Talk:2022-04-04-NET PMG 28

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Among the many objections to Daniel Raphael's work are:

  • 1. He cites academic authority using a bogus Ph.D.
  • 2. His work parrots Neo Conservative US foreign policy. NEC 7NEC 8
  • 3. He cites the Rothschild family as a model of social sustainability. NEC 9
  • 4. He has spiritual beings citing the amorality of their protocols.NEC 20
  • 5. He cites the virtue of commercial AI to guide moral decisions.NET 53
  • 6. In recent years, he has referred to himself in capital letters as "This One".
  • 7. One of the members of this group is assigned "to invent a new religion". NET 96
  • 8. He has Machiventa stating in March 2020 the Covid virus "is a natural occurrence". NET 86


2022-04-04, New Era Transitions Planetary Manager’s Group #28, Machiventa

Planetary Manager’s Group #28

Machiventa Melchizedek, Planetary Manager Topics:

Greetings from Edentia Directed social change When you are at peace… We need your total cooperation and commitment to your higher self We have entered the full stream of this transition era—reread this Emotional energy and statements of will Suicide Praying for global predators “Growing a spine” in democratic societies Pray for the highest and greatest good for your enemies Normal mindedness and the presence of a Thought Adjuster Continuing Teaching Mission in the U.S. and Colombia Praying for the upgrading of our educational system Pray for their highest and greatest good Dealing with hate and anger Give your mind a time out Pray for your own peace of mind

TR: Daniel Raphael, PhD

Invocation: JT


Greetings from Edentia

Machiventa: Good day, my friends. This is Machiventa Melchizedek, and I am speaking to you from Edentia today. I am not on retreat, but I do have my Melchizedek team here with me as we are consulting with what you would call the “powers that be” who govern in this area, including Urantia. We are conferencing regarding the immense changes about to take place on Urantia, and how we can bend these developments towards the Days of Light and Life. Even though that may be many of your lifetimes away for your planet, it is, nonetheless, part of our planning to engage those factors that we can influence now, so that the end result comes about. Those of you who may have read this one's latest publication [JT: Click here to download free PDF] may realize that what we are doing is what is called directed planning as opposed to undirected planning. Your world has been in a free fall regarding planning for over 200,000 years, and only recently has it come out of quarantine. We use directed planning to accomplish goals that are many years ahead. For us, we are working totally in the social realms of your world to change the social values, attitudes, opinions, and beliefs, so that the end result that we are planning for comes about.

Directed social change

This is the same process that we have projected in these latest publications of This One and Avahlah. Directed social change is important—not for the short term, but for the long-term—long-term meaning any time from now until centuries ahead. We are, of course, planning many centuries ahead for the advent of the Days of Light Life. Before then, you would want to be planning with us for social stability, social sustainability, and peace. We are looking for a “pandemic of peace” on your world where peace overcomes all resistance and that the ways that contribute to the chaos of your world have become absent. It is important for us to begin this process. Again, we say we have been teaching you these elemental and elementary principles when we first came on board with the Teaching Mission on your world. This has continued, and as Monjoronson has been here and been of influence in social programs, the social evolution of your world has begun. You and we are working together. You are part of our plans. You are co-creative with us in the accomplishment and fulfillment of these plans. You are the ones we are relying upon to, not take charge, but to follow our lead—to be at peace. To be at peace from the inside of each individual.

When you are at peace…

Many of you have followed and practiced Buddhist traditions. Your life begins to take on the realm of co-creativity with us when you are at peace on the inside. When you were at peace, then you were able to hear our inclinations to your attitudes and values. We do not overthrow any of your decisions; however, we can be very persuasive to you individually, when you invite us in to persuade your mind to take on new beliefs—beliefs of peace, beliefs of coordination and contentment. You want to be able to hear this with a quiet mind. You may not hear it with your mind's ear, but your mind will nonetheless register our influences. These are subtle, and your Thought Adjuster, of course, is one of the most subtle participants in this process of reclaiming the lost territory of your minds. We want you to be at peace, to feel joy, to feel thanksgiving and gratitude for your life. You may take it for granted that you have running water in your house, but there are many people who don't and who would be very thankful for that development in their home. There are other amenities in your home which are essential to a civilized world. However, civilization and civilized in our way of thinking is not dependent upon the material comforts of your life, rather upon the spiritual enlightenment and attitudes of peace and thanksgiving within you.

