Talk:Marshall Vian Summers
Jim Cleveland wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:20 AM
Rob wrote:Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 10:57 AM
Hello Jim-
Thanks again for sharing! For any paying attention, it would seem each moment is filled with a new message from God whose fullness is irreducible to any 'religion'.
Steffani Murray wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:34 AM
Doesn't everyone just appreciate the hell out of the "at no cost" but please "give a donation" technique? Freely given? (5:2)
Yes, a revelation IS given to each individual who is willing to listen apparently...but the other guy's 9220 pages isn't necessarily anyone ELSE's message... although each is a personal divine revelation to a particular individual. I guess everyone who is unwilling, or considers him or herself unable to hear the God Who indwells their own mind will continue to read the messages given to others, and be led or mislead according to another's guidance, subject to that persons clarity of hearing...
Too Bad, So Sad,
...God bless the child who got his own
Jim Cleveland wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 11:56 AM
Hi Steffani,
We all should be allowed to raise money for our programs without being stigmatized.
By their fruits you shall know them, and I haven't read too much of this material. Can't defend it's value. Nor do I know the intended audience.
But Summers was a recluse in the mountains for years and resisted having any part of all this or being a spokesperson. I don't think he has an ego problem, unless it has developed somehow .... doubt it.
Now years later, here it is. Obviously there is some monetary support and willing souls behind it all.
And I don't know that it teaches against everyone having their own spiritual contacts. I think he proclaims himself as nothing more than a Messenger.
I'm interested in the exploration of revelations anyway.
Rob wrote: Monday, November 12, 2012 11:30 AM
Is it possible for humans to live without community wherever they are? 'Religious' communities are one thing, but a community of human beings encompasses every facet of our life. Next time I am in Boulder, I will have to visit in person to get a sense of this community, but on the surface, it looks like another personality cult.
Jim wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:00 PM
Personality cult? May be, but don't think so. Wish I could check it out with you. Summers reportedly was a near recluse for a long time, now emerging as only a messenger. The material I've read appears inspired and he could be taking near dictation like some of the rest of us.
I believe that if one such as him devotes years to sincere inner spiritual study in near solitutude and anonymity, that information will flow to him like honey.
Makes all the sense you can imagine.
Steffani Murray wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 12:19 PM
The man himself in this case sounds like he has done his one on ONE due diligence... What others will do with a/the messenger and his message always remains the inevitable question. (92:5)
Rob wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 3:32 PM
The following are excerpts (emphases mine) from The New Message from God. I have rarely read such paranoid material, but it is fairly representative of what can be expected in times of transition.
- The Proclamation
Humanity is facing the loss of its freedom and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe.The New Message from God presents a new opportunity for advancement in the future, but to advance you must survive. You must survive the difficult times ahead, and you must survive competition from beyond the world regarding who will control this world and its destiny.
- The Recitation
Humanity is facing a universe of intelligent life. It will have to prepare for this now, for Contact has begun—Contact by those who see the opportunity to take advantage of a weak and conflicted humanity. It is a time of great change and uncertainty, where foreign powers will seek to gain influence and where humanity will fall prey to its own ignorance, foolishness and indulgences.
You are terrified of the Revelation, for it will change your life. But you desire the Revelation, for it will change your life. God is not a person or a personage or a personality or a singular awareness. To think like this is to underestimate the Creator and to overestimate yourself. It is better then to live your self-determined life and face all of the hazards of this than it is to worship a God whom you cannot serve.
God is not managing the world. God is not creating the catastrophes, the storms, the earthquakes, the floods, the droughts. God is watching to see how humanity will deal with a world it has changed—a new world, a new and unpredictable world. Humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of life in the universe because others are here to seek influence and domination of a world of great value and importance.
- Humanity will fail without the New Revelation
That is why God has sent the Revelation. This is the Revelation. We are the Revelation. There are no heroes to worship now, no individuals to deify, only greater responsibility to be assumed and a greater wisdom to be utilized. There is no escape through personal enlightenment. There is no running away. There is no self-deception. There is only greater resonance and responsibility, greater sacrifice and contribution. That is what will save the world. That is what will save humanity’s freedom and self-determination in a universe where freedom is rare and must be protected very carefully.
The Revelation reveals everything. It does not speak of any middle ground in this regard. You cannot have everything. You cannot have your future and your past together because they are not compatible.
- The Voice of the Revelation
God does not speak because God is too great.
