Talk:Basic Concepts of Social Sustainability
Rob wrote Byron August 4, 2014 at 5:00pmET
Hey Byron-
I have recently added Daniel Raphael's writing entitled Basic Concepts of Social Sustainability to the Nordan Symposia under the categories Political Science and Sociology. Knowing that the discourse in sustainability has been around since the sixties, I thought to investigate origins of 'social sustainability' discourse. Below is what I found.
As it turns out, earlier references from a 2009 conference I find are:
1. Several theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of social sustainability can be identified. These include, for example: Equity and Human Rights, e.g. poverty studies and unequal development (Sen, 1985, 1992; Sachs, 2001) - [pieces by Nobel Laureate Amartya Sen whom we published at Cambridge]
2. Hardoy et al( 1992) dispute interpretations according to which social sustainability is defined purely as the social conditions necessary to support environmental sustainability.
3. A more comprehensive definition of social sustainability with a special focus on urban environments is provided by Polese and Stren (2000)
4. Littig and Grießler (2005) argue that approaches to the social sustainability concept have not been grounded on theory but rather on a practical understanding of plausibility and current political agendas.
5. Assefa and Frostell (2007) contend that social sustainability is the finality of development whilst economic and environmental sustainabilities are both the goals of sustainable development and instruments to its achievement
Interestingly, the first references Daniel makes to social sustainability are:
1. 2008-04-14-Co-Creative Design Team ... ogies will be most interested in material sustainability, but will neglect social sustainability until it becomes obviously apparent that it must be dealt with. Even now, ... ... s time. It, as was said, established the primary focus of all the work of social sustainability, and that is upon the individual. Now you can engage a new topic, that of ...
2. 2008-09-08-Co-Creative Design Team ... e spirit-minded and one-minded with the universe, the integration of all. Social sustainability is a dynamic process, even in the small teams that we have around the worl ...
3. 2010-01-27-Global Perpsectives ... shown itself to be generous materially, but incapable of proceeding toward social sustainability. It is in this way, equally as impoverished as Haiti and other materially ...
4. 2010-03-19-Monjoronson Special Session 7 ... lturated in the history of their nation or the world, to help cultural and social sustainability, and are not capable of engaging themselves in their society, as they are ...
Byron wrote in reply August 6, 2014 at 1:58amPT
Helpful, thanks!!
What is the date of Raphael's Basic Concepts document?
Rob replied August 6, 2014 at 11:53amET
"The last two weeks" is all known at the moment. I will let you know as I discover more details.
Rob wrote Vladimir Krasnopolsky August 6, 2014 at 12:05pmET
Hello Vladimir!
A question of timing arose concerning the document entitled Basic Concepts of Social Sustainability by Daniel Raphael. Can you supply a more exact date for each and/or all of his posts enclosed in the document?
Vladimir Krasnopolsky wrote August 6, 2104 at 4:50pmET
Hi Rob,
Here is the link to Daniel’s (LinkedIn) page:
There are dates for all his posts there.
With love and deep respect,
Rob replied to Vladimir August 6, 2014 at 10:10pmET
Hello Vladimir-
Thank you for this! I have added it to the discussion page for future reference.