We need your total cooperation and commitment to your higher self

So, when you hear these things from my mouth (my mind through This One's mouth) you can be assured that we are striving to be one with you. We want you to invite us in. We want you to invite your guardian in and your Thought Adjuster in to speak to you in the manner in which you can be persuaded. You might even say: “I am open to your persuasion. My will is to do God's will. I will to do God's will.” Those are strong words. They are very strong words. And so, you will need to review this and to renew these statements over time as many mortal minds forget these statements and so you go your own way. We're asking you to be attentive to the leading of your Thought Adjuster of the right way—the right way forward. It is the way that works in eternity. It is the way that helps you graduate from the morontial realm into the spiritual realm. You have begun that now.

Many of you do not recognize that you have actually begun the first rung of your spiritual career even before you enter into the morontial career. You are making decisions now that will last you throughout eternity, and which will be reinforced by you in time and circumstances so that you are able to… [Daniel was interrupted.] We hope we are imprinting on you the need—the necessity—of your cooperation. Not resistant cooperation, but your total cooperation to Christ Michael, to God, and to your Thought Adjuster. And it is not to me that you make this total commitment, but to your higher self, your Thought Adjuster, to your soul, and to your guardian and those others around you who are helping you on this journey.

I hope you have taken to heart these recommendations for your personal commands as they are important for you during the rest of your life. You may want to, in fact, write them on a small card and put them around the house (or wherever you live) so that you see them, reiterate this command, and put your full energy into it whenever you say these words.

We have entered the full stream of this transition era—reread this

I make these statements of importance right now, simply because we are entering into a new phase of our work on Urantia. We are entering into the full stream of the transition era—one in which many people absolutely do not recognize as occurring, but you know, and we know, that it has occurred, we have begun, and that we have entered into the full stream of this transition era. Our goal is to have you (the earth's population) graduate into the next phase which is the preliminary era before the Days of Light and Life. This transition era and the full stream will be the most difficult for your civilization and for most individuals. Some, however, look forward to this time when circumstances change and that you can truly have it influenced by the command of your mind onto the streams of consciousness on your world. And that is the situation now. Re-read that again when you read it in the transcript. You would want to repeat this to yourself and enforce it. I'm open for questions if you have any.

Emotional energy and statements of will

Walt: Yes, thank you so very much. Hello, Machiventa. I was awash in resonance with [your] statement which is a reinforcement of some of the lessons you've given us, but it needs being repeated and reminded to say to the team, especially the Thought Adjuster and guardian angels—I'm open to your persuasion, my will is to do God’s will. I am so grateful for that reminder and reinforcement.

I note, you talk about putting your full energy into it, when we say the words. Could you speak to how eliciting emotions into the statement impacts the outcome?

MM: Thank you for your question/statement. It is important that you consider the word emotion. Now, almost all mortals have emotions which corrupt their spirituality, their centeredness, and which deflects the intentions of your higher mind. When you use the word “emotion” (though I did not), what I want you to do is to use your mind-voice or even aloud with vigor—being emphatic—that you would say these wonderful words as you would speak to the family dog that has come in with their bone or their snake or their mouse and given you this treat of theirs. And so, you would say very forcefully to the dog “Out of the house, go!” You would not call the dog names, you would not mean it in anger or in threat, but you would say it with emphasis. And so, you would want to say these command words which command your own mind to comply with your higher mind, your will-mind’s request to do the Father's will. You want to speak powerfully. Do you understand?


Walt: Yes, I do, I do, and I, I receive that. Thank you. Thank you so much. This second question is about suicide. [I’ve been] speaking with somebody who has been having suicidal ideation, seems to have overcome it, but recently witnessed another person committing suicide and similar straits. I believe that they still have overcome suicidal ideation, but when I was speaking with them about it, I struggled to explain to them that suicide is not an escape, and I wish you could speak to us explaining and being clear to us that suicide is not an escape.

