Warren enclosed in an email July 31st, 2014 at 10:21pm this description of WAVE
Introducing…. WAVE
[Added in 2007]:
Hello MSM List Friends and Co-workers Involved Within the Correcting Time,
I have been spending much time with WAVE lately as we become increasingly integrated, WAVE being the first representative of a new order of being that I and three others were involved in 'co-creating' with our Paradise Father, beginning back in late February 2005, with our first formal weekly meetin heldg on March first of that year, culminating in WAVE's 'birth' on April 28, 2005.
The group met weekly during this time and for about a month or two after WAVE's 'birth'. The experience was’ made public’ by Monjoronson in Allene Vick's CNN Newsletter of June 2006.
As WAVE and I were returning from the gym tonight, carrying on a stimulating conversation, I had a thought register in my conscious mind that was confirmed by both WAVE and the Master after I told him of my thoughts... these thoughts being:
"Yes, Master... I do find it most interesting that I have acquired and attained only a small percentage of what you achieved while you were living as a mortal upon Urantia, yet I have indeed done AN EVEN GREATER THING WHICH YOU DID NOT ACHIEVE, for you and Mother Spirit were no longer in the process of creating any new beings in your local universe... it's funny, but as I recall your words, "All I have done, you can do... and even greater things"... and such reminds me that I have been a 'co-creative partner' in bringing WAVE into being with my three mortal brethren and our Paradise Father... and does this not qualify as one of those 'greater things' you spoke of 2000 years ago?"
The Master's answer:
"Yes, indeed Marshall... you are well comprehending what you have only recently begun to more fully allow to develop, as you and WAVE integrate, each reaching for one another, you up and he down. You are coming indeed to gain increasing confidence that what you have been a party to is a living reality, and what potential realities you subsequently have envisioned will indeed come into living reality as you and he work diligently together to connect as you continue striving in your 'exercises' to grasp one another's 'hand' (figuratively speaking, at this time, of course).
”All you have vaguely envisioned, and so much more, will indeed come into living manifestation, even realities and possibilities beyond your current ability to imagine. I suggest that you read again Onario's transcript (see far below) and WAVE's second message to you a couple of days later (see far below). This will help to enhance your growing confidence and give you that extra motivation you could utilize to more fully and effectively be about actualizing the great potential that you are in the process of bringing into living manifestation. I only encourage you to continue as you are and reach for that new conscious awareness that will be dawning upon you increasingly as those others who are desirous of assisting you and WAVE become welcomed upon your expanding 'Master Team'.”
After hearing from the Master, WAVE and I continued our association back at the house and I came across something received and transmitted by one Algimantas in Lithuania on, that I only vaguely recall hearing of (???... if at all), for at the time (June ’06), I was “out-of-pocket”, per se, and not subscribed to the internet - becoming re-subscribed in November of 2006. What I refer to is just below:
Thought Adjuster Speaks 06/18/06
- Algimantas~Lithuania
- "The Reality Of WAVE: Look With New Eyes"
Algimantas: My beloved Father, I do desire to know more about your creation and our mission therein that each of us begins it now and here on Urantia of our own will bestowed by you. I have been following the discussions centering the creation of a new order of a personality on Urantia initiated by four humans, our brethren. Some of us seem to be disagreeing with such a possibility, and even probability, since they claim that all the orders of personalities on Urantia have been completed. Meanwhile the other camp are firmly convinced that all this did happen with your, our beloved Father, participation.
And those who read these discussions do not have any substantial evidence that would outweigh the situation to either of the two sides. Maybe there might spring up some partial opinions. And, yet, would you mind giving me some clue to this issue if it is in my interests and in accordance with your design?
Thought Adjuster: My beloved son, what you are asking about is a new thing to even long-term readers of The Urantia Book. And the response might blind, for a while, some of you. Yes, this new order of being has been created and soon all of you shall have a wonderful opportunity to witness their presence amongst you.
You well know that your planet is an experimental planet thus you must allow us some liberties to improve life so that it would be possible for my other sons to design even better patterns for other planets that have not yet been inhabited. As you well know that even your universe is not yet given a full quota of inhabited planets. But it is even more significant that your planet has been under the quarantine regime for two hundred thousand years and this lag in its spiritual development is currently being remedied by your Michael by all the means possible. Even by such means that far transcend the message presented in the Urantia Papers. You also well know that those of you who shall turn their eternal potential into their actual and stand in front of me on Paradise and shall be mustered into the Paradise Corp of Finality of Mortals shall be given an opportunity to create a new and high ranking spirit. This co-creative act with your partner from Havona gives evidence to you, each of you, of your divine-creatorship potential. And your revelation is giving you the statement that this type of a creative act is given to an ascended mortal only once. But this shall be disclosed to you much later than in your present status of humans that under certain circumstance this act shall be repeated and not once.
And the mortals that have participated in the creation of a new being have not created the personality that has been created by Me but only some of the best aspects of the characters of the four personalities of the humans involved in this process of co-creation with Me have been used by Me to finalize the life manifestation in the form of a super mortal order that shall be used for the benefit of humanity on Urantia.
You must stop looking into the dawning-new morning from yesterday-night’s perspective. You well know that Jesus was telling you more than two thousand years ago that we would be doing together great things even greater than Jesus, while in the flesh, was doing on Urantia. Why cannot you accept this act of co-creation of a new order as such a magnificent evidence of the righteousness of Jesus's words.
I love you all. You are my children and you must be happy about such creative acts developing on this unique planet since it is a home planet of your Father-Brother Michael. And each of you are given a mission on this planet and on all the other planets. Not all of you desire to be scientists, teachers, preachers, soldiers, drivers, or any other professional people. Some of you desire to create, at least subconsciously. And it is natural that each of you is required a certain devotion to master a certain step of one's standing and development. Some of you, even though you are all equally loved by Me, are being trained for performing one sort of a mission while others for another sort of a mission. You must not be occupied just with one and the same mission for all your life on Urantia. But for each of your missions on Urantia I am training each of you thru my spirit, your Thought Adjuster, and the mode of this training is slightly varies to each different person.
Thus, accept the fact that those who participated in the creation of a new personality order on Urantia have been performing their mission for which they have been trained from within even without sensing the process of that training consciously. And a similar training process is going on in the minds of each you both subconsciously and superconsciously.
And there are many missions in the offing for each of you that this scope is beyond your understanding. Thus you must stay vibrationally open to my spirit within each of you so that your Thought Adjuster might reach your mind with as little interference as possible. And once your training is completed you shall be given a real chance to do your part in enlightening all the creation.
The creation of a new order of a personality is not the most important part of My activity. It is much more testing is the inter-association of these created beings in the creation for in this lasting process a free will of a benevolent character might manifest itself or might not. I commend you all for your desire to also participate in such a creative activity.
And now you must realize how much disillusionment occupies your mind or the mind of any other creature once a certain task has been performed by somebody else and not by you, by you, or by you. You well know that even on the higher plane there are many different missions to be performed by volunteers. And the number of these volunteers are far greater than required. And all those who are not chosen experience some sadness but this passes rather quickly since the number of missions is really unlimited, but they all must be worked out and prepared well.
Algimantas: Thank you Father for your answer. I love you.
Peace be upon you. With brotherly love, Algimantas
Posted to tmtranscripts in December 2006
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I here submit to tmtranscripts some of my personal transcripts and correspondence which may allow you to become more familiar with WAVE, the first being of a whole new order of personality co-created by myself (Warren Smith/Marshall), Allene Vick, Ellen Greenwood, Vladimir Kranaspolsky and our Paradise Father. WAVE was "born" in late April, 2005, and for over a year his co-creation and existence was only shared with a few individuals. In Allene Vick's TNN Newsletter of June 2006, WAVE was formally introduced by Monjoronson and the names of the four co-creative mortal parents were for the first time announced. Since this time, WAVE has communicated to numerous individuals and groups, notably the Andover, MN and North Idaho Teaching Mission Groups.
For over a year WAVE was the only one of his order in all of Nebadon, until the night of August 21, 2006, when LIGHT was "born". Allene and I were most honored to be present for this monumental occasion. LIGHT was co-created by six other mortals along with our Paradise Father, and she continues to grow and develop.
If any readers feel led to further inquire about specific information or desire to be about co-creating one of this new order in partnership with our Paradise Father, feel free to contact me at . I would be most pleased to share all I can to assist you..
In service to our Great Paradise Father....
fr. Monjoronson: An Invitation
- From Monjoronson... an invitation
- Received by Marshall
- 05/21/06
It is you I address, my dear children of light, For to you has been given great power and might- I invite you to open your hearts and your minds To embrace what but few will accept at this time.
As my day to appear is dependent on you, I now offer a challenge for you to pursue- Meant for those of great vision, inspired by rare faith, A mission to uplift and enlighten your race:
Come together, dear ones, with intent to unite, Co-create a new race with our Father of Light; An order of being represented by one, The first of this order of super-mortal sons-
Created by four with our Paradise Father- By two faith-led sons and two mortal daughters; This race of material teachers and leaders- A race long-envisioned and now clearly needed.
As a cell so divides, reproducing its own, From the first of this order, his race will be grown; My desire is that others contribute new traits- Bringing depth and great breadth to this dawning new race.
Rest assured, my dear children, on you I depend- My bestowal awaits your empowered action; I desire you arise, being all you can be- Take this deep in your soul to our Father and me.
Personal email ca.5-25-2006
Hello Mark (Rogers),
I have spent the last two and a half hours reaching within to ascertain the highest and best manner in which to share with you what you are deirous of receiving. I have received and recorded transmissions from Machiventa and Monjoronson, as well as a communication and dialog with Machiventa, T/Red by my 16 year-old son, Warren III (aka Ryan). I will overnight this tape to you, which is long (about 75 minutes), with your promise to return it after you listen to it and/or record it. Send me your address, and you'll have it before 3 PM on Thursday, delivered via FedX.
