Talk:2014-06-02-Universe Broadcast Number One
June 3, 2014
Rob wrote: June 3, 2014 at 10:40 amCDT
Dear Friends,
As you know, Ron Besser's ABC Summaries occasioned the first use of a flag referring persons to the record's discussion page to demonstrate a healthy diversity of opinion prevailing among those who actually read this material. More recently, I have felt compelled to utilize a stronger one due to Daniel Raphael's endorsement of inherently unsustainable regimes of fear as represented by US foreign policy initiatives growing out of the Neoconservative movement. With this "Universe Broadcast Number One", I feel prompted to question what material merits inclusion in a body of work devoted to spiritual education given the exclusively material and temporal focus of the works cited.
Your thoughts will be much appreciated!
Byron wrote: June 3, 2014 at 11:31amPDT
Who would have thunk that the original Creator Son was a fast typist!
My vote is to create a "fiction" designation.
A little humor to open the discussion …
Marty wrote: June 3, 2014 at 2:08pmEDT
It will take about two weeks for me to make any comments on this Universe Broadcast. Marty :>))
Rob wrote: June 3, 2014 at 2:20pmCDT
Thank you Byron for your sense of levity amidst the gravity! If not for the esteem I have for fiction to portray truth transcending mere fact, (Gerdean & Timothy come to mind) I would employ your suggestion. As it is, there is a meaning assigned to the word faction that may be appropriate. It is:
a form of writing or filmmaking that treats real people or events as if they were fictional or uses them as an integral part of a fictional account.
That it corresponds well to the fractious nature of sectarian literature makes it seem more germane.
Rob wrote: June 3, 2014 at 2:24pmCDT
Hello Marty! I understand how time is required to digest these things. I was struck foremost by the reference to Father "countermanding" Michael. It seems to suggest an esteem for the arbitrary.
Oliver wrote: June 3, 2014 at 8:31pm
Well, dear Daynal Institute, with this kind of vainglorious human projections it is surely difficult to maintain a system of flags. Your declared mission includes a devotion "to spiritual education in the context of advancing planetary evolution," and the display of human intelligence and blatant arrogance is to be posted, if only as an example geared to those who believe anything that the phenomena of channeling can produce.
However, it behoofs me to wait two weeks for the universe broadcast for Urantia to be forcefully supplanted on all media station in all lands on Urantia, just as was done in the human flick V For Vendetta in GB. I hope they know that this usurped broadcast would be most effective if it would speak in the individual mother tongues. An excellent human example presently would be the military in Thailand who ordered all networks to broadcast the emanations of their military channel. That's how humans do it. I look forward to how celestials will implement this universal braodcast from the North Pole at 12 o'clock in about two weeks — the exact time having been censored by the Archangel of Michael when "The Father" wanted it to be known. Such a rebellious act in and of itself, and so very unfaithfully human.
Yes, let us wait. What are little two weeks without Christ Michael of Nebadon at the helm. After that, much more will be known. Either the mission will be inaugurated by the technique of suspended free will and all mankind will loose their divinely gifted state of being Agondonters, and we will be told how to implement and live the one and only core values, or we have received another example of writing by a person who is being excessively preoccupied with issues of personal adequacy, power, prestige and vanity.
And in case you did not know: Serara is Monjoronson again.
(AKA Oliver)
June 4, 2014
Gerdean wrote: Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:46 AM
"Serara is Monjoronson again"
Jeez, Oliver, you made me spit all over myself.
Gerdean wrote:
Inasmuch as the UB itself devotes many pages to the history and future of government -- human and divine -- it is obviously a valid part of our spiritual education. However, it is premature to incorporate it since we are not sufficiently spiritual evolved to have the wisdom required to handle such varied perspectives as would be found in Ron Besser's ABC Summaries or Flurries, in Daniel Raphael, MD's E-goverment, et. al., even Miss O'Dell's new world prototype set forth in The Zooid Mission. Any transcripts relevant to politics and dedicated to the reality of finite government ought to be archived under an umbrella separate from the transcripts that are dedicated to cultivating the reality of the soul.
Two cents.
Steffani wrote:Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 1:08 AM
Seems to me most mortals are STILL having difficulty with the abc's of the 'golden rule'...personally or in their reported observations of their brethren...much less needing to usurp the prerogatives of our Universe Sovereign Christ Michael!
Oliver wrote: Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 6:24 AM
Mentioning The Zooid Mission, which was described by you as inspired, co-created fiction, along with the other efforts, would it not make them then the same?
June 5, 2014
Steffani wrote:Thu, Jun 5, 2014 at 11:29 PM
The ongoing disrespect shown to our Sovereign Creator Son, Jesus/Christ Michael of Nebadon, ultimately will only be problematic to those who ongoingly engage in it...which proves beyond any shadow of doubt that these persons are supremely out of touch with Universe Reality! (32:4.3) (53:3.3)
June 6, 2014
Rob wrote:Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 8:35 AM
Thank you Steffani! The author's penchant for the arbitrary is well known and represents well a planetary culture in need of correction.
Steffani wrote:Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 12:05 PM
At the risk of belaboring a point...the teachers no doubt asked us to use the UB to vet basic info about the universe and divine governance... (NOT personal truth engendered via spiritual experience)...BECAUSE, without a reference guide for those not as yet listening within to our Parents (Father/TA, Spirit of Truth/Holy Spirit) anybody can just make up any old 'stuff' out of their imagination and put it out there to poison the well for their trusting fellow sojourners! Jesus IS Lord,
Rob wrote: Fri, Jun 6, 2014 at 1:27 PM
The purpose of any "teacher" e.g. extrinsic authority is to make themselves redundant.
Revelation is not enough, because it is only communication from God. God does not need revelation returned to Him, but He does want it brought to others. This cannot be done with the actual revelation; its content cannot be expressed, because it is intensely personal to the mind that receives it. It can, however, be extended by that mind to other minds, through the attitudes knowledge from the revelation brings.
NOTE: To witness thoughts of unqualified affirmation, follow this link.
June 7, 2014
Steffani wrote:Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 1:45 AM
I recognize the adaptive paraphrase in your first sentence...and the source text of the rest as well... an interesting selection.
Rob wrote:Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 9:22 AM
Text is intrinsically ancillary. Nevertheless, "the time has come for questions and answers is past - now there is only the knowing that emerges from deep within".
Steffani wrote:Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 11:37 AM
Yes...helping ALL of our brethren to 'go there' with us is where text, song and dance, or whatever tools are expedient to bring about the asking of...'the last question'. (that brings 'the spiritual experience)
Even so, as material beings learning, doing, and problem solving will remain essential elements of our space rock life...the change in attitudes becomes clear via contact...that requires facilitation. The journey to 'instant' is a long one for most people...doesn't have to be...but most often step, then another, usually in time.
Rob wrote: Sat, Jun 7, 2014 at 1:14 PM
How wonderful knowing the first source and final goal of communication is communion where all our questions enter the presence of all their answers.