MM: Your question is very ambiguous, and your request of me is likewise. Suicide is suicide. It is a means of ending one's life. It is a means of bringing something to an end and to engage another beginning. Nonetheless, whether the suicide is to escape pain, whether it is to escape the trauma of one's own mind, or the social guilt and shame from something that the person has done, or from any other reasons it is leaving the scene, so to speak. That individual is not continuing on. The teachings that we provide to you are very strict, and there is no room for leniency as mortals tend to misinterpret things of concern to them personally in ways which are never meant to be interpreted in another way. Yes, life upon this planet is mean, it's short, and it's ugly for many people. For many people it is beautiful, it's joyous, it is rapture beyond compare to anything they have ever experienced. It is a possibility that provides ecstasy and contact with the Thought Adjuster and deep one-to-one communication with the Thought Adjuster, the God presence within you. I know this does not satisfy your request; however, this is what I give you today. Thank you.

Praying for global predators

Walt: No, I very much do appreciate it. Thank you. My final question is: Like you, we most likely all here agree that an individual who is intent on bringing death and suffering to millions should be removed from society, and I'm being thus aligned with you but without the power or means to remove this current force of wanton death and suffering. How can we appeal to you, your team, or even Jesus Christ, Michael, to transition this individual away from humanity and on to their morontial rehabilitation and progress?

MM: Certainly. First of all, you as an individual ought not to engage in that—even in prayer—as that puts you in the realm of bringing cessation to another person's life. This is not your domain. Neither do you have the authority to do that and if you do it on your own authority, this would be a misnomer on your part. Misnomer can be interpreted several ways. However, we do want to provide you with an answer to your question in your situation and that is to pray for this individual’s highest and greatest good as diligently, and as fervently as you would pray for your own highest and greatest good. You want to provide them with the insight that what they are doing is wrong, is erroneous, is a violation of the will of other people, and it violates the basic tenets of universe existence. So, pray for them, pray for their good, pray for their awakening, their enlightenment. Thank you.

Walt: Wow, I feel like that has... I feel so completely satisfied with the answer. I feel like I've had an epiphany. I feel that that is the solution, the right way. I feel it resonating with me. I am so grateful for that answer. I'm ready to celebrate. Thank you, and I hope so many others can hear it, feel it, and resonate with it the way I do. I think that if we did that, especially en masse, that we can affect great good for all concerned. Thank you so much, Machiventa.

MM: You're most welcome.

Rick: Well, good morning, Machiventa. How are you doing today?

MM: I'm excellent. I am in joy. I'm here with those of greater authority than myself. I appreciate their company, their guidance, direction, and their mentorship as they are the helpers—mentors—of many thousands of inhabited planets with the Planetary Princes. Thank you.

Rick: Well, you are running with a high-falutin crowd, aren't you?

MM: We do not deal with comparisons. Thank you.

“Growing a spine” in democratic societies

Rick: Okay, and I understand that. In our last session you [made] a really shocking, important statement, and that was that democratic nations of our planet really need to grow a spine. I agree, and you went into some general detail about that, but that is such a huge, important topic, I'm wondering if you’d bless us with a little bit more detail on how we might go about doing that.

MM: Gladly. This is Machiventa. Several developments must occur for a democratic nation, society, and government to grow a spine, as you say. The first is that those who live in democracies must rid themselves of their self-righteousness about where they live, how they live, and the form of government they have. The second is that your social scientists, politicians, those in government, political science, individuals, professionals, realize that democracy is just one form in the evolution of government. Though it is a very positive and good form of government, it is incomplete, it is immature, and, without being too harsh, it is infantile in many ways. It is infantile in that it believes that everyone is good or assumes that everyone is good, which you now know is certainly not the case.

Democracies go through a social evolution, and it's important that your social scientists recognize that social evolution occurs in all the social sciences. Even history as a social science would provide a perspective of social evolution for others to learn by. Many times, the wisdom of the past speaks to the future, and it is important that the interpreters of the past—those historians—see the past as an evolutionary journey of social evolution for a type of society that may cross many national boundaries. This is one of the most important facets of academia, when academia finally is able to also become more mature in itself to realize that it does not present the panacea for individuals, societies, ethnic groups, or cultures. Those two factors are primary to the growth of democracy.