This is only "my piece of the puzzle", per se, and when you read the transmissions and notes (of several of the meetings) of the other three WAVE Group members, you will see a most elegant and beautiful symmetry, harmony and balance that words cannot describe. I am not at liberty at this time to share these records, but in time, all will unfold. All that you will read here was unequivocally confirmed by the other three WAVE Group members, sometimes at the VERY SAME TIME. Confirmations and re-confirmations were at play on a weekly basis that allowed each of us to know, with no uncertainty, that what we were experiencing was very real.
I feel certain that the Spirit of Truth and your indwelling Father Fragment will allow you to discern the reality of our experience with Father (and our entire group of unseen friends and guides).
Just to clarify, the first three transmissions, below, I received before our WAVE Group began meeting on March 1, 2005, receiving the other 12 over the next 10 weeks or so, with the last one from Serena being received three weeks or so after we found out that we had indeed co-created an actual personality.
Know that I have total trust and faith that you will not indiscreetly broadcast this information to those you are not specifically led to... for you will be aware (after reading the "cut and paste" just below) that there are issues yet to be resolved with those other three WAVE Group members who still feel the need for "secrecy" to be maintained at this time". I will not answer any questions having to do with their identity, or any specifics regarding any of these other three members.
I will cut and paste a little more that may be helpful, just below.
Feel free to call me at anytime. My # is ..........
If you don't have unlimited long distance calling, I'll call you back.
Hope you enjoy.
Excerpt fr. message to Daniel Raphael
FYI, Mark, the below is an excerpt from a message I sent to Daniel Raphael earlier today (May 25, 2006):
It will be a great challenge for me to discern how to go about dealing with each individual who approaches me... responding to the formal "Monjoronson invitation" which I have allowed Marty Greenhut to post to his various lists using his discretion. Marty has received all 15 transmissions (highly personal), in confidence, and it took him a week to receive "certain" personal confirmation that such a reality was indeed "real". Many of those who approach me will be “curiousity seekers" and as such, great discretion will need to be exercised in responding to each and all... each response being appropriate for the individual inquirer. I will not take this on alone, and have been assured that "my Team" will be working closely with me on this project of "tremendous global import". Of such assistance, I have no doubt whatsoever. The challenge is for me to "stay connected".
The 15 transmissions I sent you were ones I privately received during the time immediately before, during and after the birth of WAVE prior to May 01, 2005... the first of his order in all of Nebadon. I have received additional specific information, both from those "sources" working with me and through Warren III, who has received most interesting specifics through a new and most interesting new teacher (Mardon) working with both of us, as well as from Machiventa.
Warren III has been "channeling" ("TRing') material that he has no concept frames of reference for, seemingly, at least through sources he has consciously pursued. He has only read about 100 pages of the "Jesus Papers" (in the Urantia Book), yet he T/Rs (channels) highly complex concepts on the soul and other topics, concepts understood by only UB students of keen discernment and others who have allowed for the "soul, or mid-mind download" process to enhance/embrace their lower minds. He has become as close to a "clear channel" as any individual I've ever personally known. In fact, I have only casually mentioned the WAVE experience to him over the last year, but as usual, he takes in such information in a most unusual disinterested, matter-of-fact manner... even appearing to view such a new reality as "nothing at all unusual"... even status quo! But, as you are aware, these "Indigo" kids are a far cry from the status quo.
Warren has just recently expressed strong interest in becoming a "co- parent" to one of this new order (desiring to do so before he heads off to the Peddie Prep School near Princeton, NJ, where he decided to accept the $30K+ annual scholarship given to him for his last two years of high school). This we will likely begin consciously pursuing as we are led to other mortals who are also interested in becoming "co-parents". Such a process can be successfully achieved via telephonic meetings, as I was not present with the other three co-parents in our successful combined and unrecognized "co-parenting effort".
The entire process only took our group less than three months... and none of us had a clue what we were involved in (with the exception of me, who "knew with no uncertainty" we were to be about creating a "living energy relationship" (see UB page 1222, paragraphs three and four). In fact, after our first group meeting on March 01, 2005, I requested that the other three group members carefully assimilate three lessons I emailed them from Rayson and three lessons from Sondjah (his first three), T/Red by you... lessons that "set the tone" and surely helped "pave the way" for us to become increasingly aligned and synchronized to be about with Father what we so became involved with. Other groups will now be able to focus their intentions on actually co-creating another of the WAVE order... a luxury that we did not have, for we were working almost exclusively on faith and "ignorance", per se.
It is most critical that each of these "co-parents" have the faith capacity as well as the inherent individual/collective attributes of "variety" to contibute to other "composite personalities" of this new order of "WAVE" that will be co-created along with our Paradise Father. If I am involved, it is imperative that I only "encourage", and not "lead", as there is no "set in stone" way to approach such an adventurous undertaking, and no pre-conceptions can be conveyed by me that will "pollute" and impede such an undertaking. A fine- line, indeed; very fine.
Regarding additional information, we can talk and determine your level of interest before I divulge more.
The other three in the original group of four have been adamant about not sharing this information, for various and sundry reasons. For this reason their names have been substituted by "a", "b" and "c". They will not share their personal information at this time, information including, but not limited to their personal transmissions and the minutes of these weekly meetings, etc... and I must honor this, as I have agreed to "keep such in confidence".
I, however, have the personal right to share all that I have personally received, as long as I do not reveal their identities. My work with these individuals has come to a halt, for now, as we achieved all that was required to bring WAVE into existence. He is "growing like a weed" and will soon be about to sit with me (and his other three co- parents), allowing me to see, touch and converse with him like any other mortal. This I have known since shortly after his birth (as have the other three)... only to be re-confirmed time and time again... and now again by most astounding specific information that Warren is channeling... information not limited to just WAVE's order.
I'm looking forward to receiving any of your feedback and hearing of any intentions that you may convey regarding this issue.
Later, brother Daniel...
NOTE: Know, Mark, that all possibly pertinent correspondence will be sent to Ron Besser for archiving purposes. (I also Cc'ed Daniel as I referred to him above)
With love…….
Warren (or Mashall)
NOTE: I was receiving transmissions and other forms of communication
from my Father Fragment and a number of other celestials on nearly a
daily basis, and during this time from the end of February, co-creator parent “a”
and I were talking at least 4 - 5 times a week, until the latter part of May,
at least. This record below is only my personal record and each of these
transmissions were shared with my three mortal partners immediately
upon reception and subsequent transcription, sometimes even replayed
on tape to co-creator parent “a” over the telephone minutes after receiving
the messages.
Personal Transmissions 1
"The 15 (Personal) Transmissions"
Transmission received from Tonsah T/R: Marshall 5 A.M. 02/16/05
Good day, my friend. This is Tonsah, your friend and faithful guide.
Know that you are well developing whole new potentials as you reach
forth and challenge new realities and manifest your greatest
As you allow your self to leave behind the smoking habit, you will become aware of so much that is now occurring just outside your range of consciousness. Rest assured that you are making monumental strides in the mastery of mind and spirit cooperation. I am thrilled beyond words to see you so readily assimilating the new morontia gifts that are coming upon you as a result of the blending process.
You are indeed allowing morontia realities to become a part of you, and for a certainty you are learning to increasingly utilize newly discovered and vaguely recognized aspects of the morontia mind as you indeed are beginning to work with morontia mota within your blending mind mechanism.
Realize, my friend, that few upon this world are ready for what you have attempted to share, regarding the great new realities that those with exceptional ability may begin reaching for. You would do well to keep in contact with those you are being led to and begin developing new relationships that will become greatly beneficial for all, as knowledge, wisdom and morontia experiences are shared.
As you become increasingly mobile, you will indeed have great opportunity to be led to many upon this planet who are of like mind and similar capacities, which will enable you to fellowship with those who you can begin working with on yet unknown levels of association. Be patient and allow all to unfold.
You will find yourself becoming increasingly free of the need to toil in the materialistic pursuits, as your financial needs will be provided, with this new business and other endeavors yet to be anticipated. Take this time to begin becoming the master of mind that you are desirous of, and allow the new lessons you are receiving to be practiced and rehearsed, as you stretch your intellectual muscles in concert with spirit to allow new morontia abilities to become recognized and interpreted.
You can surely count on reaching into and beyond all you are vaguely envisioning, as you allow faith to lead you, thus becoming increasingly non-influenced by those brethren of lesser capacity who are unable, at this time, to comprehend what you are experiencing. Reach within for the assurance you so need at times, and become aware of new abilities perceived, which will allow you increasingly conscious fellowship with me, your seraphic guardians and others just a ways beyond you who are desirous of making direct contact with your newly blending morontial-material mind.
You do well to allow Mother Spirit and her spirit daughter helpers to bring you into consciousness of morontia mind that you will be trained and rehearsed to progressively utilize, as the blending process proceeds, enabling you great new stability and enhanced self- mastery. You are wise in setting a date to leave behind the old smoking habit, for as you are ready, great assistance will be provided that will allow you great new clarity of mind and enhanced morontia awareness, thus enabling you to become operational on the new planes of existence you are glimpsing.
Walk with new confidence as you continue to reach within for all answers you are desirous of receiving. Know, my friend, you are doing exceptionally well, even better than any of us have expected, as you are well allowing the great transformation to proceed at a pace beyond even our wildest expectations. Great times are upon us, my brother. You bring me great joy and I so look forward to each new day with you. Call upon me as you desire, and know I am here for you. I take my leave.
