ones identity is forever set with God the Supreme when the child is raised in time in the Superuniverses. Such an identity exceeds personality in some ways, and in other ways, identity depends on the willingness of the Supreme to write his name on each of you and me as a co-signer of veracity that we exist and have our natures forever included in the nature of the Supreme. The Father as Deity is no respecter of persons if the reader would recall such a statement in the Urantia Book. The Father is also no respecter of identities except as he adds nothing of them together when deciding the fate of a group of ascenders or a group of planets no longer allowed to continue their evolution. Identifies in both cases rely on the Supreme to affirm as viable or lost, and the Father never questions the insight of the Supreme when it comes to lives that take origin in the Deity of the Supreme.
In our work as Master Spirit Four (the Father-Son Union Voice), we must take into consideration all that the Supreme does in whatever place the Supreme enters to evolve children of the nature of this scribe and others. Each spark of life that has a name has the full birth certificate given in triplicate: one to the father and mother on earth; one to the God the Supreme as made indelibly in the mind of the Supreme; and one in the mind of the Adjuster who erases nothing in his work in the Supreme Universes. It is God the Supreme who comes forward to vouchsafe for the true identity of the spark of life set in motion toward Paradise and who is therefore only responsible for achievement before the higher authorities of Paradise. Such a child is not responsible for proving his identity before the courts or before others who may question his legitimate right to stand before the bar of justice for adjudication at any time should the Supreme or the Father demand they face their accusers. The Act of The Apostles as described above is but one Act of Consecration that is on the Order of Acts of the Trinity and is akin to Trinitization with the Supreme present in the circuits of the Paradise Trinity of Trinities.
TeaM, MM, & CIA?
Rob wrote: Byron, Daniel, Dave, Marty, Mer, and Rick Tuesday, June 17, 2013 at 7:14PM
Dear friends,
As you know, I have been concerned for some time about attempts to conflate our planetary administration with elements of the U - S - of A - government that are just beginning to be exposed as criminal organizations. Recently, in document N of the ABC Summaries this connection is made more explicit. [1] After reading this, I added the term WARNING to the notice in the discussion pages of the documents that bear a flag advising examination of conflicting assessements of their integrity.
I welcome your thoughts as to whether other options should be explored.
1) In writing this paper, I also wish to pay tribute to Machiventa Melchizedek as a true administrator of the Most Highs. It is the Most highs who rule in the affairs and nations of men and their various organizational attributes like a State Department and the CIA. And like those intelligence departments here and abroad do when they need to know, we wish to make a true finding of what the spiritual intelligence committees in charge of Urantia under Machiventa are supplying to Urantia with the help of the Trinity.
Dave Tenney wrote June 18, 2013 at 11:08 PM
Thank you Rob, for your attentiveness to these concerns. If I understand you correctly, there is a flag of some type on the document itself--so readers can be aware of potentially problematic / conflictual docs, and a warning in the discussion pages as well. Is there a brief clear indication of what a flag means both at the beginning of the collection of papers themselves and / or on the page that each flag appears--so the reader who may have just gone directly to the ABC's for example, would know to check the discussion page, etc. or to read the document with perhaps a more alert spirit of discernment to more ably separate the chaff from the wheat?
That would seem like a fair and appropriate editorial communication, especially for the most glaring examples--such as this one.
Just one Board member's opinion,
Rob wrote: June 18, 2013 at 11:17 PM
Hello Dave-
Yes, there are flags on the 1) "Category of ABC Summaries" where all documents are listed and 2) on the individual documents themselves. The "WARNING" word is reserved only for the 3) discussion pages of each. See below. Let me know if other options come to mind.
1) Category of ABC Summaries (see blue rectangle)
2) Same "Flag" for each document
3) WARNING word added on discussion pages
Marty wrote: June 19, 2013 at 7:45 AM
Rob, Are you saying that this T/R is describing the governmental branches of the US gov as being a manifestation of the planetary spiritual gov? I do not understand what you are saying " conflate our planetary administration with elements of the - U - S - of A - government that are beginning to be exposed as criminal organizations."
Rick wrote: June 19, 2013 at 10:16 AM
Rob, in order to make sense of your request here, it seems I would need to go back and read doc. N which I choose not to do. To be honest, I prefer not to read any of Ron’s writings anymore. I find them to be an unnecessary distraction.
Take care, Rick
Rob wrote: June 19, 2013 at 11:30 AM
Hello Marty-
Yes, if you read the enclosed excerpt, you will see what I mean. Such inferences have been made by this Tr before, but only tacitly. Now it is explicit.
Rob wrote: June 19, 2013 at 11:30 AM
Hello Rick,
If you read the enclosed excerpt and Part I from which it is drawn, let me know what you think.