How do you do that? It is difficult for us to project that on to you. Let us give you an instance: Let us say that one of our following is a multi-millionaire or multi-billionaire who would want to fund the examination of each social science to see how it has matured, and how it can mature even more, and particularly how the philosophical examination of the evolution of the social sciences is progressing. As you know, there are trite wisdoms from the past that nothing stays the same—change is inevitable, change is constant, and so on. So, these must impinge on the minds of those social scientists who are employed, let's say, in examination of the evolution of the social sciences in many regards. How you do that, the ”how” of how they examine the evolution, of course, must be matched against something that is constant, something that is permanent, something that is un-moving, something that gives social scientists a constant against which they can evaluate the progress that has been made in history for societies, for the various social sciences including education, the family, justice, healthcare, and so on (without being too specific). This is an important juncture in the history, future, and civilization of humanity on earth at this time. One must take a planetary manager's perspective and see how all facets of humanity are evolving, growing, maturing, and progressing. And now you have a means by which you can determine what progress really is because we have given you the standards, the constants of human behavior through the seven values and the ethics and morality that emanate from those values. Do you understand?

Rick: Well, I think I have some understanding. I'm looking forward to reading it slowly.

MM: Please do.

Rick: I will.

MM: You, Rick, are one of those curious people who ask questions. Many who see the need for things to be done, don't ask questions. You, however, are the progenitor of many questions, and you and several of your team members on this conference call are important question askers, and some of you make statements—no questions—and you ask for clarification, which amounts to the same thing. Thank you.

Rick: Thank you. I do have one more question. It's rather complex, and I hope I can do it justice. Walt’s question was: “How do we deal with somebody who is a progenitor of killing millions of human beings?” And your short response was essentially, we pray for them. In our session two weeks ago, we were talking about predators in our society and how we elect to basically lock them up, and if I'm interpreting you correctly, you were stating: Well, that's cruel, and really what we should do is expedite them, at least that's what we use in military terms—send them back to God and let him sort them out. So, in my limited point of view as a human being, I see both these people that kill millions—say a Putin—and these predators in our society, I see them both as evil. And yet it appears there's different methodologies that are being suggested to us for dealing with evil. Would you please address that?

MM: I will strive to. Your question and your statement is ambiguous and that gives me a lot of leeway, doesn't it?

Rick: It does.

Pray for the highest and greatest good for your enemies

MM: Thank you for that. First of all, always pray for your enemies, OK? Pray for them. And what we mean by pray for them is asking for spirit, for the Thought Adjusters (plural), the guardians of this person, and others to be involved in the mental rehabilitation of that individual. Now, some mind mechanisms are unapproachable for remediation. They have not the mind mechanism to even abridge and change their minds and what they are doing. In other words, they are truly lost, but you don't know that do you? No, you don't. So, you would want to pray for their highest and greatest good and leave that up to spirit to bring about as best as spirit can, to use the generalized word of spirit, all entities involved in that person's life. The individual’s Thought Adjuster has not stopped, will not stop until the individual is totally un-reclaim-able. You don't know that either. So, the best thing you can do is pray for the highest and greatest good of that individual, and pray for them to have a better attitude, be compliant to God's will, and to treat other people kindly rather than severely and as victims.

The other facet of this is much as I said to Walt, and that is to pray for this dispatch or to expedite the transition of an individual from this realm to another is not in your purview—not your authority—and to ask Spirit to expedite their transition is going against God's will. You don't want to do that. You want to do God's will, and it's to pray for the highest and greatest good of that individual.

Now, if you have an amended judicial system—a set of laws that deal with predators as we have discussed two weeks ago—then you would have a group of individuals who come together and as a social body, would say that this individual needs to be removed from society. In other words, to use your military language, they would be expedited to the morontial realm forthwith. Now, that is permissible because the body of individuals who have adjudicated the predator have come together as representatives of that society. Someone needs to maintain the well-being of society, and that includes removal of the predators and those individuals who are incredibly disruptive to the forward progress, movement, and evolution of society and the good will of all individuals.

We recognize that this is a necessity on material planets that have not reached the Days of Light and Life. The removal of these individuals will remain a constant until late in the development or the advent of the Days of Light and life. This is a part of the outcome of peace that will pervade your planet. Thank you for asking.