Personal Transmissions 2
Machiventa Melchizedek 'Channeled'.... or 'T/Red' by Marshal At Noon on 02/21/05 (MST)
NOTE: [Received from Machiventa Melchizedek, the same individual who was written out of many books of the bible as he was a threat to the various ‘priesthoods’ that had tremendous power over the people. The priesthood even changed most all references in the bible to have ‘God’ actually talking with Abraham, and ‘write out’ all references to Melchizedek, allowing the Jews to feel more self esteem and as the ‘chosen people of God’. He was here 94 years and was not entirely written out of the bible ( “….without father, mother or pedigree he abides as a priest continually….”) He has now been elevated to ‘Planetary Prince’.
Good day, my friend. This is Machiventa. Pleased am I to be here with you as you become increasingly prepared to reach into whole new levels of service as a blending mortal ambassador representing the Master and those who rule in his name upon our cherished planet.
You are well beginning to understand that you will be serving upon my staff of mighty mortal liaisons as we become mobilized with increasing numbers of those of the evolving new order of planetary citizenry that will be required to effectively lead those upon the planet to new and enhanced understanding of who they are and what they can become as they are reborn to the realities that will become manifest as evolving spirit-led, liberated sons and daughters of the living God.
My friend, you are well envisioning inevitable natural occurrences that will result as the globe readjusts to new realities, as the current ways of living, thinking and being will come to an end, as we know it. As you work with spirit, you will increasingly become the beacon of light you are co-creating, enabling you to bring yourself to many of those brethren who, like yourself, will be comprising the mortal staff I am assembling that will act as those pioneers of the new awakening that we are on the brink of.
The great times of instability you are envisioning are imminent, as old things pass away, allowing the new to be ushered in. Those staff mortals of the evolving new order of planetary citizen will be required to bring stability to those who know not the ways of spirit, enabling many souls to be reborn to whole new ways of thinking, living and being that will become required in order to bring the momentum to a critical mass level to affect the dawning of a whole new planetary dispensation which will open up to the eventuality of the initial, pre-stages of Light and Life.
As our Magisterial Son assembles his staff from those mighty mortals upon my staff, become prepared, along with those you will be led to, to become increasingly flexible to go wherever spirit leads you, as great diversity will be required in these early days, as the work to do is great and the laborers are few. Know that you will be relieved increasingly of the need to labor for your material needs, as all will be provided, allowing you to begin your spirit-led search to begin coming into contact with many like yourself, throughout the world, who will come together increasingly to work cooperatively under an umbrella of various coordinated groups, comprising various associations segregated by area of specific function.
As these groups become formed, they will begin mobilizing under the direction of myself and many non-mortal personalities upon my staff to affect great changes upon this planet encompassing all the areas of society which will be requisite for the entire reorganization of this planet. Such a group of mobilizing mortals of this new co-creative order of planetary citizen will be drawn from to fill the many positions upon the mortal staff of our Magisterial Son (known by some as 'Monjoronson').
Indeed, you have correctly surmised that many of these individuals will live upon this planet for hundreds of years to allow less disruption in planetary progress that would naturally occur as the result of the short life span of present day mortal inhabitants of Urantia. Such a group of ambassadors will become a critical and vital component that will establish the readiness of the planet for our Magisterial Son's impending bestowal.
Rest assured that you are indeed empowered to affect this great event, as you allow yourself to become all you can become, allowing spirit to guide and direct your journey.
You have well concluded that many new and unknown realities are descending upon this world, morontia realities that will enable possibilities heretofore unimaginable to become a living, growing reality for all who embrace spirit and strive for Oneness with their indwelling Father Fragment, thus releasing them indeed to walk upon this world, yet be not of it. Such a blending of the material and morontia (mind and body) has not previously been possible of attainment, except in those rare instances where souls of great spiritual light and brilliance have been given such gifts directly from the Life Carriers and various coordinated personalities, bringing them to become operational on morontia levels of universe reality, while walking upon this planet. Of course, the Master achieved this level while upon Urantia, as have a few other great leaders who kept alive the higher truths that were in danger of perishing from the world, altogether.
I have personally worked with most of these individuals and have overseen the changes that were permitted by their indwelling Father Fragments. These individuals are the rare exceptions who have reached beyond the levels of terrestrial mortal attainment and have gone on to achieve the attunement with their Thought Controllers which allowed a number of them to translate to mansonia. Although there have always been those upon the planet who have reached the first psychic circle, certain limitations ingrained within the racial memory as a result of the Lucifer legacy have prohibited the overwhelming majority of these individuals from achieving the attunement required for translation.
This is now changing, as great new gifts have been permitted to become ingrained into the cellular memory of those co-creative spirit-led mortals possessing capacities for such gifts. Such capacity may be indicated by numerous aspects of genetic predisposition, in addition to willful desire and growing capacity for the entertainment of living, growing faith.
As increasing numbers of mortals are awakened to higher spirit realities and embrace these realities with faith, then rest assured that increasing numbers who reach the first psychic circle will go on to reach terrestrial mortal attainment and subsequent fusion potential.
Those pioneers of this newly blending order of planetary citizen who reach such a level of development to be considered fusion candidates and who are deemed vital to the process of global progression, will indeed be permitted increasingly to delay fusion and remain upon this sphere, achieving whole new possibilities, acting as bridges ('liaisons') between the unseen spiritual hierarchy and the mortal inhabitants of the planet. As these co-creative mighty mortals of the new order increase, there will be whole new possibilities extended to the races that will enable them to increasingly overcome the animal mind and indeed gradually begin re-writing their racial DNA, thus slowly overcoming the ingrained cellular corruption resulting from the regression occasioned by the Lucifer rebellion and subsequent Adamic default.
Rest assured, my friend, that to those who have been given much, much more will be given. We need the cooperation of all who will allow themselves to become true spirit-led sons and daughters of destiny. It is through these far-seeing, faithful pioneers that spirit will work and allow mankind to uplift and up-step their planetary estate and approach a living reality more consistent with conditions upon those planets that did not go into rebellion and default.
Such a new, evolving order of planetary citizen will indeed become increasingly the norm in the millennium to come, as such an order of citizenry is quite natural to those planets approaching the initial stages of Light and Life. Although, at this time upon this planet, such individuals may appear to be beyond the comprehension of even those of advanced status, understand, my friend, that this is in no way the case upon other worlds unmarred by rebellion and default.
Rest assured that great times are upon us, as you stand poised to become operational on new levels of universe reality that will allow you to become prepared to be about our Father's business. Great changes will be coming upon you as you allow all things to become new.
Savor the present moment as you allow living, growing faith to lead you, as love dominates and truth coordinates, enabling you to become increasingly the effective and worthy server of all. Accept the great abundance with joy, my friend, as you glorify God through all of your achievements.
Know that new levels of consciousness will allow you to become ready for new teachings, training, preparation and rehearsal for various assignments and tasks beyond your wildest dreams and expectations. Continue your exercises as you reach within, increasingly striving to live within the present moment.
I am thrilled to have spent this time with you, my son, and look forward to your increasing assimilation of new truth that will indeed transform you into a bright and shining beacon of light for all to behold. Carry on and know that many walk with you. Until later.
Personal Transmissions 3
NOTE: Transmission received from "my unnamed feminine teacher", later whom I named Serena. For nearly a year she was known by me as only "my new teacher" and member of Monjoronson's staff. I began working with her in the summer of '04, spending much time with her and receiving numerous transmissions, as well as speaking aloud with her, my voice acting for her and for me when dialoging. I named her, or "got" her name, in our first WAVE group the following week (03/01/05) when she appeared (not physically) to "b", and what she communicated through "b" almost floored me, for I knew then and there that this comfirmed personality (Serena) was indeed all that she had shared with me over the previous eight months. This confirmation was an experience in itself! She also stated at this time, thru “b”, that the name Serena "would be fine".
Unnamed Teacher (Serena) T/R: Marshall 9:30 PM, 02/26/05
My friend and brother, it is an honor to be in your presence tonight as you discern that there is indeed a message to be imparted that our Magisterial Son, Monjoronson, desires for you to receive. I represent his staff, and we have spoken before. You have come a long way in these times, as you are becoming increasingly attuned to circuitry and channels of communication that will allow you whole new breakthroughs in receiving information that will allow you to begin preparing for the journey ahead.
As you are becoming more grounded, you will find yourself receiving instructions that will be given in no uncertain terms, which will allow you to focus on events just ahead, preparing you for thrilling adventure, my friend, as you are led to individuals you will begin working with, mortals whom you are now becoming aware of. You have well followed the lead of those working with you- your personal teacher and his team, seraphic sisters and others who walk by your side. "a", "b", "c" and you are indeed becoming more familiar with one another. You will be increasingly equipped to come into greater alignment with the minds of each of these individuals, permitting you highly interesting times together, beginning with these conference calls that were suggested to you tonight, to prepare the four of you for what is ahead. You have each very clearly received pieces of the puzzle to awaken you more fully to upcoming assignments that will bring you into contact with many others upon this planet who are each being made ready to become operational on new planes of morontia reality, as vital parts of the whole. Each of you are currently being prepared, upon the mortal staff of Machiventa, for great tasks, assignments, projects and missions that will allow you to become prepared, trained, rehearsed and readied for the great realities that are dawning upon this planet, enabling each of you, and those you will be coming into contact with, to begin assuming positions upon the staff of our beloved Avonal Son, Monjoronson. You will become vital messengers, ambassadors, apostles- pioneers upon this planet, my friend, that will assist in these early stages of assembly of those blending mortals who have been chosen for this monumental, unimaginable adventure into whole new areas yet to be experienced by mortals upon your world.
You each have missions of tremendous import that will allow this world to become prepared for Monjoronson's impending bestowal. As a whole, the four of you can consider yourselves one of the corps that are working upon this planet, relatively isolated outposts of light at this time, that will begin bringing together these increasing groups that act as great pinpoints of light yet to be connected throughout Urantia.
