Ron Besser wrote: Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 10:02 AM Dear List,
We have a new revelation of a concept never known before on Urantia below, courtesy of Solonsamel Melchizedek. He reveals the INFINITRONS, a new particle that is to life what the ultimaton is to matter.
This news is huge and while we can not possibly know the repercussions about knowing how the infinitrons which are derived from upper Paradise will change concepts on Urantia, just knowing it for many of us is such a pleasure to hear. So we who take life, we who are created, not only have ultimatons making up our body tissues, we now also learn that we have the life particles which inhabit our souls and our minds and our hearts.
Please read the original revelation below from Georges Douyon with Solonsamel Melchizedek.
Ron--rdavis 17:42, 26 August 2012 (UTC)
Rob wrote:Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 12:47 PM
Hello Ron-
Thank you and Georges for sharing!
Now I feel better saying children of God are particles of Paradise!
I have created a page entitled Infinitrons the icon for which is entitled "Infinitron's Cube" as described in blog.
Rob--rdavis 18:05, 26 August 2012 (UTC)