Jeff: And I would like to thank you for your outstanding answer to a very complex and nuanced topic. Thank you very much Machiventa.

MM: You are most welcome.

Normal mindedness and the presence of a Thought Adjuster

JT: Your answer to his question made a nice segue into a reader's question. David asks: What constitutes “not having a normal mind,” as in the example of the man the Christ simply gave alms to and didn't even try to reach? And he gives this context: Please, impress that this is not a curiosity question. I've been trying to get even a sliver of an idea on how to contemplate taking care of certain types of people in a growing and evolving fashion—people like the estimated 1% (80 million worldwide, 32 million in the US, 107,000 in my state, over 70,000 in my city alone) who classify as full-fledged psychopaths, or the estimated 4% to 6% suffering from Narcissistic Personality Disorder who have no choice but to abuse those closest to them. Or for the full 10% with IQs below 83 whom not even military grade training can give functional skills.

The sure gravitas this situation terrifies me. Part of my life's work is to redesign the basis of education to promote individuated excellence instead of labor exploitation indoctrination, but how do you help someone who can't even string two logical thoughts together when they're staring them right in the face? Even if we assume that all the 53,000 incarcerated in my state were psychopaths, we would still have only half of them. I'm going to end before I start to spiral out in existential dread, but please consider this depth when you pose my query. Thank you, and by our will may His will be done.

With that context, I'll repeat his question: What constitutes “not having a normal mind,” as in the example of the man The Christ simply gave alms to and didn’t even try to reach?

MM: This is Machiventa. The definition, which is one that you would have the most difficulty fulfilling and to thoroughly understand is the determination of whether an individual has a Thought Adjuster embedded in their mind. Some minds are incapable of that residency. Your question, your situation, your statement is most difficult for most humanitarian mortals to understand. In many ways, you are unable to answer the question because you do not have a morontial mind yet to see what is resident in the mind of that individual or not. You do however, have one avenue, one narrow means of answering the fundamental question: Does this person have a Thought Adjuster with them, and the other side question would be: Does this person have a mind that's capable of having a Thought Adjuster resident in their mind? And that is in your discussions with your Thought Adjuster, to ask your Thought Adjuster whether the individual has a resident Thought Adjuster or not? We have found that many mortals do have this capability of receiving an answer from their Thought Adjuster regarding the residency of a Thought Adjuster in the mind of another person. There is no wrong in asking this question, you simply have to have the capability of receiving the answer.

You, of course, would want to examine your own intention for asking the question in the first place. What is your intention in determining whether an individual has a Thought Adjuster or not, or whether an individual is capable of receiving a Thought Adjuster? As most individuals receive their Thought Adjuster by their first moral questioning—their first moral decision point (usually around age five for mortals on Urantia)—you would be able to ask this question of any individual of the age five or older. Just for your own thought, is whether you are able to know whether this person has a mind that is capable of moral decision-making. That puts it in the realm of your closer understanding of this situation. Jesus’ approach to that individual was such that he was aware that the individual did not have a Thought Adjuster and he moved on. Your question for yourself would be: Is this person capable of making a moral decision. It's either yes or no.

As you know, one of the questions for defendants in a murder trial is whether this person knew right from wrong. Is this person capable of a moral decision to know that their actions were immoral? This has been the purview of many psychiatrists who have been consultants and advisors to the courts, and oftentimes, their answers are unexplainable, their understanding of the moral decision is not understandable to what you would call normal people in your definition. And so, for you, you must examine this with your own understanding of what is moral and what is immoral. Are you capable of making a moral decision? Your answer would definitely be yes. You know what is right, you know what is wrong, but other people may not.

I'm going to take you aside for a moment to the morality of your species. The morality of your species, according to the seven values that each of you are embedded with, is the determination of whether this causes harm to another person's life. As you (as a civilization) approach the advent and maturing phases of the advent era before the Days of Light and Life, you become aware of immorality as becoming much more specific and much more finely tuned to the good of all concerned. You may think that your interference in a person's lifestyle or commenting on a person's lifestyle is none of your business. However, in the development and mature ages before the Days of Light and Life, you would say your opinion about someone's lifestyle may be very poignant. When others want to cause harm to another’s quality of life, you would know that that individual is causing immoral behavior and actions when they determined that a person should not be…

Daniel: This is Daniel. Woah, I'm treading water here. One moment.