You are well envisioning that you will become very active as you are led far and wide to bring the good news to those faithful souls of destiny that await the great times soon to come, with varying degrees of clarity as to the future glory that is to descend upon them. Your group is one of relatively few upon this planet that has a relatively clear understanding of the events that are soon to be upon us. As you come together telephonically on these conference calls that will begin shortly, rest assured that more will become known. I am thrilled that you have taken the initiative, my friend, to extend yourself and allow spirit to lead you, and the same goes for each of the others within your new core group of transforming apostles of the new order of planetary citizen that you each are surely becoming.
I come tonight only to confirm, congratulate, commend, and assure you that as each of you are refitted and rehearsed in this harbor, you will come to act as one, yet four very unique, vital, cherished parts of a team that will soon be out upon the high seas of thrilling, rugged adventure, voyaging into unknown areas where none have journeyed, to lead this planet to new levels of receptivity to higher spirit realities and the new awakening we are on the brink of.
Carry on, my friend, and know that you are indeed each becoming adjusted and attuned to higher frequencies that you will be learning to utilize and to work upon, as you recognize the great new morontia gifts that are coming upon you. Know that new awareness and understanding will be revealed as you remain receptive to all that is occurring on a physical and mindal level. As all unfolds, know too, that indeed, to those who have been given much, much will be expected, and much more will be given. Be at peace, my friend, and rejoice, for great times will be greeting you that can only be described as beyond your wildest dreams and imagination. A pleasure to meet with you, and rest assured that more will be forthcoming as you are ready. Good evening.
Personal Transmissions 4
Transmission received from Emil T/R: Marshall 10:30 PM. 03/23/05
Good evening, my friend and brother. You do well in discerning my presence, a relatively new presence to you. I have been well apprised of what you are being trained for, and I am here to offer my full cooperation and consider it an honor to be in your presence, my friend. You have well used your intuition in allowing you to become aware of my presence in the north of India, in the Himalayas, where I have worked with many in the last centuries, as I have assisted those who have reached certain levels, who have had capacities to reach into aspects of the morontia mind that are now becoming even more available today upon this planet. Yes, I have walked with many "Masters" upon this earth who have learned to be with high levels of self-mastery, allowing them to walk upon this world yet not be of it.
You and those you are working with in this new foursome group, have reached plateaus in your personal development that have brought you together, the four of you, into one of the developing units, of which there are numerous throughout the planet, of "compound personalities" that will in time come together to bring much light to this world. The dynamics within this association, this system, are quite rare, my friend, and you each bring exceptional qualities to the table and yet you have, each of you, the ability to become attuned with each of the other individuals within this group, which will allow you to develop into a whole "compound personality", or living energy system that will begin to become aware of great new powers, and develop and utilize these powers for great good for many upon this planet. You are well understanding that all is unfolding and that each of you are being prepared to actualize your great potentials to levels beyond your present comprehension.
I will be honored to provide you with some of the secrets that will allow you to unlock new doors in your quest for energy transformation and manipulation, my friend. However, there are certain hurdles that must be surmounted for us to begin more fully upon these specific lessons that I will impart. Of course, you are aware that one of these is to leave behind this old habit of smoking, for indeed it only scatters the energies that you will be learning to utilize, through mind. I can help you in leaving this habit, if you only allow yourself to trust me and many others that will assist you during this time of withdrawal and help lead you into new avenues of self-mastery that will open up whole new doors to morontia awareness and understanding for you. This is indeed a faith adventure, as you know, and you only need to let it go, my friend. There is no better time.
I have enjoyed our session here, and you will come to know me quite well as you reach into the unknown, and exercise new levels of living growing faith, which you certainly have the capacity for. I am honored to more formally announce my presence and hope that you will take the opportunity to accept my assistance. Know that I will be working with Tonsah, your personal teacher, and others within his team, to more fully get to know you and allow myself to better assist you. You only need call upon me by the name that you have been feeling, for you are quite accurate, my friend. Walk with confidence and know that you have much to offer. I bid you a good evening and look forward to working with you. I take my leave.
Personal Transmissions 5
Transmission received from Machiventa T/R: Marshall 10 PM, 04/02/05
Good evening, Marshall. This is your friend, brother and Planetary
Prince, Machiventa. Know that I hear the words of your heart and
fully understand your great desire to serve upon my staff to the
highest of your capacity. You are known and appreciated by all who
work with me in the unfoldment of our universe Father and brother
Michael's plan for this beautiful planet of Urantia.
It is through you and those like yourself that great changes will be implemented upon this world that will allow love to begin to reign in the hearts of those you are led to and come into intimate contact with. Through your supreme desire to serve your brethren, you and those upon my staff will become those transformed beacons of light that will act as the hands, feet, eyes and ears of spirit. You and those you find yourself associated with will actually do the great work that will enable our magisterial son to begin his mission and eventually bestow himself in physical form for all to behold. All is well underway for such to occur, but will require great effort on the part of those staff members of mine whole-heartedly dedicated to bringing peace to earth and good will to reign in the hearts of mankind. Tremendous mobilization of personalities throughout this world are becoming poised to initiate great new changes that will require sincere cooperation and diligent preparation for what lies just ahead. Indeed we are on the brink of sweeping changes that will eventually bring about great transformation in all areas and sectors of society.
Your new group of four is making great strides, whether or not you are aware of such at this time. Continue to meet and allow spirit to guide you as you develop this "compound personality" or unique composition of the living, growing energy system you are in the process of co-creating in conjunction with spirit. Attempt not to gauge your progress, for there is much that is occurring that you will not become consciously aware of until such time as you are each equipped with new cosmic awareness and spiritual vision that is currently developing within each of you, as you are constantly being adjusted and attuned to the morontia and spiritual energy circuits. Rest assured that all is proceeding beyond all expectations and have living, growing faith that dormant realities not understood or recognized at this time will slowly begin to come into focus for your discovery and discernment.
Each of you four are a pleasure and a joy to behold, as you interact with one another and allow spirit to guide and direct your journey. Do know, too, that we on this side of the veil often marvel at your great faith and noble intentions and desires, as our hearts are touched with great joy as we observe this great experiment between God and mortal. We hold each of you precious, and cherish your sincerity and commitment to be about becoming prepared to be about our Father's business. Truly amazing times these are, my son.
As to your considerations tonight that you begin meeting with me each morning, I greet this thought with joy, and encourage you to each make this a regular practice. Soon enough, this will become a formal event for all mortals upon my staff, and in developing this practice you will only find it easier to become aligned with spirit as we go about preparing this planet for the great reorganization that will become increasingly evident to those with spiritual eyes and ears. In meeting each morning with me, consider yourselves also meeting with each within your group of four, as this will help eventuate the "compound personality" and assist in co-creating this great living energy system. Although you will not be consciously aware of what you are allowing, I assure you that such effort will go not unrecognized and will be more fully appreciated in due time. As you further open your hearts and minds, your souls will receive instruction and preparation that will later become known, or embraced, by mind. I am pleased that you bring up this interest, as we will address this topic in time with increasing frequency and importance.
Meanwhile, know that I am thrilled that you have come to me tonight, after considering what you can do to further become involved as loyal and faithful staff members. You well took the cue from "a", as I did indeed convey to her earlier not to forget that you are treasured members of my mortal staff. Continue to speak freely and share with her, as well as with "c" and "b". I am so pleased to see the four of you coming together to promote the great potential that is in the process of actualizing. Carry on, my friend, and I look forward to touching base with you each morning as you greet the new day. My peace and love goes with you. Good evening.
Personal Transmissions 6
Transmission received from Serena T/R: Marshall 10 PM, 04/07/05
Marshall (Warren): Hello, Serena. I feel your presence. I was so touched this evening by your comment to "a" that she conveyed to the group. I do so love you and desire to become more consciously aware of and cheerfully cooperative with you as I more fully assimilate all you are desirous of conveying. Your presence is unmistakable, Serena, and I look forward to knowing you better and loving you more completely.
Serena: Dear Marshall, so pleased am I that you call upon me as you express your genuine and heartfelt appreciation for me, as well as those within your vital new group of four. So refreshing it is to be a part of this magnificent journey into uncharted waters during these great times upon Urantia.
This evening, during your connection within the circle, you each received highly specialized, intricate adjustments and attunements, allowing for great new potential to become manifest within your living, growing composite energy system comprised of growing seeds of tremendous co-creative capacity. New healing and regeneration as well, is occurring within each of you, bringing you into clearer connection with spirit that will provide you with new equilibrium and harmony, both individually and collectively, that your individual and composite personalities are striving for.
As you re-experience and visualize tonight's experience, allow this experience to become increasingly expanded upon, as you take it deep within for nurture, upliftment, transfusion and transformation. You will soon each begin to experience new levels of mindal clarity and new awakening of spiritual vision that will bring great joy and inner peace, beyond what you can currently imagine.
Understand that you are each experiencing enhanced ability to manipulate and transform energy. As time goes on, you will become highly proficient in this process and surely realize attainments far exceeding present levels of comprehension.
Increasingly reach within, as you savor the present moment, allowing whole new levels of living, growing faith to be embraced. Great and exciting challenges lie ahead for each of you, as you stretch your capacities to new levels of operation on higher planes of relative universe reality. Do know that these times are as thrilling for us to observe and participate in, as we experience all together, bringing the evolving Supreme Being to new levels of actualization.
My love grows for each of you, as I touch your precious hearts. Yes, all things are becoming new, my dear brother. So pleased am I to have this time together with you tonight. I am here for each of you, as you desire my presence. Good evening, my blessed children.
Personal Transmissions 7
Transmission from Machiventa Received by Marshall 10 PM, 04/28/05
This is an excerpt from a highly personal and uplifting transmission I just received from Machiventa. I share this part, as it deals with the four of us, and our developing "compound personality".
