Talk:2015-08-12-Planetary Evacuation
For a refutation of these kind of prohecies, see this lesson and this one. I enclose excerpts from both below.--rdavis 00:42, 20 August 2015 (UTC)
I should further note that Abundant Hope, Ron Besser and many others has been preoccupied with the thought of spectacular intervention that is evidence of how alive and well the Apocalyptic Imagination is in our midst.
From Abraham- The Teaching Mission lessons in total are simple and could be reduced to a page of paper. And these basic lessons becoming part of the living experience can truly bring forth vast spiritual changes. The physical changes can be traumatic. But know that human kind grows and learns in adversity. You are here to learn and these nudgings not so simple, are to give you the gift of adversity which comes forth in spiritual triumph over them. You will be challenged in many ways by these changes and in each will come greatly enhanced opportunities for you to learn and for you to share. For those who suffer will be lost and the netherworld of unknowing and you have much to share. There are those who will embellish these prophecies to planetary destruction (and) evacuation. These things are not true in any sense, have no basis in reality.
From Malvantra-As one who has been around through some experiences which have been deemed to have been Armageddon-type experiences, earth shattering experiences, mind opening experiences, I would state that you as mortals of the realm are inherently shortsighted and fear ridden. As a species, as a race, your tendencies are to look for the outside forces you yearn for to show themselves, to make themselves known, to make their presences undeniable and overwhelming to all. This is your double edged sword, for, while it would remove all doubt as to the significance of the unseen principles, it also carries with it great disharmony, dysfunction in its implementation.
I would challenge everyone, each of you, to not place any significant amount of your life energies in the arenas of cataclysmic changes or undeniable intervention from higher forces. You, indeed, have intervention from higher forces in your lives this very hour. This is your circumstance, these are your parameters of reality. I would encourage you to embrace these that are at your feet, that surround you, that are sent to uplift you. Refrain from the temptation to even inwardly seek such overt signs of outward domination.
The desire of your race to have all things either put right or destroyed has been with your race since the beginning. All of your ancestors have had a similar thought pattern run through their existence, the desire to be shown overwhelmingly and with force the right way and the fear that this force brings with it, the destruction of all that we have come to know. It is true that, if you truly live with God in your hearts, you will learn to loosen your expectations to allow for the reality to be embraced. This goes as well for this phenomenon of seeking outside intervention, of, indeed, hoping for outside intervention. It is entirely understandable how you would come to this point of desiring this intervention. But in my experience the intervention you get is not in this bold, overwhelming, overpowering form.
You all do well to foster the guidance you do receive. I encourage you, I applaud you, in your efforts to do so. Look to determine if these thoughts of premonition disturb you or cause you fear. Then I encourage you to let them go. They are not conducive to spiritual growth if they contain the seeds of fear and distrust. You have been shown in this Teaching Mission that is not the way of forward progression. That is not the Father's path; He desires not to scare you into any action, only to draw you to Him in love, in peace. Therefore, a philosophy of imminent doom, of major upheaval, is inconsistent with a peaceful, loving progression. Even if, by the furthest stretches of your imagination, such an event or series of events were indeed to take place, what would be gained in the interim by entertaining these fearful thoughts? Only stifling of your spiritual growth. So, I encourage you to be free of this stifling, to look forward to the future with joy and great happiness, as I am here to tell you that your future is glorious and wonderful, no matter what your temporal surroundings may be or may turn into. Of one thing you can be sure, your eternal destiny is safe; your spiritual progress is secured as long as you have the desire to foster it. Fear not, only love.