Nancy wrote: April 18, 2012 2:23:04 PM CDT
That works! [1]
Regarding the spelling of names: Linda should be Lynda. She’s my personal teacher.
Initially I heard her through Debbie and then later on my own; later still I became aware of the spelling with a “y” rather than an “i.”
Thanks for this very great effort!
Rob wrote: April 18, 2012 at 2:56 PM CDT
Dear Nancy,
I have now deleted the Alcon page(s). The deletion record points persons to the Alkon page(s) where this correspondence may be found. In the event someone searches for Alcon, I have created a "redirect" which takes them immediately to the Alkon page.
As for Linda, I have deleted that page leaving reference to your recommendation in the deletion log while enclosing your recommendation in the Lynda discussion page. Fortunately, there were only three records attributed to Linda. I corrected all spellings in those lessons to Lynda and reassigned the records to the collection of lessons attributed to Lynda that now number 6 in total.
Let me know if you find other adjustments needed or if you have recommendations.