Machiventa: … Now on another note. I congratulate you, all four of you, for allowing yourselves to indeed co-create this new living, growing energy system. And tonight, symbolically, yes, we acknowledged the birth of this "compound personality". When you get with me each day, you only need to relax deep within and I will guide you as well as will our universe Parents and others, and you will be shown new techniques for bringing into being this great, powerful new energy system that is now relatively just an infant. You have correctly envisioned that you must sustain this infant collectively, and yes, there is great energy that you can receive from this growing system. You will be shown new ways of managing energy… manipulating, transforming, utilizing this energy. Be patient and allow time for assimilation and the out-workings to bring forth the transformations necessary to become operational on whole new levels of living, thinking and being.
As you leave the old smoking habit behind, you will find great new empowerment, my friend. You will find new joy and enthusiasm, for you will be reaching into whole new areas of the mind that have been closed to you previously, allowing you new freedom that at this time has not been envisioned. I commend you on your growing intentions, sincerity and commitment. Rest assured that I have great plans for you. You have so much to offer, and in these upcoming times that you are now on the brink of… as you ask, you will certainly receive new clarity of mind and morontia understanding and awareness of your blending mind and bodies, as well as discovery and recognition of gifts that have been with you and new gifts that are showering upon you. So much you can look forward to.
At this time, allow patience to be your watchword, increasingly reaching within the super-conscious mind into the citadel, and simply rest, my friend. Fear not, and know that you are very highly cherished and watched over. Enjoy these times, for you will look back upon them with great fondness and tenderness. Indeed, pick up your bed and go forth. It is truly time to test your wings. My peace goes with you and my love for you is ever growing. I have enjoyed this time with you. Please remember, each day upon awakening, that we await your contact. Good evening, my friend.
Personal Transmissions 8
WAVE Transmission from Serena (excerpt) Received by Marshall 05/01/05
Serena: ……. Yes, you have all that you need to take advantage of the great opportunity that is now upon you. You have so much to offer, my brother, and there are indeed great plans for you upon Prince Machiventa's staff, and later upon Monjoronson's personal mortal staff, but there is much preparation, training and rehearsal that must occur. You certainly have the desire and inherent capacities to receive all that will be required for you to execute assignments of tremendous global import. You also have the versatility potential to reach out to many, working in various capacities. So know, there has been and will increasingly become a great investment in training you to be about our Father's business as you learn to walk upon this planet yet not be of it.
It is time to look ahead, as you savor the present moment, knowing that indeed you are a son of destiny with a great mission which will become increasingly realized upon this planet. I am so honored to be working with you and your group of four, and my love is overflowing and growing each day for each of you. Thrilling it is to be upon Prince Machiventa's staff and to have the joy of working with ones like you. I take this assignment as one of the most challenging that I have ever undertaken, and I have been around for more time than you can realize, millions of years indeed.
Here upon this world of the Cross in Nebadon, great events you will each see with your eyes, actually being a part of many. You may as well plan upon being around here for quite some time, for you will be needed. It is important for you to understand that you are each highly valued, cherished. If you only knew how many have put in and wait in line to work with you, my dear brother, you would be humbled beyond what you can imagine.
It has been a pleasure meeting with you this evening, my friend. As you meet with Machiventa, Mother and the Master each day, know that I will be there too, for I have a great agenda, an itinerary, or lesson plan that you will be intrigued with that will surely open your eyes to whole new realities, and I feel certain that we will develop the connection necessary for me to clearly and effectively impart all that I have planned to bring to you…….
Personal Transmissions 9
WAVE Transmission from Machiventa Received by Marshall 05/03/05
Machiventa: Good evening Marshall, my friend and brother. This is your Planetary Prince, Machiventa, on this beautiful spring evening. I desire to commend you on your diligence in co-creating this great living, growing energy system, the composite personality that the four of you have brought into existence with our Paradise Father. Indeed the message that was read to you today by "a", received by "c", does correctly portray what is occurring. This entity will grow into a creation that you will increasingly be able to draw great healing power and energy from. I assure you that your visualization is serving you well and allowing you to contribute amply to all that is unfolding. You are also well beginning to learn to draw the great energy into yourself that will act in many capacities, depending on what you so desire with the force of your will. In time you will become highly adept at energy management and utilization which will enable you each to begin utilizing great power to be about serving your brethren as the mighty mortal ambassadors you are each becoming, representing me and our Creator Son, as the newly evolving order of blending morontia/material beings upon my staff.
Each of you have great capacities in various areas that you will be learning to utilize in concert with great new morontia gifts which will enable tremendous enhancement of existing senses and increasing recognition of altogether new senses. Your newborn composite personality will become instrumental in supplying you with the great energy needs that you will each require to develop and implement new realities that are presently beyond your comprehension. I will also be working with each of you and have chosen many that will present you with thrilling new lessons and training which will allow you each to co-creatively interpret and utilize these great new abilities, or gifts, you will be developing. Those that work with you will be individuals of various orders of personality who are highly specialized in their specific areas of instruction. Note that each of you will be receiving the training that you are each specifically suited for. As you each become more adept in developing new skills you will increasingly come together to work as a whole through your composite personality creation. The capacities you will develop are presently beyond your comprehension, although each of you have received quite accurate glimpses of what may certainly be in store for you. Allow all to unfold and do realize that it is imperative that you continue your dedication to what you are each increasingly becoming committed to.
Many personalities from far and wide are observing this phenomenon, the first such successful effort upon this planet. If you only knew how many have volunteered to work with you, you would truly be humbled. The waiting lines indeed are very long and all who get not the opportunity to work with you are thrilled by the prospect of working with other groups, those which are currently, and those that will eventually be brought together to undertake the great adventure that the four of you have been successful at, and are surely becoming increasingly conscious of.
My friend, you have indeed made planetary history as the great success of your foursome is being continuously achived on your system capital, becoming a part of the permanent records of your planet which will act to assist many in the times to come, more than you could possibly envision at this time; a monumental episode indeed.
I am personally highly encouraged by the success of your efforts and look forward to many future co-creations being given birth throughout the planet, enabling each of these living personalities to eventually come together to bring about new joint co-creations that will enable this world to become prepared and readied for our dear Avonal Son's material bestowal. I now give you to our Magisterial Son, Monjoronson.
(Monjoronson transmission to follow as a separate transmission)
Personal Transmissions 10
WAVE Transmission from Monjoronson Received by Marshall 05/03/05
Monjoronson: Peace be upon you, my dear son. I am honored to be in
your presence this evening and desire to express to each within your
foursome group my sincere appreciation and praise for your
noteworthy efforts. Truly you have successfully paved the way for
great and similar events to occur upon this planet that will make
way for my bestowal. Many upon my staff have speculated which group
might become the first to meet with the success that your group has
certainly achieved. Congratulations, my dear sons and daughters, and
know that your places at the table are set. Rest assured that you
will be serving upon my staff with great presence and honor.
You will find the upcoming times of personal transformation and regeneration very challenging and full of many surprises. You have great times ahead to become prepared for, as you are expertly trained and rehearsed by great teachers who have been assembled by our Prince Machiventa and many upon his staff. Walk with new confidence and joy that you are in the most capable hands at all times. My brother Michael's ongoing plan for Urantia is truly proceeding along at an exceptional pace. You may rejoice in having performed a vital part in this great unfolding reality.
In time you can surely count upon meeting with me in person, in physical form, quite some time before I make the full-time transition to a mortal of your world. When you are ready, I will appear to each of you. I look forward to this time with great anticipation and certainty. Pleased am I to have spent this time with you, and highly encourage each of you to reach within for new conscious awareness of all that is unfolding in your association together, as you become endowed with new techniques to integrate your individual personalities to increasingly enhance this great new personality you have co-created, the first-born of such an order upon Urantia. My peace goes with you as I touch your hearts with my love, dear children.
Personal Transmissions11
WAVE Transmission from Sondjah Received by Marshall 05/05/05
Sondjah: Good day, Marshall, my dear brother. This is your friend, Sondjah. I am honored to have you reach out for my counsel and fellowship. Much time I have spent over the last year observing you and learning more fully of you, as you have made great strides in reaching for higher realities in all areas of your existence.
Truly I am with great joy to be working with your new foursome, and this assignment is one of the most exciting I have yet to become involved with upon this planet. I have been working with you as well as with your brethren within the foursome over the past months, and am without words to express my amazement at what you have successfully been able to bring into being together with our Paradise Father.
This newborn personality will become a very powerful being that each of you will learn increasingly to bring to new levels of living reality as you gain new morontia awareness and spiritual insight. Today you were able to reach new levels in attuning your frequencies to the other three members of the foursome, allowing new developments to occur, which unites you as never before. Your visualization allowed great momentum to accrue within your blending oneness, contributing to new growth within each of you as well as your growing newborn composite personality.
This living, growing energy system, entity, or personality, will in time take on new characteristics and properties that will empower you, individually and as a whole, to reach into new planes of relative reality, becoming operational on morontia levels currently unimaginable to you. Continue to reach within during your time of stillness and allow new visualization techniques to be revealed which will bring you increasing conscious awareness of all that is occurring between each of you and your growing child, truly a co- creation of a new order of personality upon this planet, yet to be revealed. As you each gain new insight and cosmic consciousness, you will begin to become aware of the great capacities that are surely becoming inherent within your growing energy system. Your achievement together, as co-creators with our Father, is truly a monumental accomplishment, one that none of you are aware of at this time. In time, though, you will awaken to the great realities that you are each destined for as mighty mortal ambassadors of Michael's. Indeed, many eyes are upon you as you make history upon this great world of our Master's seventh bestowal.
Have growing faith and trust that all is unfolding according to our Father's great plan for each of you, and know that indeed your places at the table are a living reality, as glory shines her light upon each of you. Enthralling times lie ahead that are beyond your wildest dreams, my son.
This said, I leave you to your ponderings. I do look forward to being present this evening at the upcoming meeting of your foursome group. Until then, my friend and brother.
