The Helianx Proposition/page 25
The Council of Elders had debated long into the galactic night
as to which of their race would have to carry this heavy responsibility.
Everything would have to ultimately depend on this single being.
A minority of the Council had recommended choosing one of their own number
since the depth of an Elder's experience would prove to be invaluable
in what they could only imagine would be a thoroughly hostile environment.
Others had felt that a younger, more flexible mind
would be better able to deal with the inevitable unpredictability of life
at that late stage of Multiverse development.
The Helianx had never considered themselves to be an unreasonably courageous race. Long ago, the terrified survivors had managed to drag themselves off their planet by dint of intelligence and determination, but it had not made them particularly brave. As the Elders contemplated what might be required of the chosen Helianx, they realized just how little they knew about the evolution of intelligent life on planets as young and primitive as the one chosen for them by their computers. The uniscan had allowed them to peer through the mists of time to scan and locate the planet in the first place, but the device's limitations had prevented them from seeing all but a very narrow slice of the previous planet's history. Their many journeys in the astral realms had been restricted to the inhabited planets of the early superuniverses, so they had little or no data on the condition of life in the seventh.
As has been previously noted, travel between the second and seventh superuniverse had never even been considered prior to the point that the Helianx speculated about the possibility of lowering their vibrational frequency sufficiently to interact with the material reality of the seventh superuniverse. They all knew it was going to be a high-risk operation and that they had to get it right first time around with no real practice beforehand. Until then, the whole plan had to remain a theory, a mere speculation upon which their very survival would have to depend.
Galactic historians have never been able to find any evidence of travel by other races between the different dimensions, but since the Helianx presence has only recently been revealed, the academics have had to resume their search for hints that others indeed may have made the same improbable leap, and have since managed to keep it a secret.
Meanwhile, there is a general agreement in the more forward-looking of the great Melchizedek Universities, that when the seventh superuniverse becomes more advanced and settled in Light and Life, there will be a lifting of the veils that separate the different dimensions. They speculate that all created beings in the seven superuniverses will finally have free access to one another. Then, as the secrets of the ages drop away, they believe that the Living Multiverse will reveal itself in all its coherent Oneness, and a new purpose will emerge, giving a yet deeper meaning to the existence of all life.