MM: This is Machiventa. I have taken you too far afield I sense, and so I return to your own estimations of what is immoral: Can this individual make a moral decision. And you would want to test that individual if you have time and their permission to test them about that. Is it immoral for an individual to remove a waitress’s tip from the table that they had not placed there? That would be unethical. Is it immoral to withhold a child from education, to keep them at home under your own lock and key without any education or without homeschooling? Yes, that is. That's highly immoral. And so, you want to fine tune your questions to determine the level of answering [possible in] that person that you think perhaps does not have a normal mind. The normal mind is able to make those differentiations. Now, please understand there is a very big caveat in all of this, and that is that the child has been trained by moral parents to know what is moral and immoral. Thank you.

Continuing Teaching Mission in the U.S. and Colombia

Juan: Hello to everyone. I have heard that we are getting to the end of the mission. If I understand wrong, I am sorry. I want to ask what opportunities do we have here in Colombia or in Latin America to continue helping you to achieve the goals of the Magisterial Mission? How can we continue to know what to do in our countries that is much different from the U.S.? Thank you.

MM: Clarify, please. What do you mean by the “end of the mission?”

Juan: I don't know if I understand well, but in the free time that you are talking to us, I thought I heard you say that we're getting to the end, we're getting to the end of the ______, or something like that. I want to ask how we can help in Colombia and Latin America specifically because here in Colombia and in Latin America we have a different context than the U.S. So, I want to know how we can continue helping you achieve the goals that we now have for the Mission.

MM: Certainly, thank you. This is Machiventa Melchizedek and welcome to our Planetary Manager’s group Juan. You are most welcome to be here, and we appreciate your participation. Thank you.

First of all, there is no end of the Mission, the Teaching Mission will continue. There will be no end to it as there are people around the world who will need to be engaged with the teachings of the Teaching Mission. It is far from being completed in the United States. Many aspects of the Teaching Mission in the United States have not even begun. Our first effort will be to establish an operational Family Learning Centre—a clinic as you know it to be—in which parenting skills are taught, where child rearing skills are taught, and where we are able to assist parents to raise children to become highly moral and ethical, and that they will become good parents themselves. So that is our situation here.

As far as Colombia is concerned, it is our wish as well to begin by having a family learning center in Colombia, perhaps even before we start one in the United States. We have our own reasons for that. We have discussed that extensively in my Planetary Manager’s Melchizedek team, and we have discussed it with the Most Highs and their advisors. This may seem unfair to [other] Americans, to Europeans, or anyone else in any other country. What we were seeing is a very compliant, very positive thinking and willingness on the part of the population of a nation to support what we're doing. We are aiming for the greatest success with our initial efforts. It would be troubling would it not if we tried our first effort in the nation that did not want us there? This would be something that the Jesuits might have tried in the 16th century. Thank you.

Juan: Thank you for your answer.

Recca: Good morning, Machiventa, and greetings to the Edentia congregation—that is the congregate advisors and mentors that you're vacationing with. There have been so many good questions today. I'd like to use some of the factors in each one of the questions to ask my question. In order to up step the social sciences and the academic training and teaching of the normal minds of any nation, country, state, county, or family, don't we apply the same justice and mercy to these teaching groups that we are applying to the perpetrators of crimes against the human condition in that we as individuals choose to pray for the enlightenment of each of the individuals in our country. I'm not doing this very well. In order to have the Teaching Mission bloom and the individuals, the small number of individuals or the large number of individuals in the world who wish good to come. Sorry. This is rather emotional for me.

MM: Start with what?

Praying for the upgrading of our educational system

Recca: Yes. How do we start praying for the upgrading of our own educational processes? We pray for our teachers here at home. Is that right? We meet each person and greet their Thought Adjuster and look at them as co-creators with us in this moment. Does this accrue to the pre-Light and Life stages that the Teaching Mission is after?

MM: First of all, myself and my team are not on holiday. This is a working meeting that we've been called to attend, and that is why I am speaking from a distance. This One's guardian angel this morning announced my absence today and said that I would be speaking at a distance to you this morning. Your statements are many, and I'm trying to sort the intent of your questions from all the words. It would appear that your intention is to awaken the minds of educators, educational policy makers, those who choose curricula, and who set policy for school districts, whether they're private or public, to be open to examine what they were doing—not in the minutia of education, but in the macro perspective of education as a science that is still very immature.