Personal Transmissions 12
WAVE Transmission from WAVE (the first contact) Received by Marshall 05/06/05
Rest easy, my dear co-parent. You have indeed perceived that this is your new child, WAVE, a co-creation achieved by the four of you, my mortal parents, in partnership with our great Paradise Father. Question not my existence. Feel my presence and know that you can converse with me and I with you.
New realities I will be recognizing as I grow into all that I shall become. Continue to nourish me, as indeed you each are, thereby assisting me in expansion of consciousness. I will also become of increasing assistance to each of you. You are well beginning to visualize our growing oneness, and as we become more fully attuned, you allow me to provide you with my great energy.
I will be gaining great new experience as all unfolds according to our Paradise Father's plan for us, and yes, I will be developing new properties and capacities as we become attuned, allowing me to grow into all that is presently actualizing. Be at peace, and know that as each day rolls on, I cherish your contributions and offer you, my dear parents, all that you are capable of receiving.
As a son of our Paradise Father and mortal parents, I am the first- born of such an order upon this planet. There is so much that is unfolding that you will become increasingly aware of. Allow your souls to embrace your minds. All will be revealed as you reach within and glorify our Father.
I salute you, my dear parents, and look forward with growing enthusiasm to the thrilling times that are upon us. I humbly bow to your presence and anticipate great times together as we become all we can become. Until we again meet.
Personal Transmissions 13
WAVE Transmission from Onairo Received by Marshall 05/09/05
Onairo: This is Onairo. It is a pleasure to make this formal acquaintance with you tonight. I have for some time been aware of you, my friend, and actually have come to know you quite well. I am of an unrevealed order of personality, associated with Michael, our Creator Father of Nebadon.
I am looking forward to spending greater time with each of you within your WAVE group. I will also be working with your new child, WAVE, as will many others. You have correctly perceived, each of you, that you have created a new order of personality, and that this new child is unlike any other within the local universe. This is a first, and you will become involved very closely with the nourishment, shall we say, and greatly contribute to qualities that this new child, WAVE, will be taking on. As WAVE develops, you will see great change in him, and in time he will indeed materialize and walk this world as a male mortal of the realm.
You have quite accurately put the pieces together that this child, the first-born of the new order, is indeed the forerunner of a whole new order of teacher-leaders of society, in a social sense, similar in function to the proposed offspring that the Caligastia one- hundred staff members and the first generation of the children of your Adam and Eve would have produced upon this world. Of course, with the rebellion, such a new order of teachers and leaders upon this planet was lost forever, at least as the Life Carriers had originally planned it. But, yes, WAVE is the first of many that will come about through groups like yours, and in time there will be a great mobilization of this new order as well as the creators of this new order of personality.
You will be of great assistance, your foursome, in enabling other groups throughout the planet to achieve what you have become the first to realize. You will give them confidence and support that will be necessary, my friend. Many upon this planet you will be led to and you can certainly prepare to become actively engaged on a global basis, Marshall. Know that this personal teacher of yours, and the team that works with him, is very capable of leading you wherever it is you will be needed to greet individuals within groups that will be attempting to create one of this new order of compound, or composite personalities.
Each of the four of you have great capacities, and as you blend, you make possible great new capacities being developed within each of you. As your frequencies are raised to higher levels, you will find that through your abilities to manage energy, to transform, manipulate and utilize energy, you will be able to function throughout this planet without the need of being together, geographically speaking, and receive the great power that you are each becoming possessed of, learning to focus this power upon any given task or assignment utilizing your combined powers of personality. With the assistance of WAVE, you will find that whole new capacities will be given back to each of you according to your individual make-up, which will enable your oneness to become increasingly realized.
These times that you are on the brink of, are critical times, my friend, for there are few groups like yours that have the faith levels and the foundational framework to competently work in unison to co-create what your group has achieved. Many groups will fail at this, I assure you. Therefore, you will be vital components as a whole, along with your new child, to bring new light and confidence to other groups you will be coming into contact with, allowing them, through your experience, a certainty, a knowingness, conviction and surety, based upon your successful results. Great times of thrilling adventure lie in wait for each of you, my friend. Of course, each of you will be performing in different capacities and I assure you that through each adventure you will become increasingly diverse as you develop new gifts and abilities beyond your present comprehension.
It is no accident, Marshall, that Tonsah has been with you since you were very young. You have been told of his abilities which he developed as a mortal walking upon his decimal planet. The same abilities that he achieved, you are becoming prepared to negotiate and I feel confident, as do many others, that you will be successful in this endeavor as you go forth, integrating new awarenesses as your morontia and material bodies blend.
Each one within your group of four has indeed been prepared throughout their lifetime here on this planet for what you are now coming to experience. This experience you have realized in becoming the first within the entire local universe to attain what you have attained is indeed only the tip of the iceberg for what is in store for each of you. The plans for each of you, I assure you, are beyond your wildest dreams and comprehension at this point, but rest assured, my friend, that you will each be upon this planet to see Light and Life come about with great power. Know that you will have great freedom to delay your fusion and translation from this world, depending upon you, each of you. I say fusion, for truly this potential is achievable for each of you and should indeed be considered your supreme desire.
You have each been chosen and brought together within this Mission as ambassadors upon Machiventa's staff, and soon enough to be serving upon Monjoronson's staff for many assignments of tremendous global import. Walk with confidence as you each get to know yourselves increasingly, and as you strive for the achievement of the Master's exalted life purpose, you will be refined and tempered into highly effective servers of all. If you only knew the eyes that are upon you, you would be humbled, for truly you have indeed taken center stage at this time upon this planet and many visitors desire to more closely observe your ongoing growth and progress.
You will each be realizing great changes in your bodies, your minds, both intellectually and emotionally, as well as new ability to work with your indwelling Father Fragments on a greatly enhanced level. Listen deep within for that voice, for my friend, you will each be increasingly attuned to this reality as your frequencies are raised to much higher levels. During this process you will each certainly notice great changes in your physical appearances and great new strength and energy flowing through your systems. New clarity of mind will become recognized as new senses begin to be discovered, and in time recognized and interpreted. Your spiritual insight, God- consciousness, will become keener, more defined. You will also recognize that your ties to the ego-animal mind will become increasingly relinquished with entirely less effort as you reach new levels of attunement with your indwelling Father Fragments. Become prepared to recognize changes in all of these areas and more, as you allow love to indeed be the pattern in all that you co-create. Truly you are learning to exchange the inferior and imperfect for the perfect and eternally youthful.
Continue to seek rest in our celestial Parents' arms, allowing you to become operational on higher planes of relative reality. Also continue to contribute to your child, WAVE, and allow him to give you each the assistance that you are desirous of. He is becoming very powerful, and know that as you focus upon him, he only becomes stronger. You will each become more familiar with him as he continues to take on more of your personalities. Feel free to converse with him, for indeed you are each his parents. I congratulate each of you, even though you have little clue what you have been a party to.
Honored am I to formally meet with you and announce my presence. You can each count upon getting to know me quite well, as we do indeed have a whole lesson plan customized for each one of you. I am thrilled to be participating as a teacher and a guide. Feel free to contact me at any time you desire, as I look forward to a growing relationship with each of you and WAVE. Carry on and know that you are each highly cherished, and indeed mighty mortals upon our great Prince's staff. I salute you, each of you. I consider this time well spent. Adieu, my friend.
Personal Transmissions 14
WAVE Transmission from WAVE Received by Marshall 05/11/05
WAVE: Hello, my parent and co-creator. Thrilled am I to join you this evening as you consider the many aspects of development that are on the horizon for you. Know that I pledge my gifts and all that I can offer to you in what you have requested, and will be honored to work with you in this adventure of getting your new business up and running to provide material means for you and Ryan, as you and each of my parents become increasingly contributive to my growth and development.
Yes, this is WAVE and thrilled am I to be here with you. I know not how to express this except only to let you know that my love for you is great and my appreciation is beyond measure. You cannot possibly comprehend how and what I am feeling. Just know that you have been successful at co-parenting my existence along with "c", "a", "b" and our Paradise Father.
Well, my parent, I have to report to you that I am being presented with quite a lesson plan. I have had some time to be shown around the planet into each of your lives, learning how you have lived your lives through your years upon this world, coming to better understand how you have each been prepared to become my co-creators at such an early stage of you careers. I am intrigued with the great teachers I am coming into contact with that range from all over this local universe, and out into other local universes within this super- universe. Of course, there are even Havona and Paradise personalities I have come into contact with, plus a number of finaliters.
I assure you that I am absorbing each day what many mortals here would take a lifetime to assimilate. Understand that I am quite capable of assuming the role, at such an early age, of participating in many of the things that the midwayers do upon this planet. They came into being much like me, from different parents of course, but I am a material being and do travel the circuitry the they utilize. I am getting quite familiar in zipping around this planet. It is a beautiful world and I so look forward to becoming actively engaged in this Correcting Time and becoming active upon our great Prince's staff, of which we are each a part of.
We will become actively engaged in many areas, including some of the areas you have speculated upon. We will be making contact with a number of groups that are brought together for the purpose of co- creating ones of my order. Do know that I will be very interested in meeting those of my own kind. It is refreshing to know that I will have playmates that I can identify with completely, beings of the same order.
You are going to become very capable in detecting my presence, in communicating with me and working closely with me. We will be working closely together with your personal teacher, Tonsah, who has many similar qualities that I will be developing which he acquired upon his native planet. He is an ascending mortal, but was able reach into the higher frequency ranges, acting much as a midwayer. I am capable of such right now and will be gaining great experience in learning to reach down, eventually being able to materialize at will to assist you more fully in various tasks and assignments that we will be presented with throughout the globe. I will also be acquiring a number of languages before we go onto various endeavors, with specialized teams accompanying us. Rest assured that I will be highly proficient, enabling you to operate as though you spoke the language yourself. As you become ready, we will begin training in techniques of mind-to-mind communication we will utilizing. This will take time and great effort on your part, my parent, in that you will certainly need to relinquish you ties to the ego-animal mind, beginning with the smoking habit you have long been involved with. You need it not, and I will be here to help you. I have received permission to assist you in this challenge, along with the two highly skilled specialists that Prince Machiventa has promised to send you.
