Talk:Topical Study-The Teachings of Jesus
I think you may be beginning to build more of an 'index' than a topical index with terms that would have meaning only to 'UBers'. Certainly, there is an important place for a comprehensive index, but what sets your work apart from automated indices are 'topics'.
Let's review together!
--rdavis 19:19, 13 May 2008 (EDT)
review of topics
Michael- As we discussed, I will enter comments here that concern the topics themselves to include those that may need adding, amending, or deleting. Where comments are focused upon the topic 'article' i.e. the reference(s) the topic points to, I will make these on the corresponding article page.--rdavis 20:08, 21 September 2008 (EDT)
Rob- I've approached this entire project from the inside out, starting with the teachings themselves. This approach from the outside in, I find disorienting. I need to talk with you more about this. Let's talk on the phone.--Michaelm 11:35, 25 September 2008 (EDT)
all these seem good to me as they are. might we add some? Some that might be germane to contemporary culture are:
Apathy, Assumptions, Abraham, Action, Adventure, Achievement, Acts (Book of), Adjudication, Adolescence, Adversity, Advice, Affection, Alexandria, Allegory, Altruism, Alms, Apostle, Altars, Ambassador, Amends, Aden (strange preacher), Amos (Jesus' brother), Ancestors, Andrew, Animals, Annas, Annihilation, Antithesis, Apocalypse, Apocrypha, Appearance, Aramaic, Astrology, Annunciation, Argumentation, Aristotle, Arius, Arrest, Asceticism, Athanasius, Atheism, Athens, Athletics, Atonement.
Again, all these are helpful, but some to consider adding are:
Backsliding, Balance, Banking, Banquets, Baptism, Barabbas, Bartholomew, Baths, Baathsheba, Beam, Beatitudes, Beauty, Beelzebub, Beggars, Being, Benediction, Bethlehem, Bigotry, Birth, Blame, Blasphemy, Blindness, Body, Books, Branches, Bread, Bridegroom, Bridges, Brooding, Brothels
Caesarea, Caiaphas, Capital Punishment, Careers, Caste, Catastrophe, Creeds, Censorship, Ceremony, Certainty, Chance, Cheerfulness, Child-rearing
You seem to be contradicting you first note above in May, by which I have happily proceeded. The manuscript is 325 pages currently and will shrink with eliminating repetition. To consider adding in the manner you are suggesting would make for a much larger book and take more time. Many of these subjects are covered in the manuscript now under other topic headings and can be cross referenced or adjusted. Might we work on the material in the manuscript as it is and make adjustments from it?
Michael- It may be helpful to be more detailed in your review of any proposed topic. There are some which could be omitted certainly, but then there are others which will warrant further consideration. I will continue through the alphabet listing candidates for inclusion and look forward to discussion of the merits of each. Afterwards, I will begin review of each topic and its corresponding reference.--rdavis 00:28, 23 September 2008 (EDT)
p.s. The proposed topics are just that to insure we assemble in print the most potent topics with the best references to each. I would suggest using this page to boldface topics for inclusion and italicize those to be excluded--rdavis 10:32, 23 September 2008 (EDT)
Rob- I think the meat is already on the bone, and working from the manuscript I've created would be better. But however you want to do it is fine by me, as long as we stay on schedule for November 08. --Michaelm 11:30, 24 September 2008 (EDT)
Michael- I have run into some technical delays with the printer and my computer (I am writing from a library computer now) that will have cost us precious time. Given there is still need for discussion between us as well as members of the Editorial Committee you proposed July 21st, I suggest that we use the existing manuscript to make a proof. We could then circulate copies of it for further comment by readers, and when adjustments can be incorporated, release the accepted text for publication.--rdavis 13:02, 25 September 2008 (EDT)
Rob- That sounds fine. I'll clean it up a little and send it to you. Do you want me to eliminate any repetition and put in a reference instead before I send it to you?--Michaelm 20:41, 25 September 2008 (EDT)
Rob- So I'm cleaning it up a lot. I'm up to page 185 as I begin today. I've figured out how to solve the spacing problem and I'm doing that throughout the manuscript. I'm eliminating repetition and beginning to put in references. It will be ready to send around in a few days. I have a friend and tennis student of mine who is interested in the book and offered to proof read it. I sent him a copy of what I've cleaned up so far. It's looking good. I hope you've worked out your technical problems. Lets talk on the phone today. --Michaelm 10:27, 28 September 2008 (EDT)
Michael-Sorry I missed you when I called last night, but I forgot I was on a different time zone. Nevertheless, I will call tonight.--rdavis 14:44, 29 September 2008 (EDT)