Talk:2014-10-05-N. Idaho TeaM
October 31, 2014
Rob wrote: Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 10:58 AM
Having heard from Gerdean after she released her body, I joked with her that I didn't think I could tell anyone given her insistence no one transmit her after she left this plane. How glad I am to see her encouraging "experimentation" to further explore potentials yet to be realized.
Michele wrote: Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 11:28 AM
Rob! She visited me as well, and I didn't think I should say so because she did so strongly tell us she would not be communicating back to us.
I feel her strongly at the moment now too.
Love, Mich
Michele wrote: Fri, Oct 31, 2014 at 12:06 PM
Having posted that Gerdean also visited with me after her passing, let me explain a bit because she and I didn't know each other well. It's because we had some unfinished business from last year's misunderstandings during the process of trying to make some changes on TML- feelings were hurt in both directions during that experience, but only because there was misunderstanding of intentions. I can share that there is love and real understanding now :)
Love, Mich
November 1, 2014
Barry Bartlett wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:38 AM
All those years and endless discussions that 'dead people' do not communicate. Now her soul remembers!! All that is written is not necessarily correct.
I AM Barry
Georges Douyon wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 1:19 PM
I have been wondering the same thing regarding Gerdean's transmissions? Is this truly Gerdean's coming thru the pipeline?
Rob wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 1:29 PM
I am reminded that all of man's universe romancing may not be fact, but much, very much, is truth, (1) and wisdom discerns the difference between that which is 'true' and that which is 'truth'.
Georges Douyon wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:11 PM
Indeed, I find no truth, nor wisdom and no discernment. The facts, as always, remain open to interpretation. So what is true invariably commensurate with the romance.
Rob wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 2:40 PM
I doubt that you "find no truth, nor wisdom and no discernment" for if such were the case, you wouldn't be enjoying the "flavor of truth" (1) in your own experience. That you also find that creature interpretations of such experience varies simply underscores the role of uncertainty in the life of faith that in advancing ages is the "secret of contented continuity." (2)
Oliver Deux wrote: Sat, Nov 1, 2014 at 3:09 PM
The "endless discussions" had fossilized view points. Human ego nature wants to be proven right. There has never been a R/T to my knowledge who pledged and pleaded that she would never transmit from Mansonia under no circumstances. If anything, I hold Gerdean's integrity to the highest human level possible.
I know that I can not receive from our supernals when I do not direct my mind to do so. I hear form Christ Michael when I request to hear from Him. I am not shy to consider that the human mind of certain transmitters, who must have felt criticized and invalidated by Gerdean and others, will now hasten to the opportunity to show or proof that she was unreasonable. There have already been some gleeful comments to communicate that she was partial and might now also be retrained to see that she was also wrong during the endless debates about Monjoronson.
Unless and until I recognize Gerdean in these alleged transmissions, some of which have been withheld from us, I want to sit a little longer on the fence. Don't worry my seat is cushioned. If I see a space ship or converse with siblings from another world, I will have the experience and that would be my truth. If I encounter a zombie, I know that one exists and it becomes true to me. Once I recognize Gerdean in any of these transmissions, and I am sure they will come at us relentlessly, I can discern that partial truth for me.