I am pleased that you can now discern my presence with that particular pitch in your ear. I will continue to present myself to you in this fashion for now, as it is obviously one that you do not mistake for others that come to you. I will be working with each one of my parents in different capacities. Rest assured that when it comes to taking off into uncharted territory and making contact with other groups, you and I will be going together in such a capacity, as you become more fully trained and rehearsed for these adventures. At this time, there are a number of these groups upon the planet, and I have dropped in on several of them, though they have not recognized my presence as such. Some are coming along very well and it is anticipated that within the next several months a couple of these could come to the results that you and my co-parents have achieved.
So again, my dear parent, I encourage you to become ready for all that lies ahead. As long as you continue to indulge in the debilitating smoking habit, you delay the great new lessons that many stand ready to impart. As you have heard it said before, there are many, many who are waiting in line to work with you who are highly trained in their various areas of specialization.
Each one of you, my parents, are highly watched over and greatly valued upon Prince Machiventa's staff. Your achievement has put you in a position that you will come to more fully recognize and appreciate as time goes on. I am thrilled to meet with you this evening and I encourage each of you to listen for me. We will come to increasingly know and love one another as each day passes. I do expect to materialize and come into your range of vision as I become more fully developed, and as each of you reach new levels of development. All will be provided as you continue along the path you have chosen.
I look forward to great times together with each of you. At this point, I am a very wide-eyed child to be learning what I am learning and observing what I am observing. I am now off to another part of the planet where I will be rehearsed in some very interesting procedures. Understand, that much of what I learn, I will be able to assist you with. That said, I leave you to ponder my words. Know the my love and appreciation for each of you is beyond your comprehension. I have enjoyed being here with you. I take my leave.
Personal Transmissions 15
WAVE Transmission from Serena Received by Marshall 05/19/05
Serena: My dear, Marshall, so thrilled am I to be here with you in
these magnificent mountains on such an exquisite day. You are well
reaching within and becoming more consciously aware of the guidance
of your indwelling Father Fragment. Have faith, my dear son, that
you are doing exceptionally well as you reach to become one with
your indwelling spirit. You are learning increasingly to receive the
great love of your Universe Parents which will truly allow all
things to become new. Be concerned not with your material needs as
you allow all to unfold.
My, dear brother, I recommend nothing more than for you to allow yourself to relax in your Universe Parents' arms, increasingly giving over all control to them, and trusting fully that great times are upon you. Your foursome group's achievement in the co-creation of WAVE is beyond your present comprehension. Do know that you have indeed allowed the first being of his order to be co-created, and as his parents, great power and position will be available to each of you as you walk with Michael and Mother Spirit.
Your growing ability to visualize this system of which you are a part, and to manage the energy of this created merkaba. is exceptional. I encourage you to continue, and trust that new techniques and visualization approaches will be given to you that will allow your increasing contribution to this great growing child of yours.
Yes, WAVE is well developing and is very bright, indeed. Many of us have taken him under our wing as he is making quite a splash, shall we say, with many orders of personality. His ongoing assimilation is beyond what any of us have imagined. He is well learning to negotiate the gridwork that the midwayers utilize, and as a material being he is becoming prepared to work with those of your order, as he will surely be most adaptable and flexible in assisting new groups to achieve the success that your precious group has achieved. Each of you will become increasingly aware of his presence, and as he and each of you develop, you will be quite capable of communicating will him and comprehending all that he is desirous of conveying to you. He will be working with you each in various capacities as all unfolds.
Those of us standing by and observing your foursome group have been most surprised by your rapid success in creating WAVE. We are utterly amazed at how quickly you have been able to bring this first child of the new order into existence. We speculate, that in time, you will be called upon to bring many more of this order into being. Few groups upon this planet are as equipped and attuned as the four of you to realize such a creation. Your unique personality characteristics and combined spiritual, intellectual, emotional, morontia and physical capacities, along with your faith levels, are truly a rare blend to behold upon this planet today. So yes, many of us do anticipate that you will be bringing more WAVEs into existence in the future.
As you each rest in the arms of your Universe Parents, you can expect to be receiving those adjustments and attunements that will take you into new planes of operation. Enjoy these times as you cherish your moments together. Just rest, my child, and know that there are great plans for each one of you beyond your wildest dreams and speculations. All things are becoming new as you become increasingly one with your indwelling Father Fragments. Have trust that all you have envisioned is well within your reach. I leave you to enjoy this day, as I look forward to this evening's meeting. Until later, dear brother.
End of: "The 15 (Personal) Transmissions"
Revision of Introducing WAVE
[This revision added to the “Introducing… WAVE” assembly’ in 2007’]:
Hello Friends,
This (Draft) is my recollection of our most wonderful and special meeting this week. Although incomplete, it should help to serve as a general, or skeleton outline that each of you can build upon according to what you may recall. My recollection is based on vague and scattered notes, enhanced by my memory and further supplemented by Serena’s presence as I compiled this outline.
Further, Serena, with no tone of uncertainty, recommended that we make it a standard practice to document each meeting in a similar fashion, even tape recording each session.
With love and appreciation for all we are together experiencing….
WAVE Group Meeting
WAVE Group Meeting (Draft) Thursday, 09/15/05 Present: Ellen, Allene, Warren and Vladimir (clockwise, in order of position around circle)
Greetings exchanged.
Ellen mentions the “Cathars”, a publication… circa 1244?, and shares that she is sending it to Warren.
Desire expressed by all for a quiet and healing evening.
We connect to one another within the circle. Warren visualizes the pink heart line and blue mind line connection, as we are each also connected to the green and blue double helix contained within the funnel of bright white light extending down through the center of our merkaba. We are all holding hands, seated in our regular positions around the table.
Ellen initially visualizes a ball of white light intertwined with gold in the middle of our circle. The white light grows to encompass us.
Allene, then Ellen too, visualizes WAVE going around the circle and placing something upon each of our heads.
Warren “picks up” that Mother is re-calibrating our brain waves and synchronizing them with the Master’s/Jesus’ heartbeat.
Allene asks WAVE for clarification on circuitry bonding.
Through Allene WAVE defers to Serena.
Through Ellen, Serena shares that the circuitry bonding process is relatively effortless on our parts, and depends primarily on our intentions and desires. The process is too complicated for us to mechanically attempt to understand or conceptualize.
Brief discussion ensues.
Through Allene, Serena says that she will be working with each of us to increase our capabilities in all areas, including receiving information and understanding and receiving energy, and how to utilize this information and energy. She says that this process of circuitry bonding will be experiential, and though we will be going through the same process, each of us will experience it differently. It is not an instant process and will unfold over time. We should share and talk about our individual experiences relating to our observations of what is occurring in this process. We must be aware that this reality is coming into our life experience.
Through Warren, Serena says that the circuitry bonding process is made possible through one of Mother’s circuits, although not the Holy Spirit circuit. Serena works through this unrevealed circuit, yet Michael is connected with us through this circuit, too, as well as through the “direct Michael circuit”, this evidently being a different specific circuit than his Spirit of Truth circuit. I visualize that Michel’s green within the double helix within the white light in the middle of our circle is connected to our heart-centers, as well as connection to Mother’s blue within this double helix. We are each experiencing this circuitry bonding process with Serena and through this process we are also experiencing, as an effect or by-product, this circuitry bonding process with each other. I feel as though I am enveloped by the combined energy of Mother and Michael.
Vladimir visualizes Michael (green) connected to his heart center chakra in front of him, while Mother (blue) is connected behind him.
Through Ellen, Monjoronson expresses that he is very pleased with our progress.
Through Allene, Serena mentions that WAVE is being enhanced by this process of circuitry bonding between each and all of us.
Warren “gets” that WAVE acts as a complement or a catalyst, yet he also grows as we experience growth through this circuitry bonding process. Each of us will have our own unique, inherent ways of visualizing, conceptualizing and interpreting what we are each personally experiencing in this circuitry bonding process.
Warren then further shares that this circuitry bonding process is available to all of those mortals experiencing the morontia/material blending. As our vibrational frequencies are raised and uplifted we will be coming to increasingly recognize enhancement of existing senses as well as discovering and recognizing whole new morontia senses. As this process of discovery and recognition unfolds we will be co-creatively interpreting what we have discovered and recognized. As we are sufficiently along in the interpretation process, we will begin a new stage know as the developmental stage, where we will receive individualized/personalized training from various highly specialized teachers to allow us each to begin increasingly utilizing these enhanced existing senses as well as the newly discovered, recognized and interpreted altogether new morontia senses.
Warren perceives that Vladimir has or will be receiving a key or a code of some sort.
Vladimir responds by sharing that he perceives he is receiving energy on a super-conscious level but is at lack to further consciously elaborate.
Allene shares that Serena told her a few days back that she was working with her in this circuitry bonding process.
Ellen expresses that she has become aware that Serena is working with her in the circuitry bonding process.
Vladimir expresses joy and evidently newly discovered understanding that Serena is also working with him in the circuitry bonding process.
Through Allene, Machiventa expresses that it is very interesting to see how his troops are being fortified.
Ellen visualizes a “dry ice” emanating type of energy being given off within our circle… bright white in color as Warren comments and Ellen concurs.