For the world is facing the Great Waves of change, and the world is experiencing intervention from races from beyond. It is a great turning point for the human family. But humanity is unaware and unprepared and is very vulnerable to deception and misunderstanding.
And if you cannot respond to the Revelation from God, how will you respond to the truth in anything?
You cannot imagine this Greater Reality because your imagination can only deal with images and thoughts of this world. That is why humanity’s conception of Paradise, or Heaven, is completely arranged by worldly images and worldly concerns. But the reality is completely different and beyond all of this. This is not your concern, however, for you were not sent into the world to dream of Heaven.
Humanity is going to have to save itself now. One individual would only polarize the population, setting greater human conflict, setting the stage for a war against the believers and the non-believers. No, the calling must be for the individual now, for the world will need many saviors, many guided and inspired individuals, or human civilization could fail, and that failure could be the most terrible thing that could happen to the human family. You would surely fall under the domination of foreign powers in the universe. Such powers are watching you, listening to you, planning to carry out their activities through devious and subtle means.
All the great Messengers that have been sent into the world at great turning points for humanity, they have had to face this inability of others to respond. They have been persecuted by this. Is that who you are? Will you be the persecutor of the Messenger, a denier of the Revelation? If so, you will not be alone, but you will have failed the test, you see. You will have disappointed the Creator.
The Creator will not punish you, but you will not be able to receive the blessings, the guidance and the power of the New Revelation. The great empowerment will be given to others, and you will not be able to receive. That would be a tremendous tragedy for your life.
Will they be able to respond to God’s Revelation? This is it! There will not be another. There will not be another. This is the Revelation for this time and the times to come. God is sending only one Revelation to the world. Any other revelation is either a human invention or is a manipulation from those races who are intervening in the world today.
Jim wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 5:48 PM
Hi Rob,
Sounds like he's terrified of bad ET's.
Is he warning us about Monjoronson's appearance? Will M. be called an intervening force for control when he shows up?
Or is the Community of Greater Knowledge one of them?
My sources say the ET's are all (or mostly) friendly and mean us no harm. They produced the Stone Revelation tablets in Georgia. We should heed them. Some rednecks vandalized them instead.
Others say there are indeed bad ET's and they've made (bad) bargains with our government already. Much we don't know about. We should be very wary. The cattle mutilations were DNA rip-offs ....literally.
This friend happens to be in Colorado too and may have some connection with these nearby folks ... since he has previously noted his distrust of some of the ET's that he has encountered himself, personally. Will check.
Maybe Mr. Summer's long time up in the Colorado wilderness was eventful. Wondering what it is spawning today.
A fear-based religion? We got plenty of those.
In the Garden, jim
Rob wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:07 PM
Jim, how many times do you think this ploy has been used?
- This is it! There will not be another. There will not be another. This is the Revelation for this time and the times to come. God is sending only one Revelation to the world. Any other revelation is either a human invention or is a manipulation from those races who are intervening in the world today. -MVS
Everything else you have found to be helpful including the Teaching Mission is against his 'revelation'.
Jim wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 6:36 PM
Sounds familiar, huh? I know Urantia uses it. THE FER.
Thanks for checking this out, anyway.
Maybe all that solitude wasn't a completely good thing for Marshall.
Introverts may get spiritual revelations and still be introverts.
Maybe the one and only Revelation that he professes is the same one and only Urantia Revelation that we know, about the ascension plan, etc. but with some the ET fear attached because he has had a traumatic experience or so.
Rob wrote: Mon, Nov 12, 2012 at 8:39 PM
I am reminded of this statement attributed to "Jeshua" in The Way of Mastery
- Whenever you hear of a teacher teaching this, or a teacher teaching that, ask yourself: do they offer me simplicity or complexity? Do they offer an ordinary peace, or must I have several trappings around me? Do they give me complex meditations and prayers and things to do, or do they simply remind me of the Truth and ask me to rest in it? Will they tell me that I need to go on a thousand pilgrimages? Or do they remind me that when I make my cup of tea in the morning, Heaven is present if I will remember who is making the tea: Christ.
- Be you therefore not distracted. For in the end of this Age there is coming forth a whole smorgasbord of those who profess to be teachers of enlightenment, who will guide you into all knowledge. Look carefully and see, do they demand of you that you follow them? Do they demand of you that you give up your own discernment? Or do they egg you on to look deeper within?