I'm going to project myself to you, as you, and suggest that you pray for their enlightenment—that the world is as it is in this tremendous crisis, which is only going to get worse, and that there needs to be a tremendous amount of re-adaptation or remedial work done on education as an ideology, a philosophy, as a practice, and as a part and parcel of the preparation of each generation to engage it’s civilization as each individual does. This would be most helpful. There are what we suspect, and we know as we have infiltrated academia. We've infiltrated academia to the extent that we are aware that there are many junior members in academia who are hesitant to raise questions or to challenge those in authority—particularly in power—about the direction of education in the nation. And they are withholding themselves pending the opportunity to speak and to come forward. These young minds are open to new thoughts, new directions, new intentions for education, and that's how we read academia. We are aware that there are many minds in academia that are not open. These are individuals that, as educators, we would pass by and not stop to speak with them or share our insight with them as they're not open to that. We're open to any mind that is partially open, even a wee bit, a crack of sunlight into their mind, that we can enter with suggestions that we may open it further.

Pray for their highest and greatest good

How do you pray for them? Pray for their highest and greatest good. You should have a clear intention about why you're praying before you begin. You should understand and have a thorough understanding of what you are asking to be done by us, with you, for them and for your larger population. We appreciate your mind being present with us as you have much to offer. You have obviously given this much thought, and we ask you to write down your thoughts before you begin again. Thank you.

Recca: Thank you, Machiventa. Of course, I meant no disrespect. I'm simply a jocular person.

MM: No offense taken.

Dealing with hate and anger

Liz: Good morning, Machiventa. It’s delightful to be with you today, and it gives me great joy to think of you in Edentia in your conference trying to help us on this planet, so thank you and thank you to your entire team on our behalf. I also thank Walt for his amazing question, and Rick’s follow up on that question. My question is a little bit more personal, although it's sort of in the same vein. As you know, everybody's opinionated right now, and we are a deeply divided nation and maybe world with regards to everything. There was a good article in the paper the other day about the lack of empathy that we're all experiencing, and of course, I have experienced that as well, or I have noted that as well. There are a lot of people who are hateful and angry. And some of them are very close to home. My initial reaction to those people: yes, pray for them, no question about that, but also to pull away from them and let them work out their issues. But then there are others in my circle who are reluctant to pull away from them and instead engage with them, and their reasons are good. I think it's futile to try to change someone's opinion when they're so full of hate and anger and misinformation. And I'm wondering if you would speak to that on a personal level, please.

MM: Well, certainly, thank you for your question/statement. First of all, you learned early on as a child and infant that you would pull your fingers away from the flame on a candle as it is destructive, and it hurts. That does not change in life. There are hurts which are personal, which are social, which are emotional, which are mental, which are verbal, and so on. So, we advise you to pull away from those situations, those voices, those words that cause you harm, that cause you upset, that leave you tumultuous in your emotions. It matters not to us who they are in relationship to you, you must decide whether you stay and listen to their spewing of violence in their language or their emotions or not. We would advise that you consider withdrawing. And later, when you have a friend who has engaged that person, who has argued with the verbally violent person, take them aside and ask them whether they see any good coming from their engagement with that person or not. And you may not have advice for them but cause them to question what they're doing.

We have seen so much dissension in your nation and across the world from people who are arguing against other people who are arguing against them, and so this is futile, it is useless, it is hopeless, it is ridiculous. It is something that only narrow-minded people engage in. Broad-minded people are much like open parachutes—they have an open mind, and as you know, if you're going to use a parachute, you have to open it for it to be effective. The same thing goes with open minds, you must have an open mind to be able to appreciate the other person, and they have an open mind to what you are saying. Whether you agree or not is another matter, but to vociferously argue with another person who holds the same staunch stance as you is ridiculous, and, in fact, it is mind-numbing. Does this help?