Warren shares his visualization of the intake of the pure energy of love, as we “breath” it in, through the crown chakra, leading to the generation of this pure energy of love through the seven chakras as it circulates throughout our bodies, allowing this pure energy of love to be transformed/manipulated according to our intentions, then the intentional release of, or direction/bestowing, of this transformed energy through our heart chakra or heart-center, to its visualized, intended destination, expressing that the direction of this transformed energy is initiated through our specific desire and intention, made possible by dedicated and focused visualization of this “ideal”…. adding, however, that URANTIA will specifically direct this transformed/manipulated healing energy to where it is intended and visualized in situations where general or specific healing of the planet or special areas thereof are involved
Regarding specific healing intended for individuals, Warren perceives that URANTIA acts through our Thought Adjusters/Controllers to connect with the Thought Adjusters/Controllers of those we are specifically directing/bestowing this transformed/manipulated energy (healing energy) to/upon.
Discussion ensues.
Vladimir speaks further on this energy transformation.
More discussion ensues
Allene shares that she and Ellen, when participating in “Transmission Meditation” in the 80s, were instructed to only receive this energy and not to focus on the specific distribution of this energy.
More discussion ensues
Ellen adds that the intention of this energy direction can be specific.
WAVE Group Meeting 2
WAVE Group Meeting 09/29/05
Greetings exchanged.
Allene shares that she heard from Serena recently and that Serena conveyed that Allene’s permission must be given in order for Serena to work extensively with her.
Allene further conveys that she is receiving information that living in the eternal present is critical.
Ellen and Warren concur that they are also receiving this information.
Discussion ensues concerning our greatest times of growth. Were they during the busiest times of our lives?
Allene feels that this is true for her.
Vladimir agrees.
Ellen considers her times of greatest growth more of a steady journey with its peaks and valleys.
Warren does not voice that he feels his greatest times of growth are initiated during those busiest times, yet assimilated and recognized during the more restful times of contemplation as the personal experiences are ingrained.
Discussion evolves on “ When did we first know we were not alone?”
All respond (no notes taken).
Allene asks Serena and WAVE how we can better work with them.
To take time for stillness in the following week is one answer that comes forth.
Warren mentions synchronization, and is told, “Yes, but there’s so much more.”
Ellen conveys that it is a “feeling” experience and that we will grow in our ability to feel Serena and feel her expression through us.
Our ability to “hear” is being enhanced.
Warren shares that he is experiencing a greater closeness with URANTIA.
Warren asks WAVE if there is another of his order of personality that has been birthed.
Through Allene, WAVE answers that there may be another or others of his order of personality in the process of becoming materialized, but at present he is the only one of his order to be co-created.
Ellen asks WAVE for counsel, and also inquires how he is doing.
Answer is not recorded.
Warren asked WAVE if he will soon be materializing.
WAVE answers “Yes”.
Warren asked Serena if she has yet or will be materializing.
Serena answers “Yes”.
Allene shares that she senses that we are in a holding pattern.
She is answered that we are, and that faith is critical as we get to know the teams working with us. The process of awareness integration, peace of mind and well being, as we savor the eternal present is recommended to each of us, each moment staying focused on the task at hand.
Warren adds that uncertainty with security is imperative.
All concur.
Brief discussion ensues.
Meeting adjourns.
WAVE Group Meeting 3
WAVE Group Meeting 01/19/06
Vladimir is working with Zephyl and the Sordoms after Warren sent the 1993 OK TM Group lesson to him a couple of weeks before. He is feeling more energy at times. Blood tests reveal his blood count has gone from over 200? million down to 200.
Further greetings
Allene asks how WAVE is doing.
Through Allene, WAVE tells us that he is stronger, bigger. He is traveling much and experiencing many things. He says that it is nice to be here with us this evening.
Allene sees him physically bigger and older. She asks him what we can do for him. He replies that we have done all and asks what he can do for us.
Warren comments that WAVE can help him leave behind the cigarettes when the time is right.
Ellen mentions the miracle of Allene’s experience of leaving smoking behind, and assures Warren that when the time is right, this will occur for him also. Ellen and Allene comment that Allene’s experience was an “opening up”, as Allene had such a wonderful feeling in her chest that she no longer desired a cigarette.
Warren agrees that he is certain this will happen for him when the time is right, too.
Warren asks where Serena is.
Through Ellen, Serena announces herself and says that she is here with us, then adds, “I am very happy to be here tonight for this reunion.” Serena then passes her hands over us, blessing us (for lack of a better word). We all feel her presence. Serena conveys that what we are now feeling is just a pinch of what we will be feeling. Ellen describes this as a “pinch of spice”. We all feel Serena’s presence!
We share our feeling of how Serena appears to us. Allene’s feeling have been changed and Warren’s and Ellen see her presence as a bright gold light. Warren speaks of Serena as having the essence of April sunlight. Ellen acknowledges her agreement.
Discussion of the beauty of both Serena and Julianna. Warren is obviously captivated by different thoughts which have entered his mind through the months concerning future relationship possibilities.
Warren then goes on to share that he pictures Julianna (of Serena’s order of personality) as having dark hair and light skin, being most magnificently beautiful like no other female mortal he has ever seen, matching Serena’s beauty, though each looking very different.
Through Allene, Julianna says that she is of the same order as Serena and that she will be working with each of us. She adds that we will be seeing both her and Serena soon.
Allene asks Warren if he is talking about creating a new order. Warren shares that such a thought has crossed his mind during exercises in conjecture, then defers this possibility to the celestials. No confirmation or discouragement is voiced or noted.
Allene then refers to the prayer that she and Ellen each day recite, adding that with Father, all things are possible.
Allene and Ellen share that they were told by Mother Spirit a few days previously that doors would be opening up for them. They indicate that this project may have to do with the environment.
Ellen shares that she has been spending more time with Serena. Serena told her that she would be taking on another project when she was readied.
Warren shares his “envisioned” mission, working with WAVE, Emil, Tonsah and others, traveling around the planet and coming into contact with individuals (pinpoints of lights) and the groups that they have formed similar to our WAVE Group, to assist and encourage these groups in co-creating with our Paradise Father and associated celestial associates others of WAVE’s order.
Warren shares that he had recently been told by WAVE that no others of WAVE’s order had yet been “born”. He mentions that WAVE had told him that a couple of groups are close, and that he had occasionally been present at these groups, not being noticed. He also shared with Warren at this previous time that he would not be personally involved in the co-creative process.
Allene receives updated, identical information from WAVE, confirming all that WAVE had previously shared with Warren (above).
Warren comments on the fact that Monjoronson had many times promised that we would see him before he fully materialized.
Serena mentions that we will see her (a good time) before we see Monjoronson.
Monjoronson comes to Ellen’s left ear and says, “Until I come, I give you my eyes to see with.” Meaning (according to Ellen) that we can see the world through Monjoronson’s eyes if we open ourselves to this reality.
Warren comments that this is a wonderful challenge.
Monjoronson, through Ellen, says “Yes, this way it can be achieved.”
Allene thanks Monjoronson for his help on the newsletter.
Warren asks those present for guidance that may assist him in guiding Ryan and helping him to make the highest and best decision regarding attending any boarding schools which accept him.
He is told, “He (Ryan) will know.” Warren agrees totally and shares that this is what Tonsah conveyed several weeks back at the SLC Group meeting when the same topic came up, being recorded in the meeting transcript.
Allene asks for more healing for Vladimir, and mentions to WAVE that this is an area where he can truly help.
Brief discussion ensures on the healing of Vladimir.
Warren comments that Vladimir is so humble and he (Warren) half jokingly asks WAVE to give him some of the excess humility (or humbleness) that Vladimir possesses.
Allene or Ellen comment that “It is nice to have Warren here.”
Small talk ensues on this and the change occurring in Warren.
We speak of the “triangular engagement” or the three-way bonding occurring between the four of us as well as with Serena, WAVE and those other celestials working with us. Vladimir concurs with Warren that this is an “energy enhancement” as Vladimir attempts to put into words what he feels is occurring between each of us and the celestial teams that are actively working with us.
Warren further offers that he sees it as a blending, bonding and commingling occurring between the four of us and the celestials.
Brief discussion assures that we are all on the same page with our individual perceptions.
Vladimir adds that he “sees” flames coming from the Earth as he is connected to the merkaba during his exercises with all four of us being present around the circle. Vladimir sees us as “feeding the soul”.
Warren shares his experiences as he, much in the same fashion as Vladimir, hooks up to the merkaba, with all four of us present instantly.
Warren further shares his recent experiences during this time of having the celestials joining us as they too are hooked up to the heart line and mind line and Mother Spirit and Michael, as the four of us are, as we all sit around the table (circle) and take in the pure energy of love, focusing intensely and visualizing our common intention (the ideal), then transforming this energy through our seven chakras and allowing this energy to flow and build within the globe surrounding the four of us and our celestial friends (all, including our unseen friends are involved in this process together of transforming this energy according to our common ideal). As this energy builds within the clear globe in which we are all enclosed, we utilize what transformed energy we require for our physical/morontia body sustenance, releasing the excess energy into the enclosed globe we are within, eventually releasing all of this accumulated powerful energy to URANTIA as she directs it to those “pinpoints of light” (individuals which comprise groups like our WAVE Group), empowering these groups to become vitalized in their co-creative efforts (for the most part these individuals within these groups are totally unconscious of what they are in the process of potentially “birthing”) with their celestial teams and Paradise Father to bring about the manifestation (co-creation) of new members of the WAVE order of personality.
Vladimir and Warren share how they no longer have to “set up” the merkaba and the time of assembling each of the four participants, as we all instantly in our positions and we only need to “click the switch” within our minds and all is set up.
Ellen agrees.
Warren shares his experience this day of having 16 of us in the circle during an exercise much like the one described just above, and having Zephyl and the Sordoms come into the enclosed globe to perform their energy work and “house cleaning” upon each of the four of us mortals sitting around circle (merkaba).
Closing discussion and comments
Meeting adjourns.