Middle English, from Middle French targette, targuete, diminutive of targe light shield, from Old French, of Germanic origin; akin to Old Norse targa shield
- 1: a small round shield
- 2a : a mark to shoot at
- b : a target marked by shots fired at it
- c : something or someone fired at or marked for attack
- d : a goal to be achieved
- 3:a : an object of ridicule or criticism
- b : something or someone to be affected by an action or development
- 4a : the metallic surface (as of platinum or tungsten) upon which the stream of electrons within an X-ray tube is focused and from which the X-rays are emitted
- b : a body, surface, or material bombarded with nuclear particles or electrons; especially : fluorescent material on which desired visual effects are produced in electronic devices (as in radar)
The bullseye, or bull's-eye, is the centre of a target (worth 10 points in target archery or 50 points in darts), and by extension the name given to any shot that hits the bullseye. In darts, a double bullseye is the centre (small) bullseye and counts as 50 points.
The word bullseye can therefore refer to any design or pattern featuring prominent concentric circles, visually suggesting an archery target. Consequently, "hitting the bullseye" became a term for an unexpectedly good success.
At those times when in your life you feel you are not hitting the mark, at that time be gentle with yourself, love yourself then. Love your humanness. love those failures! For it is in loving these failures that you help them to reverse. You see, if you look at the broad picture, those things in your life, those things where you do not hit the mark can be like two enemies. And if you are always trying to tell the enemy that he is wrong, then it only makes the problem bigger. But if you can love your enemy and understand your enemy, what happens? His defenses are gone, for you cannot fight love. So do not fight yourselves in those moments. Rather, use the greatest weapon of all, love. Love empowers. Love brings about change.[1]