Talk:2013-06-20-Encouragement as Truth Seekers
Conference Report
Dear TML: Sixteen truth seekers gathered at the Duncan Center in Delray Beach last week for the Living the Christ Nature—Personal and Planetary conference. It was a time for learning, experiencing, creativity, and fellowshipping, and for some people to see the faces of various people who have been on various CCC conference calls. New personal relationships were forged and it felt like we were building a real family. There were very palpable energies of love, sharing, and community building, and the evaluations were very positive and encouraging, to the point of doing it again next year and on an on-going basis.
Some comments from the evaluations:
“Wow! This conference was close enough to perfection that I think it stands as a model of co-creative design. Thanks for following your vision.”
“Experiencing sisterhood, brotherhood with long-time and deep spiritual seekers.” (in answer to what was most valuable to be learned/experienced)
“I learned more about myself and how much more my heart needs to open to both receive and give the love that is our Source and our true essence.”
“Best conference I ever attended!”
The conference format was highly experiential. We communed together in worship. Various people offered their healing modalities for people to enjoy. We had fun in creative play, making our individual mandalas to express our personalities and divine life purpose, and we wove intentions into a fabric that is now hanging on the entry wall of my home to welcome people to the CCC. I discussed how we grow in our divine life purpose and take that out into the world, as well as transmitted the closing message from Machiventa Melchizedek. (I will post to tmtranscripts.) And of course, time for fellowship to get to know one another more intimately.
What came from the conference for me personally was a tremendous boost of energy to greatly expand the visibility of the CCC on a global basis, and I am in the process of developing new working relationships with individuals who have stepped up to join me in growing the ministry. The Board of Directors will change and expand. A Board of Advisors will be developed. E-books based on the information on the website will be crafted as well as teleseminars conducted on a regular basis. The website and blog will be updated to bring in new people, and I am now collaborating with individuals to help with social media and Internet marketing.
I am grateful to my celestial helpers for their assistance in helping me take this giant step forward in ministry, to my program committee who worked with me seamlessly and harmoniously to develop the conference content, and for the gifts they brought to the conference. Together we lived in Light and Life for a few days, and the taste of that remains and urges me forward to bring Michael’s peace and love to the world.
In loving service,
Donna D’Ingillo
Center for Christ Consciousness