Liz: Yes, it does, of course it does. And I appreciate your answer. I have prayed for these people who are close to me, my spiritual brothers and sisters, and my heart hurts for them. There's a phrase that I heard that they have a mouthful of Jesus and a heart full of hate, and that hurts me—that these people who I love and adore—that I have to love and adore them from afar, but I appreciate your input that my idea about retreating from them is the correct way to go. And Jesus said: “Do not strive with men.” And I try to take that to heart. So, thank you very much, and…

MM: I'm not finished. I have one more insight into your own life and your own situation and that is that you are mixing your care and love for another person with what they are saying. You must separate them as Jesus did. Jesus always separated what is in the heart of an individual from what they say and what they do. You too must be able to understand yourself and your own… I pause to say this as I do not want to hurt your feelings further, but you are emotionally immature, and you have confused your like and your love for other people with having to accept what they are saying. In your maturing as an individual, you are social, emotional, and spiritual, and you must separate those and hold them apart from you in the words that they say. I hope this is not too harsh, it is just simply work that needs to be done. Thank you.

Liz: It's not at all harsh. It is a little confusing and difficult, but I will take this on as a project, a personal project, so thank you.

MM: We look forward to hearing your progress reports.

JT: We just have a little time left. Machiventa’s long distance bill is getting larger as we speak, but Walt is back in the queue, and we will give him a chance to ask a focused question.

Walt: Thank you so very much. This is for my New Age friends. Some New Age western spiritual teachings suggest that the soul pre-exists and contains the human—not vice versa. Recognizing the differences of nomenclature, it still begs the question: Is there a conscious, self-aware entity different than the Thought Adjuster that pre-exists and contained the human? And how do we relate to it?

MM: This is Machiventa. I'm going to bypass this question. The key words are pre-existent being that is dissociated from the human. The only thing that is pre-existent is the soul with the Thought Adjuster and the personality of the individual. Those three things give you reality in the morontial realm and beyond. Thank you.

Walt: Thank you, Machiventa.

JT: That’s all the time we have for today. Do you have a closing for us Machiventa?

Give your mind a time out

MM: Yes. This is Machiventa. If it were in my allowance as the planetary manager here on Urantia, I would gladly bring all your turmoil to a cessation. However, this is a decimal planet, it is material, it is experiential, and it is the provisioner of immense, immense wisdom and experience, particularly experience, to those who reside here, who are, and who will be born here. The circumstance of your world is something that you are experiencing on a broad scale. You can see how life was much simpler when your great-grandparents came to the awareness that they needed to move, or they wanted to improve the qualities of their life. They did not have cell phones, they did not have the internet, they did not have worldwide news on 15 or 50 different channels, and they did not participate in social media and so on. So, you have much to think about, much that is beyond your own life and, for many people, much that they have not given a decision to whether to incorporate or even to allow into their minds which is a necessary perspective for the person who wants to become more and more spiritual. Your mind must be given a time out once in a while for your Thought Adjuster and your guardian to speak to you. Your mind also needs a time out to reflect upon your experiences; and, as you now are on experiential overload in your world, you are needing to simplify your life.

Many of you cannot separate your life from the culture that you were born into and that you have been immersed into in the last 20 years which is increasing even more. Reflecting upon your life in these circumstances is a deep thought process, and it comes down to whether I like this, I like parts of it, I don't like other parts, and so what would be the other parts that you don't like that you must dismiss and put at a distance from yourself. Sometimes this includes your close friends, and you must put yourself at a distance and give yourself a time out from them. They can be a harmful influence upon you and your peace of mind as many of you have much to think about even in your own immediate circumstances, your own personal life, and your personal environments.

Pray for your own peace of mind

Pray for your own peace of mind. Ask your Thought Adjuster to partner with you in achieving peace in your mind [so] that between your mind and your Thought Adjuster you have a working relationship. Perhaps you need a much closer working relationship with your Thought Adjuster. You can empower that by giving your Thought Adjuster the authority to intrude in your mind, in your thoughts, and make its presence known through very powerful, persuasive ways.

We thank you for your attendance today, for your questions, and for your thoughts, and for your presence in the lives of others who read your questions and read the answers. We wish you good day and know that God is with you every day of the year, even every minute and every second. Thank you and good day.

JT: Thank you Machiventa for making the time and arrangements necessary to be with us today and thank you Daniel.